Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
1:10: trouble starting. what else is new. have been trying to write this for 1 hr. lots of family interruptions, which i like.
1:20: i would really like to attend today's 12 step meeting, but i feel guilty cuz i havent got myself started yet.
i had to re-set my timezone since we exited daylight savings time in north america
7:15: struggling to restart. what time do i have to pick up child? 8:00 leave at 7:45, that's 30 min from now.
7:45: well i managed to do other things, important, but not most important, and used up my whole 1/2 hr. Now i have to go out, but i'll try again when i get back.
I needed that hug! :) Thanks for the threadstarter, Edge! :)
This weekend has been very busy. I didn't even take time to CI yesterday. However, I have all my out-of-the-condo activities finished now, so I'm going to "start my day over" now & see if I can get on track!
Since I have a bunch to do, I am going to work by zones.
12:30pm. Zone 1 is clear, & I have done a First Swipe on Zone 2. I've started loads in the clothes washer & dishwasher. I plugged in my cell phone to recharge.
2:15pm. Zone 3 is clear. I've started new loads in the clothes washer & dishwasher.
2:33pm. Zone 4 is clear & wiped down.
4:10pm. I've gone through everything in Zone 5. While I still have some things to do related to it, I'm counting that as First swipe done :) The clothes are washed & dried & put away. I have put another load in the dishwasher. I have put dinner in the oven. This afternoon is going slowly, but I am getting a few things done, thanks to PA check-ins :)
5:10pm. Fixed a couple more things for dinner; ate part of it and put the rest in the refrigerator for lunch tomorrow. Next: make gym bags & work bags.
5:45pm. Gym bags & work bags are fixed. I'll putter around some more tonight, and see if there's anything else I can get done.
Love the starter. I really need a hug. Make a plan then baby steps. Having trouble "accepting" My old sonsor said, you don't have to like it. Thanks for being here. Showing up every day is better than before.
Winter sucks rocks. I'm already starting to feel some winter depression. . . enhanced at the moment by hormones, and by stuff that's going on in my life. Gonna rant now & get it out of my system. . .
I hate being cold! I hate driving home from work in the dark! I hate having no leaves on the trees! I hate having dry skin & having to use hand lotion 50,000 times a day! I hate feeling sleepy by mid-afternoon and constantly fighting the drive to hibernate! And did I mention I really hate being cold? Brrr!
And intense sunlight tends to make me sick, so moving to the equator isn't an option.
There. I feel better now. Nothing like a nice little temper tantrum once in a while to clear one's system.
O.k. back to business. Today:
Do laundry
Balance checkbook
Pay bills
Go to bank
Get groceries
Make lunches for next week
I'm also going to class today, and visiting folks for dinner, so I'd better get moving. First I need to finish breakfast & get dressed. Going to head over to the chatbox.
Today is relatively busy day, but should include some time for relaxation.
I'm going to head to church around 9:45. After church I'll go to one round of "let's talk". I also want to go to PA mtg today.
I want to:
*Finish genotyping
*Order supplies for lab (will do this soon)
*Take care of financial stuff
*Finish stats HW
*Finish proofreading
*Go over stats lecture (have gone over most of the lecture), finish going through 3 papers (have gone through 2), start reading chpt. 3
As a break (as well as something useful) I also want to get a Tufte book and read a little of it.
I'm not doing so well at the moment - got really excited about how well my 'writing down achievements' was going, but after a few days got sick and tired of writing down every little thing I achieved, thought I was advanced enough to do without it, and promptly fell down a deep well of procrastination from which I haven't recovered since.
I'm now in 'the original and still the worst' Lucky procrastination situation, i.e. 'cannot write an essay about a subject I know back to front and love more than anything'.
Argh. Going to try and get a pep talk from housemate today!
i totally relate to where you are. Many many times have i started something new, done well, then stopped doing it. Thinking, just as you, i'm now beyond that.
so fwiw i have come to believe i am an addict, and i will always need help to stay on track. You may or may not come to the same conclusion about your self, but if you do, at least you know you're not alone.
i also know the feeling of not being to do something that i love. In fact, that was one of the things that showed me what's really going on. Procrastination on things that i dont like is one thing, but procrastination on things that no one is asking me to do, things that i want to do just because i like them and/or find them valuable, and i just can't get myself to do them. That let me know that something else was going on here.
but, you are restarting. trying again. I hope and pray that it will work out for you. i am a big fan of restarting ;)
CL daily overcoming
1:10: trouble starting. what else is new. have been trying to write this for 1 hr. lots of family interruptions, which i like.
1:20: i would really like to attend today's 12 step meeting, but i feel guilty cuz i havent got myself started yet.
i had to re-set my timezone since we exited daylight savings time in north america
7:15: struggling to restart. what time do i have to pick up child? 8:00 leave at 7:45, that's 30 min from now.
7:45: well i managed to do other things, important, but not most important, and used up my whole 1/2 hr. Now i have to go out, but i'll try again when i get back.
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
Weekly online 12-Step mtg. in "meetings chatbox" (NOTE TIME!)
Procrastinators Anonymous weekly 12-Step meeting in "meetings chatbox".
This meeting follows a 12-Step Meeting format.
Meeting is held:
(Meeting is Sunday 7:30 PM GMT -
STANDARD time year round.
Click on links in RED below -- to give exact time in your time zone)
> Click here (in this red type) to find your timezone equivalent for today's meeting.
> Click here (in this red type) to find your timezone equivalent for next week's meeting.
