Tuesday, November 3, 2009
"T"hread for "T"oday, "T"uesday, the "T"hird .................."T"houghts
It is wise to for you to keep your thoughts under contol, for if they are given the chance they will run out of contol and cause havoc.CLiLi"Life's Path, 2004"
The Recovery International Method is believed by many to be the original cognitive behavioral training (CBT) system, having been pioneered by Abraham Low, MD, in the 1930s. CBT is a system whereby people train themselves to identify and monitor negative or damaging thoughts and behaviors and to change the way they would typically respond to those occurrences. By changing negative thoughts and behaviors, people take control of these damaging impulses and can live happy, healthy lives.
Bible:Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Lifeopy"Life's Pathright (C) 2004 Life's Path http:/stevnenredhead.com
CoLpyright (C) 2004 Life's Path http:/stevnenredhead.com
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Recycler CI 5:50pm EST
Hi Pro Buddies!
This morning I voted before going to the gym. I had time to shower & get dressed for work, but didn't have time to exercise.
At work I made progress. I needed to ask my boss questions & they came im on time so I could get started. Late morning I had a meeting with someone & that went well.
At lunchtime, I ate food that I had brought from home. After lunch I worked on various projects. By the end of the day I had the several of the mass emails completed for my boss. I was able to update & highlight my project list for in the morning :)
After work, I came home. I have fixed & eaten dinner.
Last time it was a total jinx when I made this comment: I have a lot of the condo really straightened up now; it is easy to keep it straightened up each day; and I can really enjoy the living room & my new meditation area, since they are not stacked up with stuff. This seems really true to me today, so I will say it. Hopefully it won't be a jinx! ;)
Tonight is one of my few free nights at home this month. I may putter around a bit.
Have a great night, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
A Heartfelt Thanks Agnus, OCz & Kromer
I really needed that!!
Having such a hard time with the "natives" at work, it's nice to know I'm always welcome here.
Once again, a heartfelt thanks.
♥"Together we could do, what we could not do alone.♥
e's tuesday 11/3/09 ci
realized there is no one running in the local election that I care very much for or against. I will vote later.
currently making chicken soup.
"There are two different kinds of people in this world: those who finish what they start, and"
---Brad Ramsey
eightfold at 8:36
eat b-fast shower
get started on order:
look up old caserec heading and save filingcopy word from old ordercopy rest from bookprintstart new motionalright finished that and then some.
tomorrow - go to bangs, make copies, work on new, file both.
Spirit 11/03
Good Morning All,
This has been a good morning although I have been time binging a lot. So I thought it a good idea to check in and get focused.
Morning Checkinbreakfastmake bedshowerclean dishes in sinkfollowup on dealemail proposalprepare packages for launch Fridayemail concheck eamils and respond where necessaryemail 2 carlAfternoon personal and self care tasks
wash and style hairSpiritpotential energy 11:18
D. K. report
E.M report
J.S. report-start it
J.L. report start it
catch up Q daily notes
catch up L daily notes
Z- homework, violin practice, words, pick up from school bath pack lunch for tommorow.
Home- clean for 30 min
OCz morning ci
It's such a beautiful morning, a bit colder than usual, bit still beautiful!
Such a great starter Vic... could work as a new affirmation (with a bit wording):
I will be in control of my thougths. I will allow only honest, pure, just, lovely thougths to enter my mind!
Thank you God for another day!Show up!request cancel formrequest aproval to cancelrequest list of lines for NOVP. LB20's- Buy new ones!List StrsThank you all for being here!
I am more than I appear to be. All the world's strength and power rest inside me. (from The monk who sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma)
Agnus checking in
Slow start today - bit of a sleep-deprivation and emotional hangover from Sunday night. Felt fine yesterday but after 2 meetings and 8 hours sleep last night I feel very groggy today. HP suggests mani/pedi, light exercise, lots of water, accompany J to 1pm dr appt, finish AP list (this has carried over way too long...), make my ortho appt at 3:50, pack and leave for trip by 6.
journey 11 am a better day today
Hi guys! Working from home today, and today has to be better than yesterday because yesterday sucked eggs. After a horrible work day, I finally started the trek home only to find the major thoroughfare thru town blocked by some kinda demonstration. Then I stopped to pick up dinner and they messed up my order and I had to go back and get it straightened out. I went to feed the cat and the pull tab broke off of the can. I went to bed at 8:00 because I just wanted the day to be over.
