Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

kromer 12:15 CI

This is a pretty relaxed day...I think I need a break to restore my productivity, so I had a nice lazy morning, am going to have lunch w/ a friend at 1, and will spend the evening hanging out w/ a friend.

However, I do want to get some work done today. In particular:
1)Finish writing problem set, email AR
2)Figure out why my cells are dying, thaw new ones
3)Catch up with email
4)Do GSEA analysis and make slide on it.

OK, trying to figure out why cells are dying...

Babs CI 1.23.10

Reasonable plan for day:

pick up dry cleaning


fold laundry

change sheets

pick up bracelet

finish ce


do something fun

Vic 1/22

 Show up (done)

Thanks for the starter, it reminded me that I need to stop walking around my pink elephant (procrastination tasks) in the middle of my room.

Rexroth Check In

Thanks for starting thread Rise In Flames. I like elephants.

up and got ready and to DA meeting and it was a power greater that me that got me there as I just wanted to lie in bed as I feel tired and fed up and I am so greatful that I went
home and check emails and post

a rest
wash up and tidy up in kitchen
write needs and wants and journal
list what else I need to do - there are a few things on the edge of my mind which it would help me if I deal with soon

Love and Peace


Rexroth Check Out

Done all of above and now to play on computer, drink tea and get to bed early.

Night Folks


Rise In Flames Check In @ 9:00 AM EST

Hope everyone has a great Saturday. As usual, this list is subject to revision

 Work List:

  • Time Tracker
  • Status Report
  • *Clear out inbox

Home List:

  • Clean bathroom
  • Clean kitchen
  • *Clean rest of house
  • *Sweep leaves from back yard