Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I shouldn't have promised a customer to answer customer messages this evening. That was codependent people-pleasing behavior. I just sent her email saying I'd respond in the morning.
Time to get ready for bed...
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 6:30am (plan: 7am).
Morning Routine
Day Plan
----Check email.
----Work on DotNetNuke installation problem.
----Errands (buy groceries, pick up mail).
----Open and handle mail.
----Call optician to order contact lenses.
----Check email.
Evening Plan
----Go to 6pm AA meeting.
----Eat dinner (got take-out).
----Take pills.
----Clear spam folder.
Bedtime Routine
----Empty dish drain and wash any dirty dishes.
----Make up bed (convert futon from couch to bed).
I shouldn't have promised a customer to answer customer messages this evening. That was codependent people-pleasing behavior. I just sent her email saying I'd respond in the morning.
Time to get ready for bed...
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 6:30am (plan: 7am).
Morning Routine
Day Plan
----Check email.
----Work on DotNetNuke installation problem.
----Errands (buy groceries, pick up mail).
----Open and handle mail.
----Call optician to order contact lenses.
----Check email.
Evening Plan
----Go to 6pm AA meeting.
----Eat dinner (got take-out).
----Take pills.
----Clear spam folder.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Bedtime Routine
----Empty dish drain and wash any dirty dishes.
----Make up bed (convert futon from couch to bed).
I really don't feel like answering customer messages tonight, but I'm getting complaints about not being around. Maybe the dread of it will be worse than actually doing it. I'll time how long it takes.
WTG todayfirst! :) It's a PITA when other people take credit for our hard work, but it ~is~ kind of flattering too. If it's holding you back in your career you need to deal with it, but if not then just take it as a compliment.
Check In
Well, I felt like I'd been running around getting nowhere today, but DSO seems to have noticed I've got a lot done around here, so it must show more than I thought.
*Finish prep for teaching tonight I ~love~ the fact that I've done a very detailed course plan - makes lesson planning a cinch! Everything else is already organised into bags and a zip up folder with all the stuff I need in the compartments
*4.15 leave for classes/sign in/set up Got there early, which was a good job because I was locked out, and it took me a while to find someone who could let me in
*5.00 - 8.00 Teaching
*8.00 - 8.30 Pack up and come home (DSO took DDog for a walk when he got home)
*8.30 - 9.00 Evening meal and clear up
*Before Bed Routine (I've been letting it get too late and struggling to get myself ready for bed just lately, which, ironically, puts me off going to bed)
*After BBR - wind down
*By 11 pm - lights out, head on pillow!
Tuesday - Long payroll day followed by course - unlikely to be checking in.
I did finally send them an estimate on the two tasks. I don't think they are really big tasks but I was resisting because I didn't want to commit to doing them (especially the second). These tasks both fall under the urgent (to someone else) but not important (to me) category... they fall outside of what I want to be concentrating on and get in the way of more interesting stuff. After thinking about it, I couldn't come up with a reasonable way of avoiding them. I'd like to pass that second one back to the person I think SHOULD be doing it... my boss who doesn't do !@#$ around here and flagrantly plagiarizes my writing. I should be flattered :P
- Catch up on email
- Weekly status report
- Source control task 1
- Source control task 2
- Research database issue (2 hrs)
- Read document
- CUOP (started)
- Resolve issue in my program (1.5 hrs)
- Research a problem in Project X (30 min)
- Send task estimate 1
- Send task estimate 2
I've gone as far as I can with DotNetNuke until the Windows administrator sets the file permissions for me. I can't do it myself. They disabled this within Plesk for some reason. They must think this is some kind of security risk, but I don't get that - I've never seen a site before that didn't allow you to set file permissions. It's a pain in the neck to have to wait for them to do this because they're none too fast.
So I'm switching gears now, and going back to my other tasks. I keep getting complaining emails from people. I don't think I'll have time to write my two delinquent client emails today. I'll see how it goes.
First thing I'm doing is to take a walk outside - buy groceries and check my mailbox.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 6:30am (plan: 7am).
Morning Routine
----Shower and dress.
----Empty dish drain and wash any dishes from previous day.
----Make and eat breakfast.
----Wash breakfast dishes.
----Make bed (convert futon back into couch).
----Take out pills for the day.
----Swallow morning pills (largest number of pills - UGH).
----Meditate and pray (12-step suggestion - helps a lot).
