Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Checking in late due to meetings all morning. I have found that an issue I run into with meetings is that it seems that I have so much on my plate that I get overwhelmed and then start procrastinating.
I'm trying to break the cycle by going through meeting notes and put down on a to do list what I need to do. I've done that, and now I feel much better.
Got a good start today and hoping to be back on a normal schedule for the rest of the week. I really need to manage time better. Making lists helps, but it seems to many items carry over from day to day I'm only focused on hottest thing so ultimately things slip, become late, and so on.
Phew! Late check-n because I hit the ground running this morning for a photo shoot. All my preparation yesterday paid off and I felt good. Reminded myself that this great feeling came from pressing ahead despite my desire to fiddle around.
Thanks to Lucky and clement for the encouragement yesterday. I went to a good Step meeting, got my minimum 6 hours of sleep and the meds-side-effects are not so rough today, so feeling better.
I made a list of the day's tasks and left in the other room - bah! Out there, are a million traps to sidetrack me. I know the next right thing is to shower/dress so I'm going to do that before daring to leave my office/boudoir. Might check back later with my list. Hope everyone feels their Higher Power today!
10min ci :)
10min emerg email only / ck mtgs :)
10min quick quiet time :)
9:50 20min wko
15min rdy :)
10min dailies
10min work plan
1pm bible study :)
work hard. :)
Thanks for the thread starter. I like the tree and the idea. I'm 65 and have much to do.
Printed info for CD player
Went out and bought CD player*
Enquired about digital camera for expedition
Home and tried to get CD player to work - I have almost succeeded
Put washing machine on
Wrote up needs and wants
Dealt with emails and post
Tidy up a bit
Hang up washing
Continue work on CD player
Write journal
Write info for CBT/Mindfulness course
Meditation sort of thing on above
Plan exibition visit for tomorrow
*I don't like buying things and had been putting off buying the CD player for about three weeks. I need it for the CBT/Mindfulness course which started on Tuesday so I have already missed one days homework.
Main thing to do today is a big writing project. Much of it is done. And much remains to do. I think I'll break it down and list just a few tasks at a time:
-review memo
-review summary of HE dec.
-finalize outline
-review memo - DONE
-review summary of HE dec.
-finalize outline
Really struggling to get this project done. I'm having trouble concentrating/focusing. Tried reviewing the summary earlier but nothing was sinking in. I've been thinking maybe posting will help. But I feel like the difficulty I'm having is related to anxiety/depression, and it might be time to get back into therapy. Gonna give review of the summary another go.
OK, really made progress eventually, but not until I'd read some inspirational stuff, made myself some coffee, lit an aromatherapy candle, done some other tasks, etc. This was very instructive, especially that taking good care of myself seemed to make a big difference to my mood and eventually my productivity. :-)
-review memo - DONE
-review summary of HE dec. - DONE
-finalize outline - DONE
-go thru summary of HE dec. for each point
Yesterday was a fairly good day, especially for a work at home day. I had planned on having an easy and relaxed day because I was still tired from working the weekend, and lo and behold I was more productive than normal. Hmmm, I need to learn from this experience. Relaxing and not feeling pressured make me more productive?! Get outta town!
So today I am back in the office. I've been to the gym, read email and checked calendar. I have two long meetings today, and between meetings I need to get back to work on Project V, finish up the nasty paperwork for Project Z, and finish doing my Feb. budget and paying the bills. I paid the stuff that needed to be paid on the 1st but I have several things due on the 10th that I need to get done asap. I also haven't sent out the PA gentle reminder for Feb. I have a lot to do, and I'm getting stressed just thinking about it, ack. I'll remember yesterday, take the emotional component out of the picture and just do the best I can.
Off for coffee, that should improve my outlook a bit!
UPDATE 12:15 Meeting #1 done. Now I'm having a short lunch break and then I want to finish up the nasty paperwork before my next meeting.
UPDATE 4:15 Nasty paperwork DONE and the second long meeting DONE
I'm going to work on Project V for an hour, then do some personal stuff (budgeting) for a few minute before leaving the office. This has been an excellent day!
Every time you get up and get back in the race, one more little piece of you starts to fall into place - (from "Stand" by Rascal Flatts)
Rise in Flames Check In @ 12:35 PM EST
Checking in late due to meetings all morning. I have found that an issue I run into with meetings is that it seems that I have so much on my plate that I get overwhelmed and then start procrastinating.
I'm trying to break the cycle by going through meeting notes and put down on a to do list what I need to do. I've done that, and now I feel much better.
Work List:
Home List:
Cal20 check in 8:30am
Got a good start today and hoping to be back on a normal schedule for the rest of the week. I really need to manage time better. Making lists helps, but it seems to many items carry over from day to day I'm only focused on hottest thing so ultimately things slip, become late, and so on.
Have a great day - do something great!
"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”
Inkling checking in
Phew! Late check-n because I hit the ground running this morning for a photo shoot. All my preparation yesterday paid off and I felt good. Reminded myself that this great feeling came from pressing ahead despite my desire to fiddle around.
tracy-la check in
all day meeting today at client. getting ready for it.
Agnus checking in
Thanks to Lucky and clement for the encouragement yesterday. I went to a good Step meeting, got my minimum 6 hours of sleep and the meds-side-effects are not so rough today, so feeling better.
