Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Hi Fellow Procrastinators!

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to post this message to say Hi, it's nice to "meet" you all and I look forward to giving--and getting--all kinds of ideas and advice for overcoming procrastination.

I'm an up-and-coming fiction writer...but my procrastination usually gets the best of me when it comes to fiction. So I'm hoping this forum will help me with that.



Glad to have you jen! This site has helped me a whole lot with my procrastination and I hope it will help you too. Hope to see you on the checkin board or in the chatbox soon!

Hi, Jen!

Welcome here.


Glad you're here Jen!

I have found wonderful wisdom, encouragement and accountability here - and progress - I have no doubt you will too!

“Our strength grows out of our weaknesses”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Welcome Jen

There is a proper balance between not asking enough of oneself and asking or expecting too much.  - May Sarton