Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Well I was gonna just not check in at all today, because there's nothing I want to bookend. And then I decided I do want to check in and report that I don't want to bookend. It's not that there is nothing I want to accomplish today, it's that I really don't want to be held accountable. So that's something for me to contemplate. I don't actually have any time left for anything now, but I haven't wanted to make good use of my time all day. We are about to drive to Houston to the airport and pick up DD(11) who has been gone for a whole month! So the day will be taken up with the trip (leaving in a few minutes), going out to eat, and getting her unpacked (she left her room a disaster, so that's what she's coming home to). Ok, here's what I'm willing to commit to:
--evening routine
Tomorrow I must take care of the three things I didn't take care of at work today.
Organize my desk and clean it up
Wake up by 9
Clean Kitchen
Take care of laundry that has been sitting in the wash for a week. Terrible.
Learn more about ADD because I think I may actually have that even though my friends disagree.
Create an evite for friend's birthday
And finally go to bed now so I can stop this late night cycle.
will you put the tags for colored font on the formatting guidelines please? Well, I have no idea how long it takes to make changes like this, so if it's time consuming - don't worry.
I just enjoy your colors. Really - I love colors. I have colored pens for all my classes and my notes are all so colorful :)
Or maybe just show me your posts and I can change the lists?
You've asked several times about how I make my text colored, and I keep telling you it's standard HTML. You need to get a book or read a tutorial on the internet. I'm not going to post an HTML tutorial here.
As I said in a couple other messages, Drupal is unable to recover from HTML errors, and if you make a bad mistake you could affect the whole board.
Please learn it on your own, and then use it here. You can practice by making text files with Notepad called test.html (or some such), then double click the file to see it in your browser.
tl - you want me to spend time writing code for you and a detailed how-to, but you don't want to spend time to learn. No fair! My niece used to try to do that to me all the time.
I'm replying to this to bump it up so Teri sees it. All the "Now Habit" posts pushed it off the Recent Comments list.
I think it's important because assuming that something will take a long time is a major reason for procrastination. Often the task takes much less time than we think. This is a good example. I know HTML and I know C++, and there is no comparison of the learning curve. I know that if Teri spent 15-30 minutes on the site, she'd know everything she needed to know to make colorful posts.
Would you post the link in the Off Topics bit so it doesn't get lost in the day thread? I can do basic stuff, but I've forgotten things like hotlinking, so it will be useful to have a reference.
I'm waffling about taking my pills because it's so late. There are a lot of pills (some medicine, some vitamins), and if I take them now I'll probably have to get up in the night to pee. Maybe I'll skip the vitamins.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 8:30am (plan: 7am).
Post first check-in and CUOP.
Morning Routine
Work Day
Evening Routine
----Eat dinner, wash dishes.
----Go to AA meeting.
----Look for cheap Macs online. (A guy in Italy tried to scam me. Still looking...)
Bedtime Routine
----Make up bed (convert futon from couch to bed).
It's not like I have the money for this. I just want it sooooo BAAAADD!!!! I've wanted a Mac for years, and these cute little MacBooks that can also run Windows are beyond cool.
My maximum bid was low, so I'll probably be outbid. The prices on eBay are too high. Many sellers are selling USED MacBooks for more than you can buy them from Apple. It's weird.
If I'm outbid on this one, I know which one I'll buy. It's a "buy it now" auction.
And.... I have not started my bedtime routine, and now I'm very tired and feel like sacking out on the couch.
I'm looking at MacBooks on eBay. I almost bought one a few hours ago, but the seller turned out to be a scammer. He tried to scam the wrong person - I know how to read headers and access the HTML in Outlook email. I reported him to eBay.
I had a nice evening - went out with a group of friends after the meeting.
My impulse is to sit on the couch with my tablet on my lap and install DotNetNuke on my new site, but it's too late for that. Must start my evening routine so I get to bed early and can get up early tomorrow.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 8:30am (plan: 7am).
Post first check-in and CUOP.
Morning Routine
Work Day
----Check email.
----Answer customer email.
----Back up notebook (still running - should be done soon).
----See if notebook is still under warranty (it is, thank goodness).
----Call for service on notebook.
----Made lunch smoothie and cleaned up afterwards.
----Copy PST file over to tablet PC so I can keep working.
----Take midday pills.
----Clear spam folder.
----Pack up notebook to bring to J&R for warranty repair.
----Back up computer I'm typing on.
----Errands (get mail).
----Open and handle mail.
Evening Routine
----Eat dinner, wash dishes.
----Go to AA meeting.
----Look for cheap Macs online. (A guy in Italy tried to scam me. Still looking...)
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Bedtime Routine
----Take pills.
----Take out contacts.
----Brush teeth.
----Wash any dirty dishes.
----Make up bed (convert futon from couch to bed).
Ta Da:
--get up at 8:20
--energy drink
--get to meeting at 9:30
--take CROP Walk stuff inside.
--get to nursing home by 11:30.
Eliminating shower from my list (I took one late yesterday) let me do everything on this list on time. I see the value of not overscheduling.
--ate lunch with residents
--tried to find substitute pianist for service--no luck
--located music on tape and a tape player I could use
--got familiar with tape, selected music (didn't have the advantage of using a CD where you just punch in the number, and no counter on the tape player, so it was a challenge to find songs I know that were easy to access)
--conducted ~awesome~ healing meditation with a group of 6 (biggest turn out so far)
--copied sheet music to sing by during worship
--prepared for Holy Communion
--conducted worship
--consulted with a voulunteer about ways to meet spiritual needs of Alzheimer's patients in a dignified way
--went for soda on the way to hospital
--stopped by hospital to vist with member
--shopped (again) for a few school supplies I haven't been able to find (different store--bingo!)
--put school supplies in bin where I'm temporarily gathering them
--put chocolate chip cookie dough in freezer after having a hunk (did I do that???) }:)
To do:
--check email
--pick up DS at 8:30
--decide whether to eat or alone or plan something for all or wait for DH to cook something
--bedtime routine
--begin making new ministerial association nursing home shedule for fall (ought to be mailed Monday--I did leave voice mail for the person who makes the mailing labels for this schedule so I can pick those up)
I've done a lot today and stayed well on track. Now I recognize that I need some recreation, but I also see so many things that need doing. There might also be urgent business I haven't checked on, so I need to go through my Unibomber pile of paper (stick-its notes, slips of paper, scribbles on receipts and envelopes, plus a planner I hardly use!). Some of "The Now Habit" guidelines sound intriguing to me--like the Unschedule. Use my own demand-resistance against my procrastination, hmm?
It irritates me to have to call a third time, but I'll call the insurance company tomorrow and AGAIN tell them my correct mailing address. I got this letter, but I might not get something else.
The first two times it was an error made by the insurance company. This time the problem is a mail formatting program that the post office gives to businesses. It gets the address wrong, so I have to deal with this all the time. It's annoying.
My new domain name propagated! I can access the Web site, which means I can finish installing DotNetNuke and learning how it works. I'll go back to that after dinner.
I got into a conversation with a college kid at J&R about Macs. He showed me all kinds of cool stuff. I wanna Mac - and I wanna Mac with an Intel chip so I can run Windows in a virtual machine. I want it BADLY. The cheapest MacBook at J&R was $1100. I'm going to look around on the internet -, eBay. I can't really afford to buy anything, so I try to find bargains.
I'm hungry - my lunch shake didn't hold me that long. Also, the meeting I want to go to is at 6:30, so I'm going to have dinner early.
I didn't get much work done today because of the problem with my notebook.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 8:30am (plan: 7am).
Post first check-in and CUOP.
Morning Routine
Work Day
----Check email.
----Answer customer email.
----Back up notebook (still running - should be done soon).
----See if notebook is still under warranty (it is, thank goodness).
----Call for service on notebook.
----Made lunch smoothie and cleaned up afterwards.
----Copy PST file over to tablet PC (so I can keep working - this is why I always have two computers!).
----Take midday pills.
----Clear spam folder.
----Pack up notebook to bring to J&R for warranty repair.
----Start backup on this computer (one I'm typing on) before leaving for J&R (backup completed successfully).
----Errands (get mail).
----Open and handle mail. (My insurance company STILL has my mailing address wrong, but I've already called them twice about it and I'm sick of it. I get their mail, even though it's addressed wrong, so I'm ignoring it.
not doing great today - so I'm going to run. Haven't ran or done much physical things in over 1 week - and start feeling down.
Hopefully after the run, I'll be more productive.
I'm heading out to J&R now. I'm thinking about getting a teeny little crappy computer that I can use for testing. Put Linux on it and wipe the hard disk. Put Win95 on it (so I can get Tetris off it!) then wipe the hard disk, etc. J&R sells floor models for cheap.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 8:30am (plan: 7am).
Post first check-in and CUOP.
Morning Routine
Work Day
----Check email.
----Answer customer email.
----Back up notebook (still running - should be done soon).
----See if notebook is still under warranty (it is, thank goodness).
----Call for service on notebook.
----Made lunch smoothie and cleaned up afterwards.
----Copy PST file over to tablet PC (so I can keep working - this is why I always have two computers!).
----Take midday pills.
----Clear spam folder.
----Pack up notebook to bring to J&R for warranty repair.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Work Day
----Start backup on this computer (one I'm typing on) before leaving for J&R.
----Errands (get mail) - target: 15 minutes.
----Open and handle mail, pay bills - target: 15 minutes.
----Work on PayPal notification backlog - target: 2 hours.
----Work on accounting backlog - target: 2 hour.
----Straighten work area to prepare for next work day.
I need to bring my notebook down to J&R for warranty repair. I have something to do tonight, and the sooner I bring it down the sooner I get it back, so I may as well go now. I don't want to wait for rush hour, and there's something I want to do this evening (they're open until 7:30pm).
I took the two hours of writing to consulting clients off the to-do list because I'll be using this time to go to J&R. (I like going to J&R because they have lots of notebooks on display and you can try them out, plus several floors of other types of fun toys, but I shouldn't hang out there all day as I'd like to.)
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 8:30am (plan: 7am).
Post first check-in and CUOP.
Morning Routine
Work Day
----Check email.
----Answer customer email.
----Back up notebook (still running - should be done soon).
----See if notebook is still under warranty (it is, thank goodness).
----Call for service on notebook. (I was rude to the woman on the phone. I know that's bad, but she was in India and I couldn't understand a thing she said and it irritates the hell out of me that Americans are unemployed and American companies are outsourcing work. That said, I recognize that this is not her fault and I should behave better - which is why I'm telling on myself.)
----Made lunch smoothie and cleaned up afterwards.
----Copy PST file over to tablet PC (so I can keep working - this is why I always have two computers!).
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Work Day
----Take midday pills.
----Clear spam folder.
----Bring notebook to J&R for warranty repair.
----Errands (get mail) - target: 15 minutes.
----Open and handle mail, pay bills - target: 15 minutes.
----Work on PayPal notification backlog - target: 2 hours.
----Work on accounting backlog - target: 2 hour.
----Straighten work area to prepare for next work day.
My notebook is seriously screwed up - the screen is flickering and flickering. I just checked and it's still under warranty, thank goodness. I'm also very glad I have Norton ghost and a second hard drive so I could back up quickly and easily. The backup is almost done running now.
I'm glad I didn't procrastinate on getting this fixed - that's another thing I tend to do (wait so long to follow up that the thing isn't under warranty anymore).
This is the second time I've had to send the notebook back to Toshiba for warranty service. The first time was when the built-in pointing devices when haywire. I thought Toshiba notebooks were pretty well made, but now I'm wondering...
Morning routine is done now - I am dressed! :)
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 8:30am (plan: 7am).
Post first check-in and CUOP.
Morning Routine
----Empty dish drain and wash any dishes from previous day.
----Make and eat breakfast, wash dishes.
----Take pills.
----Make bed (convert futon back into couch).
----Shower and dress.
----Review to-do list and make a plan for the day.
Work Day
----Check email.
----Answer customer email.
----Back up notebook (still running - should be done soon).
----See if notebook is still under warranty (it is, thank goodness).
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Work Day
----Call for service on notebook.
----Copy PST file over to tablet PC (so I can keep working - this is why I always have two computers!).
----Clear spam folder.
----Write to consulting client #1 - target: 1 hour.
----Work on PayPal notification backlog - target: 2 hours.
----Write to consulting client #2 - target: 1 hour.
----Work on accounting backlog - target: 2 hour.
----Errands (get mail) - target: 15 minutes.
----Open and handle mail, pay bills - target: 15 minutes.
----Straighten work area to prepare for next work day.
hi all-
thank you normy, for recommending this site! holy moley- there are so many valuable resources here.
i don't know if this is the place to make an introduction, but i've been a procrastinator all my adult life. i am just now at the point where i am seeing all the damage this has caused in my life. i want to look back on my life and enjoy the memories of accomplishing things that were important, instead of just dreaming about them.
i am very much looking forward to learning new strategies for living the life i am intended to live. thank you to those who maintain this board, and to the community here. i am looking forward to talking and learning from (and with) you.
I got you beat. I remember procrastinating on homework when I was in kindergarten! I almost failed 6th grade because I didn't do my homework. I remember my teacher sending me home from school to do the assignments (I don't know where my mother was - she wasn' home).
I created this site because I was desperate for a place to bookend (the one thing I've found that has ever helped me). I couldn't find what I needed on the Web, so I started Procrastinators Anonymous (12-step fellowship) and put up the site. I'm thrilled that others find it useful, too.
This site has become a life saver for me. For the first time in my life, I'm making progress in overcoming this awful problem. Bookending helps (especially when others are doing it, too), and people here have given me helpful strategies, and useful insights into why I do this. If I can do better, anyone can!!
I know there's a lot here, so perhaps just start with the Articles which form the reference part of the site, and once you've found out what bookending is just jump right in! It's one of the techniques we've found really helpful. We get many people coming by to lurk (hopefully they get what they need that way), and enough of us posting regularly so that support aspect of the site works well too.
I'm doing the right things in the wrong order. I started working before I finished my morning routine - that is to say, I'm still in my jammies!
Something very bad is happening with this notebook screen. The backlight occasionally starts shimmering - like a flourescent bulb about to burn out. I need to check if it's still under warranty.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 8:30am (plan: 7am).
