Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday April 3 2010

Happy Saturday everybody!  

Quick note: Due to time zones, I will most likely be starting the Check-In threads. So, if there is a picture or message you want to see on tomorrow's Check-in thread, please give it to me beforehand and I will put it up.

cl daily overcoming


wouldnt you kno it, just as i ci, phone call...

:) songs
:) ci
:) qt

the first one's the hardest. making choices. choosing from among many worthy options.

:) shr
:) din - microbursting - put in pasta
din - microbursting - make gb
j later
wk later
twk later

the touch of the master's hand:

"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb

huma CI

  • P email
  • X email
  • call/email DC
  • CC shipping
  • email Dave
  • laundry
  • order adaptor 
  • AC proposal
  • sort mail

"It is never too late to be who you might have been" - George Eliot

"Fall seven times. Stand up eight." - Japanese proverb

kromer 10:30 CI

This weekend I'm visiting my parents, so it's mostly break time. I slept in and had a nice relaxing morning, but there are a few things I'd like to get done.

*Email about easter lilies, call AG, email AR
*Prayer time

Other tasks:
*Work on biosensor inventory
*Start grading

OK, emailing about lilies and having prayer time now

kromer 3:55 CI

Just got dumped (a bit upset, but thinking it was for the best).

And nothing gets rid of the post-boyfriend blues like grading :) (good task to keep my mind occupied, and doesn't require too much clear thinking...

So: grading time!

Will work through this in the chatbox. 

Update 4:20--baby steps! Downloaded assignments and emailed AR. Now I need to figure out who's assignment is whose. 

Hope-Faith CI 4/3/10

And the weekend is on. Running way behind today but not because of Procratination but DS's sleepover. All his friends are gone but one so now I can get my butt in gear and "Get It Done"

  1. AM Routine Done
  2. AM Task Done
  3. Planning for next week Done for the day
  4. Get ready for Easter Bunny It is Sunday early am but it is done
  5. Tidy but not perfect Did not get to this hope the Easter Bunny can find a place for all of the goodies.
  6. PM Routine Done
  7. PM Task Done


Journey 9 am &

Good morning!  I'm hoping to have a relaxing day too, as it has been a stressful week.  Daughter is still out of town, husband is playing golf, so I have the day to myself.   I'm going to do my gentle yoga practice, meditatation, then make a grocery list and get out of the house.  I want to visit mom and go by the used Sports store and look at a replacement for my broken treadmill.  Back at home this afternoon, I want to do a general dusting and straightening, organize my desk, and get out all the stuff to work on taxes tomorrow.  My daughter-in-law is having us over for brunch in the morning, which will be very nice!  And of course, the ever-present chores of dishes and laundry.

UPDATE 4 pm Time to put the groceries away!


"Bless the present. Trust yourself. Expect the best." --Steve Nobel

Helen checkin

 I am having a restful day today. I have earnt it and I am very tired. I will do the following but I think I might spend the rest of the day in bed watching TV, sleeping and reading.



 Buy food 

Buy health food

Wash up

Cook Lunch

Cook dinner


Rexroth Check In

Up and feeling a bit better with a cold
Checked emails and posts on net

Wash up and tidy mess from yesterday
Personal care
Work on craft project
Deal with mail when it comes

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Check Out

Above and a few other bits

Go to bed and go to sleep

Night Folks


strike's relaxified check-in 8.56 am

  • morning browsing 10m This actually took an hour. Sure it was procrastination, but I'm trying out a new morning ritual in order to prevent idle browsing during my work day. And besides, this is my relaxified work day.
  • company work 2h
  • weekly review
-forest walk with mom & dad
-mindfulness meditation 10mx2
-write tomorrows to-do
-import pics in iphoto
-post kk cards
-called sister
-had a meal
-brushed teeth
-watched a TED
Have a sweet weekend everyone. Thanks GSD for starting the thread.
Tomorrows to-do
-clean file folders
-clean omni [simplify simplify simplify]
-do weekly review
-update next actions on project IN
-do next step on project EDU
-apply for one job
-brainstorm first draft for TOAST
-mail m about project INF
-call friends, J, J, J, M?

GetStuffDone CI

Today's Tasks:

A. Asking Chemistry, Physics, Math, Economics Doubts

B. One entire Math paper

C. One entire Chemistry paper

D. One Physics paper

E. One Economics paper

F. Redoing wrong questions from yesterday

G. Going through past papers

H. Read 1 Chapter in Chemistry, Physics, Math, Economics 

I. Read previous Chapter in Chemistry, Economics

Today's Timetable:

12.00-12.20: Creating CI list 20

12.20-12.30: Tidying room 30

12.30-13.10: Physics paper  70

13.10-13.30: Break (Time procrastinated: 10 mins) :(  80

13.30-13.55: Physics paper 105

13.55-14.40: Physics paper 150

14.40-15.15: Break and lunch (Time procrastinated: 10 mins)  :(   175

15.20-16.00: Chemistry paper 2 215

16.00-16.20: Break 235

17.30-18.20: Math!!! 285

19.15-19.45: Walk 315

19.45-20.30: Read Chemistry Textbook 360

20.30-20.40: Break 370