Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday, Dec. 10, 2009



Completed all goals today. Last one change and two were added.

Thanks for being here. jkl

re: jkl completed all goals



How you spend your days is how you live your life - Edge

complete task list, get new

complete task list, get new pass, tidy: house and car.

OCz 10dic09

  1. a minute to talk to God! 
  2. review status of HP PO
  3. review status of CaVc PO
  4. attend meeting 10:00-10:30
  5. deliver Pp
  6. review bgt/exps


kromer 10 CI

Lots of work today! (again...)


MITs for today:
*check on cells, email CB
*analyze sequence data (working on this now--turns out this is a very big task that involved learning a bunch of new stuff, so I probably won't get it done today.)
*class mtg + prep
*harambee+phone calls (need to leave for this around 5:45)
*call NEMBF (missed my chance to do this unfortunately)
*mail stuff, pick up subway pass (will do this soon)
*look into HPLC, send email
*work on stats final (type up fairly easy parts, microburst extra credit) (working on this now)
*grocery shopping

Other tasks:
*resuspend primers, RT plan, sign up (will do this after Harambee, it's a good late-night activity)
*notes from mtg
*bible study (this probably isn't going to happen today)
*more presents
*holiday party
*look for papers
*read review

OK, that looks long but the tasks are each pretty small. Going to check on cells and analyze sequence data now. 

GeorgeSmiley 12/10

Thank you for the lovely day-starter. And also the private nudge...

It's been a bit of an up and down time. A lot of my energy has been devoted to helping Mrs. GS w/ the move of her dad from one assisted living place to another, the new one a memory care facility for patients w/ dementia. 

I've been getting my work done, but just barely and distractions are many.

It's becoming increasingly clear that I'm better off trying to focus most of my days on one project. Transitions are just not very good for me and trying to jump between too many things in a day is deadly. 

Even this morning I've let myself drift off task. But now I'm back.


Project P-02

Project L-C

Project A-E

Project W

Project M-D







Want what you have. Be who you are. Do what you can. ~Forrest Church (1948-2009)


The Hero's Code:

Show Up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go o

Thank you, and updates

Thanks for the good thoughts. 

Update, 2:09 PM:

Project P-02Smile

Project L-C

Project A-ESmile 2:22 PM: Advanced the ball for today

Project W

Project M-D







Want what you have. Be who you are. Do what you can. ~Forrest Church (1948-2009)


The Hero's Code:

Show Up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go o


Nice to see you :grin:.  

We went through that with my Dad earlier this year.   It's very sad and stressful, and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. 


How you spend your days is how you live your life - Edge

Vic 12/10

Showing up (done) Have a plan , now to pray for willingness to be willing.

ck back


1.       -10 6 done 4 more. made a mistake today and took a couple of hr to remedy. feel .............

Journey 9:30

I've been to the gym, read email, and checked my calendar (it's empty yay - NO meetings today!).   Going for coffee and then I'll make my todo list for the day.   I'm working on Project V all day, but I need to think about the individual tasks for today.

I finished my todo list yesterday although I skimped on the last two items on the list, but at least I worked on them some.  I'll count that as being mostly successful, eh?

Back later!


How you spend your days is how you live your life - Edge

Really pretty scene, Jo

Where do you get html graphics other than on our fabulous site?

Anyway, depressed about not hearing back. Need courage today to call and find out why if I can and he is willing to tell me. Feel like a failure, fraud, horrible person. Oh well.

I have lots & lots to do at work and will hopefully bookend all day. I need to stay out of my personal emails.

I'll keep myself happy with this image:

Need to get signatures of contract together for boss.

♥"Together we could do, what we could not do alone.♥

Tears of thanks FreedomRoads/Erin

You don't know how much you helped me!! Many hugs to you.


♥"Together we could do, what we could not do alone.♥


That pic is from this site, I'm not that good at the graphics, although I think you can use anything that has a URL.   I've used photobucket pictures before, I think. 

Vic is the one who does the awesome graphics, maybe she'll share some ideas with us!


How you spend your days is how you live your life - Edge