----Review to-do list and make a plan for the day.
Day Plan
----Check email.
----Work on DotNetNuke installation problem.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Day Plan
----Errands (buy groceries, pick up mail).
----Open and handle mail.
----Call optician to order contact lenses.
----Check email.
----Clear spam folder.
----Answer customer messages.
----Put AA meetings in Outlook (so I have reminders).
- Catch up on email
- Weekly status report
- Source control task 1
- Source control task 2
- Research database issue (2 hrs)
- Read document
- CUOP (started)
- Send task estimate 1
- Send task estimate 2
- Resolve issue in my program
- Research a problem in Project X
- Weekly review
*1.15 - 2.15 max Finish Daytime Routine Started and finished half an hour late. Got all meals (brekky, lunch, evening meal) prepped for tonight, Tues, and Weds (don't get chance to prep for Weds on Tues), and all other tasks done except DDog walk. (I can do that after class - it's just a shame I can't take her now because it's not raining - in fact it's rather nice out!).
*3.15 - 4.15 Finish prep for teaching tonight Eek - it's nearly 4.00 and I'm just starting! I hope I did that thing of doing it and then forgetting I'd done it, LOL!
*4.15 leave for classes/sign in/set up
*5.00 - 8.00 Teaching
*8.00 - 8.30 Pack up and come home
*8.30 - 9.00 Evening meal and clear up
*9.00 Before Bed Routine (I've been letting it get too late and struggling to get myself ready for bed just lately, which, ironically, puts me off going to bed)
*After BBR - wind down
*By 11 pm - lights out, head on pillow!
Tuesday - Long payroll day followed by course - unlikely to be checking in.
Oops--I forgot to include a few things in my list!
Ta Da:
--got up at 6:10
--made coffee, had banana
--got DD up at 6:25
--got lunch $ to both kids
--took heartburn med for day
--got dressed for driving
--drive DS to school
--pick up milk, antihistamines
--treated myself to breakfast at McDonald's after DS copped an attitude with me (for fortitude? comfort? encouragement?)
To Do:
--take vitamins
--dress for work
--makeup, jewellry
**put TAX STUFF in car
**leave for CPA by 10:15
--write newsletter article
--type up new nursing home schedule to copy at nursing home
--get schedule stuffed and mailed (if mailing labels ready)
--get labels from B
Now, I obviously can't do all of that by 10:15, so I've gotta triage here. Hmm. Gotta think about this.
--try to be at nursing home by 11:30 after leaving CPA
--follow work routine at nursing home
--check on photo directory process tonight
--check on newcomers at 5:30 (she has surgery tomorrow)
--drive meeting at GH tonight at 8:00--leave by 7:30
A normal person would have said "screw it" re DotNetNuke by now, but I'm in total pitbull mode - I can't let go of it. I'm learning ASP.Net in trying to figure out why I can't install this - that's the good part.
I don't know enough about ASP.Net yet to be able to debug the installation script (yet), so my next move is to try a manual install.
Yesterday I posted several messages on the DotNetNuke forum asking for help and got nothing in response. This morning I posted a bug report in their bug tracking system - the developers have to be checking that!
Keep bugging them about those bugs pro! Are you at a point where you can respond to the client that you're learning this for? What about the other two, did they get sorted? (Sorry if you've already been through this - I'm not confident I've always kept up with posts).
Might be worth sending a letter to each of the other clients - I know you don't want to speak to them, but at least let them have a realistic estimate of when you'll be able to give them an update.
I"m dead in the water with DotNetNuke until a Windows administrator deals with the three issues I've written in about. That will easily take a day, so I'm done with DotNetNuke for the day. Moving onto other stuff...
I'm back. Took a few days off for surgery and visitors.
I'm not sure why people still ask me for estimates of tasks. My estimates are always wrong, so I have a habit of telling them two weeks regardless of the task ;) It's not really even that I can't guess how long it will take to do a task... I just don't know how many times they are going to interrupt me with other tasks. These may be pretty small tasks though, perhaps I can only get away with one week.
- Catch up on email
- Weekly status report
- Source control task 1
- Source control task 2
- Read document
- CUOP (started)
- Send task estimate 1
- Send task estimate 2
- Research database issue
- Resolve issue in my program
- Research a problem in Project X
- Weekly review
Yes, it was me. Some cartilage in my knee needed repair. Not too bad, though I can't do some things for a while. I guess most of those things are not as urgent as they seem.
As far as estimates, I will try to keep track of how long they actually take. The main problem here seems to not be how much time I will spend on a task but that I have trouble estimating how much time I WON'T be able to spend on a task. If I say it will take me a week that might be accurate in terms of hours spent (40) but then I feel bad if it takes me 4 weeks to get it done, because of interruptions and other tasks. What they really want to know is when it will be done, not how many hours it will take me.
Part of estimating how long a task will take is noting the "average interruption time", so to speak.
I've had so much trouble with this that I've read articles for consultants on how to estimate time. Most people spend a maximum of half their day working - less if you're starting something new. The range is 25-50% of your work day. So if your work day is 8 hours, figure you will not spend more than 4 hours of that time actually doing the consulting work. The rest of the time will be handling other day-to-day tasks.
Thus if a job will take you 40 hours to complete, figure that is 10-20 work days, depending on whether it's a new project or something ongoing. And note that not every day is a workday. If you don't work weekends, 20 work days is 4 weeks!
In "Time Management from the Inside Out", Morgenstern suggests putting time estimates next to each task, then noting afterwards how long it took. That way you can learn over time how long things take, and make your day plan realistic. When you put much more in your day plan than you possibly can do, you end up feeling like a failure no matter how much you accomplish. She said that just as you can only put so much in a closet, you can only fit so many tasks in a day, and you need to have a sense of this.
I've historically been abysmal on estimating my time - BIG problem when doing consulting - so I've been taking Morgenstern's suggestion and it helps a lot. You might want to try it.
I started working before I finished my morning routine, which isn't actually very good. I'm back to my morning routine now.
The reason it isn't good is because I haven't gone over my to-do list and figured out my priorities for the day - made a day plan. I just started doing something. This is how I get into trouble because I don't do the highest priority thing first. (In this case maybe I did, but often I don't.)
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 6:30am (plan: 7am).
Morning Routine
----Shower and dress.
----Empty dish drain and wash any dishes from previous day.
----Make and eat breakfast.
----Wash breakfast dishes.
----Make bed (convert futon back into couch).
----Take out pills for the day.
Day Plan
----Check email.
----Work on DotNetNuke installation (in progress).
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Morning Routine
----Swallow morning pills.
----Meditate and pray.
----Review to-do list and make a plan for the day.
*Morning Routine
*Started Daytime Routine
*Took a 30 min CUOP break used my timer and ~stuck to it!~
* 12.15 - 1.15 max Weekly Review Overran by half an hour. The problem with doing a Weekly Review only once every few months is that it takes so long! I haven't even done all of it, but my Outlook Inbox, my desk, and my Task List are looking ~much~ better!
*CUOPing again now
Running late!
*1.15 - 2.15 max Finish Daytime Routine
*3.15 - 4.15 Finish prep for teaching tonight
*4.15 leave for classes/sign in/set up
*5.00 - 8.00 Teaching
*8.00 - 8.30 Pack up and come home
*8.30 - 9.00 Evening meal and clear up
*9.00 Before Bed Routine (I've been letting it get too late and struggling to get myself ready for bed just lately, which, ironically, puts me off going to bed)
*After BBR - wind down
*By 11 pm - lights out, head on pillow!
Tuesday - Long payroll day followed by course - unlikely to be checking in.
> The problem with doing a Weekly Review only once every few months is that it takes so long! I haven't even done all of it, but my Outlook Inbox, my desk, and my Task List are looking ~much~ better!
LOL!! That's what I used to do, back when I was even attempting a weekly review. Congratulations on getting it done!
I did actually used to do them weekly, and it worked really well, which is why I want to get back into them. They took me about an hour and a half back then.
Ta Da:
--got up at 6:10
--made coffee, had banana
--got DD up at 6:25
--got lunch $ to both kids
--took heartburn med for day
--got dressed for driving
To Do:
--drive DS to school
--pick up milk, antihistamines
--take vitamins
--dress for work
--makeup, jewellry
--write newsletter article
--type up new nursing home schedule to copy at nursing home
--get schedule stuffed and mailed (if mailing labels ready)
--get labels from B
--follow work routine at nursing home
--check on photo directory process tonight
--check on newcomers at 5:30 (surgery tomorrow)
--drive meeting at GH tonight at 8:00--leave by 7:30
I woke up with a migraine again, so I took a shower first thing while the migraine meds kicked in. The water on my head distracts my nerve endings from the pain.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 6:30am (plan: 7am).
Morning Routine
----Shower and dress.
----Empty dish drain and wash any dishes from previous day.
----Make and eat breakfast.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Morning Routine
----Take pills.
----Wash breakfast dishes.
----Make bed (convert futon back into couch).
----Meditate and pray.
Day Plan
----Review to-do list and make a plan for the day.
Just CUOP - Wow Gwen and Pro you both had outstanding days yesterday! I agree with pro that the getting to bed and getting up thing is an extremely important aspect of tackling procrastination.
OK - now a bit of time on my other board... I've still got 5 mins. (Timer on).
Yes, I do much better when I make a routine of getting to bed by 11pm and getting up by 7am. I didn't get to sleep last night until about midnight, but I got up at 6:30am so that was okay.
I'm following your lead on the weekly plan and weekly review. I'm going to start doing that today.
*Saw my payroll client
*Started Daytime Routine - including 3rd load of laundry (I don't usually do so much, but one load was DDog's, and we seem to have been getting mucky lately!), plus I made a huge pot of ratatouille (12 portions - some for tonight, some to share with a friend who's had an op, some to freeze). DSO had helped someone sort out their PC and she gave him loads of courgettes off her allotment. Took about an hour to prep, cook, and clear up, which works out at 5 mins per meal which I'm pretty happy about :)
*Taking a break next - I'm knackered! (to 12.15)
* 12.15 - 1.15 max Weekly Review
*1.15 - 2.15 max Finish Daytime Routine
*3.15 - 4.15 Finish prep for teaching tonight
*4.15 leave for classes/sign in/set up
*5.00 - 8.00 Teaching
*8.00 - 8.30 Pack up and come home
*8.30 - 9.00 Evening meal and clear up
*9.00 Before Bed Routine (I've been letting it get too late and struggling to get myself ready for bed just lately, which, ironically, puts me off going to bed)
*After BBR - wind down
*By 11 pm - lights out, head on pillow!
Tuesday - Long payroll day followed by course - unlikely to be checking in.
No time at the moment to CUOP on yesterday's posts - got an early morning client.
*Morning Routine including bath DDog, and two lots of laundry (hers and ours)
*Got veggies out to make a big batch of ratatouille
*Checked out local festival and Emailed friend
*Go to work!
*When I get back, Weekly Review (yes, I's the same one I didn't do last week - I procrastinate, OK?)
pro's CI - 10:55pm (last check-in)
I shouldn't have promised a customer to answer customer messages this evening. That was codependent people-pleasing behavior. I just sent her email saying I'd respond in the morning.
Time to get ready for bed...
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Good night!
Not sure about that
I'm not sure it ~was~ co-dependent people-pleasing behaviour. Maybe it was just you agreeing that it was time to do it and making a commitment.
pro's CI - 9:50pm
I shouldn't have promised a customer to answer customer messages this evening. That was codependent people-pleasing behavior. I just sent her email saying I'd respond in the morning.
Time to get ready for bed...
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
pro's CI - 8:35pm
I really don't feel like answering customer messages tonight, but I'm getting complaints about not being around. Maybe the dread of it will be worse than actually doing it. I'll time how long it takes.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
pro's CI - 5:30pm
I wasn't able to finish everything on my Day Plan, so I'm going to have to work for a while after I get back from the AA meeting.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Norm's 9.20 pm BST BE
WTG todayfirst! :) It's a PITA when other people take credit for our hard work, but it ~is~ kind of flattering too. If it's holding you back in your career you need to deal with it, but if not then just take it as a compliment.
Check In
Well, I felt like I'd been running around getting nowhere today, but DSO seems to have noticed I've got a lot done around here, so it must show more than I thought.
*Finish prep for teaching tonight I ~love~ the fact that I've done a very detailed course plan - makes lesson planning a cinch! Everything else is already organised into bags and a zip up folder with all the stuff I need in the compartments
*4.15 leave for classes/sign in/set up Got there early, which was a good job because I was locked out, and it took me a while to find someone who could let me in
*5.00 - 8.00 Teaching
*8.00 - 8.30 Pack up and come home (DSO took DDog for a walk when he got home)
*8.30 - 9.00 Evening meal and clear up
*Before Bed Routine (I've been letting it get too late and struggling to get myself ready for bed just lately, which, ironically, puts me off going to bed)
*After BBR - wind down
*By 11 pm - lights out, head on pillow!
