Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday, 4 July 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Wishing everyone a day of productive work or guilt-free celebration. 

Recycler CI 10:30am EST

Hi Pro Buddies!

Thanks for the great threadstarter, Kromer :)

This morning I went on my bike ride, did some stretching, went out and bought provisions, put gas in my car, and fixed and ate breakfast.

While I'm glad the Melatonin helped me sleep about 5 hours last night, I am feeling kind of dazed for whichever combination of reasons.

A friend is supposed to come over around noon, so I'll do whatever cleaning up I can. My theory is: going out with my friend will perk me up, so I'll see what happens.

11:05am. I'm running the dishwasher. I've taken my high blood pressure medicine and I've taken out the trash. I'm taking a short break, then need to keep moving around.

12:00pm. This is as clean as it's going to get! Talk to you later! :)

4:20pm. Back from social activity. That's enough activity for me; had a great time; ready to veg now and have some dessert.

8:50pm. I've just taken some Melatonin. I'll try to stay up a little while longer, then hopefully will feel like sleeping.

Have a great day, everyone! :)



Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

kromer 10:20 CI

I'm on vacation today, not expecting to get much done.

However, I would like to email MC about Wnts, and maybe finish paper on meiosis and get members of Wnt pathway.

And I want to meet my bottomlines (of course), spend some time talking with my brother, and call AG.

Going to email MC and get members of Wnt pathway now.