Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday 29 March 2010

Drew #4 - 10:15 PM

Tight day today. Gotta wake up at 7:30 tomorrow.

10:45 finish article

11:30 go to sleep! get my 8 hours! 


Okay, I'm already 90 minutes late...  and what's worse, is that this was due last night!! I kept telling the editor when I was going to complete it... then, promptly NOT complete it by that time! I don't know if that counts as lying, but it sure is pretty rude. Man, I think that this semester, I have taken procrastination to a whole new level! Especially now as I've moved up to the 5th/6th level of moral development, and have come to see deadliens as artificial! goodness me. 

Lucky CI redux

Before work:
Up by 6.30 Smile
Check in Smile
Prayer timeSmile
Prayer & visualisation over tasklist Smile
Writing - 100 words Smile 5m
Make bed
Dress smartlySmile
Straighten hair
Make SF, pack SF and fruit Smile
Got Everything Check: phone, keys, contacts, makeup, wash stuff, book, diary

Call bankSmile
Full makeupSmile
Read some of book Smile
Do some of creative writing bookSmile

Backlog - In progress
Email - In progress
Tidy desk
Got Everything Check: phone 

Check re cancelling AOL/getting free BB
Post CK mag
Shred CVs Smile
Print mapSmile
Get some air Smile
Poppins scans

After work:
Collect dog  Smile
Email/facebook/lj/forum Smile
Rat cage
Shower Smile
Cobwebs out of bathroom window & shower  Smile   
Charge phone Smile
Bird feeder
Dog face wash
Vitamins Smile
Clear table
Tidy room
Clear kitchen
Tomorrow's list
Wash face/brush teeth - floss - clean contacts properly
Email report
Check in
Bed straight after check in!

tiptree 2:15 PM CI

k, last week was abysmal. I need to have a week where I clear most of my tasks every day.

to do:

- 19*7 testable (1 hr est.)
- 18*9 testable (1 1/2 hr est.)
- integrate 169* (4 hr est.)
- 1*29 testable (1/2 hr est)
- set up db for arch. testing (1 hr est)
- clean office (3/4 hr est)
- file documents (1/2 hr est)
- read some C. code (1 hr)
- read 50 pp. ToR (1 hr est)
- pay bills/prep check (1/4 hr est)
- practice at least 1/4 hr

strike check-in 6.36 pm

Very late start for me but I've been out on two medical meetings. Still need to get about 5 hours work done today. I hope the company of you guys will help me relax and stay focused. I wish there was a meet up in my country, that would be fun. I wonder if skype check-ins would work if you teamed up with someone here?

  • register work 1h (1/5)
  • register work 1h (2/5)
  • register work 1h (3/5)
  • register work 1h (4/5)
  • register work 1h (5/5)


strike check-out 10.56 pm

Mama_Cat's picture

Don't forget face-to-face meeting in Cambridge, MA tonight!

If you're in the Massachusetts area, don't forget there's a face-to-face tonight in Cambridge, MA tonight from 7:30 to 9pm!

We've been going strong for two months now, and would love to see some new faces! Please come! :)

Day: Every Monday night (except for holidays, due to location closing)

Time: 7:30 to 9pm

Where: First Church in Cambridge, 11 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA

Room: the Choir Room

Directions and Public Transportation:


For more info, go to: 

Hope to see you there!




Journey 10 am & update

Another busy day - big project with lots of people watching + normal workload = no time to procrastinate!   

Have a great week, everyone! 

UPDATE 3:30 stressful day, getting a headache!  two more hours . . .


"Bless the present. Trust yourself. Expect the best." --Steve Nobel

kromer 9:40 CI

Yesterday was a late night for me (due to some poor planning on my part+lots to get done), so I slept in a bit this morning.

That's fine (though it would have been better to stay on a more consistent schedule), but it means I need to focus well today.

I have a couple of scheduled things today:
*Journal club 1-2
*Recitation 3-4

I also have one urgent task...need to finish up prep for journal club

I have a couple of MITs that I really don't want to skip
*Deacon stuff
*Finish plan for S8 expt (this is the big one!)(made good progress on this, but didn't finish)

And I have a bunch of quick tasks, which I'd like to get done as much as possible:
*Email home, CL, TH, harambee
*Clean microscope
*Set cells (working on this now)
*Figure out tax status of insurance
*Hand laundry
*Take out trash, do dishes

I'd really like to do some data analysis as well, but if I don't get to it that's fine. 

In an ideal world I'd have prayer time (had a bit of this on the subway...but prayer time on the subway is by definition not great prayer time) and go running, but realistically that's probably not going to happen, and that's OK. I'll keep these tasks in reserve...if my day starts going haywire and I lose focus, these are good things I can do to bring myself back. 

OK, that's a full day! I'm going to start by cleaning off the microscope, then I'll finish journal club prep. 

ProNagger March 29

Love the cheery "Good Morning" Lucky!