Sunday 7:30 PM, British STANDARD Time
Sunday 2:30 PM, USA Eastern STANDARD Time
Monday 6:30 AM, Sydney Australia DAYLIGHT Time
It works when we "work it". Let's do whatever it takes to find recovery. All are welcome.
No obligation to attend. No need to "report in". No attendance taken.
Come when you feel called to come!
All are welcome!
Meeting follows traditional anonymous 12-step format.
"Meetings Chatbox" can be found after fully entering regular check-in chatbox ... and then clicking on the "meetings" tab at the top of the chatbox.
Recycler CI 12pm EST
Hi Pro Buddies!
I needed that hug! :) Thanks for the threadstarter, Edge! :)
This weekend has been very busy. I didn't even take time to CI yesterday. However, I have all my out-of-the-condo activities finished now, so I'm going to "start my day over" now & see if I can get on track!
Since I have a bunch to do, I am going to work by zones.
12:30pm. Zone 1 is clear, & I have done a First Swipe on Zone 2. I've started loads in the clothes washer & dishwasher. I plugged in my cell phone to recharge.
2:15pm. Zone 3 is clear. I've started new loads in the clothes washer & dishwasher.
2:33pm. Zone 4 is clear & wiped down.
4:10pm. I've gone through everything in Zone 5. While I still have some things to do related to it, I'm counting that as First swipe done :) The clothes are washed & dried & put away. I have put another load in the dishwasher. I have put dinner in the oven. This afternoon is going slowly, but I am getting a few things done, thanks to PA check-ins :)
5:10pm. Fixed a couple more things for dinner; ate part of it and put the rest in the refrigerator for lunch tomorrow. Next: make gym bags & work bags.
5:45pm. Gym bags & work bags are fixed. I'll putter around some more tonight, and see if there's anything else I can get done.
Have a great night, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Vic 11/8
Show up (done)
Love the starter. I really need a hug. Make a plan then baby steps. Having trouble "accepting" My old sonsor said, you don't have to like it. Thanks for being here. Showing up every day is better than before.
chick CI/article about perfectionism
done chores, cooked nice things, working...
here's a link to an article about perfectionism, distinguishing healthy from unhealthy perfectionism.
Falcon CI Sunday
Hi pro buddies,
Winter sucks rocks. I'm already starting to feel some winter depression. . . enhanced at the moment by hormones, and by stuff that's going on in my life. Gonna rant now & get it out of my system. . .
I hate being cold! I hate driving home from work in the dark! I hate having no leaves on the trees! I hate having dry skin & having to use hand lotion 50,000 times a day! I hate feeling sleepy by mid-afternoon and constantly fighting the drive to hibernate! And did I mention I really hate being cold? Brrr!
And intense sunlight tends to make me sick, so moving to the equator isn't an option.
There. I feel better now. Nothing like a nice little temper tantrum once in a while to clear one's system.
O.k. back to business. Today:
I'm also going to class today, and visiting folks for dinner, so I'd better get moving. First I need to finish breakfast & get dressed. Going to head over to the chatbox.
kromer 8:30 CI
Today is relatively busy day, but should include some time for relaxation.
I'm going to head to church around 9:45. After church I'll go to one round of "let's talk". I also want to go to PA mtg today.
I want to:
Finish genotyping*Order supplies for lab (will do this soon)
*Take care of financial stuff
Finish stats HW*Finish proofreading
*Go over stats lecture (have gone over most of the lecture), finish going through 3 papers (have gone through 2),
start reading chpt. 3As a break (as well as something useful) I also want to get a Tufte book and read a little of it.
Lucky CI
Awesome threadstarter, Edge!
I'm not doing so well at the moment - got really excited about how well my 'writing down achievements' was going, but after a few days got sick and tired of writing down every little thing I achieved, thought I was advanced enough to do without it, and promptly fell down a deep well of procrastination from which I haven't recovered since.
I'm now in 'the original and still the worst' Lucky procrastination situation, i.e. 'cannot write an essay about a subject I know back to front and love more than anything'.
Argh. Going to try and get a pep talk from housemate today!
lucky restarting
i totally relate to where you are. Many many times have i started something new, done well, then stopped doing it. Thinking, just as you, i'm now beyond that.
so fwiw i have come to believe i am an addict, and i will always need help to stay on track. You may or may not come to the same conclusion about your self, but if you do, at least you know you're not alone.
i also know the feeling of not being to do something that i love. In fact, that was one of the things that showed me what's really going on. Procrastination on things that i dont like is one thing, but procrastination on things that no one is asking me to do, things that i want to do just because i like them and/or find them valuable, and i just can't get myself to do them. That let me know that something else was going on here.
but, you are restarting. trying again. I hope and pray that it will work out for you. i am a big fan of restarting ;)
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
Edge's CI - 7:43am
Morning to all :)
Getting ready for work. Feeling good today. Hope everyone has a great day.
- hmed 1
- 8am meds
- bmed 1
- work
- gym registration
- study
- draw
- bmed 2
- bmed 3
- 4pm med
- hmed 2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Hi Edge,
Glad you are feeling good! Thanks for spreading the vibe with the cheery teddy bear thread starter!
Glad you liked it, Falcon!
:* :-)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 9:10am
x hmed 1
x 8am meds
x bmed 1
- work
- gym registration
- study
- draw
- bmed 2
- bmed 3
- 4pm med
- hmed 2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 6:55pm
Back from signing up at the gym. Gotta start studying. Will relax for 15mins since I just came back from work and then will get to the studying.
x hmed 1
x 8am meds
x bmed 1
x work
x gym registration
- study
- draw
- bmed 2
- bmed 3
x 4pm med
- hmed 2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson