Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Monday, February 16, 2009
I hear and I forget.
I see and I believe.
I do and I understand.
Confucius (551-479 BC)
Have an Energetic Monday!!
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New member Looking for information and a sponsor
Hello - I have been looking at the site occasionally for a year or so. I am looking for a sponsor or (less of a commitment) anyone that is in "recovery" from procrastinating. How did it work for you?
I was involved with DA - the tools are helpful - but do not qualify. I do not buy compulsively. I do however put off tasks that feel unpleasant or have imagined neg consequences. Esp. paperwork, contacting people I have been out of touch with and looking at my finances when they are bad. I have seen the tools and have been working on perfectionism and getting intouch with the feelings which often get me stuck ( I let them get me stuck). this helps alot.
I am a very hard worker and determined to improve in this area of my life.
Goals for today bal ck bk, study, get call from ykp forms (on vac this wk)
tom: call Joseph
Welcome here dotnow. I
Welcome here dotnow.
I can't offer to be a sponsor, but I hope you will find one, and in any case, stick around and keep posting! :)
I hope you'll find the hope, support and solidarity that i have so far, and that have enabled me to take steps towards recovery.
If you do stick around, I'll tell you about my own personal ambivalence about needing things--as opposed to tools and steps--to recover. That's just my story and my experience, but a whole shelf full of books and well-meaning friends haven't made as much difference to me as the counterintuitive and new 12 steps and HP. I have a thread somewhere here about why tasks seem heavy or light that has a bit about my first steps.
can't chat, will try a post
Hi - I used the chat to work through an allnighter I had last night that I created for myself by procrastinating a meeting with 2 clients today, 3 if you count the planner that brought the clients that I did design work for. I made thej job bigger than needed and avoided it... in the end, didn't do all I wanted or had hoped but clients were more than happy, got main priorities met.
Now I am ready to work on myself in this group to avoid another night like that - I almost cried when I couldn't get into the chat - a new addiction, prbaobly so! But at least a healthy one :-)
Hope I post this right, site not working for me, can only see half of what I am typing right now for some reason. THanks to all for making me feel so welcome. I don't really know what to do with myself the rest of the night.... not good at balance sometimes.
Sammy to byGodsGrace
Hi Grace,
Welcome to PA. May I ask what kind of "design work" you do?
Of course! Thanks for asking :-) I am a graphics designer/ custom stationary designer. A lot of my clients are wedding planners/brides. I also work with churches and organizations... Some logo design, and just started doing art and color separatons for a screen printer. I work from home so I freelance all types of design jobs, photo restoration and collages... whatever I can find or finds me! I haven't gotten into webdesign, big shocker... I have procrastinated starting my own site for years! So glad to have found this site (finally figured out how to see the whole window while I type)
Are you a designer too? Would love to hear about what you do! I saw some posts about the war of art... will have to check that one out asap!
Yay, Graphic Design!
yes, I am a designer too! Isn't it tough being a procrastinator in such a deadline oriented industry?
Technically, I am still a design student. I'm in my 4th semester, on my way to a 2 year degree (that is going to take me 3 years because i had to drop 2 classes last semester because of procrastination on homework). I just had my first meeting with my first "real" freelance job last week. Otherwise I've done lots of work for myself, my high school, and my church. I took an "intro to web design" class last semester, and think its something I'd like to continue. I also took an internship doing design work for Girl Scouts of Wisconsin this past summer.
I'm glad to meet another designer here! Keep coming back, I think we can learn a lot from each other. :-)
Recycler CI 4:10pm EST
Hi Pro Buddies!
I'm doing an end-of-workday CI. Tonight I have 12-step group and meet wtih my sponsor, so may not get to update my CI from home tonight.
This morning I did my routine at the gym. New assignments came in at my work meeting this morning; there are still some notes that I need to type into the computer.
Next: I need to sort through my desk and update my task list before I leave for the day. I need to see if my prescription is ready at the pharmacy. Then eat fish sticks at home. At another store I need to see if the valentine candy is 75% off yet ;) Then it will be time for my meeting.
Have a great night, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
mmm chocolate!
Gotta love sales....and chocolate........but combined??? Sheer heaven!!!!
Nothing is worth more than this day - Goethe
hee hee! ;)
Hi Isabo!
Yes, clearance candy is sweet in more ways than one, isn't it? :) Fingers crossed! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
tiptree ci
Monday stuff:
- clock 8 hours in 30 minute chunks
DEFERRED (holiday) return library items
- pay bills
- exercise walk
- guitar practice
- work stuff -> ideally 4 of 5 P1 tasks ready for integration
ok just for the next couple of hours i will
Work on sg project, which means...
oh snap
scratch that... have a doctor appointment in - gasp 10 minutes i totally forgot about until right now.. rats.
10 pm
well, i did talk with cl. it generated more tasks, but i guess i should have seen that coming.
then, i went to buy an ergonomic desk chair i foudn on craigslist. this might count as procrastinating, but i've been having a lot of shoulder pain lately from the armed-desk chair i've been using (as in with arms, not as in in NRA supporting.)
then i called a friend i'd been meaning to call from the car on the way. that wound up being a much longer conversation than i'd planned.
now i've been wasting time online for an hour, feeding the dog, and de-mildewing said ergonomic chair (it had been in a basement.) on the whole, kind of a bad day. but i guess there's always tomorrow. i'm cutting my losses and going to bed.
tomorrow morning i will
-write letters to AS, L&J T, and mail them by noon
kromer 11 CI
Man, I'm getting a *really* late start this morning. It's a holiday, so I didn't get to campus until 10:15, but then I've just been web-surfing, which was not a good was to use my time.
Here are my goals for today:
*Finish going over comp. bio lect notes + notes from 2 linear algebra review lectures
*Email profs about project
*Go to lab for a couple hours, work on sequence analysis (ideally, I'd like to get done scanning for GCNF motif + testing to hypergeometric enrichment)
*Make a schedule for what I want to get done in the next week
*Review notes from last week's nucleic acids lecture + any necessary bg organic chem
*Email brother
*Go by old house to pick up mail (I think my tax forms are there...)
OK, that's a lot, but it's doable. I'm going to start w/ the comp bio/linear algebra. I'm heading to chat to help keep myself accountable.
kromer 6 CI
Well, I've been going slower than I want, but at least I'm going.
I'm almost done going over comp. bio notes (I need to go over 10 more pgs of slides on linear algebra+read notes on EM). I went to lab for 2 hours as promised, and I did make progress on sequence analysis, though slower than I would have liked.
I think I won't have time to run by my old house today, but I'm hopeful that the rest of the list can get done. I'm going to head home and have dinner.
Email to prof will be quick (I wrote it last friday, just need to proof and send), and email to brother will be quick also. Schedule should take about 30 min. I'll do those right after dinner.
I probably have about 45 min more work on comp bio/lin. algebra--will do that next.
After that I'll work on nucleic acids review, and also try and do a little more work on seq. analysis if I have time.
Back around 7 or 7:30!
kromer 9 CI
Annoyed w/ myself...I finished dinner a bit before 8 (delayed b/c of problem w/ subway, now I've just spent the last hour+ websurfing...surfing hasn't been this much of a problem in a while, I'm not sure what's going on here.
I'm feeling very stuck and very disappointed with myself. But I know that getting some work done will make me feel better. The task that feels most manageable right now is nucleic acids review, so I'm heading to the chatbox right now to work on that.
Procrastination Warrior GeorgeSmiley - 8:30 AM; Update 2:35 PM
Falcon, what a wonderful title for all of us here! I wear it proudly, and thank you.
Some good news. Mrs. GS and I resumed our Project Y program last night, and it was successful. We'll have Another program next Sunday night, then 3 more that we have yet to schedule because our usual time slot will no longer be available.
Today's agenda includes my part-time job, for which I'll leave at 2:30, and a phone interview at 1.
While I'll list my MITs I'm also going to as much as possible just track down my Outlook taskpad list, which is already configured in priority order for the most part. Some of what is below will be on that, but others will not.
Big MITs:
#1: Interview and rewrite for Project GUPDATE 2:35 PM: FINISHED#2: Research and interview/s for Project P-5UPDATE 2:35 PM: Mission accomplished for the day, project well underway#3: Return to deferred Project E. UPDATE 2:35 PM: No progress, but it's been a productive day.
I'll be in the chatbox
The Hero's Code:
Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.
Falcon CI Monday
Hi pro buddies,
I'm just starting to emerge from winter depression. I'm starting to feel better, but for the last week or so I was having to fight a lot of really stupid depressive thoughts
(Those of you who have been depressed know the kind of thing. . . thinking I'll always be alone, that I'm no use to anybody and I deserve to be lonely. . . which of course makes me not want to reach out to other people, so of course I get more lonely. Is depression dumb, or what?) :P
It's "presidents day" here in the U.S. and I have the day off. And a lot of stuff to do. I've shaken the depression for now, but it would be easy to start entertaining dumb thoughts again since I'm on my own for the day.
Come to think of it. . . that's part of why I tend to procrastinate on a lot of household chores. They don't occupy my mind enough, so while I'm doing them it's easy for depressive thoughts to take ahold of me.
