Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
But I did something I have been meaning to do for over a year, since we got this computer: I opened up the Microsoft Office stuff, looked at it, and learned how to use the calendar (easy, but I've never used a calendar program before :jawdrop: ). I have entered all my appointments until December, and also entered all our family birthdays and anniversaries. It's so great the way it repeats--my cellphone won't do any repeats except by date, while this one let me repeat by day(s) of the week and week of the month, etc. I even adjusted all the repeating dates that have irregularities. 8) All done! And with reminders! I know there are some ADD-recommended calendars with ticklers and alarms, and I might try them sometime, but I'm proud of myself for getting this far! And it wasn't time-binging (I remained conscious, for the most part, he, he) but a good response to realizing I needed to print out some kind of calendar pages. I had searched online for printable downloads, and then I finally remembered there's a program in here. And the only thing I am procrastinating about at the moment is going to bed.
So off to bedtime routine and lights out. Good night, everybody!
I'm reading an online book about the Mac OS X. I didn't realize it had a full BSD Unix implementation. This is really cool. There's so much to learn. I haven't felt like a novice with a computer for years. I could easily stay up all night reading this book, and I have to guard against that. I'm going to slowly start my bedtime routine so I really do get to bed early tonight.
I have been a happy Mac user for many years. I have to use a "Winderz" box at my 9-5 but I have had a Mac (actually several) at home for about a dozen years. Glad to see you enjoying thinking different. ;-) Plus it is nice to see Mac ported to an Intel chip. The newest Mac's can actually run both OS's 8-) but I don't know why you would want to. Once you've tried Mac, you'll never go back. }:)
It has always bothered me that "think different" is ungrammatical. Think differentLY!!
I'm really enjoying exploring this MacBook. There's so much to learn. I'm a Windows guru, but I'm a total novice on a Mac. The last time I used one was at a job about 15 years ago. They are different now! The Mac I used was constantly crashing. That bomb icon - AUGH!!
Actually, I used one other Mac - the very first one released, that funny little box. They got one at the graduate school computer facility where I was working on a PhD. I tried it and thought, "What's the point of this little thing?" and went back to the IBM mainframe I was used to using. ;)
I don't feel like going to the gym tonight. I think I'm just going to learn about my new Mac. I spent a lot of money on it. I may as well learn how to use it! I'll get back to work tomorrow.
AND I'M GETTING TO BED EARLY TONIGHT. I'm setting the alarm to get up early in the morning tomorrow, whether I feel like it or not!!
I got the partial refund on my MacBook, so it's mine and I can unbox it and play with it. I'll do that just a little while before getting back to my to-do list.
Glad you got money off and are getting to enjoy your new toy already. Made a good reward, huh?
I didn't finish bookending yesterday or check in today because all the phone lines to the church and parsonage got cut (and my internet access is dial-up). Some fellow up the road is putting in a new barbed wire fence, and one of his post holes cut the main line for our side of the road. :jawdrop: I was ready to curse him, but if it means they FINALLY lay a high-speed capable line, I'll bless him instead! ;) However, since it's fixed already, I guess they just patched it. The line was installed in 1967, they told me. Bummer.
Was planning to buy myself a palm treo phone, but today I visited a cingular store and found out there will be a nearly $50/month fee for data, so I'm thinking I'll consider a laptop instead. The internet access I am trying out on my lg phone is EXTREMELY cumbersome, so I think I'll cancel that, too, while I'm at it. A laptop would still let me use some of my free time at the nursing home productively and even let me prepare bulletins and flyers, etc--though I don't know if I can access a printer to finish the job. But at least getting it started is better than nothing! My secret reason is that I can use some of my free time here and there working on my fiction writing! Seriously!
I guess I should write to my clients next. I hate doing that - big "frogs". It will feel good to have it done. I'll focus on that.
The eBay seller hasn't sent the partial refund yet. He must have gone out (I hope - hope it's not because he's waffling). This whole thing is giving me a headache. I'd like it to be resolved.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 8:30am (target: 7am).
Post first check-in and CUOP.
Morning Routine
Shower and dress.
Empty dish drain and wash any dishes from previous day.
Make bed (convert futon back into couch).
Take out pills for the day.
Swallow morning pills.
Make and eat breakfast.
Wash breakfast dishes.
Meditate and pray.
Review to-do list and make a plan for the day.
