Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I did a little housework while I did my bedtime routine - nothing big. I clean little things around the house whenever I notice they're dirty.
I'm resisting the urge to eat. If I'm up much longer, I'll get so hungry I have to eat. Now I'm just a little noshy. Ordinarily I'd go ahead and eat, but the enjoyment of eating is outweighed by my desire to lose weight. ;)
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 6:50am (plan: 7am).
Post first check-in and CUOP.
Morning Routine
Meditated for 30 minutes, then said short prayer ("God, please help me to make good use of this day you've given me").
Review to-do list and make a plan for the day.
Day Plan
----Check email and clear spam folder.
----Dusted paper cutter and shelf beneath coffee table.
----Downloaded an eye chart from the internet, printed it in four tiled pages, sliced off the margins, taped them together, measured 20 feet in my apartment, and tested my eyes. :) This isn't as useless as it sounds. I'm trying out two right contact lenses, and I see distance poorly with one (because the near vision is totally corrected). I want to know how poorly (i.e., can I drive). I need to decide which lens to order.
----Make and eat lunch, take pills, wash dishes (in progress).
----Go to 1pm AA meeting.
----Try to resolve DotNetNuke problem (MAXIMUM TIME: 4 HOURS!). I spent four more frustrating hours on this. Now there are server problems I need to wait for them to resolve. :(
----Filed/tossed papers on desk.
----Watered plants (forgot to do that earlier).
----Cleaned bathroom mirror.
Evening Plan
----Watched DVD (conversations between Bill Moyer and Joseph Campbell).
Bedtime Routine
----Take out contacts.
----Make up bed (convert futon from couch to bed).
Wow! If going to bed early and getting up earlly is what netted these results, I'm gonna start getting ready for bed! 8) Seriously!!!! Sweet dreams and excellent rest to you!
I didn't do any more work after 6:30pm. I've been watching a DVD I bought a little while ago. I'm going to start my bedtime routine now. I really want to get to bed by 11pm today - no kidding!
I spent so much time on the DotNetNuke problem that I don't have time for much else. I don't want to work on my accounting in the evening, so I took, that off the list. Not sure what I'll do next.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 6:50am (plan: 7am).
Post first check-in and CUOP.
Morning Routine
Meditated for 30 minutes, then said short prayer ("God, please help me to make good use of this day you've given me").
Review to-do list and make a plan for the day.
Day Plan
----Check email and clear spam folder.
----Dusted paper cutter and shelf beneath coffee table.
----Downloaded an eye chart from the internet, printed it in four tiled pages, sliced off the margins, taped them together, measured 20 feet in my apartment, and tested my eyes. :) This isn't as useless as it sounds. I'm trying out two right contact lenses, and I see distance poorly with one (because the near vision is totally corrected). I want to know how poorly (i.e., can I drive). I need to decide which lens to order.
----Make and eat lunch, take pills, wash dishes (in progress).
----Go to 1pm AA meeting.
----Try to resolve DotNetNuke problem (MAXIMUM TIME: 4 HOURS!). I spent four more frustrating hours on this. Now there are server problems I need to wait for them to resolve. :(
Evening Plan
----Watched DVD (conversations between Bill Moyer and Joseph Campbell).
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Bedtime Routine
----Take out contacts.
----Make up bed (convert futon from couch to bed).
I spent so much time on the DotNetNuke problem that I don't have time for much else. I don't want to work on my accounting in the evening, so I took, that off the list. Not sure what I'll do next.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 6:50am (plan: 7am).
Post first check-in and CUOP.
Morning Routine
Meditated for 30 minutes, then said short prayer ("God, please help me to make good use of this day you've given me").
Review to-do list and make a plan for the day.
Day Plan
----Check email and clear spam folder.
----Dusted paper cutter and shelf beneath coffee table.
----Downloaded an eye chart from the internet, printed it in four tiled pages, sliced off the margins, taped them together, measured 20 feet in my apartment, and tested my eyes. :) This isn't as useless as it sounds. I'm trying out two right contact lenses, and I see distance poorly with one (because the near vision is totally corrected). I want to know how poorly (i.e., can I drive). I need to decide which lens to order.