Very full day, working with a group of 14 this week in addition to regular clients. So focus and balance is key. I want to also keep up with my food and fitness plan AND get good sleep and some down time...LOL. I can hope.


Client calls, lots of em:


Healthy Breakfast: 

Healthy Lunch:

Healthy Snack:

Spin class:

Healthy Dinner:

Healthy Snack:

5m Laundry Room:

Write PM Clients:

Map out Tuesday's call:

Feed Husband good food:

Bed by 10PM goal: 

huma CI

Ok, let's finish off the month strong! Smile

  • sign MM
  • beer ad up
  • BSSB quiz questions
  • BSSB guide
  • call Claudette
  • call Mom
  • go to HS, pick up box
  • laundry
  • mail sort
  • fix CC shipping
  • ask about BSSB billing
  • call RF
  • 5 new biz calls


  • call Dennis
  • send Dennis demo

"It is never too late to be who you might have been" - George Eliot

"Fall seven times. Stand up eight." - Japanese proverb

Vic 3/29

 Show up (done) Not Monday again!!!

vali Checking-in

Uh...Will read Robos today.

Good luck to me.


Daily challenges

(x-posted from cold turkey thread)

I've been thinking on how I can take some of the super-productive energy I've shown on my 'weekend madness' challenges, and apply it to my job. I'm currently slogging through an enormous work backlog, with a deadline of the end of April, and not progressing very fast.

It occurs to me that this might be because the backlog is a great big amorphous mass, rather than a measurable challenge to face over one or two days. So I've tried breaking it down into daily challenges:

29.3.10 - All email, paper, tasks and contracts (except catchup files) up to date
30.3.10 - Finish contract catchup box
31.3.10 - Finish fully ex'd box

6.4.10 - Finish paper catchup drawer
7.4.10 - Finish paper catchup box
8.4.10 - Archive everything under desk
9.4.10 - Thin out contract drawers and archive those files

12.4.10 - Firesafe confusions
13.4.10 - Filing A-D (Remember extra files in drawers)
14.4.10 - Filing E-M
16.4.10 - Filing N-R

19.4.10 - Filing S-T
20.4.10 - Filing U-Z (+ recall files at end of day)
21.4.10 - Deal w/recalled files & files to create
22.4.10 - Sort archive bible filing into 6 equal batches, file batch 1
23.4.10 - Archive bible filing batch 2

26.4.10 - Archive bible filing batch 3
27.4.10 - Archive bible filing batch 4
29.4.10 - Archive bible filing batch 5
30.4.10 - Archive bible filing batch 6

In addition to the daily challenges, I'll have 5 mini-challenges each day:

Leave desk tidy at end of day

Each daily challenge is worth 5 points. Each mini-challenge is worth 1 point. I have 20 days of work here, so that's a maximum of 200 points.

(Obviously, today is all about getting email, paper, tasks and contracts up to date, so if I complete the main challenge today I'll score 4 mini-challenge points by default!)

At the end of the 20 days, I'm going to count up my points and reward myself as follows:

176-200 points - One day off work
151-175 points - Half day off work
126-150 points - One day off chores at the weekend
100-125 points - Half day off chores at the weekend
Under 100 points - Look over everything I've achieved and make a post to celebrate what I did do :)

Ugh! Really unproductive

Ugh! Really unproductive day so I'm editing my daily challenges as follows:

29.3.10 - All email, paper, tasks and contracts (except catchup files) up to date (didn't manage - 0 points for today) 
30.3.10 - REBOOT - All email, paper, tasks and contracts (except catchup files) up to date
31.3.10 - Divide contract catchup box into 2 batches, finish batch 1

6.4.10 - Finish contract catchup box
7.4.10 - Finish fully ex'd box
8.4.10 - Finish paper catchup drawer
9.4.10 - Finish paper catchup box

12.4.10 - Archive everything under desk
13.4.10 - Thin out contract drawers and archive those files
14.4.10 - Firesafe confusions
16.4.10 - Filing A-E (Remember extra files in drawers)

19.4.10 - Filing F-O
20.4.10 - Filing P-S
21.4.10 - Filing T-Z (+ recall files at end of day)
22.4.10 - Deal w/recalled files & files to create
23.4.10 - Sort archive bible filing into 5 equal batches, file batch 1

26.4.10 - Archive bible filing batch 2
27.4.10 - Archive bible filing batch 3
29.4.10 - Archive bible filing batch 4
30.4.10 - Archive bible filing batch 5

Agnus check-in 7:30am, update 2:30

Shockingly early!  I felt quite productive this weekend and also had some nice naps listening to the rain (between tornado warnings!). So I felt rested enough to try setting my alarm for a 4:30am wakeup today. I have three big projects due this week - Tuesday, Thursday and Friday respectively. So far I am on task on all three, which feels really good (thanks PA!).  If I get stuck I will go to Chat. Today's MITs:

  • order print job for Thurs DONE Cool
  • BR draft1 grrr...can't get to it, too many interruptions. and recognizing the downside of getting up so early: I am HALT (Hungry Angry Lonely Tired) and have miles to go before I sleep...actually it still beats the way I feel this time after an all-nighter, so it's progress.
  • review budget
  • format resumes
  • followup PPEs

Ag 7pm

I have worked steadily since about 7am, breaking only for breakfast, and a very late lunch eaten standing up while visiting with my beloved stepson who dropped by. Feeling bad that I was already so HALT that I could barely focus on this rare and brief visit. I even snipped at the boss! from being too hungry -she told me to go eat and call her back (God bless her - she knows how I am). felt like crying but no time for that today! made another pot of coffee...

And now...I have just run out of printer ink and paper - at such a critical time in this project, argh! I am going to give myself a short break,DONE say a prayer,DONE and play one round of 'puter games for comfort DONE but not very comforting - lost 4 outta 4! :-( before going out for these supplies. DONE by J, God bless him! I am back to writing...looks like it's going to be a late night.:rolleyes:


Great acronym. The "LT" is very much the feelings I tend to experience when I have to work with tasks I procrastinate on. But as you say yourself, it still beats the all-nighters. Those really shortens your life I think. Good job getting things done!

thanks, strike




((Rex)) too

Man, I dislike those bad dream wake-ups.  Hope you are successful in shaking its cobwebs off your day.


Hope-Faith 3/29/10

Good Morning

I am going back to my list from Friday.


  • AM Routine Done
  • AM Task Done
  • Work Routine Done
  • PM Routine Done
  • PM Task Done

 Paper work

  1. 3/29/10  I can not remember what this one is for, I have to get better at my coding or improve my memory one.
  2. 4/1/10 80/70

I need to make appointments for (trying to make up codes so that I can be semi private yet post here so I can stay organized and focused and now I have forgotten what my codes where for, I should have written them down :rolleyes:)

  1. R/C
  2. Bx2
  3. Fx3
  4. 1x2
  5. 1x1
  6. Cx3
  7. GX3


  1. Conservation
  2. Computer Learning




Rexroth Check In

Morning Everyone - I've woken with a bad dream and feel not that happy about life today.

Up bath and hair
Check emails

Get dressed and go out to meet friend for lunch and maybe some shopping which I'm finding hard to think about.

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Update

Well I went out and had a good time with friend including going shopping with her. I've been home now for a bit over an hour and feel unsettled and not at all sure what to do next. Thanks for hugs. I am in a time and place in my life where so much is in order at last and I want and need to keep going to finish some things.


Rexroth Check Out

It is really late and I have achieved nothing. So prayers and bed.

Night Everyone


Helen's CI

OK. Good morning. This morning I am working on my assignment all day.

Morning routine.Smile

Call DadSmile This went really well! Much better than I expected. 

Procrastinators Phone Check in 

Cancel Tuesday thing Smile

Walk & food Smile

Assignment:  Design a Tshirt 


  • Exploration 1 
  • Exploration 2 
  • Exploration 3 
  • Reflect


  • Concept 1 
  • Concept 2 
  • Concept 3 
  • Reflect 


  • Preparation  
  • Making
  • Final proposal 
  • Reflect  
  • Evaluate 


Library for printing 

Washing up 

Well it is 6PM and I am quite tired

Well it is 6PM and I am quite tired, very tired, so I am going to call it a day. I somehow am dragging myself about, like a child's toy whose wheels have fallen off.  I am still a bit under the weather, hence the doctors visit and have started the chain of events to clearing up my health problem. I think that is draining me of energy. I will tackle my assignment full on tomorrow. Yes I am procrastinating but feel in the need for some self care.




Lucky CI

Before work:
Up by 6.30 Smile
Check in Smile
Prayer timeSmile
Prayer & visualisation over tasklist Smile
Writing - 100 words
Make bed
Dress smartlySmile
Straighten hair
Make SF, pack SF and fruit Smile
Got Everything Check: phone, keys, contacts, makeup, wash stuff, book, diary

Call bankSmile
Full makeupSmile
Read some of book Smile
Do some of creative writing bookSmile

Backlog - In progress
Email - In progress
Tidy desk
Got Everything Check: phone 

Check re cancelling AOL/getting free BB
Post CK mag
Shred CVs Smile
Print mapSmile
Get some air Smile
Poppins scans

After work:
Collect dog 
Rat cage
Cobwebs out of bathroom window & shower     
Charge phone
Bird feeder
Dog face wash
Clear table
Tidy room
Clear kitchen
Tomorrow's list
Wash face/brush teeth - floss - clean contacts properly
Email report
Check in
Bed straight after check in!


I have been tired today. But I dont care. I still need to


-clean up the kichen  & bath

-eat moderate supper

-read a bit 12 step literature

-prepare the papers for tomorrow


It is going to be OK. :)




-When I look into the future, it is so bright it burns my eyes ~ Oprah Windfrey