Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Boy do I feel lazy, I did go to store, got a chair I have been looking for, got food, no exercise for 3 days wanted to go to gym but no time, makes me feel like I am dragging, so want to walk before it snows. Thanks for being here.
Posted sjg ch 83, but looks like it came a bit late <_< Ah well.
Gotta do dishes. Not particularly in the mood. Will turn on the tv while I wash 'em.
Finished bh:ap. Been wanting to get that out of the way for a while.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
It's a holiday from work for me and had the family over last night so I'm taking it a bit easy today . . . but wanted to drop by and say hello . . .and was surprised by the big bday wishes! Thanks so much.
I love you guys!
Every time you get up and get back in the race, one more little piece of you starts to fall into place - (from "Stand" by Rascal Flatts)
Today is 7 years since my hubby asked me to marry him! I'm making him a special breakfast. He has changed & grown so much. Feel very lucky.
My husband thinks I should show up at work to get my stuff and say I'm leaving tomorrow. I really don't want to.
Think right now I will do more emails & sending out resumes and check back in.
I sent a resume to a p/t vet reception position and I have no reason to hope, but I am... There is a waitressing position kind of near to home that is advertising, but of course they wants 4 years of experience. G_d willing I will show up at around 11:30AM tomorrow (closed today) & hope they will hire me anyway. Then go into work (having a job), & resigning, if that's how HP sees fit.
♥"Together we could do, what we could not do alone.♥
Up shopping for food
Checked emails and post
Cancelled psychlogy group - I need to get my operation redone and it might need to be done soon
Sort and tidy much to do as I'd left stuff in a mess
Admin work very positive and got some quality work done
Needs and wants listed
Finish cooking supper eat and wash up
Complete sponsership form for a friend
Write journal
I'm feeling a little scattered today, for a few reasons:
*I took the day off yesterday, which I think was a good decision, but now I'm feeling lazy and behind
*I had a bit of a bad morning (slept too late, overate, took too long getting out of the house) and I'm worried it'll make a bad start for the day
*I'm surrounded by mess at home and lab, and that's dragging me down a bit
*I have more that I "should" get done than I can reasonably accomplish
*It's president's day and I don't want to be at work!
But, just because of all these things doesn't mean I *have* to get derailed. The self-indulgence of yesterday and this morning would be bad as a pattern, but some time off, sleep, and extra chocolate are fine as a one-time thing.
I can let the mess drag me down, of I can clean it up :)
I'm the one who has given myself an endless list of "shoulds"--my profs are generally happy with my productivity, as long as I get part of my list done I'll be OK.
If I'd wanted to take president's day off that would have been fine, I chose not too so I could take more time off when I wanted it (for instance, when friends and family are in town).
So, here's a plan:
I'd say the mess is the biggest issue for today...I'll feel a lot better if I clean that up, and I'll be a lot more productive if I clean that up. I'll spend most of the morning cleaning up in lab (cleaning bench, making spreadsheet of histology samples, working on organizing computer files/computational lab nb). I'll do other work in the afternoon, and then this evening I'll work on cleaning my house (most important is to pick up all the crud in the living room and to clean the bathroom; budgeting would be nice as well).
Then, there's a task that I urgently need to get done...need to respond to some queries from EF about WM.
Other than that, there are some manageable tasks that would be really good to accomplish. I want to deal w/ emails, redo genotyping, revise and email pset, do prelim analysis of stages data, prep and practice recitation, and get list of genes from MG.
Hi everyone. There are two things looming on my horizon. The first is a storm coming this way later today. Errands need to be done before it roars in. The next is a large bill due next week. There's enough work here this week to cover it, if all goes well. Also, a client owes me a goodly chunk of money, and if I accidentally on purpose drop into the 12 step meeting tonight, there's a chance he'll settle up (which has happened a few times). But, with the weather forecast... ugh. Things get so complicated sometimes.
(X)morning things
(X)work in shop till the storm gets closer
(X)run errands to town
(X)mail package
drop off forms
sort laundry
finish today's work project
(X)take time for some spiritual time
get this week's big project set up to begin
(X)go to 12 step meeting if weather allows
I just joined yesterday...and I have this huge project due (which I have been procrastinating on for 5 months!) I hope to make considerable progress today.
Good luck to Lucky and everyone else! Have a productive day. :D
Not a productive day yesterday but a useful lesson - my housemate had NO recollection of asking me to clean the house from top to bottom at all and was confused when I apologised for not doing. I have no idea how I got it into my head that she expected me to do that. Makes me wonder how many other imaginary expectations I'm putting on myself!!
Just a work tasklist for now - my desk is CHAOS but I think I'm going to start w/emails, least daunting.
Backlog (Bible!)
Emails :)
Outlook tasks - In progress
Filing (S)
thanks for all the birthday wishes!
You guys are the best!
Every time you get up and get back in the race, one more little piece of you starts to fall into place - (from "Stand" by Rascal Flatts)
Vic 2/15
Boy do I feel lazy, I did go to store, got a chair I have been looking for, got food, no exercise for 3 days wanted to go to gym but no time, makes me feel like I am dragging, so want to walk before it snows. Thanks for being here.
Edge's CI - 8:29pm
Posted sjg ch 83, but looks like it came a bit late <_< Ah well.
Gotta do dishes. Not particularly in the mood. Will turn on the tv while I wash 'em.
Finished bh:ap. Been wanting to get that out of the way for a while.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
wow, thanks Lucky! how sweet!
It's a holiday from work for me and had the family over last night so I'm taking it a bit easy today . . . but wanted to drop by and say hello . . .and was surprised by the big bday wishes! Thanks so much.
I love you guys!
Every time you get up and get back in the race, one more little piece of you starts to fall into place - (from "Stand" by Rascal Flatts)
(Jo B Day)
Happy Birthday Jo,
Hope you enjoy the cake I made, have as much as you want, it is non fat!!
Happy birthday, Journey!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Sunflower to do list for Monday Feb 15
Read 7-8 Chapters/Articles
Go team!
Potential Energy 12
Happy Birthday Journey!!
1. Print reports
2. revise/proof
3. send
4. write 2 for q.
Z- to L.
hope4meandu check-in (10:34AM)
Today is 7 years since my hubby asked me to marry him! I'm making him a special breakfast. He has changed & grown so much. Feel very lucky.
My husband thinks I should show up at work to get my stuff and say I'm leaving tomorrow. I really don't want to.
Think right now I will do more emails & sending out resumes and check back in.
I sent a resume to a p/t vet reception position and I have no reason to hope, but I am... There is a waitressing position kind of near to home that is advertising, but of course they wants 4 years of experience. G_d willing I will show up at around 11:30AM tomorrow (closed today) & hope they will hire me anyway. Then go into work (having a job), & resigning, if that's how HP sees fit.
♥"Together we could do, what we could not do alone.♥
Rexroth Check In
Happy Birthday Journey.
Up shopping for food
Checked emails and post
Cancelled psychlogy group - I need to get my operation redone and it might need to be done soon
Sort and tidy much to do as I'd left stuff in a mess
Admin work very positive and got some quality work done
Needs and wants listed
Finish cooking supper eat and wash up
Complete sponsership form for a friend
Write journal
and then whatever...
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Done above and tired so a little relax and then sleep.
Night Folks Rexroth
kromer 10:30 CI
I'm feeling a little scattered today, for a few reasons:
*I took the day off yesterday, which I think was a good decision, but now I'm feeling lazy and behind
*I had a bit of a bad morning (slept too late, overate, took too long getting out of the house) and I'm worried it'll make a bad start for the day
*I'm surrounded by mess at home and lab, and that's dragging me down a bit
*I have more that I "should" get done than I can reasonably accomplish
*It's president's day and I don't want to be at work!
But, just because of all these things doesn't mean I *have* to get derailed. The self-indulgence of yesterday and this morning would be bad as a pattern, but some time off, sleep, and extra chocolate are fine as a one-time thing.
I can let the mess drag me down, of I can clean it up :)
I'm the one who has given myself an endless list of "shoulds"--my profs are generally happy with my productivity, as long as I get part of my list done I'll be OK.
If I'd wanted to take president's day off that would have been fine, I chose not too so I could take more time off when I wanted it (for instance, when friends and family are in town).
So, here's a plan:
I'd say the mess is the biggest issue for today...I'll feel a lot better if I clean that up, and I'll be a lot more productive if I clean that up. I'll spend most of the morning cleaning up in lab (cleaning bench, making spreadsheet of histology samples, working on organizing computer files/computational lab nb). I'll do other work in the afternoon, and then this evening I'll work on cleaning my house (most important is to pick up all the crud in the living room and to clean the bathroom; budgeting would be nice as well).
Then, there's a task that I urgently need to get done...need to respond to some queries from EF about WM.
Other than that, there are some manageable tasks that would be really good to accomplish. I want to deal w/ emails, redo genotyping, revise and email pset, do prelim analysis of stages data, prep and practice recitation, and get list of genes from MG.
Heading to chatbox now.
With you all the way Kromer!!!
♥"Together we could do, what we could not do alone.♥
CI for Lark, 8:45
Hi everyone. There are two things looming on my horizon. The first is a storm coming this way later today. Errands need to be done before it roars in. The next is a large bill due next week. There's enough work here this week to cover it, if all goes well. Also, a client owes me a goodly chunk of money, and if I accidentally on purpose drop into the 12 step meeting tonight, there's a chance he'll settle up (which has happened a few times). But, with the weather forecast... ugh. Things get so complicated sometimes.
(X)morning things
(X)work in shop till the storm gets closer
(X)run errands to town
(X)mail package
drop off forms
sort laundry
finish today's work project
(X)take time for some spiritual time
get this week's big project set up to begin
(X)go to 12 step meeting if weather allows
Falcon CI Mon.
Hi pro amigos,
I need to keep myself moving today. . .
Going to check back in here after I eat breakfast.
Falcon CI 12:00
Got the power cord, forgot to stop at the bank. Had some lunch.
Going to tidy up the kitchen, go to the bank (called and found out they're open) then take a walk while there's still some sunshine.
Falcon afternoon CI
Did the bank and the walk and cut back the bushes by the drive. I have a load of laundry going.
Going to take some time to answer email and goof off for a little while.
Falcon CI
Yay, I got the stupid cord untangled from the snow blower rotor!
Going to brush my teeth, take a 10 minute break, then go buy a new power cord. On the way I'll see if the bank is open & stop there.
Falcon post-breakfast CI
Done with breakfast. Going to load and run the dishwasher (I'll sync the ipod at the same time) then see if I can fix the snow blower.
Procrastinating for 5 months
Hi everyone!
I just joined yesterday...and I have this huge project due (which I have been procrastinating on for 5 months!) I hope to make considerable progress today.
Good luck to Lucky and everyone else! Have a productive day. :D
Welcome getstuffdone!
Every time you get up and get back in the race, one more little piece of you starts to fall into place - (from "Stand" by Rascal Flatts)
WELCOME GetStuffDone (cute name)
You have come to the right place!! I also find the chatbox amazingly helpful.
So glad you are here with us!!
♥"Together we could do, what we could not do alone.♥
Not a productive day
Not a productive day yesterday but a useful lesson - my housemate had NO recollection of asking me to clean the house from top to bottom at all and was confused when I apologised for not doing. I have no idea how I got it into my head that she expected me to do that. Makes me wonder how many other imaginary expectations I'm putting on myself!!
Just a work tasklist for now - my desk is CHAOS but I think I'm going to start w/emails, least daunting.
Backlog (Bible!)
Emails :)
Outlook tasks - In progress
Filing (S)