Post first check-in and CUOP.
Morning Routine
----Empty dish drain and wash any dishes from previous day.
----Make and eat breakfast, wash dishes.
----Take pills.
Work Day
----Check email.
----Answer customer email.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Morning Routine
----Make bed (convert futon back into couch).
----Shower and dress.
----Review to-do list and make a plan for the day.
Work Day
----Clear spam folder.
----Back up notebook (start this while finishing my morning routine).
----See if notebook is still under warranty, and call for service if it is (else consider buying new notebook).
----Write to consulting client #1 - target: 1 hour.
----Work on PayPal notification backlog - target: 2 hours.
----Write to consulting client #2 - target: 1 hour.
----Work on accounting backlog - target: 2 hour.
----Errands (get mail) - target: 15 minutes.
----Open and handle mail, pay bills - target: 15 minutes.
----Straighten work area to prepare for next work day.
I started looking through my new book (I think I ~will~ try .com for that other one pro, but you'd think if they had it in stock they'd send it over to and at first sight it looks pretty good. I'll post something in the books forum over the weekend, but she's talking about an Action Spiral, and I realised that Thursdays seems to be my 'resting phase' after my very busy beginning of the week - I often feel pretty burnt out on a Thursday. So instead of feeling guilty I decided to put the timer on for an hour and rest and read (I also did more laundry - got a lot now with an incontinent Ddog. That's something I ~don't~ procrastinate about!). I promised myself I'd start again when the timer went off, and it has, and here I am. So here's the plan, such as it is:
*Walk with Ddog
*Start meal prep
*Eat and clear up
*If time: 15 mins Desk Rescue (this is the block to me doing anything else - the desk situation has exploded and I just don't want to be here, which means no planning has been done today, no bookending, etc)
*Play starts 7.30 pm, so if we leave 6.45 we'll have ample time to pick up tickets. (Which means I'll need to aim for 6.30 because it always seems to take me 15 mins to get out the door). I'm already ready to go out.
Arghh - just had a landslide! (I'm reaching over a big pile to get to the keyboard - this all happened because I threw out a rucksack that was ripped and tipped all the stuff on my desk - and not got a new home for it all yet).
Good morning, everybody! Well, I set the alarm for 8:20 and I actually got up then. Yea! Tomorrow I want to get up at 6:30 again, though, so I can go walk. So I really need to make myself go to bed. Still, staying up till 12:30. or 1:30, even, is not so bad compared to what I do when I binge on a computer game. I have actually had my husband come tell me, "Do you realize it's 5:30 am?" But I am bored with those games, now--so I guess I won't have that problem for awhile. ;)
Ta Da:
--get up at 8:20
--energy drink
To do:
--get to meeting at 9:30
--take CROP Walk stuff inside.
--get to nursing home by 11:30.
I have been on holiday for a week. We didn't have any luck with the weather though.
I am still trying to get used to living with somebody else in a small appartement. I had a bit of a routing going before DSO arrived but that's all messed up. He is using my desk and my computer a lot. And the desk and the bed are in one room and as he likes to sleep in... It is also hard to get up when the person next to you doesn't. I have to get a routine going again.
Got my finances organized today. Took me nearly 90 minutes and everything is covered in bills now...
The appartement is a mess. I am going to put away the washing and clean out my suitcase.
I can relate to the "living with someone" problems. I finally came to the conclusion that I don't like living with someone else. I want a committed relationship and I'd like to get married some day, but I'm hoping we can live next door to each other. :) Who says that married people have to share a living space?? (I haven't found any takers on this one yet, but I haven't given up. :))
I've tried that twice - living next door to boyfriend. Worked quite well. (It was actually the same house too). Have you checked out your neighbours? (Only half-kidding).
After housesharing for so long, and beginning to find it intolerable, I moved to this house on my own - bliss! After a while I realised there were some things in my life I just didn't want to compromise, and just got used to the idea that I'd be living alone for the rest of my life. Then, guess what, I met someone who was happy to go along with all the things that were important to me! :)
I knew a couple that lived in separate appartements. Sometimes, I think it is a good idea, but you have to have enough money and we both don't have that at the moment.
I guess the main problem is that it used to be my appartement. So DSO is using my stuff and messing up my order etc. As soon as he has a job here, we will move to a bigger place. There each of us will have their own room. Then he can mess up his as much as he wants to and sleep in as long as he wants to.
I knew a couple that lived in separate appartements.
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who wants this!
Sometimes, I think it is a good idea, but you have to have enough money and we both don't have that at the moment.
But you were living separately until just recently, right?
Another one of my little quirks is that I would not want to merge money with my spouse. I've read that money is the most common thing that married couples fight about, and I believe it. I would want each of us to be self-supporting, and have our money be our own business and responsibility. That's not to say I wouldn't go in on big purchases with my partner, but I wouldn't want a shared bank account.
Hi pro I wonder if the lack of migraines has been partly due to being more on top of things lately (= less stress)?
This is more of a Check In than a Bookend, because I've not got a plan for the rest of the day yet. I do have a date with DSO tonight - we're going to a play in the park so I hoping it stays dry. It's been hot and wet here recently. A Desk Rescue is definitely going to have to be on my list - I can hardly type, LOL!
I've had a busy few days and haven't been procrastinating! (There are things that have been put off for other reasons, but not because of P.). I've got ahead on a few tasks as well, so I'm a happy bunny.
Got one of my new anticrastination books today 'Isn't It About Time?' by Andrea Perry - was it someone here who recommended it? Still waiting for the Morgensten (or whatever her name is) one - Amazon keep putting it off - they're now saying it will be another five weeks. The irony doesn't escape me. Anyway, I've not even had chance to flick through the new one yet, so I'm going to do that now as I get my lunch together.
slider's first CI--2:30 pm (OOPS--WRONG DAY!!!)
Well I was gonna just not check in at all today, because there's nothing I want to bookend. And then I decided I do want to check in and report that I don't want to bookend. It's not that there is nothing I want to accomplish today, it's that I really don't want to be held accountable. So that's something for me to contemplate. I don't actually have any time left for anything now, but I haven't wanted to make good use of my time all day. We are about to drive to Houston to the airport and pick up DD(11) who has been gone for a whole month! So the day will be taken up with the trip (leaving in a few minutes), going out to eat, and getting her unpacked (she left her room a disaster, so that's what she's coming home to). Ok, here's what I'm willing to commit to:
--evening routine
TL - BE - 9:25 AM
To Do
10:15 run
write 2 summaries - 1 hr
2:30 leave for yoga
tonight - collect in box stuff and make tasks lists
Sporty's CI
Tomorrow I must take care of the three things I didn't take care of at work today.
Organize my desk and clean it up
Wake up by 9
Clean Kitchen
Take care of laundry that has been sitting in the wash for a week. Terrible.
Learn more about ADD because I think I may actually have that even though my friends disagree.
Create an evite for friend's birthday
And finally go to bed now so I can stop this late night cycle.
Good night.
pro's CI - 12:45am Friday - last check-in before bed
color font
will you put the tags for colored font on the formatting guidelines please? Well, I have no idea how long it takes to make changes like this, so if it's time consuming - don't worry.
I just enjoy your colors. Really - I love colors. I have colored pens for all my classes and my notes are all so colorful :)
Or maybe just show me your posts and I can change the lists?
Am I just making this way too complicated?
I can't teach HTML on this site.
You've asked several times about how I make my text colored, and I keep telling you it's standard HTML. You need to get a book or read a tutorial on the internet. I'm not going to post an HTML tutorial here.
ok - I tried this but didn't work :(
[[HTML deleted by pro so board isn't affected (see comment below.]]
the whole board was effected - oopps.
Teri - please don't practice HTML here (read why)
As I said in a couple other messages, Drupal is unable to recover from HTML errors, and if you make a bad mistake you could affect the whole board.
Please learn it on your own, and then use it here. You can practice by making text files with Notepad called test.html (or some such), then double click the file to see it in your browser.
ok - i thought it was just a line or two that i could copy/paste :?
like the graphics
i'll just use plain black - i can't spend time learning something new that doesn't pay off :)
i spent hours doing graphics too - maybe someday that will have some montery payoff :D
HTML Colors info
You can post in HTML here -- it's how people are adding images and colors to their messages.
You may want to take a look at the HTML Fonts page and other things at for more ideas.
Thanks! I'll get it someday. And I'll stop bugging Pro :)
yeah, hey...
tl - you want me to spend time writing code for you and a detailed how-to, but you don't want to spend time to learn. No fair! My niece used to try to do that to me all the time.
ok, ok
I tried :)
My IT friends say the same thing. They'll provide to a certain point but then say "get a book or look it up"
Normy - I went to photobucket - and have spent hours since there and using photoshop. Thanks Normy ;)
That's why I'm scared to go to HTML sites.
I actually learned C++, and some others, but it's so time consuming! Just to look cool?!
I'll eventually learn it....
assuming it's time consuming
That's why I'm scared to go to HTML sites.
I actually learned C++, and some others, but it's so time consuming! Just to look cool?!
A true procrastinator's way of thinking. ;) How do you know it's time consuming when you've never even given it 15 focused minutes of your time?
Actually, what you need to know to make your messages here look nice you could learn in 15 minutes. There is no comparison between C++ and HTML!!
I think HTML is useful for everyone to know, because I think everyone should have a Web site. (Spoken as a true Web developer, I know.)
assuming it's time consuming (Teri)
I'm replying to this to bump it up so Teri sees it. All the "Now Habit" posts pushed it off the Recent Comments list.