Tuesday - Long payroll day followed by course - unlikely to be checking in.
Good night, folks!
todayfirst CI 3:40 PM EST
I did finally send them an estimate on the two tasks. I don't think they are really big tasks but I was resisting because I didn't want to commit to doing them (especially the second). These tasks both fall under the urgent (to someone else) but not important (to me) category... they fall outside of what I want to be concentrating on and get in the way of more interesting stuff. After thinking about it, I couldn't come up with a reasonable way of avoiding them. I'd like to pass that second one back to the person I think SHOULD be doing it... my boss who doesn't do !@#$ around here and flagrantly plagiarizes my writing. I should be flattered :P
- Catch up on email
- Weekly status report
- Source control task 1
- Source control task 2
- Research database issue (2 hrs)
- Read document
- CUOP (started)
- Resolve issue in my program (1.5 hrs)
- Research a problem in Project X (30 min)
- Send task estimate 1
- Send task estimate 2
- Work on Project X
- Weekly review
pro's CI - 3:45pm
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
pro's CI - 3pm
I've gone as far as I can with DotNetNuke until the Windows administrator sets the file permissions for me. I can't do it myself. They disabled this within Plesk for some reason. They must think this is some kind of security risk, but I don't get that - I've never seen a site before that didn't allow you to set file permissions. It's a pain in the neck to have to wait for them to do this because they're none too fast.
So I'm switching gears now, and going back to my other tasks. I keep getting complaining emails from people. I don't think I'll have time to write my two delinquent client emails today. I'll see how it goes.
First thing I'm doing is to take a walk outside - buy groceries and check my mailbox.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
todayfirst 12:41 PM EST
- Catch up on email
- Weekly status report
- Source control task 1
- Source control task 2
- Research database issue (2 hrs)
- Read document
- CUOP (started)
- Send task estimate 1
- Send task estimate 2
- Resolve issue in my program
- Research a problem in Project X
- Weekly review
Norm 4.26
OK, good to go!
Norm 3.45 pm BE
*1.15 - 2.15 max Finish Daytime Routine Started and finished half an hour late. Got all meals (brekky, lunch, evening meal) prepped for tonight, Tues, and Weds (don't get chance to prep for Weds on Tues), and all other tasks done except DDog walk. (I can do that after class - it's just a shame I can't take her now because it's not raining - in fact it's rather nice out!).
*3.15 - 4.15 Finish prep for teaching tonight Eek - it's nearly 4.00 and I'm just starting! I hope I did that thing of doing it and then forgetting I'd done it, LOL!
*4.15 leave for classes/sign in/set up
*5.00 - 8.00 Teaching
*8.00 - 8.30 Pack up and come home
*8.30 - 9.00 Evening meal and clear up
*9.00 Before Bed Routine (I've been letting it get too late and struggling to get myself ready for bed just lately, which, ironically, puts me off going to bed)
*After BBR - wind down
*By 11 pm - lights out, head on pillow!
Tuesday - Long payroll day followed by course - unlikely to be checking in.
pro's CI - 10:10am
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
slider's 8:36 am CI
Oops--I forgot to include a few things in my list!
Ta Da:
--got up at 6:10
--made coffee, had banana
--got DD up at 6:25
--got lunch $ to both kids
--took heartburn med for day
--got dressed for driving
--drive DS to school
--pick up milk, antihistamines
--treated myself to breakfast at McDonald's after DS copped an attitude with me (for fortitude? comfort? encouragement?)
To Do:
--take vitamins
--dress for work
--makeup, jewellry
**put TAX STUFF in car
**leave for CPA by 10:15
--write newsletter article
--type up new nursing home schedule to copy at nursing home
--get schedule stuffed and mailed (if mailing labels ready)
--get labels from B
Now, I obviously can't do all of that by 10:15, so I've gotta triage here. Hmm. Gotta think about this.
--try to be at nursing home by 11:30 after leaving CPA
--follow work routine at nursing home
--check on photo directory process tonight
--check on newcomers at 5:30 (she has surgery tomorrow)
--drive meeting at GH tonight at 8:00--leave by 7:30
pitbull mode
A normal person would have said "screw it" re DotNetNuke by now, but I'm in total pitbull mode - I can't let go of it. I'm learning ASP.Net in trying to figure out why I can't install this - that's the good part.
I don't know enough about ASP.Net yet to be able to debug the installation script (yet), so my next move is to try a manual install.
Yesterday I posted several messages on the DotNetNuke forum asking for help and got nothing in response. This morning I posted a bug report in their bug tracking system - the developers have to be checking that!
Keep bugging them about those bugs pro! Are you at a point where you can respond to the client that you're learning this for? What about the other two, did they get sorted? (Sorry if you've already been through this - I'm not confident I've always kept up with posts).
I'm trying to fix the bug myself, since no one is willing to help me with it. That's not so bad - I want to learn ASP.Net.
I told the client I'm doing this for what's going on.
The other two clients are twisting in the wind. :(
Other clients
Might be worth sending a letter to each of the other clients - I know you don't want to speak to them, but at least let them have a realistic estimate of when you'll be able to give them an update.
my other work
I"m dead in the water with DotNetNuke until a Windows administrator deals with the three issues I've written in about. That will easily take a day, so I'm done with DotNetNuke for the day. Moving onto other stuff...
Todayfirst 9:00 AM EST
I'm back. Took a few days off for surgery and visitors.
I'm not sure why people still ask me for estimates of tasks. My estimates are always wrong, so I have a habit of telling them two weeks regardless of the task ;) It's not really even that I can't guess how long it will take to do a task... I just don't know how many times they are going to interrupt me with other tasks. These may be pretty small tasks though, perhaps I can only get away with one week.
- Catch up on email
- Weekly status report
- Source control task 1
- Source control task 2
- Read document
- CUOP (started)
- Send task estimate 1
- Send task estimate 2
- Research database issue
- Resolve issue in my program
- Research a problem in Project X
- Weekly review
surgery etc
Yes, it was me. Some cartilage in my knee needed repair. Not too bad, though I can't do some things for a while. I guess most of those things are not as urgent as they seem.
As far as estimates, I will try to keep track of how long they actually take. The main problem here seems to not be how much time I will spend on a task but that I have trouble estimating how much time I WON'T be able to spend on a task. If I say it will take me a week that might be accurate in terms of hours spent (40) but then I feel bad if it takes me 4 weeks to get it done, because of interruptions and other tasks. What they really want to know is when it will be done, not how many hours it will take me.
then track that!
Part of estimating how long a task will take is noting the "average interruption time", so to speak.
I've had so much trouble with this that I've read articles for consultants on how to estimate time. Most people spend a maximum of half their day working - less if you're starting something new. The range is 25-50% of your work day. So if your work day is 8 hours, figure you will not spend more than 4 hours of that time actually doing the consulting work. The rest of the time will be handling other day-to-day tasks.
Thus if a job will take you 40 hours to complete, figure that is 10-20 work days, depending on whether it's a new project or something ongoing. And note that not every day is a workday. If you don't work weekends, 20 work days is 4 weeks!
I will echo Normy--I hope you're feeling ok if you are the one who had surgery.
As to the estimates: better to estimate longer than you think, and then if you can do it in less it just makes you look good!
time estimates
In "Time Management from the Inside Out", Morgenstern suggests putting time estimates next to each task, then noting afterwards how long it took. That way you can learn over time how long things take, and make your day plan realistic. When you put much more in your day plan than you possibly can do, you end up feeling like a failure no matter how much you accomplish. She said that just as you can only put so much in a closet, you can only fit so many tasks in a day, and you need to have a sense of this.
I've historically been abysmal on estimating my time - BIG problem when doing consulting - so I've been taking Morgenstern's suggestion and it helps a lot. You might want to try it.
And (echoing Normy)... Surgery? What surgery?
Whose surgery? Your surgery? Did we know you were having surgery?
If it ~was~ you, I hope you are OK!
pro's CI - 9am
I started working before I finished my morning routine, which isn't actually very good. I'm back to my morning routine now.
The reason it isn't good is because I haven't gone over my to-do list and figured out my priorities for the day - made a day plan. I just started doing something. This is how I get into trouble because I don't do the highest priority thing first. (In this case maybe I did, but often I don't.)
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Norm 1.45 pm BST BE
*Morning Routine
*Started Daytime Routine
*Took a 30 min CUOP break used my timer and ~stuck to it!~
* 12.15 - 1.15 max Weekly Review Overran by half an hour. The problem with doing a Weekly Review only once every few months is that it takes so long! I haven't even done all of it, but my Outlook Inbox, my desk, and my Task List are looking ~much~ better!
