Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
CherryPicker introduces himself
My name is CherryPicker and I am a chronic procrastinator.
It is slowly destroying my relationships and my dreams.
I am here because I need external support to beat this destructive habit.
I hope using this forum and the daily check-in will help to make a difference.
See you in the forums!
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Welcome Cherry!
Keep coming back.
"Bless the present. Trust yourself. Expect the best." --Steve Nobel
Good luck CherryPicker!
You've made a good step. Keep coming here every day and checking in. It definitely helps. :)
"It is never too late to be who you might have been" - George Eliot
"Fall seven times. Stand up eight." - Japanese proverb
Thanks for your support. Ok,
Thanks for your support. Ok, its been nearly 13 weeks since I was last here.
But I AM back and I AM determined to succeed.
I can DO THIS !
Hi CherryPicker
Welcome!! I can very much relate. It has been important for me to be here to realize that others are in the same boat and are recovering.
Best of luck,
♥"Together we could do, what we could not do alone.♥
Hello from a fellow newbie
I just joined myself.
The feeling of simply being among others who are going through the same thing is helping me to build a little hope one day at a time. Checkins and chat are really helpful.
Wishing you strength on your journey.