I think it's important because assuming that something will take a long time is a major reason for procrastination. Often the task takes much less time than we think. This is a good example. I know HTML and I know C++, and there is no comparison of the learning curve. I know that if Teri spent 15-30 minutes on the site, she'd know everything she needed to know to make colorful posts.
Thanks for that flexiblefine
Would you post the link in the Off Topics bit so it doesn't get lost in the day thread? I can do basic stuff, but I've forgotten things like hotlinking, so it will be useful to have a reference. has tutorials on everything Web related.
pro's CI - 12:35am (Friday!)
I'm waffling about taking my pills because it's so late. There are a lot of pills (some medicine, some vitamins), and if I take them now I'll probably have to get up in the night to pee. Maybe I'll skip the vitamins.
pro's CI - 12:20am (it's Friday now)
I'm late, but I'd have been later if Milo hadn't booted me in the butt. Thanks, Milo. :)
I bid on an auction
It's not like I have the money for this. I just want it sooooo BAAAADD!!!! I've wanted a Mac for years, and these cute little MacBooks that can also run Windows are beyond cool.
My maximum bid was low, so I'll probably be outbid. The prices on eBay are too high. Many sellers are selling USED MacBooks for more than you can buy them from Apple. It's weird.
If I'm outbid on this one, I know which one I'll buy. It's a "buy it now" auction.
And.... I have not started my bedtime routine, and now I'm very tired and feel like sacking out on the couch.
not making a lot of progress
I'm looking at MacBooks on eBay. I almost bought one a few hours ago, but the seller turned out to be a scammer. He tried to scam the wrong person - I know how to read headers and access the HTML in Outlook email. I reported him to eBay.
Hi pro
Hi there. Don't have another late night - you might make up with another migraine!!!!! :sick:
good point
Thanks, Milo. There is probably nothing you could have said that would get me to bed faster. I'm getting up from the computer now!
pro's CI - 10:15pm
I had a nice evening - went out with a group of friends after the meeting.
My impulse is to sit on the couch with my tablet on my lap and install DotNetNuke on my new site, but it's too late for that. Must start my evening routine so I get to bed early and can get up early tomorrow.
Hi, Milo!
About to start Friday? (boy am I a goof--if you were watching, I said, "Hi, Normy" by accident instead, but I am editing it now!!!) :O
I didn't see it!
Yes, well into Friday now. A busy one, no time to CI regularly.
slider's 7:30 CI--and thanks to flexiblefine and tl
Ta Da:
--get up at 8:20
--energy drink
--get to meeting at 9:30
--take CROP Walk stuff inside.
--get to nursing home by 11:30.
Eliminating shower from my list (I took one late yesterday) let me do everything on this list on time. I see the value of not overscheduling.
--ate lunch with residents
--tried to find substitute pianist for service--no luck
--located music on tape and a tape player I could use
--got familiar with tape, selected music (didn't have the advantage of using a CD where you just punch in the number, and no counter on the tape player, so it was a challenge to find songs I know that were easy to access)
--conducted ~awesome~ healing meditation with a group of 6 (biggest turn out so far)
--copied sheet music to sing by during worship
--prepared for Holy Communion
--conducted worship
--consulted with a voulunteer about ways to meet spiritual needs of Alzheimer's patients in a dignified way
--went for soda on the way to hospital
--stopped by hospital to vist with member
--shopped (again) for a few school supplies I haven't been able to find (different store--bingo!)
--put school supplies in bin where I'm temporarily gathering them
--put chocolate chip cookie dough in freezer after having a hunk (did I do that???) }:)
To do:
--check email
--pick up DS at 8:30
--decide whether to eat or alone or plan something for all or wait for DH to cook something
--bedtime routine
--begin making new ministerial association nursing home shedule for fall (ought to be mailed Monday--I did leave voice mail for the person who makes the mailing labels for this schedule so I can pick those up)
I've done a lot today and stayed well on track. Now I recognize that I need some recreation, but I also see so many things that need doing. There might also be urgent business I haven't checked on, so I need to go through my Unibomber pile of paper (stick-its notes, slips of paper, scribbles on receipts and envelopes, plus a planner I hardly use!). Some of "The Now Habit" guidelines sound intriguing to me--like the Unschedule. Use my own demand-resistance against my procrastination, hmm?
address problem
It irritates me to have to call a third time, but I'll call the insurance company tomorrow and AGAIN tell them my correct mailing address. I got this letter, but I might not get something else.
The first two times it was an error made by the insurance company. This time the problem is a mail formatting program that the post office gives to businesses. It gets the address wrong, so I have to deal with this all the time. It's annoying.
oh joy!
