Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Then I ran around clearing off the tables in the living room, vacuuming the main floor, and rebooting the laundry...I am in the midst of making supper, and thought I would ci while the water is getting to a boil for pasta.
So nice to have that huge task done for another year!
I am here today for the first time, I found this site online because I realize that my procrastination is like an illness that I've had my whole life. I'm tired of being sick with it. It has cost me happiness, success, love and all that is important in life. I'm not willing to live with this any longer.
I am currently in a very difficult financial position with a very steep climb to get myself and my wife out of the messes that I, and procrastination, have caused. I know in my mind that I can accomplish the tasks ahead, but it won't be easy by any means. There will be more moments of pain and suffering ahead before things get better, but I am not willing to leave things as they are and give up on the life that I dream I deserve and hope to have. I can not let down all those who love me and have always believed in my goodness and abilities.
I deserve a better life than I have allowed procrastination to give me.
My Task list for today....
1) Realize I need help. (done)
2) Find some help. (done)
3) Forgive myself for what I've done in the past. (done)
4) Decide to live the life of contentment and peace that I deserve. (done)
5) Check in on this site daily and offer my support to those just like me.
Tri-colours are gorgeous too. My family has had Corgies (Pembroke) all my life. When my boyfriend(now husband) started to talk about getting a dog, I convinced him to get a pembroke. I just love their looks, short little legs, beautiful colouring. (and small poops too, lol) A good dog for exercising with, alerting you to strangers (and balloons in the sky) and lots of love.
I notice that some of the intial excitnment starts to wear off but it still works and there are now challenges as the backlog drops the reaaly hard stuff comes to the top of the list - like planning regularly and making decsions - hard ones.
still hit some of my todo list yeesterday TG- loked at alg2. Today: call JS and ALex. Plan do lps and hw
I found the excitement wearing off, but I did know that I had found something valuable that I wasn't going to let go of.... I bet you feel that way too! Keep thinking babysteps :)
recovery work for today is to check-in with chat as usual, but to schedule the day's activities and stick to it. And when i get off schedule, make a new one and stick to that. Basically always be working to a schedule, but keep adapting that schedule to the changing reality.
byGodsGrace said that maybe the strength we receive by posting our struggles here is like light shining in darkness.
that could be true. I know that for most of my life i have considered light and darkness as equal and opposite, ying and yang, but i have changed that view recently.
light dispels darkness, but darkness cannot dispel light. It takes an object to block the light. Darkness is the absence of light, but light is its own thing. Light comes from a source, darkness does not. W/o interference light would illuminate everywhere. Once there is a light source, darkness can even exist unless that light source is blocked.
I (now) cannot even conceive of light and dark fighting. If i turn on a light in a dark, empty room, there is no fight, light immediately wins, darkness has no power, such is the nature of light and darkness.
Applying these ideas to good and evil is paying dividends for me.
I worked from home for an hour or so then drove into the office. I finished the easy but dreaded task that I started yesterday before leaving the house, so I feel that I have made a great start to the day. The frog has been eaten! I've been working really hard this past week and I feel like slacking today but I do not want to. I will work at a steady pace and get some things done even though I don't have anything really critical to do today. See y'all in the chatbox.
Word and prayer for the day: Romans 12:1-2 (the message translation)
So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. (Lord I surrender all! Change me from the inside out, renew my mind and make me into all that You created me to be!)
Your welcome journey! :-) My goal letting go and letting God for rest of day....
MIT today, get job2 completed WORKING ON IT :-)
Word and prayer for the day: Romans 12:1-2 (the message translation)
So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. (Lord I surrender all! Change me from the inside out, renew my mind and make me into all that You created me to be!)
My music today: Casting Crowns, Third Day
My to do list:
dd school
email about payment
Daily CI
Breakfast / break
email env. proof
call printer
Job2 Envelope addressing
Order Seals
Order Paper,beads
call about rx refill for dd
Call HL
Printer for Proof/Revisions
Post Office (tu am)
dd school
Job2 pick up printer (Tu am)
Job2 Envelope Printing upon arrival
Job2 prepare for mail (Tu AM)
difficult call about finances to friend
respond to t email
job4 revisions and email
things to improve on! :-)
Thanks Clement! I should be kinder to myself, need reminding!
I did an hour of work on my taxes, then went to lab mtg (was postponed by 30 min) and had lunch.
I accidentally dropped my cell phone on the subway track on the way to campus, so I'll add a new MIT, "go to Verizon store".
I ran into EYL and she is very annoyed that I haven't finished her project yet, so that definitely needs to get done today.
I'm going to head to WG's lab now and start reading papers...I think I can get through one or two papers before 2, then I'll start looking for RH on skype.
Once I've finished reading papers for WG's lab (and talked to RH, if possible), I'll head to the verizon store at the mall.
Every day this week is going to end early because my kids are with me all week while my ex, their mom, is out of town. (I'm very grateful that the lovely Mrs. GS is such a patient and enthusiastic step-mom; I don't know that I could do this alone.)
No. 2 son will come home today with a lot of homework after being out sick 3 days last week.
And Friday I'll be off completely taking No. 1 son on a college visit to The Big City.
So it will be particularly important for me to stay focused on my work during the hours I have in my office.
Tasks today:
~Wrap up E/E-B (the second time) Update 1:45 PM: DONE
~Wrap up P-5 NOT Yet
~Start WP-1 Started
~Wrap up M-3 Not yet
~Catch up on T-G Nothing
But I did start on T-D
and probably more.
I'm continuing to experiment with using the "Autofocus" technique to work with my task pad.
And I'll be in chat to keep me focused and motivated.
The Hero's Code:
Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.
Like Falcon, my workplace is closed today due to snow. Wheee! :) I love my job, but it is great to be off from work. ((Grin)) :)
I have already gone outside and taken photographs of the snow to email to my friend in Singapore.
I heated something out of the freezer for breakfast and have taken my high blood pressure medicine.
There are sooo many things I need to do. OK, run the dishwasher and run the clothes washer will probably be good choices ;)
I could start some macaroni in the crockpot. I would like to wait a little while before I start that; however if I start it soon, it will be ready in time for lunch ;)
The paint tray liner is made of clear plastic, and yesterday's paint has dried in it. The first coat on the wall is still looking purple. ((sigh)) I held the clear liner up to view with the wall. There is a difference in color, with the liner color being pretty close to what I want. OK, sometimes during the day I will do the second coat (on just *ONE* wall of the room) to see if it will achieve closer to what I have in mind. ((sigh)) [trying to use humor]: At least this is all in the category of "problems that are [comparatively] nice to have."
It's about 8:10am here, so still fairly early. I will keep puttering around/easing into the day, and see if I can update my CI later ;)
11:50am. The roads were passable when I went out; fortunately almost no other cars were out. Paint store put some extra red tint in the paint. Painted over the lilac-y areas.
Even if not perfect, the updated paint color is an improvement. I will paint the rest of the room with that color as a "base coat." After it dries, if not 90+% satisfied, I will buy some Tahitian Pink and do a final paint on the weekend.
Next: I need to take a short break before painting the parts of the walls I haven't gotten to yet. I need to rest, then decide: "what's for lunch" ;)
1:45pm. I'm glad I lay down for a while. The painting must have exhauted me more than I thought, because I took a nap for about an hour and a half! Painting is good exercise!
After waking up, I got a bite to eat. I had lettuce and fixings in the refrigerator, so had a salad. Next: I need to put some painting tape on the baseboards. I will do that, then either go right back into painting, or I will update my CI.
4:25pm. Painting tape is 95% up :) [other than behind a piece of furniture that I will have to move]. I like to paint the edges and corners of a room first, and along the window, closet, & door edges, so those are all done! Yay! :) Tomorrow if my work is on 11am schedule, I should have time to use the paint roller to do the middle [largest] sections of the walls quickly :) This will have the base coat of paint done! :) Yay! :) I can tell I will need to buy the Tahitian Pink for the top coat, but that is ok. Next: putter around. Will I do anything else? I guess we'll find out! :)
6pm EST. That was enough painting for today! lol. I fixed and ate dinner. Put leftovers in fridge for tomorrow lunch. Next: I've already surfed the Internet some, so I should be moving around, getting things ready for bedtime tonight and going to work in the morning. I'm estimating an 11am start time for my workplace tomorrow, but want to have things ready in case it is a regular 8:30am start time. So, I will putter around. We'll see if I check back in again later ;)
8:40pm. Moved things around. Ready to go to sleep now.
Contacted W and D about Skype project -- Have to postpone until tomorrow
What I need to accomplish before I leave for work
Finish getting ready (me and kids)
Check E-mail
If time permits
Fold some clothes
Remove some items from van
Unload Dishwasher
CI when I get to work -- Off to Chat I go
CI 10:10 I have arrived at work after a 2 hour delay. I have many task to accomplish and they all seem to be swarming in my head. As the High School Musical song goes "I Got To Get My Head In The Game". Frist step as usually is to plan for my class, today I have to go beyond that and my routine so here is a list of hope to's
Lesson Plans
E-mail about Skype
Sumbit time off request
Catch second period grading up
De-clutter 15 min
Talk to E and C about skype
Find more out about PC
E-mail LL about paper
Plans for Tuesday before I leave today
I have so much more to do but this is what I will start with.
We're getting lots of snow where I am! Workplace is closed for the day.
Yesterday I was really zonked out for some reason, so I took it easy, napped, and am now thoroughly rested. So I have NO excuse for not getting some things done today.
I don't have to work full-tilt all day; I just don't want to get to the end of the day and find that I've wasted it goofing off or web surfing. Of course, clearing snow away will be the MIT once the snow stops! But I should have time & energy for some other chores, too.
First priorities are to exercise, then eat breakfast, then get dressed. I'm heading over to the chatroom. . .
Done with todays tasks Rent car (done) Interviews (done) Bills (Done)Laundry Vacuum(done)laundry is put away.
I have to share a crazy thought.when I do laundry I often get anxiety about doing it right.many times that causes me to procrastinate on it. But it is done.
thanks Isabo I'm so glad to find a starter ready :)
precious first work time
copies for s
bring b-do this with a willing heart if possible. :)
pm: p, a, scary emails
Nothing will make the scary avoided tasks go away except facing them and takng the first step. I hope I can find the courage, hope and wisdom to starting taking steps in their direction.
This week I have alot to accomplish - and I would like to be in an open, positive mood.
-finish income tax
-complete laundry cycles on Monday to get caught up...start and complete a load a day
-vacuum all floors
-mop all floors
-clean fish tank - its growing fungas now, must be done for fish
-sort and file loose papers and receipts
-empty all hotspots
-make plans for time in town
I have really come far these last 6 weeks, but I need to remind myself all the time, babysteps, babysteps. Relying on others for help is necessary. Patting myself on the back is also necessary. I proved last week with my tada list that I do accomplish alot everyday, but I do need to focus more.
Now to funniest videos with my kids, starting off the week with laughter!!
You are doing great! You're smart to stick with the small steps. And yes, you totally deserve that pat on the back -- change is hard, and you are doing it!
Isabo 515pm
I finished the taxes!! Yippee!!
Then I ran around clearing off the tables in the living room, vacuuming the main floor, and rebooting the laundry...I am in the midst of making supper, and thought I would ci while the water is getting to a boil for pasta.
So nice to have that huge task done for another year!
Have a good night everyone!
Nothing is worth more than this day - Goethe
Starting over... for the last time.
I am here today for the first time, I found this site online because I realize that my procrastination is like an illness that I've had my whole life. I'm tired of being sick with it. It has cost me happiness, success, love and all that is important in life. I'm not willing to live with this any longer.
I am currently in a very difficult financial position with a very steep climb to get myself and my wife out of the messes that I, and procrastination, have caused. I know in my mind that I can accomplish the tasks ahead, but it won't be easy by any means. There will be more moments of pain and suffering ahead before things get better, but I am not willing to leave things as they are and give up on the life that I dream I deserve and hope to have. I can not let down all those who love me and have always believed in my goodness and abilities.
I deserve a better life than I have allowed procrastination to give me.
My Task list for today....
1) Realize I need help. (done)
2) Find some help. (done)
3) Forgive myself for what I've done in the past. (done)
4) Decide to live the life of contentment and peace that I deserve. (done)
5) Check in on this site daily and offer my support to those just like me.
Wish me luck.......
keep coming back! :)
Hi All-In!
You are in the right place! :)
Keep coming back! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Is that A Corgi Butt?
I have a Tri-Color whose rear end looks just like your icon!
it probably is ;)
Hi All-In!
It probably is a Corgi. It just reminds me to Stay Busy!