IN SPITE of all that, I got a reasonable amount of work done because I planned out the day and went down my task list step by step without panicking. I didn't set any productivity records but I didn't fall apart either. Thanks to PA and all of you for that!! It's so cool to know I can say this to y'all too and you will understand.
"The world is my classroom, each day is a new lesson, and every person I meet is my teacher" - Craig Harper
kromer 9:45 CI
OK, so far today I started an experiment.
Lab mtg 10-12, square dancing this evening
MITs for today are:
Email JH*
Ask about glass containers*
Finish student seminar prep*
Take care of mice*
Plan out tomorrow's exptSecond priorities:
Call AG*Financial stuff (will microburst this when I get home)
*Finish up first round of GSEA run (have made a little progress on this)
Other tasks:
*organize computer files
*Call IA (will do this soon)
*laundry(will do this soon)
OK, right now I'm going to spend 10 min working on GSEA, then I'll head to lab mtg. After lab mtg, I'll finish student seminar prep and take care of mice
JPiz Day 2
3 Invoices
Phone Calls (so long over due)
9:30 meeting
Break after meeting
Quotes (3)
re jpiz recovery
it's soooo good to see you here taking your steps of recovery. I wish you a long happy recovery here. keep up the good work! you're off to a great start.
i am very encouraged every time someone new jumps on the bandwagon and starts working the tools and seeing progress. It inspires me.
the touch of the master's hand: http://procrastinators-anonymous.org/node/1898#comment-27748
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
Thanks Clement! I really
Thanks Clement! I really need this to work, you know end of my rope and all that.
The knot at the end of the rope!
When I first got here I also thougth I was at the end of the rope... so I think at PA as the knot at the end of my life's rope that prevented me from falling.
Hang in there, hold tigth to the rope and everytime you manage to climb up a bit, tie a new knot so you don't slip again!
Have a great week everyone!
us knot
we're a knot. I love it!
You two guys i know are on your own journey, at long last making normal every day progress on tasks long deferred. And that's great for you.
but i can't tell you how it encourages me to see your progress. When new people come and they start making changes, it feels magical to me. A set of ideas, some mental tools, visualizations, community, hope. It's all so not concrete, and yet it changes peoples lives.
This is the kind of things that has me so convinced there's a god. and that he's at work here.
and i needed some encouragement just now :D
the touch of the master's hand: http://procrastinators-anonymous.org/node/1898#comment-27748
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
re: the knot
What a great visualization OCz!
"The world is my classroom, each day is a new lesson, and every person I meet is my teacher" - Craig Harper
CL daily overcoming
one of my all-time fav verses!
8:05 ci
815 quiet time - side tracked
840 quiet time, try again
850 jdu
9 dr
930 back
the touch of the master's hand: http://procrastinators-anonymous.org/node/1898#comment-27748
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
Vic 11/3
Today, I am better than I was and for that I am grateful.
GeorgeSmiley 7 AM
Very wise Day Starter vic; thank you for that.
Today: Need to finish Project R, Project U, Project B.
Some improvement yesterday thanks to my renewed implementation of 'Total Workday Control'
Have a good day, everyone
Want what you have. Be who you are. Do what you can. ~Forrest Church (1948-2009)
The Hero's Code:
Show Up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go o
GS - what is "Total Workday Control"?
Whatever it is, I need some of it! (or at least "Partial Workday Control"...) :-)
Sorry I missed your ? until now
"Total Workday Control" is a book by Michael Linenberger. It's specifically for working with Microsoft Outlook and for modifying it so that it helps one implement a lot of the ideas he has about staying on task and organized, and also a lot of the ideas in the book "Getting Things Done." But again, it's very specifically for working with Outlook. I first found it a couple of years ago and got a lot out of his system. (My work has me at the computer basically almost all the time, and I used Outlook for tracking tasks and calendar as well as email.) Re-reading the key parts recently made me realize that it's a very powerful tool, but it won't just implement itself.
Want what you have. Be who you are. Do what you can. ~Forrest Church (1948-2009)
The Hero's Code:
Show Up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go o