Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Help to get in and out quickly

I have loved being on the site and thank everyone for their posts and progress.

One issue I encounter is trying to find my old post, esp. if i miss a day or two  (oops).  Any ideas on how to get in and out quickly?




Do It Now

Progress not Perfect ion







Hi Dotnow, --re getting in

Hi Dotnow, --re getting in and out quickly:


you can track your own posts by clicking on your name where it appears in the list of who's logged in (lower right) and then clicking the tab that says track. And if you always put your name in the header (e.g. Dotnow's CI monday morning) you can tell which post you might want to see. Hope that might be useful.

  Hey, one more thing


Hey, one more thing about going back to your old posts: if no one has done a reply then you can still edit your CI, for example, you could cross things you've done out in red or black, or add images to reward yourself.


Thank You

Thanks - I will try that!!

helped me!

Thanks chickadee that helped me too! :-)