*CUOPing again now
Running late!
*1.15 - 2.15 max Finish Daytime Routine
*3.15 - 4.15 Finish prep for teaching tonight
*4.15 leave for classes/sign in/set up
*5.00 - 8.00 Teaching
*8.00 - 8.30 Pack up and come home
*8.30 - 9.00 Evening meal and clear up
*9.00 Before Bed Routine (I've been letting it get too late and struggling to get myself ready for bed just lately, which, ironically, puts me off going to bed)
*After BBR - wind down
*By 11 pm - lights out, head on pillow!
Tuesday - Long payroll day followed by course - unlikely to be checking in.
weekly reviews every month
> The problem with doing a Weekly Review only once every few months is that it takes so long! I haven't even done all of it, but my Outlook Inbox, my desk, and my Task List are looking ~much~ better!
LOL!! That's what I used to do, back when I was even attempting a weekly review. Congratulations on getting it done!
Weekly 'weekly reviews'
I did actually used to do them weekly, and it worked really well, which is why I want to get back into them. They took me about an hour and a half back then.
slider's first Ci--7:30 am
Ta Da:
--got up at 6:10
--made coffee, had banana
--got DD up at 6:25
--got lunch $ to both kids
--took heartburn med for day
--got dressed for driving
To Do:
--drive DS to school
--pick up milk, antihistamines
--take vitamins
--dress for work
--makeup, jewellry
--write newsletter article
--type up new nursing home schedule to copy at nursing home
--get schedule stuffed and mailed (if mailing labels ready)
--get labels from B
--follow work routine at nursing home
--check on photo directory process tonight
--check on newcomers at 5:30 (surgery tomorrow)
--drive meeting at GH tonight at 8:00--leave by 7:30
up early today!
Up at 6:10am! WooHoo!! :)
pro's CI - 7:15am
I woke up with a migraine again, so I took a shower first thing while the migraine meds kicked in. The water on my head distracts my nerve endings from the pain.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
OK Timer's gone - back at it: Weekly Review
Norm's 12.10 BE
Just CUOP - Wow Gwen and Pro you both had outstanding days yesterday! I agree with pro that the getting to bed and getting up thing is an extremely important aspect of tackling procrastination.
OK - now a bit of time on my other board... I've still got 5 mins. (Timer on).
early to bed, early to rise
Yes, I do much better when I make a routine of getting to bed by 11pm and getting up by 7am. I didn't get to sleep last night until about midnight, but I got up at 6:30am so that was okay.
I'm following your lead on the weekly plan and weekly review. I'm going to start doing that today.
Norm 11.45 am BE
*Saw my payroll client
*Started Daytime Routine - including 3rd load of laundry (I don't usually do so much, but one load was DDog's, and we seem to have been getting mucky lately!), plus I made a huge pot of ratatouille (12 portions - some for tonight, some to share with a friend who's had an op, some to freeze). DSO had helped someone sort out their PC and she gave him loads of courgettes off her allotment. Took about an hour to prep, cook, and clear up, which works out at 5 mins per meal which I'm pretty happy about :)
*Taking a break next - I'm knackered! (to 12.15)
* 12.15 - 1.15 max Weekly Review
*1.15 - 2.15 max Finish Daytime Routine
*3.15 - 4.15 Finish prep for teaching tonight
*4.15 leave for classes/sign in/set up
*5.00 - 8.00 Teaching
*8.00 - 8.30 Pack up and come home
*8.30 - 9.00 Evening meal and clear up
*9.00 Before Bed Routine (I've been letting it get too late and struggling to get myself ready for bed just lately, which, ironically, puts me off going to bed)
*After BBR - wind down
*By 11 pm - lights out, head on pillow!
Tuesday - Long payroll day followed by course - unlikely to be checking in.
But what's a courgette?
Norm's 8.45 am BE
No time at the moment to CUOP on yesterday's posts - got an early morning client.
*Morning Routine including bath DDog, and two lots of laundry (hers and ours)
*Got veggies out to make a big batch of ratatouille
*Checked out local festival and Emailed friend
*Go to work!
*When I get back, Weekly Review (yes, I's the same one I didn't do last week - I procrastinate, OK?)