My new domain name propagated! I can access the Web site, which means I can finish installing DotNetNuke and learning how it works. I'll go back to that after dinner.
pro's CI - 4:50pm
I got into a conversation with a college kid at J&R about Macs. He showed me all kinds of cool stuff. I wanna Mac - and I wanna Mac with an Intel chip so I can run Windows in a virtual machine. I want it BADLY. The cheapest MacBook at J&R was $1100. I'm going to look around on the internet -, eBay. I can't really afford to buy anything, so I try to find bargains.
I'm hungry - my lunch shake didn't hold me that long. Also, the meeting I want to go to is at 6:30, so I'm going to have dinner early.
I didn't get much work done today because of the problem with my notebook.
TL - BE - 1:45 PM
not doing great today - so I'm going to run. Haven't ran or done much physical things in over 1 week - and start feeling down.
Hopefully after the run, I'll be more productive.
pro's CI - 2:30pm
I'm heading out to J&R now. I'm thinking about getting a teeny little crappy computer that I can use for testing. Put Linux on it and wipe the hard disk. Put Win95 on it (so I can get Tetris off it!) then wipe the hard disk, etc. J&R sells floor models for cheap.
pro's CI - 1:45pm
I need to bring my notebook down to J&R for warranty repair. I have something to do tonight, and the sooner I bring it down the sooner I get it back, so I may as well go now. I don't want to wait for rush hour, and there's something I want to do this evening (they're open until 7:30pm).
I took the two hours of writing to consulting clients off the to-do list because I'll be using this time to go to J&R. (I like going to J&R because they have lots of notebooks on display and you can try them out, plus several floors of other types of fun toys, but I shouldn't hang out there all day as I'd like to.)
pro's CI - 12:45pm
My notebook is seriously screwed up - the screen is flickering and flickering. I just checked and it's still under warranty, thank goodness. I'm also very glad I have Norton ghost and a second hard drive so I could back up quickly and easily. The backup is almost done running now.
I'm glad I didn't procrastinate on getting this fixed - that's another thing I tend to do (wait so long to follow up that the thing isn't under warranty anymore).
This is the second time I've had to send the notebook back to Toshiba for warranty service. The first time was when the built-in pointing devices when haywire. I thought Toshiba notebooks were pretty well made, but now I'm wondering...
Morning routine is done now - I am dressed! :)
new guy here
hi all-
thank you normy, for recommending this site! holy moley- there are so many valuable resources here.
i don't know if this is the place to make an introduction, but i've been a procrastinator all my adult life. i am just now at the point where i am seeing all the damage this has caused in my life. i want to look back on my life and enjoy the memories of accomplishing things that were important, instead of just dreaming about them.
i am very much looking forward to learning new strategies for living the life i am intended to live. thank you to those who maintain this board, and to the community here. i am looking forward to talking and learning from (and with) you.
hi, Derek!
i've been a procrastinator all my adult life.
I got you beat. I remember procrastinating on homework when I was in kindergarten! I almost failed 6th grade because I didn't do my homework. I remember my teacher sending me home from school to do the assignments (I don't know where my mother was - she wasn' home).
I created this site because I was desperate for a place to bookend (the one thing I've found that has ever helped me). I couldn't find what I needed on the Web, so I started Procrastinators Anonymous (12-step fellowship) and put up the site. I'm thrilled that others find it useful, too.
This site has become a life saver for me. For the first time in my life, I'm making progress in overcoming this awful problem. Bookending helps (especially when others are doing it, too), and people here have given me helpful strategies, and useful insights into why I do this. If I can do better, anyone can!!
Hi Derek
I'm glad you followed it up :)
pro set up and maintains the website.
I know there's a lot here, so perhaps just start with the Articles which form the reference part of the site, and once you've found out what bookending is just jump right in! It's one of the techniques we've found really helpful. We get many people coming by to lurk (hopefully they get what they need that way), and enough of us posting regularly so that support aspect of the site works well too.
pro's CI - 11:20am
I'm doing the right things in the wrong order. I started working before I finished my morning routine - that is to say, I'm still in my jammies!
Something very bad is happening with this notebook screen. The backlight occasionally starts shimmering - like a flourescent bulb about to burn out. I need to check if it's still under warranty.
Norms 4.20 pm BST BE
OK, I've had a breather and I'm ready to bookend.
I started looking through my new book (I think I ~will~ try .com for that other one pro, but you'd think if they had it in stock they'd send it over to and at first sight it looks pretty good. I'll post something in the books forum over the weekend, but she's talking about an Action Spiral, and I realised that Thursdays seems to be my 'resting phase' after my very busy beginning of the week - I often feel pretty burnt out on a Thursday. So instead of feeling guilty I decided to put the timer on for an hour and rest and read (I also did more laundry - got a lot now with an incontinent Ddog. That's something I ~don't~ procrastinate about!). I promised myself I'd start again when the timer went off, and it has, and here I am. So here's the plan, such as it is:
*Walk with Ddog
*Start meal prep
*Eat and clear up
*If time: 15 mins Desk Rescue (this is the block to me doing anything else - the desk situation has exploded and I just don't want to be here, which means no planning has been done today, no bookending, etc)
*Play starts 7.30 pm, so if we leave 6.45 we'll have ample time to pick up tickets. (Which means I'll need to aim for 6.30 because it always seems to take me 15 mins to get out the door). I'm already ready to go out.
Arghh - just had a landslide! (I'm reaching over a big pile to get to the keyboard - this all happened because I threw out a rucksack that was ripped and tipped all the stuff on my desk - and not got a new home for it all yet).
slider's first CI--9:00 am
Good morning, everybody! Well, I set the alarm for 8:20 and I actually got up then. Yea! Tomorrow I want to get up at 6:30 again, though, so I can go walk. So I really need to make myself go to bed. Still, staying up till 12:30. or 1:30, even, is not so bad compared to what I do when I binge on a computer game. I have actually had my husband come tell me, "Do you realize it's 5:30 am?" But I am bored with those games, now--so I guess I won't have that problem for awhile. ;)
Ta Da:
--get up at 8:20
--energy drink
To do:
--get to meeting at 9:30
--take CROP Walk stuff inside.
--get to nursing home by 11:30.
Must rush now. TTTL!
Anouk's Check-in
Hi everybody,
I have been on holiday for a week. We didn't have any luck with the weather though.
I am still trying to get used to living with somebody else in a small appartement. I had a bit of a routing going before DSO arrived but that's all messed up. He is using my desk and my computer a lot. And the desk and the bed are in one room and as he likes to sleep in... It is also hard to get up when the person next to you doesn't. I have to get a routine going again.
Got my finances organized today. Took me nearly 90 minutes and everything is covered in bills now...
The appartement is a mess. I am going to put away the washing and clean out my suitcase.
See ya!
Welcome back Anouk!
I used to have computer and bed in the same room - bad idea! LOL!
Ta Da:
- put away the dry clothes
To Do:
- dishes
- empty suitcase
hi Anouk!!!! We missed you!
Nice to see you back, Anouk!!
I can relate to the "living with someone" problems. I finally came to the conclusion that I don't like living with someone else. I want a committed relationship and I'd like to get married some day, but I'm hoping we can live next door to each other. :) Who says that married people have to share a living space?? (I haven't found any takers on this one yet, but I haven't given up. :))
Living next door
I've tried that twice - living next door to boyfriend. Worked quite well. (It was actually the same house too). Have you checked out your neighbours? (Only half-kidding).
After housesharing for so long, and beginning to find it intolerable, I moved to this house on my own - bliss! After a while I realised there were some things in my life I just didn't want to compromise, and just got used to the idea that I'd be living alone for the rest of my life. Then, guess what, I met someone who was happy to go along with all the things that were important to me! :)
living next door
Hi pro,
I knew a couple that lived in separate appartements. Sometimes, I think it is a good idea, but you have to have enough money and we both don't have that at the moment.
I guess the main problem is that it used to be my appartement. So DSO is using my stuff and messing up my order etc. As soon as he has a job here, we will move to a bigger place. There each of us will have their own room. Then he can mess up his as much as he wants to and sleep in as long as he wants to.
so it's not just me
I knew a couple that lived in separate appartements.
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who wants this!
Sometimes, I think it is a good idea, but you have to have enough money and we both don't have that at the moment.
But you were living separately until just recently, right?
Another one of my little quirks is that I would not want to merge money with my spouse. I've read that money is the most common thing that married couples fight about, and I believe it. I would want each of us to be self-supporting, and have our money be our own business and responsibility. That's not to say I wouldn't go in on big purchases with my partner, but I wouldn't want a shared bank account.
pro's CI - 8:30am EDT US
I'm eating breakfast now. I weighed myself this morning. Ugh.
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening All!
Hi pro I wonder if the lack of migraines has been partly due to being more on top of things lately (= less stress)?
This is more of a Check In than a Bookend, because I've not got a plan for the rest of the day yet. I do have a date with DSO tonight - we're going to a play in the park so I hoping it stays dry. It's been hot and wet here recently. A Desk Rescue is definitely going to have to be on my list - I can hardly type, LOL!
I've had a busy few days and haven't been procrastinating! (There are things that have been put off for other reasons, but not because of P.). I've got ahead on a few tasks as well, so I'm a happy bunny.
Got one of my new anticrastination books today 'Isn't It About Time?' by Andrea Perry - was it someone here who recommended it? Still waiting for the Morgensten (or whatever her name is) one - Amazon keep putting it off - they're now saying it will be another five weeks. The irony doesn't escape me. Anyway, I've not even had chance to flick through the new one yet, so I'm going to do that now as I get my lunch together.