Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Norm's Bookending

I'm going to be using this thread for my Bookending and CI at TOTH and/or BOTH. :)

Norm's 4.40 pm BE

See? That wasn't such a big deal now, was it?

Sessions planned (the bulk of it was done), and now I'm off to teach. Some people might think this is cutting it fine, but I used to be worse than this!

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isn't it strange how that works?

The anticipation is always worse than the doing. I can agonize over starting something for a week, then when I finally start it - two seconds before the deadline, of course - I realize it's actually kind of fun to do and I wonder why I put it off.

I think this great mystery was solved by the article Slider found on demand resistance. :D

Norm's 3pm BE


*Been to meeting at work
*Got computer profile problem at work sorted out (it has taken ~weeks~. It took me several weeks before anyone believed I was having a computer problem and not a competence problem)
*Put laundry on line
*Took recycling out
*Had lunch

*Prep for classes

I can actually feel the battle within me about doing this (and have caught myself sub-thinking 'I'll just do....first' - if I do this sort of quiet thinking I seem to think it doesn't count). It really isn't a big deal - I've already done most of it. It's got to be Demand Resistance I think.

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Hi, Normy!

Maybe you can disarm some of the resistance by breaking the big task of preparations into smaller batches and doing something more pleasant in between. As one of the new articles calls it, "microburst"! Or as the article on time-binging says, don't do it longer than 15 minutes, then switch to something else, then come back to it. I don't know how much time you've got left, though.

Not enough!

I decided to go with the 'start before you feel ready' strategy!

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starting before you feel ready

In Milo's Tips for Getting Started, #3 is "Exercise brute-force willpower". That's how I got going on my accounting this weekend. I could feel myself resisting wildly - yanking at the bit trying to get away from this task. I observed this, and then decided I was going to take these first small steps: Take folder out of box, retrieve first statement, and look at first statement long enough to figure out what needed to be entered into Quicken (now Microsoft Money). That took all of about 5 minutes, but it got me going.

Norm's 11.50 am BE 7th August

Over two hours later and I've got no further - Hmm, I seem to be procrastinating...

I'm going to go to a meeting at work now, and hopefully that will break the procrastnatination spell.

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Norm's 9.30 am BE Monday 7th August

Pro suggested we each go back to having our own bookending thread, so in the spirit of experimentation I'm in my own thread. I hope people come to visit!

I was at a workshop this weekend and got back late last night, so again I've missed a lot of posts. I've been spending far too much time on Mondays CUOP, so instead of checking all the posts I've missed I'll try over the course of the day to catch up on articles etc, and not read the bookends. Apologies if I miss anything important doing it this way, but I really need to cut down the time I spend CUOP somehow.

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*Been reading a book
*Part way through Morning Routine
*Bathed DDog

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*Finish MR
*Get ready for today's classes
*Daytime Routine
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new bookending thread for each day

I got very confused reading your bookending thread until I realized that you had a bunch of different days in here. I think it will work better to have a new bookending thread for each day (as well as for each person).

DDog bath

I visited!

Assuming this is your pet dog (?) good for you on giving the pooch a bath! I'm always neglecting the dog's bath as I end up smelling like wet dog for the rest of the day. He hates it. He finally got one last week. He was getting stinky!

Thanks for visiting!

Yes, she's a pet dog (though she seems to think she's a cat). She hates it too, but I've got it off to a fine art now, and I'm very swift and efficient. She's been incontinent recently (still under investigation with the vets) so it's either clean wet dog or stinky wet dog. Easy choice ;)

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Dog wees...

Our DDog had that problem, too. They put her on HRT!!!!!!!!!! And it worked!!!!

Dog wee

We haven't found out what it is yet - we've found out lots of things it isn't though! We've had urine and blood tests, and now we need to do a water deprivation blood test, but we've got to time it so that I can get the wee to the vets whilst it's still fresh, so I'm going to start it on Wednesday and take it on Thursday. Hoping it's something that can be treated.

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Sometimes it's just old age...

Our family dog (when I was growing up) got it when she was 17, that one couldn't be treated. Mum just put plastic and a towel down for her to sleep on and washed her lots.

For our DDog, who is 10, the hormones worked well.

Ignore this

Sorry, posted in wrong place and I don't know how to delete a post.

Where did my bookend go?

Just came back to report a successful bookending session, and couldn't find the front end of my bookend. Anyway, the goal was to finish my Urinary System, Liver, and Skin homework TODAY, and I'm now reporting (at 11.57pm) that it's DONE!



I'm new to your board. What does "bookending" mean?

what bookending is

There's a sticky post at the top of the bookending forum that explains what it is an how it helps:

Why "book-ending" works

(I suspect that by the time the person who asked this question returns to the site, the answer will have scrolled off. Oh well.)

Assignments Bookending 1st May

I've got a resistance to starting my assignments today, and reading Craig's post has encouraged me to bookend. It's a national holiday here today, so I've got more time than usual, so I'm going to intersperse it with other tasks that need doing (plus a bit of fun stuff) so I don't end up time bingeing like I do when I leave things to the last minute.

I've also just glanced at my calendar and realised there are a couple of work things I need to prepare for, and it would be good for my anxiety levels if I could get them done, or at least outlined, today.

So, for the rest of this hour I'm going to work on the paper on the Urinary System, Liver, and Skin.

Check Ins:

1pm - Up to question 2.2

2.35 - Had lunch; prepped meals for Tues & Weds; completed transport survey from council and posted it; went to local shop. Back to assignment.

2.35 - 2.55 - Got sidetracked posting on boards. Really back at it now...

4.00 - I ~did~ get back to it at 2.55, and I've now finished question 2. Taking a break then onto question 3.

4-6 -Checked app form for DSO; took DDog for a walk (whilst it's still nice out!); discussion of self-esteem issues (mine's not brilliant, and has been unreasonably low recently - I know this on an intellectual level, but it doesn't make me feel better).

6.00 - 7.17Just checking in, then question 3.

7.17 - Question 4. I'm getting bored with the urinary system now...

7.55 Q5 done - time for a break.

8.38 Getting back to it - I'm flagging now but I really want to get the urinary system bit at least done - I couldn't face having to come back to it another day!


Friday 21st April 2006 Norm's Bookending

I've got five things I need to do today before I drive down to London on my course:

1) Sort out pension DONE
2) Wrap pressies for DSO's birthday on Monday DONE
3) Get everything ready for the course I'm running on Monday (today is last chance to get it done)DONE
4) Car checks - tyre pressure/water/oil (OK for petrol)
5) Get everything I need for the weekend packed (shouldn't take long - I have a permanently semi-packed bag, and just need to add clothes and food for the weekend)

It's 11.00 am now. I'm going to check in TOTH, and as I complete a task.

First job is the pension!

Check Ins
12 Noon - Pension sorted as much as I can - now waiting for info from pension company. Going to start wrapping the pressies that arrived this morning for DSO, then lunch, then college prep.

2pm/3pmResearching and planning - on task.
4pm There is light at the end of the tunnel!
5pm Syllabus and Scheme of Work done - YAY! Now working on individual learning plans and progress records
6pm Learning plans and progress records completed. Emails to college re photocopying handouts, and Health & Safety. Physical Activity questionnaire printed. Now working on session plan.


Tax Return Day 3 - FINISHED!

Yay - I finished, and also got the papers sorted out properly so I don't have to face that scary mound of paperwork ever again. It looks quite reasonable now it's been tamed! :D (Hmm - that's one to post on the 'overcoming blocks' thread).

I used my Daily Plan to give me structure, and broke the job down into manageable tasks, so I didn't get lost(which I saved and printed out, so I can use it each year).



Good job! My wife and I are still waiting for the rest of our tax stuff to come in, so we will end up facing our own mound of paperwork later.



Thanks flexiblefine.

I've got my refund already :) It'll soon be time for this year's tax returns, so I've been working on getting my accounts up-to-date so I don't end up in the same situation again (I've said that before, but on this occasion I've actually done something about it!).


Tax Return Day 2

Starting work at 10.45 am.
Finishing at 10.23 pm

Went to the gym in the middle and did meals/household jobs. Today went much better than yesterday, despite spending 44 mins looking for my password. Aiming to finish tomorrow (and file everything away ~properly~ so I can find it next time!).



It's Tuesday 24th January 2006 and it's time for a Tax Return Bookend!

I've broken the day down into segments: Tasks (15 mins)/Tax (1hr)/Break (15 mins)

I aim to report back during the breaks.

1.00 - 1.15 CUOPs (not really a task, but that's what I did!) DONE
1.15 - 2.15 TAX Actually did: 1.22 - 2.40.
(I seem to have missed a break here)
2.40 - 2.48 Task - made phone call about a service agreement
2.48 - 4.00 Tax
4.00 - 4.15 Break
4.15 - 5.45 1.5 hours Daily Routine (prep for next day etc) - going slow - beginning to goof off. (This is where I am now, as I'm editing this post)
5.45 - 6.15 Going for a walk to clear my mind, stretch my legs, and get me in a better mood again, then back to work.

Later: Well I ~was~ in a better mood, but I was also hungry, so I had my evening meal, cleared up, got stuff ready for tomorrow, and then got back to work - did another 1 1/2 hours, and got loads done. It was horrible! More tomorrow.


26th December

I've been procrastinating today in a few areas, and need to get going whilst we've still got some light. Here are my tasks for today:

*Go to the loo! Done
*Blow out aromatherapy candle (it's giving me a headache) Done
*Eat something Done
*Paint the filing cabinet outside
*Go for a run
*Walk the dog

It's now 1.22 pm. Aiming to check in again at the TOTH.

2.30 pm Did first three - missed TOTH posting as I was eating. Kitchen cleaned up. Next: Painting filing cabinet. Will post again when done, or between coats.

3.30 pm Not doing as good a job of this filing cabinet as the last one I did, but it's doing OK. Beginning to go dusky now and some spots of rain - still another coat to go.

4.30 pm I seem to be doing BOTHs - just the way things worked out. Cabinet is as good as I can be bothered to do - it's now drying outside. Hoping it stays dry for 24 hours. It's gone cold and dusky now. Wish I'd started all this sooner! Next: Go for a run.

6.15 pm Went for a run; Ddog has been for a walk; CUOP on message boards. Next: Going for a bath.

I do still have one other job that I nearly managed to forget completely - my homework! I'd timetabled two hours for today, so I'm aiming to start it after my evening meal.

9.43 pm Had a veeeerrrry long bath, and have only just had something to eat, so I didn't do the homework. Going to have an early night and get in training for early rises whilst I'm away. I'm wondering if this is procrastination or good sense - I really can't tell.

19th December 2005

Just realised I've spent the last two hours procrastinating, so I'm going to bookend.

*Go and pick up something from a friend 7 pm Done
*Go to vets to sign an form and collect tabs 7 pm Done
*Go to payroll job for a couple of hours
*Go to give in menus and pay deposits for meal I've organised
*Go to College job for an hour 7 pm Done
*Go to friend's house to lend her something 7 pm Done
*Choose book for student
*Eat 7 pm Done
*Go to meditation group 7 pm On my way

Not sure how often I'll be able to check in, as it's out and about stuff. It's now 3.00 pm.

7pm CI: Stymied by been told incorrect opening times for workplace. Done well, but not managed to get to payroll job today (going on a Monday was an experiment anyway - will try again in New Year - I can go on my usual Thursday instead this week). Haven't been able to sort out the meal - will do it in my break between classes tomorrow.


18th December 2006 Bookending

It's 10.39 now, and I'm going to be doing some exam prep shortly, ready for my exam at 12.00.

I'll post TOTH and BOTH until the invigilator arrives, and I'll post after the exam.

OK, so counting this as a late BOTH: Done some reading, done my Morning Routine, and Start of Workday Routine, fired up PC, checked boards, checked Emails and deleted junk, LOGGED OUT of Outlook (I can't resist Email checking, so it's better not on when I'm trying to focus). Next: Get all the books and notes together that I need for the (open book) exam. Mark the pages relevant to the topics we're doing today. See if I can get the notes in a logical order. Check portfolios are as up-to-date as possible. I've only got 1/4 hour to next check-in, so it'll probably just be the first task or two for now.

TOTH: Cleared stuff off my desk that doesn't need to be here. Got the books on my desk that I need, and marked up relevant sections on some of them. Discovered not all my notes are in my folder. Next: Find notes and put them in folder (you may be thinking I should have done this sooner, but remember where we are!)

Nearly Noon TOTH: Notes nearly sorted. Next: Do the exam! See you in 3 hours...

4pm TOTH: What happened to 3pm - 4pm? Well, the exam seemed to go well - I'm so pleased I spent that time this morning organising my desk and my notes as it really made a big difference. After the exam I said goodbye to my invigilator, checked in with DSO who was being quiet downstairs, and prepped a big pot of veggie soup as the basis for our meals for the rest of this week (we're on an economy week!). Just having a cup of tea and 15 mins off now, then taking Ddog out for a walk, so won't be able to post back until next TOTH at 5.00 pm.

5.21 pmActually spent 40 mins checking Emails and posts, then took Ddog out. Just got back. Next: Finish making evening meal; eat; clear up kitchen; check daytime routine; go to gym for class at 7.00 followed by running on treadmill; shower; and maybe an early night with a book.


16th Dec 2005: Bookending TOTH & BOTH

I'm part way through my morning routine, and have decided to do some bookending. Will check in Top Of The Hour and Bottom Of the Hour.

I'm counting this as my first BOTH.

BOTH: Completed most of Morning Routine. Now have 15 mins computer time (timer on). Next: Finish Morning Routine.

TOTH: Sidetracked by being on computer, and ended up doing something that I was going to do later, but it actually worked out better. Booked the yoga class I wanted to go to this morning, and booked exercise classes for the rest of the week ('Excercise' was on my list of future Bookend projects). Ran off another copy of my running programme, because the coach I saw yesterday took mine off me to work on - now at least I know I'm supposed to be running today! Next: Still aiming to do morning routine, then I'm off to the gym for yoga/running.

Early BOTH: MR finished. Will aim to check in again by mid-day (in 2 1/2 hours' time).

Late TOTH: Yoga, treadmill running (did really well :)), showered, changed. Next: Laundry, lunch

TOTH: Recorded today's training session. Cooked and ate lunch, did dishes, put away. Put away dry laundry. Dirty laundry in washer. Next: Daytime Routine.

TOTH: Nearly finished Daytime Routine. Next: Still to put the laundry on the radiators and tidy this room. That will probably take 1/2 hour.

BOTH: Put laundry on radiators. Started tidying the Lair (Study) and got sidetracked - ended up synchronising diary and calendar for January (which ~was~ on my list of jobs)

TOTH: The Lair is as tidy as it gets without starting a major decluttering project, which I'm not planning on starting today. Next: It's 3.11 pm. Time for a cup of tea and a read.

BOTH: 20 mins later and I've still not had that tea and read. I've just been posting to the two other boards I visit - managed to CUOP. I think I'm running out of steam LOL!

TOTH: Amazing what a short break can do - feeling much more focused. Next: Time for menu making.

Late BOTH: Menu for next week done. Shopping list done. Next: Check how much money in bank account. Pick up DSO (bike tyre went flat). Go grocery shopping.

Later (9.10 pm): Picked DSO up and went straight to the supermarket. All stuff put away; cooked cheese fondue with roast veggies (never done that before - yum!); washed up; took Ddog out; and now we're about to watch a DVD (date night). Can't see us being in bed by 11.00 though, which was original aim, so more realistically will aim for 12.00.

BOTH: Nearly 11.30 pm and off to bed! :)

gotta POST your bookend...

Bookending works best if you POST at the beginning and end of the time you've committed to, rather than logging offline and posting the results all at once. It you bookend - that is, post at the beginning and then at the end - you are publicly accountable (which helps keep you on track), and also people can give you encouragement as you go.

Of course, bookending also works best when many people are participating, and this site is so new it's not even in Google yet (though I submitted it). :)

I agree - that's what I did

But it doesn't show up on the post. I started with the first entry, then as I did each task I edited the post, so I ~was~ actually checking in every half an hour or so. One of the things I like about this site is the way it's easy to come back to the same thread or post and see the continuity.


Begin Bookend: Bedtime

Having thought I couldn't bookend Bedtime last night (I can't close the bookend because I'll, hopefully, be asleep - how's that for perfectionism?) and regretted it several hours later, I am now at 11.31 stating my intention to be in bed by midnight.

Later (much later): I'm now (2.09 am) posting that I'm going to be in bed, head on the pillow and lights out, by 2.15 am. GO GO GO!


Begin Bookend: Going for a run

I went to the Athletics Club, but I'm not athletic enough yet, so they sent me home and I'm going for a run on my own. I'm meeting with the club organiser on Saturday who's going to devise a new programme for me to get me up to speed (literally!) for ~their~ new programme in January - apparently the programme I'm on now won't get me there fast enough.

I'm was all worked up to go out with the Club - now I'm not in the mood...


End Bookend: Going for a run :( Start Bookend: Eat

I posted this somewhere but I can't find it now! My sense of perfectionism makes me want to close the bookend in the right place! I've finally conceded I'm not going for a run tonight (ironically, first time since I started the programme), and I need to get something to eat.

End Bookend: Eat

Success! Mind you, I don't normally have a procrastination problem about eating :p It was piggybacking on the not-running. Hmm - maybe I could piggyback a don't-want-to thing onto a do-want-to? It would have to be something where the 'don't' is dependent on the 'do' - I'll have to think about it some more. Any suggestions?


Running is good

That's great that someone at the club wants to work with you. I like to run too. I found a great site. The runners at the running capital of the Northwest, Oregon, put this site together. There is a great program that really, really works for a nice gradual, achievable fitness. All you need is a track and shoes.

week one
week two
week three
week four
week five

Gnothi Seauton ~ Know Thyself

That would kill me off! LOL!

Two consecutive laps of the track on Week One! :O Oh my goodness - my heart rebels just at the thought of it LOL!


Begin Forum cruising bookend

Unbelievably for me I've come straight in and gone on the computer, without tending to my stomach first. Need to go and get a drink at least as I'm going out soon(my first time at Athletic Club, and it's too late to eat now). I have 15 mins to get a drink and leave. Timer is on....

End Forum cruising bookend

Timer went off 10 mins ago. Ignored it (I wanted to 'just finish this'), and now I'm going to be late - again. But at least I'm going. I guess I'm nervous.


I procrastinate on going to bed, too!!!!

I am such a BABY about going to bed at night. I'll be good about it for a while, and then I'll slip back into staying up half the night (or all the night). It's a bad thing because everything is harder when I don't sleep regularly.

Is this an issue for you, too?

Wow are you not alone on this one

I kill time before going to sleep, then can't function the next day even to learn the material I enjoy learning. I had a sleep study with a neurologist. She gave me Provigil so long as I promised to also sleep, or at lest stay in bed with my eyes closed for 8 hours a night. The Provigil keeps me awake during the day but I rarely get more than 6.5 hours of sleep and it's doing really bad things to my health.

BTW, don't start taking meds, try to get yourself to go to bed earlier. If you find a way to control yourself on this please let me know...

Good luck.


I am ~so~ much better on this now. I focused on developing the habit of going to bed at a decent hour (having decided what 'a decent hour' constitutes) for a month. Lights out, eyes closed, no cheating. I've done the whole caboodle of clearing clutter from the bedroom to buying a new bed (I found The Sleep Solution book very helpful in determining my sleep needs). Someone lent me a memory foam pillow which has also made a big difference to me. So all that was left was to stop myself time-bingeing on the PC and go to bed. I had it do reminders to get off the computer, but that didn't work (ignored them), and I ignored the timer too, then I found a program that does automatic shutdown and that's been a godsend. When it's switched off, I ~could~ switch back on again if I really need to, but it breaks the spell and I have to make a conscious choice. It's extremely rare that I go back on. I had to train myself to go to sleep at an earlier hour - it took about three months altogether, but I persisted, and it's made a huge difference to how I feel, and has definitely been a factor in me being able to address my procrastination.


Sleep Resistance

I can be bad at going to sleep too...when I'm time bingeing. I wrote that list of "Signs You're Time Debting" after having stayed up till 3 in a kind of work guilt frenzy. I woke up after three hours still panicking and knew I needed some help, contact, community and found this site. (Yay!) I don't want to be too confessional, but I found out later I was.. um.. PMSsing. So, I think that was a factor for my bad behavior. I sure feel better now. In fact, I think I'll go to bed myself!

Gnothi Seauton ~ Know Thyself