How long have you had your Corgi? :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Tri-colours are gorgeous too. My family has had Corgies (Pembroke) all my life. When my boyfriend(now husband) started to talk about getting a dog, I convinced him to get a pembroke. I just love their looks, short little legs, beautiful colouring. (and small poops too, lol) A good dog for exercising with, alerting you to strangers (and balloons in the sky) and lots of love.
Nothing is worth more than this day - Goethe
welcome all in!
You will find support here. For the financial stuff, I highly recommend
As requested, wishing you luck! But you don't need luck, just some friendly support from fellow procrastinators
Show up. Do your work. Go home.
Welcome :)
Not luck - babysteps and lists!! You have come to the right place!!
Nothing is worth more than this day - Goethe
tiptree 2:13 PM CI
work goal: clock 8 hours
- impl new 1501 requirements
- design for 1507
- update m.v.c. w/ 1445 -- test performance
- clear a p2
- practice guitar
- read the rest of Southern
- 1/2 hr cleaning
- exercise
CI Dotnow malaise
Ok I missed yesterday progress not perection
I notice that some of the intial excitnment starts to wear off but it still works and there are now challenges as the backlog drops the reaaly hard stuff comes to the top of the list - like planning regularly and making decsions - hard ones.
still hit some of my todo list yeesterday TG- loked at alg2. Today: call JS and ALex. Plan do lps and hw
I found the excitement wearing off, but I did know that I had found something valuable that I wasn't going to let go of.... I bet you feel that way too! Keep thinking babysteps :)
Nothing is worth more than this day - Goethe
recovery work for today is to check-in with chat as usual, but to schedule the day's activities and stick to it. And when i get off schedule, make a new one and stick to that. Basically always be working to a schedule, but keep adapting that schedule to the changing reality.
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
light and darkness
byGodsGrace said that maybe the strength we receive by posting our struggles here is like light shining in darkness.
that could be true. I know that for most of my life i have considered light and darkness as equal and opposite, ying and yang, but i have changed that view recently.
light dispels darkness, but darkness cannot dispel light. It takes an object to block the light. Darkness is the absence of light, but light is its own thing. Light comes from a source, darkness does not. W/o interference light would illuminate everywhere. Once there is a light source, darkness can even exist unless that light source is blocked.
I (now) cannot even conceive of light and dark fighting. If i turn on a light in a dark, empty room, there is no fight, light immediately wins, darkness has no power, such is the nature of light and darkness.
Applying these ideas to good and evil is paying dividends for me.
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
Journey 11 am Yay SNOW!
I worked from home for an hour or so then drove into the office. I finished the easy but dreaded task that I started yesterday before leaving the house, so I feel that I have made a great start to the day. The frog has been eaten! I've been working really hard this past week and I feel like slacking today but I do not want to. I will work at a steady pace and get some things done even though I don't have anything really critical to do today. See y'all in the chatbox.
Show up. Do your work. Go home.
ByGodsGrace todays CI
MIT today, get job2 completed
Word and prayer for the day: Romans 12:1-2 (the message translation)
So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. (Lord I surrender all! Change me from the inside out, renew my mind and make me into all that You created me to be!)
My music today: Casting Crowns, Third Day
My to do list:
dd schoolemail about paymentDaily CIBreakfast / break
email env. proof
call printer
Job2 Envelope addressing
Order Seals
Order Paper
Call HL
Printer for Proof/Revisions
Post Office
dd school
Job2 pick up printer
Job2 Envelope Printing upon arrival
Job2 prepare for mail
difficult call about finances to friend
respond to t email
things I avoided or didn’t finish yesterday:
Email Job3 invoice (and schedule)
Job1 Mini-Deadline Schedule
ByGodsGrace todays CI improved :-)
Your welcome journey! :-) My goal letting go and letting God for rest of day....
MIT today, get job2 completed WORKING ON IT :-)
Word and prayer for the day: Romans 12:1-2 (the message translation)
So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. (Lord I surrender all! Change me from the inside out, renew my mind and make me into all that You created me to be!)
My music today: Casting Crowns, Third Day
My to do list:
dd schoolemail about paymentDaily CIBreakfast / breakemail env. proofcall printerJob2 Envelope addressing
Order SealsOrder Paper,beadscall about rx refill for ddCall HLPrinter for Proof/RevisionsPost Office (tu am)
dd schoolJob2 pick up printer (Tu am)
Job2 Envelope Printing upon arrival
Job2 prepare for mail (Tu AM)
difficult call about finances to friendrespond to t email
job4 revisions and emailthings to improve on! :-)
Thanks Clement! I should be kinder to myself, need reminding!
Email Job3 invoice (and schedule)
Job1 Mini-Deadline Schedulere: word and prayer for the day
Thanks bGG!
Show up. Do your work. Go home.
kromer 9 CI
Class cancelled today! yay for snow!
OK, what do I want to get done today:
*Lab mtg 10-12
*Talk w/ RH around 2
*1 hr work on taxes
*Write 1.5 pgs of comp. bio lab
*Read 3 papers for WG's lab
*Finish EYL's project and email her
Other tasks:
*Finish seq. analysis for DP's lab and write up a summary
*Read 1 paper for nucleic acids class
I'm going to do 30 min on my taxes now, then head to campus for lab mtg
kromer 12:45 CI
I did an hour of work on my taxes, then went to lab mtg (was postponed by 30 min) and had lunch.
I accidentally dropped my cell phone on the subway track on the way to campus, so I'll add a new MIT, "go to Verizon store".
I ran into EYL and she is very annoyed that I haven't finished her project yet, so that definitely needs to get done today.
I'm going to head to WG's lab now and start reading papers...I think I can get through one or two papers before 2, then I'll start looking for RH on skype.
Once I've finished reading papers for WG's lab (and talked to RH, if possible), I'll head to the verizon store at the mall.
GeorgeSmiley 7:45 AM; update 1:45 PM
Snow here, too, but nothing like out east.
Every day this week is going to end early because my kids are with me all week while my ex, their mom, is out of town. (I'm very grateful that the lovely Mrs. GS is such a patient and enthusiastic step-mom; I don't know that I could do this alone.)
No. 2 son will come home today with a lot of homework after being out sick 3 days last week.
And Friday I'll be off completely taking No. 1 son on a college visit to The Big City.
So it will be particularly important for me to stay focused on my work during the hours I have in my office.
Tasks today:
~Wrap up E/E-B (the second time)Update 1:45 PM: DONE~Wrap up P-5 NOT Yet
~Start WP-1 Started
~Wrap up M-3 Not yet
~Catch up on T-G Nothing
But I did start on T-D
and probably more.
I'm continuing to experiment with using the "Autofocus" technique to work with my task pad.
And I'll be in chat to keep me focused and motivated.
The Hero's Code:
Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.
Recycler CI - Snow Day! :) 8:10am EST
Hi Pro Buddies!
Like Falcon, my workplace is closed today due to snow. Wheee! :) I love my job, but it is great to be off from work. ((Grin)) :)
I have already gone outside and taken photographs of the snow to email to my friend in Singapore.
I heated something out of the freezer for breakfast and have taken my high blood pressure medicine.
There are sooo many things I need to do. OK, run the dishwasher and run the clothes washer will probably be good choices ;)
I could start some macaroni in the crockpot. I would like to wait a little while before I start that; however if I start it soon, it will be ready in time for lunch ;)
The paint tray liner is made of clear plastic, and yesterday's paint has dried in it. The first coat on the wall is still looking purple. ((sigh)) I held the clear liner up to view with the wall. There is a difference in color, with the liner color being pretty close to what I want. OK, sometimes during the day I will do the second coat (on just *ONE* wall of the room) to see if it will achieve closer to what I have in mind. ((sigh)) [trying to use humor]: At least this is all in the category of "problems that are [comparatively] nice to have."
It's about 8:10am here, so still fairly early. I will keep puttering around/easing into the day, and see if I can update my CI later ;)
11:50am. The roads were passable when I went out; fortunately almost no other cars were out. Paint store put some extra red tint in the paint. Painted over the lilac-y areas.
Even if not perfect, the updated paint color is an improvement. I will paint the rest of the room with that color as a "base coat." After it dries, if not 90+% satisfied, I will buy some Tahitian Pink and do a final paint on the weekend.
Next: I need to take a short break before painting the parts of the walls I haven't gotten to yet. I need to rest, then decide: "what's for lunch" ;)
1:45pm. I'm glad I lay down for a while. The painting must have exhauted me more than I thought, because I took a nap for about an hour and a half! Painting is good exercise!
After waking up, I got a bite to eat. I had lettuce and fixings in the refrigerator, so had a salad. Next: I need to put some painting tape on the baseboards. I will do that, then either go right back into painting, or I will update my CI.
4:25pm. Painting tape is 95% up :) [other than behind a piece of furniture that I will have to move]. I like to paint the edges and corners of a room first, and along the window, closet, & door edges, so those are all done! Yay! :) Tomorrow if my work is on 11am schedule, I should have time to use the paint roller to do the middle [largest] sections of the walls quickly :) This will have the base coat of paint done! :) Yay! :) I can tell I will need to buy the Tahitian Pink for the top coat, but that is ok. Next: putter around. Will I do anything else? I guess we'll find out! :)
6pm EST. That was enough painting for today! lol. I fixed and ate dinner. Put leftovers in fridge for tomorrow lunch. Next: I've already surfed the Internet some, so I should be moving around, getting things ready for bedtime tonight and going to work in the morning. I'm estimating an 11am start time for my workplace tomorrow, but want to have things ready in case it is a regular 8:30am start time. So, I will putter around. We'll see if I check back in again later ;)
8:40pm. Moved things around. Ready to go to sleep now.
Have a great day! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Hope-Faith CI 8:00
Still at home 2 hour delay for school today.
Things I have done
What I need to accomplish before I leave for work
Finish getting ready(me and kids)Check E-mailIf time permits
Fold some clothesRemove some items from vanUnload DishwasherCI when I get to work -- Off to Chat I go
CI 10:10 I have arrived at work after a 2 hour delay. I have many task to accomplish and they all seem to be swarming in my head. As the High School Musical song goes "I Got To Get My Head In The Game". Frist step as usually is to plan for my class, today I have to go beyond that and my routine so here is a list of hope to's
I have so much more to do but this is what I will start with.
Falcon CI - Snow day!
Hi pro buddies,
We're getting lots of snow where I am! Workplace is closed for the day.
Yesterday I was really zonked out for some reason, so I took it easy, napped, and am now thoroughly rested. So I have NO excuse for not getting some things done today.
I don't have to work full-tilt all day; I just don't want to get to the end of the day and find that I've wasted it goofing off or web surfing. Of course, clearing snow away will be the MIT once the snow stops! But I should have time & energy for some other chores, too.
First priorities are to exercise, then eat breakfast, then get dressed. I'm heading over to the chatroom. . .
9:44 PM CST
Done with todays tasks Rent car (done) Interviews (done) Bills (Done)Laundry Vacuum(done)laundry is put away.
I have to share a crazy thought.when I do laundry I often get anxiety about doing it right.many times that causes me to procrastinate on it. But it is done.
Chick CI & intentions/thanks
thanks Isabo I'm so glad to find a starter ready :)
precious first work timeplumber
drmtngcopies for sbring b-do this with a willing heart if possible. :)tea/welcomepm: p, a, scary emails
Nothing will make the scary avoided tasks go away except facing them and takng the first step. I hope I can find the courage, hope and wisdom to starting taking steps in their direction.
isabo weekly list
This week I have alot to accomplish - and I would like to be in an open, positive mood.
-finish income tax
-complete laundry cycles on Monday to get caught up...start and complete a load a day
-vacuum all floors
-mop all floors
-clean fish tank - its growing fungas now, must be done for fish
-sort and file loose papers and receipts
-empty all hotspots
-make plans for time in town
I have really come far these last 6 weeks, but I need to remind myself all the time, babysteps, babysteps. Relying on others for help is necessary. Patting myself on the back is also necessary. I proved last week with my tada list that I do accomplish alot everyday, but I do need to focus more.
Now to funniest videos with my kids, starting off the week with laughter!!
Nothing is worth more than this day - Goethe
You are doing great! You're smart to stick with the small steps. And yes, you totally deserve that pat on the back -- change is hard, and you are doing it!
Isabo said " Relying on others for help is necessary. Patting myself on the back is also necessary. "
Yay! I'm still learning those lessons.
Show up. Do your work. Go home.
Thank you
It is such a rush to find people are touched in some way by what I have written!
We are all in this together -
wishing us strength and determination! :)
Nothing is worth more than this day - Goethe