----Make and eat lunch, take pills, wash dishes (in progress).
----Go to 1pm AA meeting.
----Try to resolve DotNetNuke problem (MAXIMUM TIME: 4 HOURS!). I spent four more frustrating hours on this. Now there are server problems I need to wait for them to resolve. :(
Another day of complete and utter frustration in trying to install DotNetNuke. I'm currently on hold to talk to so-called "Tech Support" at my Web host.
They try something very tricky with the email support. They are hiring incompetent people overseas - people whose first language isn't English. The messages I get back are illiterate and clueless, but signed with American names so you'll think they're in the US. As if.
At least when I call I get an English-speaking American, and I can hound them to escalate my questions to the Windows Administrator, who seems to be the only one there with the slightest clue about how Windows servers work.
I tested my eye sight with the chart I downloaded from the internet. My distance vision is too blurry with the contact that fully corrects my near vision, so I'll go with the other one. I can see near - just takes a little more effort. I have eye charts on the bathroom wall now. :P
The only solution to my DotNetNuke problem I've seen anywhere it to delete everything and start over. That seems pretty drastic, but hey - it's a Windows server, so of course when it f*'s up, it f*'s up BIG. I hate Windows.
Sorry if this is a little long, and I'm a little sorry I'm not checking in more often, but I just have been too busy! I suppose that's a little bit of a good thing. That big project is done, printed and 59,000 pieces delivered and I DIDN'T FREAK OUT, stress out, or otherwise meltdown at any point. AND I hit the deadline.
Okay. Good girl. So that was the big real job. (Which of course I'm thinking must've just been easy, otherwise how would I have done it? ;-) ) But now I really have to be responsible to my other web client. Some of you know I've been talking about this for weeks! A little work here and there has not gotten it done. Maybe it's because I was focusing on the other project. But here we are now. Today is my day. Because if I work smart on that project today, maybe I'll be able to make progress on the OTHER extracurricular project that's due next weekend, even while I have to work full time. Oh lordy. I've spent yesterday and this morning sleeping and eating and relaxing and not much else (watching DVDs and surfing), but that's a little good, because at least now I'm feeling fresh. Albeit guilty and scared of stepping into the work fray again. Bleck. So -- my To Do list:
Life chores:
buy some groceries for the week, jam, eggs, tea, etc.
mop floor with new mop
eat 2 more meals today.
get to bed by 10
do tai chi tomorrow morning at 6:30!
Work duties:
fine tune the PSD --colors exact and sizes exact and reproducible
refine the navigation and make rollovers
and create a template page in GoLive for each artist
Gather the artist photos and make banners for all, editable in template. Are there 5?
Piece together the navigation and string together the pages and folder structure
Make the home page. A variation.
(Note: feeling better already, just to be writing this down.)
Now, how long should these things take and when am I going to do what?
I'll start with the dishes, mopping and vacuuming and I'll be back here to tell you how it went. I need a clean house to work in. It's 11:50 now!! What happened to the hour!! I'll try to simply MOVE fast.
cleaned the whole house
buy some groceries for the week, jam, eggs, tea, etc.
mop floor with new mop
To Do... 1st tier
eat dinner by 7pm, make rice brocolli tofu starting at 6:20
NOW Work duties:
fine tune the PSD --colors exact and sizes exact and reproducible
refine the navigation and make rollovers
and create a template page in GoLive for each artist
Gather the artist photos and make banners for all, editable in template. Are there 5?
Piece together the navigation and string together the pages and folder structure
Make the home page. A variation.
To Do....2nd tier
get to bed by 10
do tai chi tomorrow morning at 6:30!
Yay! It really, really, really helped to be here. Here it's 10:30 and I did so much today. Much more than I would have without your support.
Ta Da!!
all of the above, plus
eat dinner by 7pm, make rice brocolli tofu starting at 6:20
fine tune the PSD --colors exact and sizes exact and reproducible
refine the navigation and make rollovers
and create a template page in GoLive
I also made progress on the other job that's due next weekend. So, I put about an hour into that.
To Do....2nd tier
get to bed by 10 (well, it's not tooooo late)
do tai chi tomorrow morning at 6:30!
Still To Do Another Day
Gather the artist photos and make banners for all, editable in template. Are there 5?
Piece together the navigation and string together the pages and folder structure
Make the home page. A variation.
Thanks for the feedback, pro. Hope your fun evening is shaping up. Me? I need to prioritize. I'm glad I cleaned house like crazy, though. 3? It's time for a quick shopping trip -- get out of the house. Then get to work on the computer. Got to say, the clean room is much nicer to work in. Now, if I can do laundry before 9pm tonight, that would be great.
I'm not going to beat myself up. Even my refrigerator is spotless. I finally listened to my friend's new album while cleaning. Made some social arrangements. And the day's not over yet.
The meeting was great. I've selected meetings to go to every day of the week. I'm doing "90 in 90" - need to plug into AA in New York.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 6:50am (plan: 7am).
Post first check-in and CUOP.
Morning Routine
Meditated for 30 minutes, then said short prayer ("God, please help me to make good use of this day you've given me").
Review to-do list and make a plan for the day.
Day Plan
----Check email and clear spam folder.
----Dusted paper cutter and shelf beneath coffee table.
----Downloaded an eye chart from the internet, printed it in four tiled pages, sliced off the margins, taped them together, measured 20 feet in my apartment, and tested my eyes. :) This isn't as useless as it sounds. I'm trying out two right contact lenses, and I see distance poorly with one (because the near vision is totally corrected). I want to know how poorly (i.e., can I drive). I need to decide which lens to order.
----Make and eat lunch, take pills, wash dishes (in progress).
----Go to 1pm AA meeting.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Day Plan
----Try to resolve DotNetNuke problem (MAXIMUM TIME: 4 HOURS!).
In GTD, Allen says to make your tasks actionable items. If you have to figure out the first action to take, you'll tend to procrastinate on doing it. "Money stuff" isn't an action. What is the first action you need to take to accomplish "money stuff"?
Meditated for 30 minutes, then said short prayer ("God, please help me to make good use of this day you've given me").
Review to-do list and make a plan for the day.
Day Plan
----Check email and clear spam folder.
----Dusted paper cutter and shelf beneath coffee table.
----Downloaded an eye chart from the internet, printed it in four tiled pages, sliced off the margins, taped them together, measured 20 feet in my apartment, and tested my eyes. :) This isn't as useless as it sounds. I'm trying out two right contact lenses, and I see distance poorly with one (because the near vision is totally corrected). I want to know how poorly (i.e., can I drive). I need to decide which lens to order.
----Make and eat lunch, take pills, wash dishes (in progress).
OK, I'm going out of order because I'm avoiding the Weekly Review - I don't know why because I always feel better when I've done it. I think maybe it's because it takes me a while to do. I'm not feeling so hot either - I had two Cokes yesterday and now I'm paying the price :sick: I'm not going to Edinburgh tonight - I'm going to Glasgow in September - so I'm back to Plan A, which is going to my friend's tonight instead.
**Put stationery away
*Ddog walk
*Go to friend's
~~~Goofed off~~~
*Weekly Review
*Get stuff ready for tomorrow
*The ~massive~ hotspot around me:
**Work on 'Still In' box
**Work on Book Box
*Play game with DSO
I need to start doing weekly reviews. I've been doing day plans, but both Covey and Allen say that you should do weekly planning. A day is too small a unit.
Maybe when I come back from the meeting I'll do a plan for the week.
Don't see shopping on your list. Guess you will have a trip to the deli again tomorrow! Wonder if it will get your morning routine done as swiftly as it did today? :) Or did you buy what you needed at the deli while you were there?
Wow! What a colourful day it was yesterday, with the font tutorials (I'm really proud of you Teri! :) )
And someone (was that Teri too?) slipped in a little teaser about the Four Somethings and never told us what they were, so now we're waiting with baited breath.
My Dale Carnegie stuff is working - went out last night and enjoyed myself in the sort of situation I would have either grumbled about or just not gone before. It takes a lot of time and effort though, this business of organising a social life. No wonder I didn't do it when I was so busy procrastinating I 'didn't have time' for anything else. I didn't get my Weekly Review done last night because I was trying to sort out arrangements for today, and it's still not sorted. And I keep getting double booked too - I've gone from no social life to double bookings in 60 seconds!
*Bathed Ddog
*DDog's laundry
*Washed and dressed etc.
*Emails and phone calls about social engagements ;)
*Weekly Review
*Get stuff ready for tomorrow
Then either:
*This ~massive~ hotspot around me:
**Put stationery away
**Work on 'Still In' box
**Work on Book Box
*Play game with DSO
*Go to Edinburgh
If I don't go to Edinburgh I'm going to another friend's this evening. Won't find out which I'm doing until about 2pm.
My inability to eat breakfast (I'm out of bread, as well as coffee) is screwing up my morning routine. I think the deli across the street opens at 8am. I guess I'll make the bed and get dressed.
Having to go out got you going pretty fast today! Maybe you should go out for breakfast whenever you need an early jump start (hopefully without the caffeine-withdrawal headache, though! :( ) How on earth did you manage to wake up so early?
Maybe you can add that to your bedtime routine - 'check coffee supplies'!
I am dying for a chat with you guys so bear with me on the constant messages. I am trying to put together two important proposals so of course am looking for distractions ( surprises there).
You actually woke up EARLY and then you had to wait for the deli to open--bummer! But I see you got your morning routine out of the way pretty quickly (in your later post, that is). Way to go!
pro's CI - 10:30pm
I did a little housework while I did my bedtime routine - nothing big. I clean little things around the house whenever I notice they're dirty.
I'm resisting the urge to eat. If I'm up much longer, I'll get so hungry I have to eat. Now I'm just a little noshy. Ordinarily I'd go ahead and eat, but the enjoyment of eating is outweighed by my desire to lose weight. ;)
Outstanding day, Pro!!!
Wow! If going to bed early and getting up earlly is what netted these results, I'm gonna start getting ready for bed! 8) Seriously!!!! Sweet dreams and excellent rest to you!
I really do think that going to bed early and getting up early - regular hours - is a very important element in overcoming procrastination.
And so I will log off now and go to bed!
Sweet dreams. :)
pro's CI - 9:30pm
I didn't do any more work after 6:30pm. I've been watching a DVD I bought a little while ago. I'm going to start my bedtime routine now. I really want to get to bed by 11pm today - no kidding!
I spent so much time on the DotNetNuke problem that I don't have time for much else. I don't want to work on my accounting in the evening, so I took, that off the list. Not sure what I'll do next.
pro's CI - 6:35pm
I spent so much time on the DotNetNuke problem that I don't have time for much else. I don't want to work on my accounting in the evening, so I took, that off the list. Not sure what I'll do next.
pro's CI - 5:30pm
Another day of complete and utter frustration in trying to install DotNetNuke. I'm currently on hold to talk to so-called "Tech Support" at my Web host.
They try something very tricky with the email support. They are hiring incompetent people overseas - people whose first language isn't English. The messages I get back are illiterate and clueless, but signed with American names so you'll think they're in the US. As if.
At least when I call I get an English-speaking American, and I can hound them to escalate my questions to the Windows Administrator, who seems to be the only one there with the slightest clue about how Windows servers work.
pro's CI - 3:40pm
I tested my eye sight with the chart I downloaded from the internet. My distance vision is too blurry with the contact that fully corrects my near vision, so I'll go with the other one. I can see near - just takes a little more effort. I have eye charts on the bathroom wall now. :P
The only solution to my DotNetNuke problem I've seen anywhere it to delete everything and start over. That seems pretty drastic, but hey - it's a Windows server, so of course when it f*'s up, it f*'s up BIG. I hate Windows.
Gwen D 12pm TO DO
Hi all,
Sorry if this is a little long, and I'm a little sorry I'm not checking in more often, but I just have been too busy! I suppose that's a little bit of a good thing. That big project is done, printed and 59,000 pieces delivered and I DIDN'T FREAK OUT, stress out, or otherwise meltdown at any point. AND I hit the deadline.
