Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday, 7 September 2006

T.O.T.H. - 10:18pm - to do before 12mid

--Eat dinner
--pay bills
--Do dishes and stow dishes
--bathe, shave
--lay out clothes for tomorrow
--have hypnosis cd ready to play

B.O.T.H. - 11:54pm - DID IT ALL


But DAMN does it keep you focused!! I would NEVER have done all that stuff if I didnt know I was going to have to report to you guys!! Arrrrgh my inner jackass is braying in loud complaint - but my inner rooster is crowing!! Quite a symphony!!


Glad to see it's working for you - welcome!

What's T.O.T.H. and B.O.T.H.???

TOTH, BOTH, and neither...

Hi there - GOD it's good to be here!! Thanks for being here!! BOTH is Bottom Of The Hour; TOTH is Top Of The Hour. I got those labels from paddling around this site. At PRO's sugestion I am now going to just use actual times I check in - apparently the BOTH/TOTH thing is more for when an entire group is checking at the same time, from different time zones. Kind of cool if you think about it, though - the concept of everyone working together in synchronized effort, around the world.

On that note - does anyone rememeber the Marvel comic from the 1970's, where the Fantastic Four (I think) was threatened with being lost in space like Apollo 13, or the earth was being threatened by Galacticus (or some combination of those two threats), and people all over the world PRAYED to save the planet (or whatever)? I'll never forget the illustration of the crusty old American Indian praying with all his might, fist clenched, participating (remotely) in an event in outer space. (I havent read comics in almost 30 years, but maybe its time to start collecting again. The artwork anyway. )

Anyway this site, the people on this site, remind me of that collective effort. Thanks.


Hey, can I be the orange guy made out of rocks?

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Hi Normy............

"The Thing" was always my favorite - actually a PhD, but talked Brooklynese, super-strong, and definitely not a pretty-boy.

Hmmm - I wonder how much Ben Grimm I've "channeled" in my own life........

T.O.T.H. -- 12 midnight - Bedtime... then Getting Up!!

Ok, its 1159pm. Time for

--relaxing with tv or movie
--2 melatonin tabs,
--a lttle reading
--hypnosis tape on
--lights out by 1pm

{No check-in scheduled}

Then by 530am:

--arise at 5am;
--dressed and loaded up to drive.

I'll check in then!!

Love to all!!

B.O.T.H. - Partial Victory

--relaxing with tv or movie
--2 melatonin tabs,
--a lttle reading
--hypnosis tape on
--lights out by 1pm
--arise at 5am;

--loaded up to drive.

Will roll these goals over to the next hour.

Yes, I failed to get it ALL done, and YES this is a late check-in.... but on the other hand, I HAVE been waking up after 10am. So 5am is a BRILLIANT SUCCESS - 100% due to this site and the bookkending technique.

Guess I had to get where I had noone supporting me, and no other way out, before I could "get it"???

Its kind of funny, I STILL have nothing to live for - LOL - still crippled, unable to date or marry, still living alone, still a financial failure (THAT part will change soon, now that I can finally work - thanks to all here!) But the odd thing is, even though the long-range outlook still sucks - this technique gets your focus off the long-range bleakness, and onto the crystalline present.

By the way, if anyone reads this stuff, i would sure welcome a comment. The thought that someone is there watching is all that is keeping me going.

Thanks, guys!

A major feat!

But I hope you aren't planning to survive on 4 hours of sleep every night! You've made an excellent beginning. Give yourself some credit!

Thanks for the kind words

Thanks - I'll go hike in Griffith Park, wear myself out, and experience nature - generally chill out, so I can sleep at a reasonable hour. Thats the next challenge. Putting myself to bed.

Here we go.

See you at 7am.

Hello JestRight

Hello! We do read your posts, even if we don't have time to always reply, we still read them. We need to keep an eye on each other because we can all be a bit sneaky sometimes!!! :lol:

I am a bit confused....did you have lights out at 1am or 1pm? And I'm not sure what TOTH and BOTH mean????

It's good you can see some light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes that's all it takes to feel better. Small steps, and acknowledging those steps as achievements are the key. :)

You DO read the posts!!!

Hi Milo!

Wow - yes it was 1 am, not pm. Good catch. OK, there IS an audience -one that pays attention! Believe me that is exactly what I need to keep me on track... Even when I AM on track, every now and then I look over my shoulder to see if I can get away with goofing off. Sneaky is RIGHT.

TOTH is "top of the hour", BOTH is "bottom of the hour". I picked those labels up from a post somehwere on this site. I guess they're mre useful if everyoneis "checking in" every hour, almost like clockwork. Not needed here I guess.

Who first uttered these words of wisdom:
"Its been a good day - and I didnt have to use my AK."

Ciao bella.

Great name, btw.

PS I am here to get BETTER, not muddle along - so please DO jump in with a swift kick or correction now and then. I can already see some subtle issues developing that I will post about later.


I use those terms when I need to check in frequently because otherwise I'd sneak off - think I must have picked them up from FlyLady or the SHE boards.

I work better with an audience too - or rather feedback - sorry I've not been around much this week - been out a lot, and not been near the computer much.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

away from computer?

>sorry I've not been around much this week - been out a lot, and not been near the computer much.

Shocking! Where's your tether?! ;)

I missed you here. Glad you're back.

I'll be away this weekend too

I'll be on my course in London.

It's weird joining in with life outside and not being on the computer - don't think I could handle ~too~ much of it!

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I'm usually by my lonesome here on weekends. We have some new members now though, so maybe I'll have company tomorrow.

I'll be here

You've helped me so much at work this week, I figure I ought to keep after it at home, too.


oh good!


Hope so

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

pro's CI - 11:50pm

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Bedtime Routine
    • Take last dose of pills.
    • Take out contacts.
    • Brush teeth.
    • Make up bed (convert futon from couch to bed).
    • Empty dish drain and wash any dirty dishes.
    • Take shower.
    • Put on jammies.

Good night!

pro's CI - 10:50pm

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Bedtime Routine
    • Take last dose of pills.
    • Take out contacts.
    • Brush teeth.
    • Make up bed (convert futon from couch to bed).

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Bedtime Routine
    • Empty dish drain and wash any dirty dishes.
    • Take shower.
    • Put on jammies.

pro's CI - 10:05pm

I'm getting a late start on my bedtime routine, so no dawdling! I want to get up early tomorrow so I can go to the gym early and do the things I blew off today early.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Bedtime Routine
    • Take last dose of pills.
    • Empty dish drain and wash any dirty dishes.
    • Take out contacts.
    • Brush teeth.
    • Take shower.
    • Put on jammies.
    • Make up bed (convert futon from couch to bed).

1Focus 9:45

Already done

Morning Routine
Work Routine
Work Plan
Spoke with DW
•Left work a little late, DW canceled my shopping trip
Evening Routine
• Help in the kitchen
• Hang with the Family
• Clean up after dinner
• Farm Chores (include the kids)
• Kids to bed
• Paper chores (mostly)
Bedtime routine

Blew off:
some of my paper chores
scoop catbox (adding this for tomorrow, since I conveniently forget about it)

Ran out of time :(
Work Plan
•Follow-up from meeting

I want to get done:
•Early to bed (Lights out at 10:00)

Get up extra early tomorrow, taking a friend to get an interlock put on his car and get his license back. He's been on a moped for 5 years doing the right things ever since.
Besides, he's buying me breakfast :)

1Focus 8:55

Already done

Morning Routine
Work Routine
Work Plan
Spoke with DW
•Left work a little late, DW canceled my shopping trip
Evening Routine
• Help in the kitchen
• Hang with the Family
• Clean up after dinner
• Farm Chores (include the kids)
• Kids to bed
• Paper chores (mostly)

Blew off:
some of my paper chores

Ran out of time :(
Work Plan
•Follow-up from meeting

I want to get done:
• Early to bed (Lights out at 10:00)

Get up extra early tomorrow, taking a friend to get an interlock put on his car and get his license back. He's been on a moped for 5 years doing the right things ever since.
Besides, he's buying me breakfast :)

JestRight - 4:03 PM - "The 4 pm Report"

--Still working on the to-office folder. {sigh}


--Took a fast walk.
--Responded to email from L.S.
--Corresponded with Uzi about the 6am face-to-face meeting.
(Note: Craigslist is working.)
--Brief chitchat w/ Aram.


Checked in here 3 minutes late. Better and better...

None - except too tired to go on. Power bar just didnt cut it. (Note: To my surprise, I'm NOT Superman after all. Well, there's tomorrow...)

--finish veggie juice
--Uzi's phone number to call
--email finance bill-paying chart home
--work out
--buy veggies and fruit and tahn and soujouk or meat
--eat, chores, ready for tomorrow
--plan bills and finances incl gym, car payment, car ins, cellphone, child support, DWP
--cancel acupuncture for saturday
--visit PA website and gather the fundamental problems I'm having a start a deep-thinking thread
--replan schedule
--9pm: talk to Ingrid, or Julie Z; or Natalya, or email Diana.
-- type up comedy routine and practice it
OR go out (with harry?) (to irish pub?)
-- choose one movie script and start it



--email-blast out the aforesaid flier to the aforesaid pared-down list of Glendale homebuyers/homeowners ****
--clear desk ****
--clear email ****
--Identify and present property for Billy L. ****
--finish following up on the lead from Mary Jo
--to office folder
--follow up on the leads from Miss N


I get tired just reading your posts. :O
Dizzying, really.
I believe you're in the right place.

So you're saying that I "BLEND" here?

Hah - so I'm just a little compulsive, eh?

If you say so


So, real estate and comedy and scripts

Sounds like a juicy combination to fuel writing. And also to fuel procrastination since there's lots of wiggle room. Glad you've joined us!

LOL, Slider!!!!

LOL, girl, you NAILED it. LOTS of wiggle room.

And what's insidious is that I'm considered GOOD at each thing - at least when I'm performing or interacting with people. So I can always find somewhere to get that "attaboy" pat-on-the-back eg--reinforcement whenever I neglect taxes, bookkeeping, research on property, paperwork, etc. Its like going into Cheers on TV, and they say "No-o-o-r-r-m!!" because they're glad to see him. So when he's at his office, he's thinking "Hmmm - do the accounting ,or stopin for a beer at Cheers" ...tough decision!

And annoyingly, the same character weakness arrests my development as a performer. I simply cannot practice comedy or acting at home - no audience. I won't do the nitty-griitywork of mailing headshots, etc etc - beacuse you have to do that alone, at home. (Of course, if it allows me to avoid taking care of finances or taxes or computer research for real estate, oh WELL then, mailing out headshots can be downright FUN.)

And scriptwriting? I'm GREAT on a team - but alone? Nothing. Oh, I don't need other people's IDEAS - I'm fine with or without. I just need the human companionship. I used to do the laptop-at-starbucks thing, but that wont be practical again till I clear up some of the problem areas in my life, like finances, at least a little bit, and time management, ditto.

Anyway, yeah,I'm busted. Later!

pro's CI - 6:25pm

I have to leave for my friend's publication party now.

I'm not especially happen with my productivity today, and now I'm out of time. :( Tomorrow is another day...

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Wake up: 6:20am (target: 6:30am).
  • Morning Routine (included going to gym!)
  • Day Plan
    • Cut up cantelope and clean up afterwards.
    • File papers.
    • Refill prescription.
    • Reflection.
    • Review to-do list and day plan.
    • Check email.
    • Answer customer messages. (In Progress)
    • At lunch (small green salad - I'll be hungry again later).
    • Took midday pills.
    • Went out and bought a lunch special at a Chinese restaurant and ate it in the park. (It's a beautiful day.)
    • Pick up prescription.
    • Get mail.
    • Clear spam folder.
    • Leave feedback for eBay seller.
    • Put gym clothes I rinsed out this morning in dryer (and retrieved them).
    • Checked email and cleared out Inbox (answered and filed messages).
    • Emptied dish drain and washed dishes.
    • Straightened up work area.

*~*~*~*~*~*~Blown Off~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Pay bills and handle paperwork.
  • Answer customer messages.
  • Write client reports. (I can't do all of these today, and perhaps not any, but I should have this on the list.)
  • Partition external drive so Mac can be backed up.
  • Purchase backup software for Mac.
  • See if there's a way to migrate Office data on the PC to Office on the Mac.


I like the "Blown Off" category. Cute. I have to go also. So much for my grandiose goals. Oh well. At least I worked all day. Its about 4pm, and I need exercise, food, errand-running, and a break from this tedium. But hey - it's been a good day. See you tomorrow, Pro,

And remeber - no all-caps in the subject line.

pro's CI - 6pm

A reminder just popped up to remind me of a friend's publication party in an hour. Thank goodness for Outlook. I'd never remember a thing without it (and didn't before I started using it).

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Wake up: 6:20am (target: 6:30am).
  • Morning Routine (included going to gym!)
  • Day Plan
    • Cut up cantelope and clean up afterwards.
    • File papers.
    • Refill prescription.
    • Reflection.
    • Review to-do list and day plan.
    • Check email.
    • Answer customer messages. (In Progress)
    • At lunch (small green salad - I'll be hungry again later).
    • Took midday pills.
    • Went out and bought a lunch special at a Chinese restaurant and ate it in the park. (It's a beautiful day.)
    • Pick up prescription.
    • Get mail.
    • Clear spam folder.
    • Leave feedback for eBay seller.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Day Plan
    • Pay bills and handle paperwork.
    • Answer customer messages.
    • Write client reports. (I can't do all of these today, and perhaps not any, but I should have this on the list.)

*~*~*~*~*~*~Blown Off~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Partition external drive so Mac can be backed up.
  • Purchase backup software for Mac.
  • See if there's a way to migrate Office data on the PC to Office on the Mac.

JestRight - 2:08 PM - "2 pm Report"

--none. Still working on the to-office folder.

--Developed a flier on a just-reduced house and emailed it to an interested, qualified buyer. (Note: Give myself a jumping-on-an-opportunity-point.)
--Pared down my email-blast list to just people connected to Glendale, and eliminated investors. (Note: ditto)
--Downloaded logo to make the aforesaid flier look prettier. (Note: this last could have been skipped. But I'm going to allow it as an accomplishment, since it took patience and calm and focus to navigate the various websites and secret codes.)

--Was comped a free and fast lunch without leaving the office
--Received a free Starbucks card. (Note: See? You show up to work for once and good stuff starts happening!!)
--Was given 4 commercial leads to follow upon by the delectable Miss N. (Note: As nice as this sounds, it can be a real problem. I have to learn to handle each potential buyer faster - MUCH faster. Otherwise, the leads people give me actually weigh me down!!)


Checked in here 8 minutes late. Better...

None - except some "grey area" - as noted above.

TO DO BY 4:00 PM:
--finish following up on the lead from Mary Jo
--email-blast out the aforesaid flier to the aforesaid pared-down listof Glendale homebuyers/homeowners
--to office folder
--follow up on the leads from Miss N

TO DO BY 7:00 PM:
--clear desk

TO DO BY 10:00 PM:
--clear email

4 PM

(1) I am not procrastinating much today - but stuff is taking a long time as it always does. Hmmm. I wonder if some of the guiltand shame I usually paralyze myself with is partly undeserved........
(2) My time use plan is all blown to hell. Didnt go work out at 12 noon........... I'll worry about that later. Right now I want to stay on the roll we are on here, team. Yes, I know that this is possibly a case of "time-binging." But it DOES beat sitting on the couch depressed, or sitting at home surfing porn, or compulsively planning and re-planning my life...DOESN'T it?

confession time

There's something very important I'm way late on that I didn't put on my to-do list. I owe reports to several clients - four, I think. One just wrote to me. She's mad.

We're on your side., Pro.

We're on your side. Let's do it together. I have one of those situations too, and it's not on my to-do list either. It's easier to do a good job for a new client or a fresh project than it is to dredge up something half-finished, stale, etc. I plead GUILTY.

My suggestion: do a "brain dump" -- i.e., list everything that you're nervous about. Then put it in order. Then post the list here. I'll try to do the same by 7pm.

Other ideas, guys? This is the hardest stuff - dealing with the past. Input, please!

I don't need anything here

I'm fine. It's just Demand Resistance. I know what I need to do, I know what's stood in my way, and I know how to deal with it now.

1Focus 5:05

Already done

Morning Routine
Work Routine
Work Plan
• Got through to the sub, supposed to be here in the morning
•Fix sound system
•follow-up paperwork for performance evaluation

Ran out of time :(

Work Plan
•Follow-up from meeting

I want to get done:

Spoke with DW
•Grocery shopping on the way home
Evening Routine
• Help in the kitchen
• Hang with the Family
• Clean up after dinner
• Farm Chores (include the kids)
• Kids to bed
• Paper chores
• Early to bed (Lights out at 10:00)

pro's CI - 4:55pm (waffle, waffle)

I keep waffling about whether to pay my bills or answer customer messages. Both are urgent. Since I can't decide, I'm doing neither. :P Oh, I drive myself crazy!

Okay, I'm taking myself in hand now. Fact: There is no perfect, right answer to the question of which I should do first. I need to just pick one and then do it. It doesn't matter on what basis I pick it. Whim is fine!

Question to self: What do I want right now?

Answer: I want to have paid my bills, gone through my spam folder, and answered customer messages.

Which first? I think I'll go through my spam folder. No particular reason. ;)

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Wake up: 6:20am (target: 6:30am).
  • Morning Routine (included going to gym!)
  • Day Plan
    • Cut up cantelope and clean up afterwards.
    • File papers.
    • Refill prescription.
    • Reflection.
    • Review to-do list and day plan.
    • Check email.
    • Answer customer messages. (In Progress)
    • At lunch (small green salad - I'll be hungry again later).
    • Took midday pills.
    • Went out and bought a lunch special at a Chinese restaurant and ate it in the park. (It's a beautiful day.)
    • Pick up prescription.
    • Get mail.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Day Plan
    • Clear spam folder.
    • Leave feedback for eBay seller.
    • Pay bills and handle paperwork.
    • Answer customer messages.
    • Partition external drive so Mac can be backed up.
    • Purchase backup software for Mac.
    • See if there's a way to migrate Office data on the PC to Office on the Mac.

No particular reason.

I won't say why I think you picked that one.

geez - can't get away with anything here

You guys have my number and you always nail me on stuff. Milo and Normy always notice when stuff slips silently off my to-do list. I can't get away with anything here. 8)

1Focus 4:01

Already done

Morning Routine
Work Routine
Work Plan
• Got through to the sub, supposed to be here in the morning
•Fix sound system

I want to get done:

Work Plan
•Follow-up from meeting
•follow-up paterwork for performance evaluation

Spoke with DW
•Grocery shopping on the way home
Evening Routine

what's a "sub"?

Sub = subcontractor? Just curious.

What did you THINK it meant?

Hah - Pro I can tell your mind is not on work! Someone does need to be taken in hand...

Spam folder indeed -

heck - thats MY trick!!

I really do need to check the spam folder

I know you guys think I'm goofing off here, but checking my spam folder every day is important and I need to do it. My work is all online, and I get a vast amount of spam. I use a very good Bayesian filter, but some stuff that's important always ends up in the spam folder. If I wait more than a day, the folder becomes huge. I emptied it yesterday, and there are already nearly 300 messages in it.

I stand corrected......

I stand corrected...... {blush}

Oh, and

That would be "paperwork" not "paterwork," so don't ask 8)

You got it.

'nuff said

JestRight - 12:37 pm - "12 noon Report"

--email L.S.
--clear phone messages
Note: Didnt get it ALL done - BUT -- I am WORKING!!! :jawdrop: CALMLY AND EFFECTIVELY AND FEARLESSLY!! (sorry , Pro, I'll try to simmer down.) Anyway, what is amazing is I am doing this without Prozac, Valium, cognac, Valerian Root, etc etc - Hah - Procrastinators Anonymous is my Anti-Drug!!

Checking in less than 40 minutes late - again, not GOOD - but BETTER.

None! :O

TO DO BY 2:00 PM:
--to-office folder

TO DO BY 3:30 PM:
--clear desk

TO DO BY 6:00 PM:
--clear email

2 PM (got to check in right at 2pm!)

WTG JestRight!

No wasted time! That's impressive. I certainly can't say the same. :P