So. . . I'll use this check-in board, and later when I'm doing chores I'll use the chatbox, so I'll have the fabulous company of all you fellow procrastination warriors to keep me connected to reality.
Thanks for being here, everybody!
First up. . . going to go exercise. Then figure out priorities for the day.
ETA. . . wow. I just burst into tears. I guess I was needing connection even more than I realized. Everybody who's part of this website. . . please know that you make a difference by being here, not only in your life but in mine, too.
I've been there, often, please keep coming back. Even if you are not posting a to-do-list or anything - or I'd rather say, especially when you can't even bear the thought of a to-do-list. Sometimes it just helps me to "abuse" this great site as a journal.
You sure are a lovable, nice person, and if it helps you if someone told you this on a daily basis, I'll do it :-D !
Constance (who's having one of her days of self-loathing ...)
"Study how to use the symptoms of procrastination to trigger the cure!" Neil Fiore
Hugs back, constance!
Thanks, constance! And give yourself a hug, too, o.k.? Sorry to hear you're in a self-loathing spell -- that's such a crummy feeling. You deserve to feel good about yourself -- you're tackling your exams proactively and with courage, and I bet you're going to do great on them!
hugs, Falcon!
Hi Falcon!
Hugs to you! You are an important part of this board! Keep coming back! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Hi Falcon. I experience depression too. I think a lot of us here do. Believe in yourself and your abilities. I hope your day goes better than you expected.
dumb depression
I know exactly how you feel, you are not alone! The skies are getting brighter earlier and earlier in the day....look East in the morning and feel the warmth!!
Nothing is worth more than this day - Goethe
Falcon we are here and you
Falcon we are here and you are not alone in cyberspace... Look after yourself and I hope the day turns out okay...
Falcon CI breakfast time
Darn, the chatbox isn't letting me in. . . I'll try again later.
Next up: eat breakfast. I'm out of cereal, so I'm going to have popcorn for breakfast. Is that wrong?
Then, I need to get cleaned up & presentable.
I think I'm going to call my friend & see if she still wants my books for her booksale. If she does, I could take the books over there, and on the way I could run the errand that I just realized I forgot to do over the weekend!
Off to pop popcorn, then I'll try the chatbox again.
Falcon CI Mon. p.m.
Isabo, Sunflower, Chickadee -- thanks for the good thoughts! Yes, it's great to know that the sun is on its way back!
I don't feel like I've gotten a whole lot done today, but the things I did do were worthwhile, and I didn't get bogged down in depression. Yay! It was nice to pop in & out of the chatbox & see how other folks were doing with their projects, too.
I'm going to go brush my teeth & use some teeth whitener stuff on them while I look up directions to my friend's library and to my doctor's appointment tomorrow.
Falcon CO Monday
Thanks for the hugs, Recycler!
I had a nice dinner with my friend, and got the groceries. The plan now is to go to bed, and not putter around staying up too late. And to not pursue any depressive thought that come up, but to stay with the positive vibes generated today!
Spring is coming! Not as quickly as we might like, but it is coming!
Good night,
List for today:
finish cleaning
email Jen
buy catfood (done)
Isabo 923am
Morning all!
I felt good this morning, and have accomplished lots already. A friend and her daughter are coming over tomorrow for lunch, so there are things I need to do today to prepare the house.
2 loads of laundry
top of fridge
hem and iron tablecloth
organize dd room
clean fish tank
and figure out what is for dinner this week!
and make control journal less intimidating....must remember BABYSTEPS!!
Here I go!
Nothing is worth more than this day - Goethe
isabo noon ci
Wow, did pretty good this morning....although I got sidetracked, got some walls and tops of doorframes dusted while vacuuming!
now for lunch, then
reboot laundry
top of fridge
hem and iron tablecloth
make WEEKLY to do list!
that should take me to two, gotta p/u ds then
Nothing is worth more than this day - Goethe
isabo ci 515pm
Had a good day today, was chatting to a longtime friend all afternoon - and getting my stuff done at the same time!
Didn't get some stuff on my list done, but got alot done anyway, and feel good about the company coming tomorrow!
Have a good night everyone :)
Nothing is worth more than this day - Goethe
Journey 8:15 Thanks for all the bday wishes!
Good Monday morning!
Today is a holiday, but I have a lot of housework to do today. I'd also like to get in a couple of hours of job work too. And I want to do some goofing off !
Today I think I'll try this schedule:
half an hour of work
half an hour of housework
half an hour of goofing off
I think I'll start with goofing off lol. I've been to the gym and I'm hungry, so I'll make myself some breakfast while I noodle around on facebook and second life.
"Time is what keeps everything from happening at once." - Johnathan Wheeler