Okay. Good girl. So that was the big real job. (Which of course I'm thinking must've just been easy, otherwise how would I have done it? ;-) ) But now I really have to be responsible to my other web client. Some of you know I've been talking about this for weeks! A little work here and there has not gotten it done. Maybe it's because I was focusing on the other project. But here we are now. Today is my day. Because if I work smart on that project today, maybe I'll be able to make progress on the OTHER extracurricular project that's due next weekend, even while I have to work full time. Oh lordy. I've spent yesterday and this morning sleeping and eating and relaxing and not much else (watching DVDs and surfing), but that's a little good, because at least now I'm feeling fresh. Albeit guilty and scared of stepping into the work fray again. Bleck. So -- my To Do list:
Life chores:
buy some groceries for the week, jam, eggs, tea, etc.
mop floor with new mop
eat 2 more meals today.
get to bed by 10
do tai chi tomorrow morning at 6:30!
Work duties:
fine tune the PSD --colors exact and sizes exact and reproducible
refine the navigation and make rollovers
and create a template page in GoLive for each artist
Gather the artist photos and make banners for all, editable in template. Are there 5?
Piece together the navigation and string together the pages and folder structure
Make the home page. A variation.
(Note: feeling better already, just to be writing this down.)
Now, how long should these things take and when am I going to do what?
I'll start with the dishes, mopping and vacuuming and I'll be back here to tell you how it went. I need a clean house to work in. It's 11:50 now!! What happened to the hour!! I'll try to simply MOVE fast.
Gnothi Seauton ~ Know Thyself
Gwen D Ta Da 5pm and To Do Still
Ta Da!!
Life chores:
cleaned the whole house
buy some groceries for the week, jam, eggs, tea, etc.
mop floor with new mop
To Do... 1st tier
eat dinner by 7pm, make rice brocolli tofu starting at 6:20
NOW Work duties:
fine tune the PSD --colors exact and sizes exact and reproducible
refine the navigation and make rollovers
and create a template page in GoLive for each artist
Gather the artist photos and make banners for all, editable in template. Are there 5?
Piece together the navigation and string together the pages and folder structure
Make the home page. A variation.
To Do....2nd tier
get to bed by 10
do tai chi tomorrow morning at 6:30!
Gwen D Ta Da BE
Yay! It really, really, really helped to be here. Here it's 10:30 and I did so much today. Much more than I would have without your support.
Ta Da!!
all of the above, plus
eat dinner by 7pm, make rice brocolli tofu starting at 6:20
fine tune the PSD --colors exact and sizes exact and reproducible
refine the navigation and make rollovers
and create a template page in GoLive
I also made progress on the other job that's due next weekend. So, I put about an hour into that.
To Do....2nd tier
get to bed by 10 (well, it's not tooooo late)
do tai chi tomorrow morning at 6:30!
Still To Do Another Day
Gather the artist photos and make banners for all, editable in template. Are there 5?
Piece together the navigation and string together the pages and folder structure
Make the home page. A variation.
cleaned the whole house!
Way to go, Gwen!! :)
What's "PSD"?
Gwen D 3pm
Thanks for the feedback, pro. Hope your fun evening is shaping up. Me? I need to prioritize. I'm glad I cleaned house like crazy, though. 3? It's time for a quick shopping trip -- get out of the house. Then get to work on the computer. Got to say, the clean room is much nicer to work in. Now, if I can do laundry before 9pm tonight, that would be great.
I'm not going to beat myself up. Even my refrigerator is spotless. I finally listened to my friend's new album while cleaning. Made some social arrangements. And the day's not over yet.
sounds good, Gwen!
You're doing great! :)
pro's CI - 2:45pm
My Web host AND the authors of DotNetNuke say the solution to my problem is to use v4.3.4 (the latest). BUT I'M ALREADY USING v4.3.4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am beside myself with frustration.
DotNet etc
Don't you hate it when your own expertise starts running neck and neck with the supposed "experts"? Good luck!
pro's CI - 2:15pm
The meeting was great. I've selected meetings to go to every day of the week. I'm doing "90 in 90" - need to plug into AA in New York.
TL - BE - 1 PM
To Do
1-2 print pics
3-4:30 yoga
5:30 - 6:30 chores
7-8 write a summary
money stuff
"money stuff"
In GTD, Allen says to make your tasks actionable items. If you have to figure out the first action to take, you'll tend to procrastinate on doing it. "Money stuff" isn't an action. What is the first action you need to take to accomplish "money stuff"?
pro's CI - 12:30pm
Norm's 5pm BE
OK, I'm going out of order because I'm avoiding the Weekly Review - I don't know why because I always feel better when I've done it. I think maybe it's because it takes me a while to do. I'm not feeling so hot either - I had two Cokes yesterday and now I'm paying the price :sick: I'm not going to Edinburgh tonight - I'm going to Glasgow in September - so I'm back to Plan A, which is going to my friend's tonight instead.
**Put stationery away
*Ddog walk
*Go to friend's
~~~Goofed off~~~
*Weekly Review
*Get stuff ready for tomorrow
*The ~massive~ hotspot around me:
**Work on 'Still In' box
**Work on Book Box
*Play game with DSO
weekly reviews
I need to start doing weekly reviews. I've been doing day plans, but both Covey and Allen say that you should do weekly planning. A day is too small a unit.
Maybe when I come back from the meeting I'll do a plan for the week.
Good idea
let us know how it goes.
Once I get my in-baskets together and emptied, I want to start a weekly review too
pro's CI - 10:30am
Grocery store?
Don't see shopping on your list. Guess you will have a trip to the deli again tomorrow! Wonder if it will get your morning routine done as swiftly as it did today? :) Or did you buy what you needed at the deli while you were there?
deli sells coffee
The deli where I bought my breakfast this morning sells coffee beans and bagels. I bought some of both for breakfast tomorrow.
pro's CI - 9:35am
I'm getting a migraine - probably didn't get my caffeine early enough. I've been drinking more coffee lately.
Morning routine is done!
pro's CI - 8:50am
I'm headed out to the deli now to get some breakfast!
Norm's 1pm BST BE
Wow! What a colourful day it was yesterday, with the font tutorials (I'm really proud of you Teri! :) )
And someone (was that Teri too?) slipped in a little teaser about the Four Somethings and never told us what they were, so now we're waiting with baited breath.
My Dale Carnegie stuff is working - went out last night and enjoyed myself in the sort of situation I would have either grumbled about or just not gone before. It takes a lot of time and effort though, this business of organising a social life. No wonder I didn't do it when I was so busy procrastinating I 'didn't have time' for anything else. I didn't get my Weekly Review done last night because I was trying to sort out arrangements for today, and it's still not sorted. And I keep getting double booked too - I've gone from no social life to double bookings in 60 seconds!
*Bathed Ddog

*DDog's laundry
*Washed and dressed etc.
*Emails and phone calls about social engagements ;)
*Weekly Review
*Get stuff ready for tomorrow
Then either:
*This ~massive~ hotspot around me:
**Put stationery away
**Work on 'Still In' box
**Work on Book Box
*Play game with DSO
*Go to Edinburgh
If I don't go to Edinburgh I'm going to another friend's this evening. Won't find out which I'm doing until about 2pm.
no breakfast!
My inability to eat breakfast (I'm out of bread, as well as coffee) is screwing up my morning routine. I think the deli across the street opens at 8am. I guess I'll make the bed and get dressed.
Screwed up? Or expedited?
Having to go out got you going pretty fast today! Maybe you should go out for breakfast whenever you need an early jump start (hopefully without the caffeine-withdrawal headache, though! :( ) How on earth did you manage to wake up so early?
getting up early
>How on earth did you manage to wake up so early?
I went to bed early the night before. ;)
oh no!
What a horrible realization to have at 7:30am on a Sunday morning. I have no coffee!! :(
Me again...
Maybe you can add that to your bedtime routine - 'check coffee supplies'!
I am dying for a chat with you guys so bear with me on the constant messages. I am trying to put together two important proposals so of course am looking for distractions ( surprises there).
"check coffee"
Guess you're going for a walk then, hey?!! :P
pro's CI - 7:25am EDT US
You actually woke up EARLY and then you had to wait for the deli to open--bummer! But I see you got your morning routine out of the way pretty quickly (in your later post, that is). Way to go!