I made a list of the day's tasks and left in the other room - bah! Out there, are a million traps to sidetrack me. I know the next right thing is to shower/dress so I'm going to do that before daring to leave my office/boudoir. Might check back later with my list. Hope everyone feels their Higher Power today!
kromer 9:45 CI
Slept in a bit this morning, which I think was reasonable, I have been working hard and was very tired.
Today will be mostly dedicated to teaching and planning. Here's what I want to get done:
Scheduled: Lecture 1-2:30, programming tutorial 3-4:30 harambee 6-8:30
*Routine work on expts
*Look at slides
*Notes from lab mtg/list of next steps
*2 hrs work on pset
Other tasks:
*Microburst organzing comp lab nb
*Plan for injections
OK, going to do the routinue work on expts now.
kromer 5:10 CI
OK, haven't gotten quite as much done as I wanted.
I'm going to go have dinner now, then finish up routine expt. work, then head to harambee.
After harambee, I'll finish up notes from lab mtg and do work on pset.
CL daily overcoming
i swore i checked-in already. o well.
10min ci :)
10min emerg email only / ck mtgs :)
10min quick quiet time :)
9:50 20min wko
15min rdy :)
10min dailies
10min work plan
1pm bible study :)
work hard. :)
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
Rexroth Check In
Thanks for the thread starter. I like the tree and the idea. I'm 65 and have much to do.
Printed info for CD player
Went out and bought CD player*
Enquired about digital camera for expedition
Home and tried to get CD player to work - I have almost succeeded
Put washing machine on
Wrote up needs and wants
Dealt with emails and post
Tidy up a bit
Hang up washing
Continue work on CD player
Write journal
Write info for CBT/Mindfulness course
Meditation sort of thing on above
Plan exibition visit for tomorrow
*I don't like buying things and had been putting off buying the CD player for about three weeks. I need it for the CBT/Mindfulness course which started on Tuesday so I have already missed one days homework.
Rexroth Update
Done above and am listening to a CD which I had kept to listen to for years
Finish listening to CD
Look on internet
Bed and sleep
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Done except bed and sleep and I'm going to do that now.
Night Folks
re: age
Yeah, I'm lookin' at 57 coming up here in a week or so. When I was younger I thought I would have it all figured out by now!
Every time you get up and get back in the race, one more little piece of you starts to fall into place - (from "Stand" by Rascal Flatts)
'When I was younger I thought I would have it all figured out by now!'
When I was young I had it all figured out!
Mollie CI 9:15am
Main thing to do today is a big writing project. Much of it is done. And much remains to do. I think I'll break it down and list just a few tasks at a time:
-review memo
-review summary of HE dec.
-finalize outline
love those little blinkers, Mollie
thanks for the grin!
Mollie CI 1:10pm
Thanks, Agnus. They are cheery kitties!
-review memo - DONE
-review summary of HE dec.
-finalize outline
Really struggling to get this project done. I'm having trouble concentrating/focusing. Tried reviewing the summary earlier but nothing was sinking in. I've been thinking maybe posting will help. But I feel like the difficulty I'm having is related to anxiety/depression, and it might be time to get back into therapy. Gonna give review of the summary another go.
Mollie CI 6:30pm
OK, really made progress eventually, but not until I'd read some inspirational stuff, made myself some coffee, lit an aromatherapy candle, done some other tasks, etc. This was very instructive, especially that taking good care of myself seemed to make a big difference to my mood and eventually my productivity. :-)
-review memo - DONE
-review summary of HE dec. - DONE
-finalize outline - DONE
-go thru summary of HE dec. for each point
Journey 9 am & update
Yesterday was a fairly good day, especially for a work at home day. I had planned on having an easy and relaxed day because I was still tired from working the weekend, and lo and behold I was more productive than normal. Hmmm, I need to learn from this experience. Relaxing and not feeling pressured make me more productive?! Get outta town!
So today I am back in the office. I've been to the gym, read email and checked calendar. I have two long meetings today, and between meetings I need to get back to work on Project V, finish up the nasty paperwork for Project Z, and finish doing my Feb. budget and paying the bills. I paid the stuff that needed to be paid on the 1st but I have several things due on the 10th that I need to get done asap. I also haven't sent out the PA gentle reminder for Feb. I have a lot to do, and I'm getting stressed just thinking about it, ack. I'll remember yesterday, take the emotional component out of the picture and just do the best I can.
Off for coffee, that should improve my outlook a bit!
UPDATE 12:15 Meeting #1 done. Now I'm having a short lunch break and then I want to finish up the nasty paperwork before my next meeting.
UPDATE 4:15 Nasty paperwork DONE and the second long meeting DONE
I'm going to work on Project V for an hour, then do some personal stuff (budgeting) for a few minute before leaving the office. This has been an excellent day!
Every time you get up and get back in the race, one more little piece of you starts to fall into place - (from "Stand" by Rascal Flatts)
jo beat me
jo you and i posted (the day starter) at like the same second. Definitely w/in the same minute. lol. i deleted mine.
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
I won!
that's funny because I was kinda waiting around to see if someone else would do it . . . I was being lazy haha
Every time you get up and get back in the race, one more little piece of you starts to fall into place - (from "Stand" by Rascal Flatts)
well, that's funny again because when i saw yours i quickly deleted mine and said, "whew, now someone *else* can be inspiring, yea!"
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb