Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I'm very tired. I'm 2.5 hours late starting my bedtime routine, which usually takes an hour. Maybe I'll just crash on the couch. :(
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 7:30am (target: 7am).
Post first check-in and CUOP.
Morning Routine
Day Plan
Check email, and write "next week" emails to clients.
Clear spam folder.
Updated PPC version of my financial software (paid for this) only to discover that no version of MS Money on the PPC works with MS Money 2007, which is what I have. :( I wasted a lot of time trying to get this to work before I finally did a search on the problem and discovered what Microsoft did.
Sorted all the loose checking account receipts by month and year. (Some are missing. Oh well.)
Emailed Microsoft Money customer support, and asked if I could back out to Money 2006 so I could sync with my Pocket PC. How could Microsoft do that? They're such creeps.
AA meeting followed by dinner with friends.
Experimenting with trial version of MS Money 2006 (various things - didn't work. That's why I'm up so late).
Ta Da:
--TAKE SOMETHING--ANYTHING--TO STORAGE UNIT TO GET IT OUT OF THE WAY! (Rounded up kids and took boxes out of my study at church. My study--still not unpacked one year after it was built--was getting to be an embarassment. Plus, it was still boxed so it was easy to move. Barely made a dent in our overall clutter, but that's all that would fit in the car, and it is at least a symbolic start. I also took an EVIL wire CD holder that keeps flopping over and spilling all the CDs and which I have come HATE. Most of the stuff I take over to the storage unit will be going there to make room for organizing back home, and will return little by little for re-integrating after judicious culling. Not that,though--it's on its way to a thrift store! At least it is out of my house!) Kids thought the gated entry and the way the gate rises up was cool.
To Do:
--reboot laundry
--What else needs doing today?
--everyone start bedtime routine at 9 pm, taking turns where needed.
--go to bed at 10 pm!!!!!
Will have to be postponed:
--Review Control Journal in progress. (How can we all work together to get it done? What will the kids do? What will I do? What can we ask DH to do (or what does he already do?))
--Am vertical (to borrow from pro recently)
--had coffee
--looked at my schedule (WOO HOO! WTG!)
--talked to DH about schedule and what I've been researching regarding smartphone, laptop/notebook, etc. and received great encouragement
--got DH to go over to church and turn off the water I left on last night in the flowerbed
--decided to dress w/o showering today to run washing machine
--selected a load of clothes and loaded washing machine
--apply lotion and deodorant
--get dressed
--brush teeth
--washed hair in sink
--comb hair
--wash face and treat eyebrows
--put on makeup
--stamp Power of Attorney envelope (HA! When I looked at it, it was already stamped business return mail)
--drive to storage unit rental place and sign on (YES!!! :) I sprang for 10'X10' climate-controlled one at a steep $90/month--no excuses now for not working there due to temperature, and the fee may motivate me to hurry up and get it done).
--drive to nursing home
--sign POA
--copied POA (didn't think of that earlier)
--put POA in mail
--nursing home routine (I'll likely be late, but go in to lunch anyhow)(Actually I picked up fast food and skipped lunch room after all)
--got milkshake before shopping (lunch was skimpy)
--went to hardware store for wheelbarrow and padlock
--went to grocery store
--picked up shake for DS on way home (he called and asked for one)
--once home, quick dinner for all--cuop and rest
Blew off:
--quit work AT five (no later) (I left work at 5:30)
--pick up DS at college campus at 5:15 (called him to tell him I was coming, but he was already home--got a ride)
--talk with DS about how things are going enroute to home (pay attention to HIM, don't focus on other things--except driving, ha!)(not doing it now)
To Do:
--reboot laundry
--What else needs doing today? Review Control Journal in progress. (How can we all work together to get it done? What will the kids do? What will I do? What can we ask DH to do (or what does he already do?))
--everyone start bedtime routine at 9 pm, taking turns where needed.
--go to bed at 10 pm!!!!!
You said you are renting storage and putting stuff there. Question: Do you really need this stuff? Should you be paying to store this stuff, or is it stuff you don't really need and should be tossing (selling, throwing out, donating, whatever)? Just a question - many people store stuff they don't really need.
Couldn't decide where to put "do nursing home routine" because I did most of it but skipped lunch. I was undecided between Ta Da and Blew Off, yet somehow it ended up at the end of To Do. I did all the rest! So I moved it to Done, with a disclaimer.
Check email, and write "next week" emails to clients.
Clear spam folder.
Updated PPC version of my financial software (paid for this) only to discover that no version of MS Money on the PPC works with MS Money 2007, which is what I have. :( I wasted a lot of time trying to get this to work before I finally did a search on the problem and discovered what Microsoft did.
Sorted all the loose checking account receipts by month and year. (Some are missing. Oh well.)
Emailed Microsoft Money customer support, and asked if I could back out to Money 2006 so I could sync with my Pocket PC. How could Microsoft do that? They're such creeps.
I hope you are able to do what you need to without the 2006 software. I have no clue what it involves, having never done any accounting nor having used any money software. I did bookkeeping once--with paper and pencil--for a resort. Interestingly, that's when I learned I have discalculia (I reverse numbers in a sequence). But I did it--so I'm guessing that even without your preferred software, there's still ~something~ you can do. So I'm rooting for you, pro! Go get it!
Being obsessive, I still have not let this go. I found a beta of the PPC software that is supposed to sync with MS Money 2007, but it doesn't work for me. I posted a message in the company's forum, and now I will go do something else!!
Empty dish drain and wash any dishes from previous day.
Make and eat breakfast.
Wash breakfast dishes.
Make bed (convert futon back into couch).
Take out pills for the day.
Swallow morning pills.
Meditate and pray.
Review to-do list and make a plan for the day.
Day Plan
Check email, and write "next week" emails to clients.
Clear spam folder.
Updated PPC version of my financial software (paid for this) only to discover that no version of MS Money on the PPC works with MS Money 2007, which is what I have. :( I wasted a lot of time trying to get this to work before I finally did a search on the problem and discovered what Microsoft did.
Ate junk food
Watched DVD
DSO said he was going to buy me a present today. Sadly, he didn't, but he was ~going~ to. He's being very nice to me now - even cooking a meal he hates cooking.
I've been to supervision. Not thinking straight. Got home and my car had gone. When I thought it through I realised I'd left it at a shop and walked home, duh! So I went back and got it.
I'm going to take Milo's advice and do something I like - I've got chocolate, crisps, popcorn and a DVD, so I'm blowing off my ToDos for today. I'm calling in sick. My boss will understand (oh! That'll be me!). Um, actually, work-day finishes in 10 mins anyway (at least I made progress on one Project, even if it ~was~ because someone else called me). And I've been to supervision.
Maybe I'm blowing off date night? I don't feel like having a date tonight, that's for sure.
I am not off to such a hot start--slept till nine and an hour later I ahaven't accomplished much. I feel like berating myself and moaning and wailing how awful I am, BUT--I truly believe that whatever we give our energy to is what we manifest, so if I sit around thinking, "I am a worthless person," then all I'm doing is reinforcing that energy and thinking in my life. SO STOP IT, SLIDER! There.
--Am vertical (to borrow from pro recently)
--had coffee
--looked at my schedule (WOO HOO! WTG!)
--talked to DH about schedule and what I've been researching regarding smartphone, laptop/notebook, etc. and received great encouragement
--got DH to go over to church and turn off the water I left on last night in the flowerbed (he is dressed and I am not--the payoff to not getting dressed, hmm? ;) )
--decided to dress w/o showering today to run washing machine
--selected a load of clothes and loaded washing machine
To Do:
--apply lotion and deodorant
--get dressed
--brush teeth
--comb hair
--wash face and treat eyebrows
--put on makeup
--stamp Power of Attorney envelope
--drive to storage unit rental place and sign on
--drive to nursing home
--sign POA
--put POA in mail
--nursing home routine (I'll likely be late, but go in to lunch anyhow)
--quit work AT five (no later)
--pick up DS at college campus at 5:15
--talk with DS about how things are going enroute to home (pay attention to HIM, don't focus on other things--except driving, ha!)
--once home, snacks/drinks for all, rest a little, then regroup
--reboot laundry
--What else needs doing today? Review Control Journal in progress. (How can we all work together to get it done? What will the kids do? What will I do? What can we ask DH to do (or what does he already do?))
--everyone start bedtime routine at 9 pm, taking turns where needed.
--go to bed at 10 pm!!!!! :)
*Beginning of Workday Routine
*CUOP (no work)
*Phone call about branding (I've been putting off this sort of thing for years - it's one of my Projects now)
*Obsessively CUOP on ~all~ posts (now I know the story of the Mac - what happened to the Amazon order though? Did I miss that bit?)
*Go to supervision (due in 15 mins! Gotta go!)
*Project 3
*End of Workday Routine
*Daytime Routine
*Menu planning
*Shopping list
*Date night
*Early night
~~~Blew Off~~~
*sh@% nearly forgot - got a supervision meeting this afternoon. I'm not really in a good frame of mind for this. I need to spend some time thinking about it this time or I'll waste it.
>*Obsessively CUOP on ~all~ posts (now I know the story of the Mac - what happened to the Amazon order though? Did I miss that bit?)
LOL! :D Here's what happened...
I bought what was advertised as a new MacBook on eBay. The price I paid was the same price I'd have paid if I'd bought it on, and I regreted buying it on eBay right after I did it because is a trusted seller and I didn't know the eBay guy.
The MacBook arrived and it wasn't "new, sealed in box" as stated. It had been opened and used. The seal was ripped open, and there were fingerprints and sticky spots on the case. I emailed the seller and said I wanted him to either take it back for a full refund (including paying for my return shipping charges), or give me a partial refund because I wasn't getting a new machine and so didn't want to pay the price of a new machine.
He offered me both options, but I didn't see this because the partial refund offer landed in my spam folder. I saw the message saying he'd take it back, so I packed it up and placed and order on
Then I cleared out my spam folder (which I'm supposed to do every morning but didn't that day), and saw that he was willing to give me a partial refund. I preferred that because then I wouldn't have to wait, and also I'm broke (I don't know why I bought this in the first place). I emailed him, we agreed on a discount, and then I had to run around reversing everything. I retrieved the box with the MacBook from Mailboxes, Etc., and cancelled my order. He then send the partial refund to me through PayPal, I gave him great feedback on eBay, and I was the owner of a new MacBook which I obsessed over all day yesterday. ;)
*Beginning of Workday Routine
*CUOP (no work)
*Phone call about branding (I've been putting off this sort of thing for years - it's one of my Projects now)
*sh@% nearly forgot - got a supervision meeting this afternoon. I'm not really in a good frame of mind for this. I need to spend some time thinking about it this time or I'll waste it.
*Go to supervision
*Project 3
*End of Workday Routine
*Daytime Routine
*Menu planning
*Shopping list
*Date night
*Early night
Nice chatting with you Norm, but I have to go to bed. DS will start the day at dawn because we have taken his curtains down to paint his room. So I'd better get to bed so I don't mind the early wake-up call so much :).
I hope your day picks up a little bit, I'll be thinking of you.
So goodnight all!!! And pro, try to stick to a schedule for playing with the Mac, OKAY?????!!! I won't be here to kick your butt, but Normy will ;)
Being missing and being troubled aren't connected, BTW ;) I was just missing because of my long payroll days. I've had some good positive feedback at work - an administrator said I was 'very efficient' and two other people said they were impressed with me. (See - just don't tell them what your projects are, and make sure everyone knows about it when you ~do~ finish something!).
Feeling down because DSO is being totally unsupportive and distant. I feel like the housekeeper round here. Then some stuff some friends talked about triggered some old stuff for me that still rankles me (is that a word? It should be). My Dfriend's devastated because her DDad died and I'm physically distant from her and don't feel I can be much help. There are lots of people dying at the moment (I know there always are - but not always in my sphere of experience). I'm also having some grieving stuff going on re clients. Most of my work is with people with cancer and their families. I dreamt I was running my usual Tuesday morning class, and some of the clients who used to be in that class were there, still alive. I miss them. I've got several other clients going through a very difficult time at the moment, and more than my usual number in the palliative stage. This is why we have supervision - it can affect our work. I know I'll be OK with it - I just need to acknowledge that sometimes I'm sad.
It must be hard dealing with so much loss. I lost my Dad to cancer recently. He was young and it was a hideous time for us. I am still very emotional about it and miss him so much it hurts. So I know what you're feeling to a certain extent when you miss them.
You've got the right attitude about it - acknowledge it, feel it and it will be released.
Our DSOs give us some grief, don't they?! Yes, rankles is a word, I think. I hate it when my DH goes all distant and emotionally unavailable. I guess we just have to wait until they come out of their cave. Because they do.......eventually :). Just don't chase him, or he'll hide even longer! Then when he 'comes back' you can talk about how it made you feel, perhaps.
Good work at your job! I had my dreaded talk with my boss yesterday and she's probably going to create a new contract position for me to avoid me going under performance management and give me some time to find another job (and save face). She really has been good to me considering how poorly I've performed.
Why don't you do something you love this afternoon to lift your spirits?
I can't think of anything I love. A friend texted me this morning, and I asked him if he wanted to do something, he said what, I said dunno. I just can't think of anything.
You ARE down, aren't you?! Why don't you go to a bookstore and just wander around for a hour or two, reading and checking out a whole lot of different kids of books? You love books!!!!
pro's CI - 12:30am (Friday)
I'm very tired. I'm 2.5 hours late starting my bedtime routine, which usually takes an hour. Maybe I'll just crash on the couch. :(
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
slider's 8:30 pm CI
Ta Da:
--TAKE SOMETHING--ANYTHING--TO STORAGE UNIT TO GET IT OUT OF THE WAY! (Rounded up kids and took boxes out of my study at church. My study--still not unpacked one year after it was built--was getting to be an embarassment. Plus, it was still boxed so it was easy to move. Barely made a dent in our overall clutter, but that's all that would fit in the car, and it is at least a symbolic start. I also took an EVIL wire CD holder that keeps flopping over and spilling all the CDs and which I have come HATE. Most of the stuff I take over to the storage unit will be going there to make room for organizing back home, and will return little by little for re-integrating after judicious culling. Not that,though--it's on its way to a thrift store! At least it is out of my house!) Kids thought the gated entry and the way the gate rises up was cool.
To Do:
--reboot laundry
--What else needs doing today?
--everyone start bedtime routine at 9 pm, taking turns where needed.
--go to bed at 10 pm!!!!!
Will have to be postponed:
--Review Control Journal in progress. (How can we all work together to get it done? What will the kids do? What will I do? What can we ask DH to do (or what does he already do?))
slider's 7:30 CI
--Am vertical (to borrow from pro recently)
--had coffee
--looked at my schedule (WOO HOO! WTG!)
--talked to DH about schedule and what I've been researching regarding smartphone, laptop/notebook, etc. and received great encouragement
--got DH to go over to church and turn off the water I left on last night in the flowerbed
--decided to dress w/o showering today to run washing machine
--selected a load of clothes and loaded washing machine
--apply lotion and deodorant
--get dressed
--brush teeth
--washed hair in sink
--comb hair
--wash face and treat eyebrows
--put on makeup
--stamp Power of Attorney envelope (HA! When I looked at it, it was already stamped business return mail)
--drive to storage unit rental place and sign on (YES!!! :) I sprang for 10'X10' climate-controlled one at a steep $90/month--no excuses now for not working there due to temperature, and the fee may motivate me to hurry up and get it done).
--drive to nursing home
--sign POA
--copied POA (didn't think of that earlier)
--put POA in mail
--nursing home routine (I'll likely be late, but go in to lunch anyhow)(Actually I picked up fast food and skipped lunch room after all)
--got milkshake before shopping (lunch was skimpy)
--went to hardware store for wheelbarrow and padlock
--went to grocery store
--picked up shake for DS on way home (he called and asked for one)
--once home, quick dinner for all--cuop and rest
Blew off:
--quit work AT five (no later) (I left work at 5:30)
--pick up DS at college campus at 5:15 (called him to tell him I was coming, but he was already home--got a ride)
--talk with DS about how things are going enroute to home (pay attention to HIM, don't focus on other things--except driving, ha!)(not doing it now)
To Do:
--reboot laundry
--What else needs doing today? Review Control Journal in progress. (How can we all work together to get it done? What will the kids do? What will I do? What can we ask DH to do (or what does he already do?))
--everyone start bedtime routine at 9 pm, taking turns where needed.
--go to bed at 10 pm!!!!!
getting stuff out of the way
You said you are renting storage and putting stuff there. Question: Do you really need this stuff? Should you be paying to store this stuff, or is it stuff you don't really need and should be tossing (selling, throwing out, donating, whatever)? Just a question - many people store stuff they don't really need.
Ha! Ha! Didn't give myself credit
Couldn't decide where to put "do nursing home routine" because I did most of it but skipped lunch. I was undecided between Ta Da and Blew Off, yet somehow it ended up at the end of To Do. I did all the rest! So I moved it to Done, with a disclaimer.
pro's CI - 5:20pm
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Carry on!
I hope you are able to do what you need to without the 2006 software. I have no clue what it involves, having never done any accounting nor having used any money software. I did bookkeeping once--with paper and pencil--for a resort. Interestingly, that's when I learned I have discalculia (I reverse numbers in a sequence). But I did it--so I'm guessing that even without your preferred software, there's still ~something~ you can do. So I'm rooting for you, pro! Go get it!
pro's CI - 4:15pm
Being obsessive, I still have not let this go. I found a beta of the PPC software that is supposed to sync with MS Money 2007, but it doesn't work for me. I posted a message in the company's forum, and now I will go do something else!!
pro's CI - 3:35pm
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Norm 7.10 pm
Ate junk food
Watched DVD
DSO said he was going to buy me a present today. Sadly, he didn't, but he was ~going~ to. He's being very nice to me now - even cooking a meal he hates cooking.
Date night
pro's CI - 12:20pm
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Norm 4.50
How's it going pro?
I've been to supervision. Not thinking straight. Got home and my car had gone. When I thought it through I realised I'd left it at a shop and walked home, duh! So I went back and got it.
I'm going to take Milo's advice and do something I like - I've got chocolate, crisps, popcorn and a DVD, so I'm blowing off my ToDos for today. I'm calling in sick. My boss will understand (oh! That'll be me!). Um, actually, work-day finishes in 10 mins anyway (at least I made progress on one Project, even if it ~was~ because someone else called me). And I've been to supervision.
Maybe I'm blowing off date night? I don't feel like having a date tonight, that's for sure.
Starting Now--slider's 10 am CI
I am not off to such a hot start--slept till nine and an hour later I ahaven't accomplished much. I feel like berating myself and moaning and wailing how awful I am, BUT--I truly believe that whatever we give our energy to is what we manifest, so if I sit around thinking, "I am a worthless person," then all I'm doing is reinforcing that energy and thinking in my life. SO STOP IT, SLIDER! There.
--Am vertical (to borrow from pro recently)
--had coffee
--looked at my schedule (WOO HOO! WTG!)
--talked to DH about schedule and what I've been researching regarding smartphone, laptop/notebook, etc. and received great encouragement
--got DH to go over to church and turn off the water I left on last night in the flowerbed (he is dressed and I am not--the payoff to not getting dressed, hmm? ;) )
--decided to dress w/o showering today to run washing machine
--selected a load of clothes and loaded washing machine
To Do:
--apply lotion and deodorant
--get dressed
--brush teeth
--comb hair
--wash face and treat eyebrows
--put on makeup
--stamp Power of Attorney envelope
--drive to storage unit rental place and sign on
--drive to nursing home
--sign POA
--put POA in mail
--nursing home routine (I'll likely be late, but go in to lunch anyhow)
--quit work AT five (no later)
--pick up DS at college campus at 5:15
--talk with DS about how things are going enroute to home (pay attention to HIM, don't focus on other things--except driving, ha!)
--once home, snacks/drinks for all, rest a little, then regroup
--reboot laundry
--What else needs doing today? Review Control Journal in progress. (How can we all work together to get it done? What will the kids do? What will I do? What can we ask DH to do (or what does he already do?))
--everyone start bedtime routine at 9 pm, taking turns where needed.
--go to bed at 10 pm!!!!! :)
Reading the other posts reminded me that CUOP is a good thing, and I can add it to my Ta Da list, and I also need to take meds! Thanks, Pro!
pro's CI - 9:35am
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Norm's 2.30 pm BE
*Beginning of Workday Routine
*CUOP (no work)
*Phone call about branding (I've been putting off this sort of thing for years - it's one of my Projects now)
*Obsessively CUOP on ~all~ posts (now I know the story of the Mac - what happened to the Amazon order though? Did I miss that bit?)
*Go to supervision (due in 15 mins! Gotta go!)
*Project 3
*End of Workday Routine
*Daytime Routine
*Menu planning
*Shopping list
*Date night
*Early night
~~~Blew Off~~~
*sh@% nearly forgot - got a supervision meeting this afternoon. I'm not really in a good frame of mind for this. I need to spend some time thinking about it this time or I'll waste it.
No time left for this now, bah!
story of the Mac
>*Obsessively CUOP on ~all~ posts (now I know the story of the Mac - what happened to the Amazon order though? Did I miss that bit?)
LOL! :D Here's what happened...
I bought what was advertised as a new MacBook on eBay. The price I paid was the same price I'd have paid if I'd bought it on, and I regreted buying it on eBay right after I did it because is a trusted seller and I didn't know the eBay guy.
The MacBook arrived and it wasn't "new, sealed in box" as stated. It had been opened and used. The seal was ripped open, and there were fingerprints and sticky spots on the case. I emailed the seller and said I wanted him to either take it back for a full refund (including paying for my return shipping charges), or give me a partial refund because I wasn't getting a new machine and so didn't want to pay the price of a new machine.
He offered me both options, but I didn't see this because the partial refund offer landed in my spam folder. I saw the message saying he'd take it back, so I packed it up and placed and order on
Then I cleared out my spam folder (which I'm supposed to do every morning but didn't that day), and saw that he was willing to give me a partial refund. I preferred that because then I wouldn't have to wait, and also I'm broke (I don't know why I bought this in the first place). I emailed him, we agreed on a discount, and then I had to run around reversing everything. I retrieved the box with the MacBook from Mailboxes, Etc., and cancelled my order. He then send the partial refund to me through PayPal, I gave him great feedback on eBay, and I was the owner of a new MacBook which I obsessed over all day yesterday. ;)
Norm's 1.10 pm BE
I'm feeling emotionally drained today. Procrastinating.
*Beginning of Workday Routine
*CUOP (no work)
*Phone call about branding (I've been putting off this sort of thing for years - it's one of my Projects now)
*sh@% nearly forgot - got a supervision meeting this afternoon. I'm not really in a good frame of mind for this. I need to spend some time thinking about it this time or I'll waste it.
*Go to supervision
*Project 3
*End of Workday Routine
*Daytime Routine
*Menu planning
*Shopping list
*Date night
*Early night
Nice chatting with you Norm, but I have to go to bed. DS will start the day at dawn because we have taken his curtains down to paint his room. So I'd better get to bed so I don't mind the early wake-up call so much :).
I hope your day picks up a little bit, I'll be thinking of you.
So goodnight all!!! And pro, try to stick to a schedule for playing with the Mac, OKAY?????!!! I won't be here to kick your butt, but Normy will ;)
Goodnight Milo!
Hi Norm!!!
Missed you the last couple of days :)
What's toubling you?????
Hi Milo
Being missing and being troubled aren't connected, BTW ;) I was just missing because of my long payroll days. I've had some good positive feedback at work - an administrator said I was 'very efficient' and two other people said they were impressed with me. (See - just don't tell them what your projects are, and make sure everyone knows about it when you ~do~ finish something!).
Feeling down because DSO is being totally unsupportive and distant. I feel like the housekeeper round here. Then some stuff some friends talked about triggered some old stuff for me that still rankles me (is that a word? It should be). My Dfriend's devastated because her DDad died and I'm physically distant from her and don't feel I can be much help. There are lots of people dying at the moment (I know there always are - but not always in my sphere of experience). I'm also having some grieving stuff going on re clients. Most of my work is with people with cancer and their families. I dreamt I was running my usual Tuesday morning class, and some of the clients who used to be in that class were there, still alive. I miss them. I've got several other clients going through a very difficult time at the moment, and more than my usual number in the palliative stage. This is why we have supervision - it can affect our work. I know I'll be OK with it - I just need to acknowledge that sometimes I'm sad.
Sad stuff
I knew you had payroll :)
It must be hard dealing with so much loss. I lost my Dad to cancer recently. He was young and it was a hideous time for us. I am still very emotional about it and miss him so much it hurts. So I know what you're feeling to a certain extent when you miss them.
You've got the right attitude about it - acknowledge it, feel it and it will be released.
Our DSOs give us some grief, don't they?! Yes, rankles is a word, I think. I hate it when my DH goes all distant and emotionally unavailable. I guess we just have to wait until they come out of their cave. Because they do.......eventually :). Just don't chase him, or he'll hide even longer! Then when he 'comes back' you can talk about how it made you feel, perhaps.
Good work at your job! I had my dreaded talk with my boss yesterday and she's probably going to create a new contract position for me to avoid me going under performance management and give me some time to find another job (and save face). She really has been good to me considering how poorly I've performed.
Why don't you do something you love this afternoon to lift your spirits?
No creative juice
I can't think of anything I love. A friend texted me this morning, and I asked him if he wanted to do something, he said what, I said dunno. I just can't think of anything.
You ARE down, aren't you?! Why don't you go to a bookstore and just wander around for a hour or two, reading and checking out a whole lot of different kids of books? You love books!!!!
pro's CI - 7:50am
Cover on Mac is closed.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Hmm, looks like pro's got the new toy then ;)
Morning pro!
Good morning! Good to see the Mac hasn't drawn you in yet ;)
I will be checking in tomorrow so will have to wait until then to check up on how it went!!!!!!!
You're like Gollum and The Ring..."my prrrecioussss....." :D