Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Sunday 27 September 2009

Welcome to recovery !

krome 4:45 CI

Just got back from weekend conference...I'm very tired, but have some work/chores to do before Monday.

In particular, I need to finish a problem set, check on mice, do laundry, go to church, and make a schedule for next week. If I have extra time, I'd like to clean the bathroom and maybe do a little research.

OK, heading to check on mice now. Then, I'm really tired, so I'll run get a soda. Then I'll work on problem set for about 30 min before leaving for church. 

Agnus rare Sunday check-in 4:15

The denial of this disease has caught up with me: the major contract under which I am employed ends Wednesday and I have not started the final report. My taxes are due Wednesday and I have made only the barest beginning. I prepaid for a business class that occurs Wednesday and Thursday and which requires about 3 hurs advance homework I have not done. I have a Statistics test Thursday for which my studies are 4 chapters behind.  I've kept up my OA recovery and meetings, and marginally kept up with PA, but am losing touch with my AA and Alanon programs. I'm having nightmares again.

This little 10th Sytep inventory tells me it is Back to Basics time.  I'm asking my Higher Power for minute by minute instructions, and plugging away at whatever comes to mind immediately after that prayer.  I have noticed some temptations to stall: phone calls to/from friends; definitely J, the TV and the pets; but especially - and within my control - a certain whiny-ness in my attitude especially around mild physical discomforts: my neck hurts, I'm cold, I'm thirsty, my desk isn't comfortable to work at, blah-blah-blah.  So I've written the universal NO WHINING symbol large in lipstick on my bathroom mirror :-)

'k, that's enuf for now - gotta get back to it. Sending love to y'all.


hugz to Ag

Time for triage, hang in there! 


"A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you." - Elbert Hubbard

Ditto Agnus

We had a group called "The Power Tem" at our church.

They are former hurge body builders doing amazing strength shows. They are for the youth. My kids woudl not go at the same time. I felt like I was on a rollercoaster this weekend but it was worth it. Not much else done. I walked but no time to check in - I did with my thoughts.

Today- se my Mon. Hugs Vic

PS Is there a universal Don't Panic signal?

movingalong looks to the future

Tasks I choose to do today:
making a difficult
phone call,
working on a "project",
and doing laundry.

Also, I choose to spend some conscious time looking at my longterm future, and my higher power's vision for me.

-- movingalong

Recycler CI 6:35am EST

Hi Pro Buddies!

Thanks for the threadstarter, movingalong :) It is very cheerful :)

Rain during the night makes me unsure about my morning bike ride. I'll get my bike ready and check the forecast before getting out there. The bike ride + my mid-morning activity are my immediate goals. After those are taken care of, I will look at the rest of the day.

10:40am. Light rain sprinkles during my bike ride; not a lot, but heavier than yesterday morning's mist. Fortunately I had found & worn my windbreaker over my long-sleeve winter bike shirt. After the bike ride, I had just enough time to get ready for my mid-morning activity. On the way home from the activity, I stopped & bought a couple more ingredients from the grocery store. While I am going out tonight, I have a number of hours here to get things done. I think the zone strategy will be best for today. Let me see if I can get going with that! ;)

11:25am. Sadly, Magic Elves have not appeared to do my housework today. I will put in an effort for a while until they arrive.

Zone 1 is clear, including counter wipes & stovetop wipes. I have also started loads in the dishwasher & clotheswasher.

12:10pm. Zone 2 is clear. I also started bathroom swishies, since I didn't do those yesterday.

12:50pm. Zone 3 is clear, including counter wipes. I've started other loads in the dishwasher & clotheswasher. I finished the first part of bathroom swishies.

1:25pm. 1st swipe is done on Zone 4. I've gone through everything, but to need to look at some stuff again in a couple of hours. My main goal this afternoon is tidying the entire main room, so I want to do each area in general, then come back for any more intensive needs.

2:20pm. Zone 5 is done; including using the shredder for some documents. Next: bag up trash & take to dumpster -- it's surprising how much I don't want to do that! However, here goes! ;)

3:35pm. Zone 6 is done. I took the trash to the dumpster. Next: I am thinking about cooking something real quick.

Have a great day, everyone! :)



Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

weekly 12-Step P.A. meeting in "meetings chatbox"

Procrastinators Anonymous weekly 12-Step meeting in "meetings chatbox".

This meeting follows a 12-Step Meeting format.

Meeting is held:

  • Sunday morning/midday in Hawaii/Alaska and Pacific Time
  • Sunday afternoon in the Americas
  • Later Sunday evening in Europe/Africa
  • Very early Monday morning in Asia/Australia/NZ

(Meeting is Sunday 7:30 PM GMT -
STANDARD time year round.

Click on links in RED below -- to give exact time in your time zone)

> Click here (in this red type) to find your timezone equivalent for today's meeting.

> Click here (in this red type) to find your timezone equivalent for next week's meeting.

Sunday 3:30 PM, USA Eastern DAYLIGHT Time

Sunday 8:30 PM, British DAYLIGHT Time

Monday 28 September 2009 at 5:30 AM,
Sydney Australia STANDARD Time

Monday 4 October 2009 at 6:30 AM,
Sydney Australia DAYLIGHT Time

Monday 8:30 AM, New Zealand DAYLIGHT Time

It works when we "work it". Let's do whatever it takes to find recovery. All are welcome.

No obligation to attend. No need to "report in". No attendance taken.

Come when you feel called to come!

All are welcome!


about the flashing lights thread-starter ...

Hello all!

I know that the "flashing-lights" thread starter is a bit unusual. Sometimes we post calm serene scenes, etc.

Serenity, courage, wisdom ... recovery.

Recovery doesn't have to be somber.

It can be joyful!

And we can experience serenity even when life is busy.

Have a great week everyone!

Thanks movingalong, love it!!

♥"Together we could do, what we could not do alone.♥