Day Plan
Mail back MacBook.
Scan and email shipping receipt to seller.
Check mail and spam folder.
Answer customer messages.
Retrieve MacBook I was returning from Mailboxes, Etc.
My leverage was the feedback on eBay. I could have really reamed him, and it would have had an effect on his business. He didn't want that, so he did the right thing. His first message to me was nasty - until he realized (because I pointed it out) that I hadn't left feedback yet. Then poof! He was sweet as pie. And I did leave him very good feedback (right after he refunded part of my purchase price).
It makes me nervous that this machine was opened and used since I don't know what the circumstances were, but it seems to be working fine.
Some messages from the eBay seller landed in my spam folder - messages I really wish I'd seen. I'm waiting to hear back from him now. Probably it will be too late.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 8:30am (target: 7am).
Post first check-in and CUOP.
Morning Routine
Shower and dress.
Empty dish drain and wash any dishes from previous day.
I tried to speed up my morning routine this morning by eating breakfast while I did other things. I don't know if I'll continue to do that, but I do need to limit the amount of time I spend eating breakfast. That can extend out too long. Also, much as I don't like eating breakfast after showering, etc., I think I should do that - make it a reward for finishing other stuff. Also, that way if I start working while eating (as I often do), I'll be dressed when I do it!
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 8:30am (target: 7am).
Post first check-in and CUOP.
Morning Routine
Shower and dress.
Empty dish drain and wash any dishes from previous day.
If I try doing something else at the same time as breakfast, it just drags out the breakfast (and is bad for my digestion!). I tend to do the getting myself ready stuff first, partly because I'm not usually hungry first thing, and partly because I soon am so I want to finish so I can get my breakfast! I'm probably using it as a reward, like you say Pro, but I just hadn't thought about it in that way.
Re headaches etc, if I wake up early and get up, I feel groggy at first then wake up OK. If I go back to sleep and try to wake up at my 'normal' time (currently in a state of flux) I'm even more groggy, find it hard to get up, and often have a headache. Got my first migrainey signals for a long time the other day, but managed to fend it off. Got a fat eye today like you had the other day pro. Just the one for me though.
Just got up. Bad. I woke up at 7:10am and then decided I was still tired and went back to sleep. At 7:10am I did not have a migraine. Now I do. That is probably a sign (or maybe punishment). I need to get back on track with my wake-up and bed times. I have to start my evening routine at 10pm, in bed by 11pm, and up at 7am. That works a lot better for me.
Milo - it's so odd that you are living your day while I'm sleeping. I haven't CUOP yet. My head hurts and I need coffee first.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 8:30am (target: 7am).
Post first check-in and CUOP.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Morning Routine
Shower and dress.
Empty dish drain and wash any dishes from previous day.
I have been testing my typing speed on the net in case I get an interview and they ask me what it is :O.
Ta Da:
- helped DH get out the door with the kids on time
- called in sick
- had water and vitamins
- morning routine (shower, dress, calendar, s'n's, brunch)
- scrubbed shower (and ruined a bathmat - I am not used to using harsh chemicals and got spray on it...oops :()
- applied for a job I *really* want (but am TRYING not to get my hopes up)
- watched a DVD (but got bored and washed the floors while it was on!)
- put some washing out on the line (nice day today..I smell spring! Yay!)
- vacuumed rug and washed family room floor (and bathroom floor)
- printed and sent report to client A
- wrapped some presents for friends I have been majorly procrastinating on. I DID IT!!!! Now I have to mail them....
- followed up on client B (left message, so not really a ta da yet...)
- followed up another client I wasn't intending to
- daytime routine (5 minute room rescue in every room, 15 minutes in zone, reboot laundry)
- prepared dinner
- opened up all the windows and aired the house, it's a gorgeous day
- decided to wash our curtains because when I opened the windows all it did is blow dust into the room from the curtains!!!!!! Eew!
- rang DSD for his birthday (he did well trying to have a conversation with a 2 year-old who just nods and smiles into the phone or says strange things like "Pay twain!" when they have no idea he's telling them he wants to play with his train - very cute :))
- dusted family room
- got the kids fed, bathed and to bed
- ate dinner with the kids
- brought the washing in from the line and hung out the curtain
- fed DDog
- reviewed master to-do
- found out I type fast enough for a clerical job..if I can go back and spell-check ;)
Ta Do:
- evening routine (check calendar, lay out clothes, shine sink, wash face & brush teeth)
Blown off:
- go for a run/walk (too late now and home alone with the kids tonight so can't leave them anyway)
Am signing off now. Going to do my evening routine then head straight to bed.
Hey, I might actually do most of this stuff AND have free time tonight! :jawdrop: to spend it.....????? Probably should sit down and think about what I'm going to say to DB (dreaded boss) tomorrow. I think I will just have to put her off longer by lying to her. Tell her we did some sums and I can't afford to reduce my hours anymore so I'm staying. I'll have to commit to the job, though, and make some promises and commit to meeting some goals and deadlines.
Ta Da:
- helped DH get out the door with the kids on time
- called in sick
- had water and vitamins
- morning routine (shower, dress, calendar, s'n's, brunch)
- scrubbed shower (and ruined a bathmat - I am not used to using harsh chemicals and got spray on it...oops :()
- applied for a job I *really* want (but am TRYING not to get my hopes up)
- watched a DVD (but got bored and washed the floors while it was on!)
- put some washing out on the line (nice day today..I smell spring! Yay!)
- vacuumed rug and washed family room floor (and bathroom floor)
- printed and sent report to client A
- wrapped some presents for friends I have been majorly procrastinating on. I DID IT!!!! Now I have to mail them....
- followed up on client B (left message, so not really a ta da yet...)
- followed up another client I wasn't intending to
- daytime routine (5 minute room rescue in every room, 15 minutes in zone, reboot laundry)
- prepared dinner
- opened up all the windows and aired the house, it's a gorgeous day
- decided to wash our curtains because when I opened the windows all it did is blow dust into the room from the curtains!!!!!! Eew!
- rang DSD for his birthday (he did well trying to have a conversation with a 2 year-old who just nods and smiles into the phone or says strange things like "Pay twain!" when they have no idea he's telling them he wants to play with his train - very cute :))
- dusted family room
- got the kids fed, bathed and to bed
- ate dinner with the kids
- brought the washing in from the line and hung out the curtain
- fed DDog
Ta Do:
- review master to-do
- evening routine (check calendar, lay out clothes, shine sink, wash face & brush teeth)
Blown off:
- go for a run/walk (too late now and home alone with the kids tonight so can't leave them anyway)
Ta Da:
- helpded DH get out the door with the kids on time
- called in sick
- had water and vitamins
- morning routine (shower, dress, calendar, s'n's, brunch)
- scrubbed shower (and ruined a bathmat - I am not used to using harsh chemicals and got spray on it...oops :()
- applied for a job I really want (but am TRYING not to get my hopes up)
- watched a DVD
- put some washing out on the line (nice day today..I smell spring! Yay!)
- vacuumed rug and washed family room floor (and bathroom floor)
- printed and sent report to client A (deferred for the last week or more...naughty Milo..)
- wrapped some presents for friends I have been majorly procrastinating on. I DID IT!!!! Now I have to mail them....
- followed up on client B (left message, so not really a ta da yet...)
Ta Do:
- go for a run/walk (it will be a walk...still headachy)
- prepare dinner
- review master to-do
- daytime routine (5 minute room rescue in every room, 15 minutes in zone, reboot laundry)
- open up all the windows and air the house, it's a gorgeous day
- ring DSD for his birthday
- get the kids fed, bathed and to bed
- evening routine (check calendar, lay out clothes, shine sink, wahs face & brush teeth)
Ta Da:
- helpded DH get out the door with the kids on time
- called in sick
- had water and vitamins
- morning routine (shower, dress, calendar, s'n's, brunch)
- scrubbed shower (and ruined a bathmat - I am not used to using harsh chemicals and got spray on it...oops :()
- applied for a job I really want (but am TRYING not to get my hopes up)
- watch a DVD (in progress...have the laptop on my lap ;))
- put some washing out on the line (nice day today..I smell spring! Yay!)
Ta Do:
- vacuum rug and wash family room floor (and bathroom floor)
- go for a run/walk
- prepare dinner
- ring DSD for his birthday
- review master to-do
- follow up on client B
- print and send report to client A (deferred for the last week or more...naughty Milo..)
- wrap some presents for friends I have been majorly procrastinating on
- daytime routine (5 minute room rescue, 15 minutes in zone, reboot laundry)
Morning all!! Hope you're all well. Glad to hear your brother didn't email you anything nasty, pro. I wonder if he treats his friends so badly? People treat their family so poorly sometimes, but would never do that to their friends - that's taking you for granted. I am also looking for a job I love. Why not???? We don't live forever, why should we spend it unhappy????
Glad to see you got a walk in, Normy!. Those graphics sites are amazing - I will have to set my timer if I dive into that realm!!!!!!
I have set my timer for this, too, so had better stop rambling. Today is a day off for me. No work, no kids (yeeehaaa!!!).
When I called in 'sick' just now, I got my boss instead of her voicemail. Damn. She's pissed and that's ruined my day because tomorrow "we have to talk". Uuurgggh... What am I going to do? I won't quit until I have another job, but she's applying so much pressure on me. :( Now I DO feel sick... :sick:
Ta Da:
- helpded DH get out the door with the kids on time
- called in sick
- had water and vitamins
Ta Do:
- morning routine (shower, dress, calendar, s'n's, breakfast..although I feel nauseous and not at all hungry...)
- apply for jobs!
- vacuum rug and wash family room floor (and bathroom floor)
- watch a DVD
- go for a run/walk
- prepare dinner
- ring DSD for his birthday
- review master to-do
- follow up on client B
- print and send report to client A (deferred for the last week or more...naughty Milo..)
- wrap some presents for friends I have been majorly procrastinating on (one is for a birthday last November, another for having us stay over in April, and another for having a baby 3 months ago...I buy the gifts on time but never ever follow thru on time!!!!). I have put off even telling you guys about this but now I thought I would so I can't put them off any longer or you'll be onto me!! :D
- daytime routine (5 minute room rescue, 15 minutes in zone, reboot laundry)
I think I will leave it at that or I will overload myself and get dispirited even more when I don't get them all done.
>Glad to hear your brother didn't email you anything nasty, pro. I wonder if he treats his friends so badly? People treat their family so poorly sometimes, but would never do that to their friends - that's taking you for granted.
My brother doesn't think he's treating me badly. He just has no boundaries and he's very controlling. I'm sure I hurt his feelings when I lashed out at him and I feel badly about that, but he's got to stop doing this. We've had many, many arguments about his trying to control my life. Last October we got into a huge fight because he wanted me to give up my apartment in New York and declare bankruptcy. That would have been SO BAD for me on so many levels, I don't even know where to start. And yet he wouldn't let go of it. I don't know why he does this.
>When I called in 'sick' just now, I got my boss instead of her voicemail. Damn. She's pissed and that's ruined my day because tomorrow "we have to talk". Uuurgggh... What am I going to do? I won't quit until I have another job, but she's applying so much pressure on me.
Ugh. I don't handle this kind of thing well at all. I just crumble under that level of disapproval (not much confidence to begin with, I guess). What did you do to make her so unhappy with you?
I told her I didn't really like my job and that I was looking to find another. But it has taken me a while to figure out firstly what we can cope woth financially and secondly, where that job is coming from - all my internal leads took a while before they dired up altogether (we need a rolleyes smiley!).
And she's going on leave soon so I've kind of left her hanging a bit. I have handled it incorrectly. I should have told her nothing at all. Lesson learned.
Not exactly a frog
But I did something I have been meaning to do for over a year, since we got this computer: I opened up the Microsoft Office stuff, looked at it, and learned how to use the calendar (easy, but I've never used a calendar program before :jawdrop: ). I have entered all my appointments until December, and also entered all our family birthdays and anniversaries. It's so great the way it repeats--my cellphone won't do any repeats except by date, while this one let me repeat by day(s) of the week and week of the month, etc. I even adjusted all the repeating dates that have irregularities. 8) All done! And with reminders! I know there are some ADD-recommended calendars with ticklers and alarms, and I might try them sometime, but I'm proud of myself for getting this far! And it wasn't time-binging (I remained conscious, for the most part, he, he) but a good response to realizing I needed to print out some kind of calendar pages. I had searched online for printable downloads, and then I finally remembered there's a program in here. And the only thing I am procrastinating about at the moment is going to bed.
So off to bedtime routine and lights out. Good night, everybody!
that's awesome, slider!!
I use Outlook for everything. I was way worse before I did that!
That's cool. I have done the same thing with ACT! recently - I even put all my daily routine items in there.
That should help your memory immensely.
Now all you need to do is remember to enter things in there!!!!! ;)
pro's CI - 10:35pm
Bedtime routine done with time to spare. Now all I have to do is turn out the lights and go to sleep. Easier said than done! :P
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Good night!
pro's CI - 9:15pm
I'm starting my bedtime routine early. I want to make sure I don't stay up late tonight because I want to get up early tomorrow.
I forgot to buy butter today - that will screw up breakfast tomorrow. Oh well. I'm not going out again tonight.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Hello pro!
Hi pro. Did you ditch the client reports??? ;)
>Hi pro. Did you ditch the client reports???
Um. Yes. You noticed that, huh? I got into playing with the Mac. That's bad, isn't it. :O
That's my job!!!
We need to watch each other!!!! :D
Macs are REALLY cool!!
I'm reading an online book about the Mac OS X. I didn't realize it had a full BSD Unix implementation. This is really cool. There's so much to learn. I haven't felt like a novice with a computer for years. I could easily stay up all night reading this book, and I have to guard against that. I'm going to slowly start my bedtime routine so I really do get to bed early tonight.
You Said It
I have been a happy Mac user for many years. I have to use a "Winderz" box at my 9-5 but I have had a Mac (actually several) at home for about a dozen years. Glad to see you enjoying thinking different. ;-) Plus it is nice to see Mac ported to an Intel chip. The newest Mac's can actually run both OS's 8-) but I don't know why you would want to. Once you've tried Mac, you'll never go back. }:)
think differentLY
It has always bothered me that "think different" is ungrammatical. Think differentLY!!
I'm really enjoying exploring this MacBook. There's so much to learn. I'm a Windows guru, but I'm a total novice on a Mac. The last time I used one was at a job about 15 years ago. They are different now! The Mac I used was constantly crashing. That bomb icon - AUGH!!
Actually, I used one other Mac - the very first one released, that funny little box. They got one at the graduate school computer facility where I was working on a PhD. I tried it and thought, "What's the point of this little thing?" and went back to the IBM mainframe I was used to using. ;)
I remember the old days!
When I saw icons on an Apple. I though 'stupid gimmick - it'll never catch on' LOL!
pro's CI - 7:55pm
I don't feel like going to the gym tonight. I think I'm just going to learn about my new Mac. I spent a lot of money on it. I may as well learn how to use it! I'll get back to work tomorrow.
AND I'M GETTING TO BED EARLY TONIGHT. I'm setting the alarm to get up early in the morning tomorrow, whether I feel like it or not!!
play break
I got the partial refund on my MacBook, so it's mine and I can unbox it and play with it. I'll do that just a little while before getting back to my to-do list.
Yay for you!
Glad you got money off and are getting to enjoy your new toy already. Made a good reward, huh?
I didn't finish bookending yesterday or check in today because all the phone lines to the church and parsonage got cut (and my internet access is dial-up). Some fellow up the road is putting in a new barbed wire fence, and one of his post holes cut the main line for our side of the road. :jawdrop: I was ready to curse him, but if it means they FINALLY lay a high-speed capable line, I'll bless him instead! ;) However, since it's fixed already, I guess they just patched it. The line was installed in 1967, they told me. Bummer.
Was planning to buy myself a palm treo phone, but today I visited a cingular store and found out there will be a nearly $50/month fee for data, so I'm thinking I'll consider a laptop instead. The internet access I am trying out on my lg phone is EXTREMELY cumbersome, so I think I'll cancel that, too, while I'm at it. A laptop would still let me use some of my free time at the nursing home productively and even let me prepare bulletins and flyers, etc--though I don't know if I can access a printer to finish the job. But at least getting it started is better than nothing! My secret reason is that I can use some of my free time here and there working on my fiction writing! Seriously!
pro's CI - 3:45pm
I guess I should write to my clients next. I hate doing that - big "frogs". It will feel good to have it done. I'll focus on that.
The eBay seller hasn't sent the partial refund yet. He must have gone out (I hope - hope it's not because he's waffling). This whole thing is giving me a headache. I'd like it to be resolved.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
pro's CI - 2:55pm
Seems I'm the only one checking in today. Very lonely. :(
The eBay seller is giving me money off on the MacBook since it wasn't new (had been opened). I'm broke so I'm doing that rather than returning it.
I haven't eaten lunch yet and I'm hungry.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Yeah, I get lonely checking in while you're all in bed, too. If we weren't on opposite sides of the world we'd be online together more than not!
Good that you can play with the Mac now and not have to wait for another one. Worked out well for the finances, too! :)
eBay leverage
My leverage was the feedback on eBay. I could have really reamed him, and it would have had an effect on his business. He didn't want that, so he did the right thing. His first message to me was nasty - until he realized (because I pointed it out) that I hadn't left feedback yet. Then poof! He was sweet as pie. And I did leave him very good feedback (right after he refunded part of my purchase price).
It makes me nervous that this machine was opened and used since I don't know what the circumstances were, but it seems to be working fine.
pro's CI - 12:35pm
Some messages from the eBay seller landed in my spam folder - messages I really wish I'd seen. I'm waiting to hear back from him now. Probably it will be too late.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
pro's CI - 11:20am
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
pro's CI - 10:30am
I got such a late start today that I don't think I should go to the gym now. I'll try going after the meeting this evening - see how that works.
It's raining again today - very inconvenient.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
pro's CI - 9:30am
I tried to speed up my morning routine this morning by eating breakfast while I did other things. I don't know if I'll continue to do that, but I do need to limit the amount of time I spend eating breakfast. That can extend out too long. Also, much as I don't like eating breakfast after showering, etc., I think I should do that - make it a reward for finishing other stuff. Also, that way if I start working while eating (as I often do), I'll be dressed when I do it!
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
If I try doing something else at the same time as breakfast, it just drags out the breakfast (and is bad for my digestion!). I tend to do the getting myself ready stuff first, partly because I'm not usually hungry first thing, and partly because I soon am so I want to finish so I can get my breakfast! I'm probably using it as a reward, like you say Pro, but I just hadn't thought about it in that way.
Re headaches etc, if I wake up early and get up, I feel groggy at first then wake up OK. If I go back to sleep and try to wake up at my 'normal' time (currently in a state of flux) I'm even more groggy, find it hard to get up, and often have a headache. Got my first migrainey signals for a long time the other day, but managed to fend it off. Got a fat eye today like you had the other day pro. Just the one for me though.
pro's CI - 8:30am
Just got up. Bad. I woke up at 7:10am and then decided I was still tired and went back to sleep. At 7:10am I did not have a migraine. Now I do. That is probably a sign (or maybe punishment). I need to get back on track with my wake-up and bed times. I have to start my evening routine at 10pm, in bed by 11pm, and up at 7am. That works a lot better for me.
Milo - it's so odd that you are living your day while I'm sleeping. I haven't CUOP yet. My head hurts and I need coffee first.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
It is strange for me, too. All afternoon you're in bed!!!! :P
Milo's last CI - 9:30
I have been testing my typing speed on the net in case I get an interview and they ask me what it is :O.
Ta Da:
- helped DH get out the door with the kids on time
- called in sick
- had water and vitamins
- morning routine (shower, dress, calendar, s'n's, brunch)
- scrubbed shower (and ruined a bathmat - I am not used to using harsh chemicals and got spray on it...oops :()
- applied for a job I *really* want (but am TRYING not to get my hopes up)
- watched a DVD (but got bored and washed the floors while it was on!)
- put some washing out on the line (nice day today..I smell spring! Yay!)
- vacuumed rug and washed family room floor (and bathroom floor)
- printed and sent report to client A
- wrapped some presents for friends I have been majorly procrastinating on. I DID IT!!!! Now I have to mail them....
- followed up on client B (left message, so not really a ta da yet...)
- followed up another client I wasn't intending to
- daytime routine (5 minute room rescue in every room, 15 minutes in zone, reboot laundry)
- prepared dinner
- opened up all the windows and aired the house, it's a gorgeous day
- decided to wash our curtains because when I opened the windows all it did is blow dust into the room from the curtains!!!!!! Eew!
- rang DSD for his birthday (he did well trying to have a conversation with a 2 year-old who just nods and smiles into the phone or says strange things like "Pay twain!" when they have no idea he's telling them he wants to play with his train - very cute :))
- dusted family room
- got the kids fed, bathed and to bed
- ate dinner with the kids
- brought the washing in from the line and hung out the curtain
- fed DDog
- reviewed master to-do
- found out I type fast enough for a clerical job..if I can go back and spell-check ;)
Ta Do:
- evening routine (check calendar, lay out clothes, shine sink, wash face & brush teeth)
Blown off:
- go for a run/walk (too late now and home alone with the kids tonight so can't leave them anyway)
Am signing off now. Going to do my evening routine then head straight to bed.
