Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday 28 February 2009

One step at a time, even a small one, will get there.

I can take the next step today.   A good weekend to all.

Recycler CI 8:05pm ESt

Hi Pro Buddies!

My neighbor is usually fairly quiet. Lsat night he and his friends got home about 1:35am. They quieted down after about 15 minutes, quit hollering and turned off the music. However I didn't thoroughly go back to sleep after that.

Regardless of whether I slept, at 5am I started driving 3 hours to the class I had signed up to take. Even though it is cold here, I wore khaki shorts & a tank top in the car so that I didn't get overheated & feel sleepy. HP helped me have a safe trip even driving in the rain, and I arrived 15 minutes early for my class.

Class was out at 3pm then I drove back. The passenger side windshield wiper stopped working. Fortunately the driver side windshield wiper continued to work. The car will need to be serviced this week. Thanks, HP, for keeping me safe!

Drove back to arrive at social activity. Even though I arrived late, it had a positive influence on me. It also let me see someone I know. Arriving at home, I have tried to call my dad. He didn't answer, so I am doing my CI before trying to call him again. Next: try calling Dad again, then decompress from road trip before going to sleep soon ;)

Have a great night, everyone! :)



Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

sticiking points

I have been doing this for since last Tues - 12 days TG it is helping and I am peeling TG the backlong away a little bit and facing some difficult things.  But now I notice that certain tasks are very stubborn" and resist getting done. Writng things up is often one of them.  Planning in general is a big one.  Any experience with conquering this?

Mind mapping for planning & writing

Hi dotnow,

Congratulations on your successes! 

Just wondering. . . have you ever tried mind mapping?  It's a creative way of getting thoughts out of ones' head and onto paper, in a more spontaneous & playful way than an outline.

 I find it helpful for planning, and some people also like it for writing notes and rough drafts.  For me, it's a good way of starting to plan a project, because it gets me over the barrier of "it's so complicated, where do I start?"

At the bottom of the Wikipedia article on mind-mapping, there are threee external links with how-to info if you ever want to check it out.


Mind mapping helps me2!

Great suggestion Falcon! And congratulations dotnow :-)

Just thought I would add that I often use this idea, did it before I knew there was a real technique/term to it! I modify it a bit though to satisfy my need to get it all down and then be orderly... I do the mind map idea, but then organize it all into a list or outline. Sometimes I group ideas or like subjects with lines or highlight in different colors to help me see the main points, etc.  I find with most techniques it is best to try it and then just adapt it for yourself and your work as you go... 

Falcon CI - finally back!

Yay, I'm back online!  My internet connection was down for several days.  I'm back now, thanks to much schlepping to the electronics store, phone trees, and time spent with two different tech support lines.

I felt like I was cut off from the world for a few days there, and I missed all of you!

I'm going to indulge in catching up on a few of my favorite web sites, then head over to the chatbox.  I'll need to figure out what to do with the equipment I bought (which it looks like I don't need, but I don't think I can return it. . .) do some tidying up, and get my stuff together to go to the library.


ETA O.k., scratch that plan. . . I'm really sleepy (didn't sleep well last night for some reason.) Going to have coffee, a snack and a nap, THEN go to liberry.

Falcon CI Sat.

Hi pro buddies,

I had a nap, got to the library, and am back.  Still feeling kind of tuckered.  I'd like to work on Project D, but I'm not sure I have the energy.

I'm going to do the set-up for Project D. now, and then see how I feel.


ByGodsGrace todays CI

In a bit of danger zone for myself, 2 big deadlines loom in the next 9 days… along with pressure / anxiety of first of month bills. I always get things done but in a mad frenzy of all-nighters. SO! I am prayerfully going to try and break these jobs down into steps (I can do that easily enough) and then assign mini-deadlines (that is the challenge!) and get things done in a balanced way…. Wow, so simple, yet I rarely do it in tasks for myself….  I predict lots of chat room talks with myself the next few days! I think I will take some time this weekend to review PA materials for 12 step meeting too.

 My Word and prayer for the day: 2 Timothy 1:7

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.”

My music today:  dd choice…lots of Thomas the Train and Veggie Tales!  

My to do list:


Pray,Read the Bible

Daily CI


Job2 Address List and Email      

Hair Appointment (something nice for me that I put off every week…6 mos now… no money, time….need to take care of myself better!)

           After Nap and as schedule permits

Job2 Envelope Design

Job2 Envelope addressing

Job1 Deadline Schedule

Job2 Deadline Schedule

Job4 photo redesign and email



Playdate for dd

Cook something

Get clothes ready for church Sunday

2 things I avoided yesterday:

Call P

Email Job3 invoice

kromer 9:50 CI

Today needs to be mostly a work-day, so that I can take a good chunk of tomorrow off. At the same time, I'm not feeling great motivation, so I'm going to schedule lots of breaks.

*Run Weeder on all 1 group of sequences+background groups
*Budgeting+1 hr work on taxes
*Finish updating motif list
*Finish documenting scanning code
*Grocery shopping
*Write 1.5 pgs of comp. bio lab

And my breaks are:
*Watch an episode of firefly
*Call RH
*20 min walk
*Cook a good dinner

*Call AG

Here's my plan for right now: I'm going to start Weeder running on 1 group of sequences + bg sequences, then I'm going to do laundry and go grocery shopping, then I'm going to take a break to watch an episode of firefly. 

kromer 1:45 CI

I'm making pretty decent progress. I'm gone grocery shopping, run weeder, and mostly finished laundry (last load is in washer now). I've also taken one of my breaks (watch some TV).

Now, I'm going to finish updating motif list (for EYL's project). That should take an hour or two.

I'm currently on skype, so I'll keep an eye out for RH and call her whenever she shows up online. When I finish motif list, if RH hasn't showed up online yet then I'll take a short walk. Then, after my next break I'll finish documenting scanning code.

kromer 8:15 CI

I'm going pretty slowly, but at least I've made some progress.

I finished laundry. And I found the files I need to update motif list, though I still need to assemble them into the completed list.

I talked to AG. RH wasn't around today, so I talked to another friend. I took a short walk and cooked a tasty, healthy dinner. 

Right now, I'm going to finish assembling files into a completed motif list. (Should take about 20 min). Then, I'm going to finish documenting scanning code (20-30 min). When I'm done with this, I'll take a short (15 min) break, then I'll face my budgeting. 

Update 9:30--finished assembling files and doc. scanning code, now taking my break and then dealing w/ budget. 

Journey 9:15

Good morning all!  I'm Daddy-sitting today and I have some work I have to get done before tonight, so I'll try to get it done from here.  It's raining like a mofo down here, and maybe snow tomorrow.  I'll give myself half an hour to goof off on facebook and twitter, then I'll dial into the secured network and get some work done!



Show up.  Do your work.  Go home. 

Edge's CI - 1:56am

x med
x kitchen
x living room
- room
x wash litter box
- outside bathroom
x mom's room
- mom's bathroom
- shower
x clinic? (RESCHEDULED)
- Call Mel
- Email Chelsea?
- make lunch

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson