Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I'm out of town for a family funeral this weekend, so this morning I spent traveling. Got in earlier than the rest of the family, so I have some time for myself. First order of business is to go get something to eat, then I'll check back here in 30 min or so.
I expect that the rest of my family will show up fairly soon (maybe in an hour?) That'll be nice...I feel really lonely in a hotel room by myself.
In this time, I want to:
*Spend 30 min thinking about small steps I can take to investigate other school/career options
*Start reading WB's paper and making comments.
-work in LR and den to tidy and organize
-organize photos to be able to look for photos for daughter to use for school project
This seems overwhelming since there are piles of stuff in corners, etc., and a general backlog of un-dealt with stuff, so I will try to break it down into small steps and take breaks, etc.
Because of some mental stimulation about this program I decided I need to practise what I learned in my others. Helping my recovery by helping others.So:This last nite and this morning, I started with checking on stuff and firguring out the internet programs she needs to know to teach to her and to help my friend in her new job.
Now: dishes, clean, walk, list. Son being obnoxious again- I am not reacting and just keeping boundaries. (done) Son has mellowed out. I think he respects my not reacting and sticking to boundaries, I guess I was not to good at it before , so we are both learning. Wanted to do school shoppign but kids going to last ntie of fair, husband is out so I need to stick around- they are wired up and when they get like this, I never know what the drama for tonite will be.
Sorted papers, canceled membership. Shower , step work and walk. Feeling disappointed with self, better stayout of my head (enemy territory).(done) except for walk, kids back from fair with about 6 friends, I am starting to feel resentful because I just do not trust leaving without an adult here, need to accept life on life's terms- I just can't get much done with people coming in and out, again acceptance.
Circumstantially, some days can be better than others in terms of getting things done. I'm going to give today a shot at being a productive day ;)
When it gets daylight, I will go for my bike ride. Before then, I'm going to try to get some productive things started around here -- a load in the dishwasher, some bathroom swishies, etc.
2:05pm. I did the bathroom swishies. I took the trash to the dumpster. I bought provisions for the week & put gas in my car. I brought in the groceries & put the refrigerated items away. I was on time to meet my friends and we had a nice lunch. After lunch we went to a craft store they like, then got some ice cream, and window-shopped on the way back.
Now that I am back at home, I am supposed to work on cleaning up/sorting here in the condo. Mmmmmm. Mmmmm. It could still happen. I am not going anywhere this afternoon or tonight. Since I tired myself out, I am going to rest first, and then see which area(s) are the room seem to want my help first! ;)
6:45pm. Although this afternoon would mostly be in the category of puttering around, I'm feeling a sense of accomplishment, & pleased with what I've gotten done.
Finally, I went with the strategy of my "regular weekend work." I decided I needed to accomplish that anyway, so to do it first takes off pressure from the rest of the weekend. I'm still "in process," so who knows how far along (or not ;) that I will get this evening.
Done: I cooked dinner for tonight, which I have just finished eating. I also cooked another meal in the oven. It is cooling now. It's really for tomorrow + 1 lunch this week + 2-4 portions for the freezer. In the dishwasher, I have one load going; and I hope to do one more load before the end of the evening.
Done: I finished washing the clothes. Some are on the drying racks; the clothes from the clothes dryer have been folded & put away.
Next: I am going to read for a little while. I think I will feel energetic enough to do my gym bags tonight. I will re-straighten & complete the portions of the room that I have already started on today. I will see if I can continue my progress around the room. Tomorrow will be an important part of my strategy, even though I will be in-and-out all day Sunday.
8:45pm. Gym bags are done. I started the last load in the dishwasher for tonight. I bagged up the trash to take out in the morning. I tidied up again after myself. While there's still plenty to do tomorrow/in the morning, over-all I am pleased :)
Can't find my wallet. This is a huge problem, it has everything in it :(
x 8am meds x2
x hmed 1
x buy groceries for kids
- find wallet
- prep BC papers for tomorrow
- hmed 2
- 4pm meds
- cancel on A
- buy personal groceries
- shopping?
x dishes
- laundry
x clean room
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
x 8am meds x2
x hmed 1
x buy groceries for kids
- find wallet
- prep BC papers for tomorrow
- hmed 2
x 4pm meds
x cancel on A
- buy personal groceries
- shopping?
x dishes
x laundry
x clean room
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
kromer 3:50 CI
I'm out of town for a family funeral this weekend, so this morning I spent traveling. Got in earlier than the rest of the family, so I have some time for myself. First order of business is to go get something to eat, then I'll check back here in 30 min or so.
thinking of you, kromer
my sympathies on your loss,
Sending you support and prayers
Sorry for your loss. Hope you can be gentle with yourself today.
Sending you support and prayes
Sorry for your loss. Hope you can be gentle with yourself today.
hi kromer, thinking about you
I am sorry about the loss of your family member.
Sending prayers for you & your family.
kromer 4:40 CI
OK, I have food. Yay!
I expect that the rest of my family will show up fairly soon (maybe in an hour?) That'll be nice...I feel really lonely in a hotel room by myself.
