Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Friday 13 March 2009
'Asking "What's the next action?" undermines the victim mentality. It presupposes that there is a possibility of change, and that there is something you can do to make it happen.'
From David Allen, Getting Things Done
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isabo ci 930 am
Today was a good day. Took son to a bowling birthday party - loud music, dim lights with glow in the dark lights... he is five. I wasn't sure if I should leave him! The crazy parents had 22 kids to entertain....he had a blast. I got my hair cut, well, trimmed. It looks like the 'do I had when I was in high school. I told my hairdresser I would bring my hs pics to show him. It feels good though! I got lots done today, and I am tired now. Tomorrow will be a busy day, we are going to a maple sugar farm, and then an elderly aunts birthday. Lots of traveling!
Hope everyone has a good weekend :)
Nothing is worth more than this day - Goethe
6:20 checklist
finish hw #2 70 %
then #3.
then look at # 4
I think if I do it in short burst I can achieve a productive evening!
ok I haven't done as much as I wanted but I progressed which makes me feel good,I'm giving myself a pat on the back andI'm off to bed now.
Falcon CI Friday eve.
Hi pro buddies,
Hope everyone is having a good Friday the 13th!
I've been a total crosspatch all day. }:-( Got a lot going on inside (nothing bad; it's all growing pains) and pretty much blew off the day at work today. Sure wish I could use this site while at work!
So. . . I brought home a bunch of papers that I'll need to sort over the weekend. I can either do them Sunday morning before class, or Sunday evening after my early dinner with K. I hate bringing work home, but I need to get it together at work, for my own sanity and safety from being a total screw-up.
Meanwhile, got a bunch of things to do tonight:
Recycler CI 5:40pm EST
Hi Pro Buddies and waggy-tail Snoopy! :)
I've been completely mental all day; didn't sleep at all last night. However I made it through work, and no drastic things happened -- whew!!! I've come home, eaten dinner, and called my sponsor. Next: go to appt with therapist.
[humor] I think we have re-established that I am qualified for my other program [Emotions Anonymous] lol ((sigh))
8:15pm. Back from therapist. Stopped by yet another 12-step meeting on the way home; only 1 other person was there in the parking lot; we decided not to have a meeting so I can go over to help them with a programmable thermostat in 15-20 minutes. So I'm updating my CI.
I'm starting to calm down a bit after being super-hyper the last number of days. After not sleeping last night, I should be able to sleep tonight.
8:85pm. Managed to have something [mildly] disturbing again. However it is time to go to sleep, so Serenity Prayer: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
HP, you know this bothers me, and I'm just finding out about it before trying to sleep. It's not something I can change, monitor, or whatever. Help me, HP to turn this over to you. Amen.
Have a great night, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Isabo ci 335 pm
Pretty good day today. I have been using the timer, setting it for 15 minutes...only one task has stayed on the list so far. Not done the list mind you, but I got the kids rooms done and vacuumed, laundry put away, the recyclables done and away(26$ worth) and have eaten fairly well. off to accomplish some more :)
Nothing is worth more than this day - Goethe
Journey 2 pm
Attended a presentation all morning, so just getting back to the office. I have three hours. What shall I do with them? :)
I'll be in the chatbox!
Be where you are; otherwise you will miss your life. - Buddha
GeorgeSmiley 12 Noon; 6:35 PM
I've been working on various administrative tasks, a little reading, email management, weekly overview, for the last 1 hour plus.
My #1 MIT today is to complete my weekly review.
My #2 MIT is to go through my task pad in order.
My #3 MIT is to re-do Project W-M based on new information I have.
Update 6:35 PM
Did #1 and #2.
#3 couldn't do because I didn't get back an expected phone call.
Hope it happens Monday
At the end of the day I looked at my list for Monday and it was way too long. So I took time now to bring it into line.
Gone for the night. Bye everyone.
And good weekend wishes to you!
The Hero's Code:
Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.
CL ci
i need a plan today. Nothing is particularly pressing at wk. that's a danger zone for me.
the lyrics of this song are really helping me today:
Its been a bad day, you've been looking back
And all you can see is everything you wish you could take back
All your mistakes, a world of regrets
All of those moments you would rather forget
I know it's hard to believe
Let me refresh your memory
Yesterday is history
And history is miles away
So leave it all behind you
Let it always remind you of the day
The day that love made history
You know you can't stay right where you fell
The hardest part is forgiving yourself
But let's take a walk into today
Yesterday is history
And history is miles away
So leave it all behind you
Let it always remind you of the day
The day that love made history
7 days til the 1 year anniversary of my first post :)
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
CL mantra day 9
i think my day tracking here is getting off track. As much as i'd like to be perfectionistic about this and figure it out accurately, i s'pose i shd just let it go, so i will. HP help me! we'll call this day 9 (even tho i didnt post it--i needed it) and i'll just skip the days i ddnt post and just go on with life.
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
thanks for sharing!
Music and lyrics are such powerful tools to move us I think! I am so glad you shared this song, I hadn't heard it and I love it! The lyrics are just beautiful... The hardest part is to forgive yourself.... let it always remind you... that is a wonderful idea, to start letting your failiures point you to the One who can fix them and let it go turn a negative in yourself into a reminder of His love and power - life changing idea to apply!
I think music has a way of helping us receive and walk out truth that is powerful. Almost 1 year, that is so inspiring! :-)
song4 clement
Hi Clement,
So glad your day turned around - God is so faithful to answer our prayers and meet our needs. Sometimes when I pray for someone a word or song comes to my heart, this one came to me today for you, you may know it - it touches me everytime to think of His mercy and love toward us. I hope you have a great weekend and see your progress, steps forward...and back too... as He does, with love and mercy.
2 Cor. 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
hit the spot
yeah, that's where i was today. Thanks!
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
the ominous Friday the
the ominous Friday the 13th!! Well, it might be ominous for some people, but I feel pretty good today.
Today I will:
-do C que
-get info for MA pres
-determine A quots
kromer 8:40 CI
I've been having a really hard time getting to work on I'm doing a little better at getting ack on track, though ideally I'd like to be doing my first CI around 7:45.
Right now, I'm going to spend 30 min on my taxes and 30 min organizing papers. Then I'll go grocery shopping and head to WG's lab.
kromer 11:20 CI
OK, kinda late getting to lab, but I am 95% done with my taxes now! And my room is no longer a disaster, and I have groceries to cook dinner at church tonight. So overall, I'm pretty happy with my progress.
Right now, I'm in WG's lab. Today, my MITs are to:
Compare distros of UTR lengths*Summarize MD results so far
*Read Arava paper
*Compare mRNA abundance with P/T.(mostly done)
Scheduled is to:
Student seminar 1-2*
YG (inc. cooking dinner) 4:30-9:00*
Call home to wish dad happy bday! 9:00And less important tasks are to:
*Finish organizing papers in room
Get jobs running on server(prof's husband actually did this for me, he's awesome!)OK, heading to chatbox now, to summarize results so far and to compare length distros.
Update 10:45: right now I want to summarize MD resultsso far and finish P/T comparision, then I'll go to bed. Heading to the chatbox now...think I have about an hour of work left (I'll read Arava paper 1st thing tomorrow morning)
isabo ci
The sun is shining brightly today...and I am sitting in it.
I wish to accomplish the following
- finish taxes
- find floor in kids rooms
- vacuum above floors
- wrap present for bday party tonight
- pack up recyclables
- sweep kitchen floor
- wipe down upstairs bathroom
- run a complete wash
the above is possible if I keep moving...Keep Moving Forward
Nothing is worth more than this day - Goethe
babarino 6:20
Doing friday project today. I can't say it will be unsuccessful due to procrastination. I did everything I could.this will take whole day.hope to get out in time for 12 step tonite.I feel sense of sadness that project isn't what I hoped but I am not a magician.
byGodsGrace todays CI
Big night of sleep, derailed by dd early wake up... but got a few hours, maybe I can sneak in a nap soon still if she goes back to sleep!
daily ci tba!
MIT… Recover from last deadline, start thinking about next one… tomorrow!
Well my graphic was slightly prophetic as I have slept all morning! But dd needed to sleep and so did I so I am grateful for it even it it was at a time I would not have picked! She gets her days and nights turned around every once in a while and I have learned to cope and sleep when I can!
Word and prayer for the day: Romans 8:26-28 (the message)
God I am so grateful for your grace and mercy and patience as I learn and grow more everyday in You…
“Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”
Music: Crystal Lewis, Third Day, tba…
My to do list:
Laundry, Dishes, Cook for ddClean up work area from mad rush to post officeBreakfast,Read Bible/Pray,Daily CIno school today!ck bank acct,
water billMIT JOB1 part2 finishing details
finish/mail added guests almost done!!Invoice revision work, emailRsvp list, emailPics,emailpost officecomplete, drop off papers to F officeck mailGro Storeshort nap for dd, get her back on trackplaydate (sat)
Chick CI
take action about t
first stepbring of load of materials from home office to work to make space; pack thisHad mtng to sort stuff out at work--that was hard for me to ask for, but the outcome is exactly what I would have wished. I could have arranged this even sooner and that would have been better. But now is okay too.