Bye everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a GREAT DAY!!!!!!!
Milo's CI 8pm
Hey, I might actually do most of this stuff AND have free time tonight! :jawdrop: to spend it.....????? Probably should sit down and think about what I'm going to say to DB (dreaded boss) tomorrow. I think I will just have to put her off longer by lying to her. Tell her we did some sums and I can't afford to reduce my hours anymore so I'm staying. I'll have to commit to the job, though, and make some promises and commit to meeting some goals and deadlines.
Ta Da:
- helped DH get out the door with the kids on time
- called in sick
- had water and vitamins
- morning routine (shower, dress, calendar, s'n's, brunch)
- scrubbed shower (and ruined a bathmat - I am not used to using harsh chemicals and got spray on it...oops :()
- applied for a job I *really* want (but am TRYING not to get my hopes up)
- watched a DVD (but got bored and washed the floors while it was on!)
- put some washing out on the line (nice day today..I smell spring! Yay!)
- vacuumed rug and washed family room floor (and bathroom floor)
- printed and sent report to client A
- wrapped some presents for friends I have been majorly procrastinating on. I DID IT!!!! Now I have to mail them....
- followed up on client B (left message, so not really a ta da yet...)
- followed up another client I wasn't intending to
- daytime routine (5 minute room rescue in every room, 15 minutes in zone, reboot laundry)
- prepared dinner
- opened up all the windows and aired the house, it's a gorgeous day
- decided to wash our curtains because when I opened the windows all it did is blow dust into the room from the curtains!!!!!! Eew!
- rang DSD for his birthday (he did well trying to have a conversation with a 2 year-old who just nods and smiles into the phone or says strange things like "Pay twain!" when they have no idea he's telling them he wants to play with his train - very cute :))
- dusted family room
- got the kids fed, bathed and to bed
- ate dinner with the kids
- brought the washing in from the line and hung out the curtain
- fed DDog
Ta Do:
- review master to-do
- evening routine (check calendar, lay out clothes, shine sink, wash face & brush teeth)
Blown off:
- go for a run/walk (too late now and home alone with the kids tonight so can't leave them anyway)
LOL Milo!
'got the kids fed, bathed and to bed
- ate dinner with the kids'
You're supposed to give the kids their dinner ~before~ they go to bed! Must be something to do with being in the southern hemisphere ;)
Milo's CI 4pm
Ate a couple of big, ugly frogs!
Ta Da:
- helpded DH get out the door with the kids on time
- called in sick
- had water and vitamins
- morning routine (shower, dress, calendar, s'n's, brunch)
- scrubbed shower (and ruined a bathmat - I am not used to using harsh chemicals and got spray on it...oops :()
- applied for a job I really want (but am TRYING not to get my hopes up)
- watched a DVD
- put some washing out on the line (nice day today..I smell spring! Yay!)
- vacuumed rug and washed family room floor (and bathroom floor)
- printed and sent report to client A (deferred for the last week or more...naughty Milo..)
- wrapped some presents for friends I have been majorly procrastinating on. I DID IT!!!! Now I have to mail them....
- followed up on client B (left message, so not really a ta da yet...)
Ta Do:
- go for a run/walk (it will be a walk...still headachy)
- prepare dinner
- review master to-do
- daytime routine (5 minute room rescue in every room, 15 minutes in zone, reboot laundry)
- open up all the windows and air the house, it's a gorgeous day
- ring DSD for his birthday
- get the kids fed, bathed and to bed
- evening routine (check calendar, lay out clothes, shine sink, wahs face & brush teeth)
Milo's CI 12pm
Done a few things now, at least :)
Ta Da:
- helpded DH get out the door with the kids on time
- called in sick
- had water and vitamins
- morning routine (shower, dress, calendar, s'n's, brunch)
- scrubbed shower (and ruined a bathmat - I am not used to using harsh chemicals and got spray on it...oops :()
- applied for a job I really want (but am TRYING not to get my hopes up)
- watch a DVD (in progress...have the laptop on my lap ;))
- put some washing out on the line (nice day today..I smell spring! Yay!)
Ta Do:
- vacuum rug and wash family room floor (and bathroom floor)
- go for a run/walk
- prepare dinner
- ring DSD for his birthday
- review master to-do
- follow up on client B
- print and send report to client A (deferred for the last week or more...naughty Milo..)
- wrap some presents for friends I have been majorly procrastinating on
- daytime routine (5 minute room rescue, 15 minutes in zone, reboot laundry)
I just spent a hour time-bingeing on the net.... I haven't had time to do that for months!! (except at work }:))
only an hour?
An hour on the internet? That's NOTHING!! I can spent 8 hours on the internet, easy. :P
Hee hee..
I knew I'd get that reaction!!!!!! :D
I have kids - I never get time for such long periods to myself!!!!
Milo's CI 8:30am
Morning all!! Hope you're all well. Glad to hear your brother didn't email you anything nasty, pro. I wonder if he treats his friends so badly? People treat their family so poorly sometimes, but would never do that to their friends - that's taking you for granted. I am also looking for a job I love. Why not???? We don't live forever, why should we spend it unhappy????
Glad to see you got a walk in, Normy!. Those graphics sites are amazing - I will have to set my timer if I dive into that realm!!!!!!
I have set my timer for this, too, so had better stop rambling. Today is a day off for me. No work, no kids (yeeehaaa!!!).
When I called in 'sick' just now, I got my boss instead of her voicemail. Damn. She's pissed and that's ruined my day because tomorrow "we have to talk". Uuurgggh... What am I going to do? I won't quit until I have another job, but she's applying so much pressure on me. :( Now I DO feel sick... :sick:
Ta Da:
- helpded DH get out the door with the kids on time
- called in sick
- had water and vitamins
Ta Do:
- morning routine (shower, dress, calendar, s'n's, breakfast..although I feel nauseous and not at all hungry...)
- apply for jobs!
- vacuum rug and wash family room floor (and bathroom floor)
- watch a DVD
- go for a run/walk
- prepare dinner
- ring DSD for his birthday
- review master to-do
- follow up on client B
- print and send report to client A (deferred for the last week or more...naughty Milo..)
- wrap some presents for friends I have been majorly procrastinating on (one is for a birthday last November, another for having us stay over in April, and another for having a baby 3 months ago...I buy the gifts on time but never ever follow thru on time!!!!). I have put off even telling you guys about this but now I thought I would so I can't put them off any longer or you'll be onto me!! :D
- daytime routine (5 minute room rescue, 15 minutes in zone, reboot laundry)
I think I will leave it at that or I will overload myself and get dispirited even more when I don't get them all done.
family and jobs
>Glad to hear your brother didn't email you anything nasty, pro. I wonder if he treats his friends so badly? People treat their family so poorly sometimes, but would never do that to their friends - that's taking you for granted.
My brother doesn't think he's treating me badly. He just has no boundaries and he's very controlling. I'm sure I hurt his feelings when I lashed out at him and I feel badly about that, but he's got to stop doing this. We've had many, many arguments about his trying to control my life. Last October we got into a huge fight because he wanted me to give up my apartment in New York and declare bankruptcy. That would have been SO BAD for me on so many levels, I don't even know where to start. And yet he wouldn't let go of it. I don't know why he does this.
>When I called in 'sick' just now, I got my boss instead of her voicemail. Damn. She's pissed and that's ruined my day because tomorrow "we have to talk". Uuurgggh... What am I going to do? I won't quit until I have another job, but she's applying so much pressure on me.
Ugh. I don't handle this kind of thing well at all. I just crumble under that level of disapproval (not much confidence to begin with, I guess). What did you do to make her so unhappy with you?
I was honest with her!
I told her I didn't really like my job and that I was looking to find another. But it has taken me a while to figure out firstly what we can cope woth financially and secondly, where that job is coming from - all my internal leads took a while before they dired up altogether (we need a rolleyes smiley!).
And she's going on leave soon so I've kind of left her hanging a bit. I have handled it incorrectly. I should have told her nothing at all. Lesson learned.
roll eyes smiley
I uploaded a whole bunch of smileys with the other graphics. Did you see those? They're at the bottom of the page.
Yah - probably not a good idea to tell your boss that you want to quit until you're ready to quit. :jawdrop:
I know, I know...
Stupid mistake. I thought we had a relationship that could cope with it. Hmm...
Yeah, there are about 3 millions smileys but wouldn't you know, not ONE rolls its eyes!!!!!!!!