In this time, I want to:
*Spend 30 min thinking about small steps I can take to investigate other school/career options
*Start reading WB's paper and making comments.
Heading to chatbox now.
CL daily overcoming
had bfast
12:30 now quiet time
1 somethng else
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
rec ci
I plan to:
-work in LR and den to tidy and organize
-organize photos to be able to look for photos for daughter to use for school project
This seems overwhelming since there are piles of stuff in corners, etc., and a general backlog of un-dealt with stuff, so I will try to break it down into small steps and take breaks, etc.
Thanks for being here!
rec ci 2 PM
It is going very slowly.... will try to keep at it and check back in later.
Have done some laundry as well as a small dent on the organizing
Vic 8/29
Because of some mental stimulation about this program I decided I need to practise what I learned in my others. Helping my recovery by helping others.So:This last nite and this morning, I started with checking on stuff and firguring out the internet programs she needs to know to teach to her and to help my friend in her new job.
Now: dishes, clean, walk, list. Son being obnoxious again- I am not reacting and just keeping boundaries. (done) Son has mellowed out. I think he respects my not reacting and sticking to boundaries, I guess I was not to good at it before , so we are both learning. Wanted to do school shoppign but kids going to last ntie of fair, husband is out so I need to stick around- they are wired up and when they get like this, I never know what the drama for tonite will be.
Sorted papers, canceled membership. Shower , step work and walk. Feeling disappointed with self, better stayout of my head (enemy territory).(done) except for walk, kids back from fair with about 6 friends, I am starting to feel resentful because I just do not trust leaving without an adult here, need to accept life on life's terms- I just can't get much done with people coming in and out, again acceptance.
sat mj checkin
I haven't been using checkins during the first hectic two weeks of school, and I notice that I'm getting fewer of my goals accomplished.
Today, I want to:
mow lawn
sweep floors
grade for two hours (1/2 hour chunks)
water plants
Recycler CI 5:15am
Hi Pro Buddies!
Circumstantially, some days can be better than others in terms of getting things done. I'm going to give today a shot at being a productive day ;)
When it gets daylight, I will go for my bike ride. Before then, I'm going to try to get some productive things started around here -- a load in the dishwasher, some bathroom swishies, etc.
2:05pm. I did the bathroom swishies. I took the trash to the dumpster. I bought provisions for the week & put gas in my car. I brought in the groceries & put the refrigerated items away. I was on time to meet my friends and we had a nice lunch. After lunch we went to a craft store they like, then got some ice cream, and window-shopped on the way back.
Now that I am back at home, I am supposed to work on cleaning up/sorting here in the condo. Mmmmmm. Mmmmm. It could still happen. I am not going anywhere this afternoon or tonight. Since I tired myself out, I am going to rest first, and then see which area(s) are the room seem to want my help first! ;)
6:45pm. Although this afternoon would mostly be in the category of puttering around, I'm feeling a sense of accomplishment, & pleased with what I've gotten done.
Finally, I went with the strategy of my "regular weekend work." I decided I needed to accomplish that anyway, so to do it first takes off pressure from the rest of the weekend. I'm still "in process," so who knows how far along (or not ;) that I will get this evening.
Done: I cooked dinner for tonight, which I have just finished eating. I also cooked another meal in the oven. It is cooling now. It's really for tomorrow + 1 lunch this week + 2-4 portions for the freezer. In the dishwasher, I have one load going; and I hope to do one more load before the end of the evening.
Done: I finished washing the clothes. Some are on the drying racks; the clothes from the clothes dryer have been folded & put away.
Next: I am going to read for a little while. I think I will feel energetic enough to do my gym bags tonight. I will re-straighten & complete the portions of the room that I have already started on today. I will see if I can continue my progress around the room. Tomorrow will be an important part of my strategy, even though I will be in-and-out all day Sunday.
8:45pm. Gym bags are done. I started the last load in the dishwasher for tonight. I bagged up the trash to take out in the morning. I tidied up again after myself. While there's still plenty to do tomorrow/in the morning, over-all I am pleased :)
I hope to update my CI later! :)
Have a great day! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Edge's CI - 11:54am
x 8am meds x2
- hmed 1
x buy groceries for kids
- find wallet
- prep BC papers for tomorrow
- hmed 2
- 4pm meds
- cancel on A
- buy personal groceries
- shopping?
- dishes
- laundry
- clean room
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 1:09pm
Can't find my wallet. This is a huge problem, it has everything in it :(
x 8am meds x2
x hmed 1
x buy groceries for kids
- find wallet
- prep BC papers for tomorrow
- hmed 2
- 4pm meds
- cancel on A
- buy personal groceries
- shopping?
x dishes
- laundry
x clean room
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 7:15pm
No wallet, no ATM, no shopping. Bugger.
x 8am meds x2
x hmed 1
x buy groceries for kids
- find wallet
- prep BC papers for tomorrow
- hmed 2
x 4pm meds
x cancel on A
- buy personal groceries
- shopping?
x dishes
x laundry
x clean room
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson