Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday 2 February 2009

Need a laugh on Monday morning?
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.
Douglas Adams
English humorist & science fiction novelist (1952 - 2001)

CL ci

work net access seems to have settled out.

i'm overwhelmed, but already encouraged reading about people here, especially our new people. I so hope they find recovery here, and peace.

yea, chat is working, i'm off 2 there

the touch of the master's hand:

"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb

procrastinating by studying procrastination:

Recycler 12:45pm EST

Hi Pro Buddies!

Great threadstarter! I'm actually doing my CI on my lunchtime, lol! ;)

My home computer is still Under Repair by my friend. I miss doing my CI on the weekend! If they don't think they can install the Internet Wi-Fi adapter on it, then I may buy a Laptop computer this weekend ;) [I can only tolerate a certain amount of Computer Withdrawal ;)

This morning I was at the gym & did my full routine. At work, I prepared my notes for my meeting, and the meeting was very beneficial. Since the meeting, I'm still updating my project list for the rest of the day.

I may try to update my CI later this afternoon.

4:10pm. My work assignment list is organized for all current projects :) Now I am working from the top of the list ;)

After work: a sorry state of procrastination still greets me when I enter my condo full of moving boxes ;) Oh, well. I am trying to put away at least one box of Stuff per day, then remove the empty box. Just like that Groundhog Day movie, over & over again! ;)

Tonight I will go to my 12-step meeting. My sponsor is supposed to be back after an absense of 8 weeks, due to recovering from surgery. I hope they are feeling ok! We've had short emails, but I haven't seen them since early Dec, so it will be good to see them again ;)

Have a great day, everyone! :)



Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

Journey 11 am

Good morning!   Busy day so far, I have a deliverable due by COB today and I met with a coworker about it first thing this morning.   I worked on it over the weekend but not done yet!  My Dad is still ill but today mom and bro are taking care of everything, so I was able to go to the gym this morning yay!

I've been too busy with work to procrastinate about work stuff, and for some reason that gives me the inspiration to take care of non-work stuff when I can.  DD and DH are helping out on the home front too of course, but the dishes and laundry are caught up and the bills are paid.  I haven't done my Feb. budget but I hope to get that done tomorrow.  I have to buy tags this month and also put my car in the shop for maintenance so I gotta be careful that I don't overspend! 

setting timer for an 8 min break, then back to work.


"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot

rec ci

I made it in relatively early today after an appt., so I hope to make some progress on my to do list for today:

Review res., call to make appts.
Copy and send FL docs
Print and send MS docs
Draft SR letter; send to HP
Work on AR file

Hope everyone is having a good and productive Monday. Remember, "inch by inch it's a cinch, yard by yard, it's hard", I am trying to use that mantra to break it down and make big tasks more manageable. :-)


rec final ci

Well, I reviewed R and made calls which took longer than I expected. Also, sent out MS docs, did new project that came in via fax. Will resume work on undone items tom. AM


tough game

As I try to overcome my grief over the outcome of the Super Bowl, I look forward to today's agenda.  Over the weekend I got the op ed done and a few other odds and ends.  I also got some overdue shopping and laundry done.  Today things may get turned upside down, but I'll finish the presentation outline memo today. [UPDATE: I got that done along with some other Ford-related stuff. Am now working on the presentation itself.]

Isabo 1030am

Well, here it is, another Monday morning....

Today, I want to achieve a finished to do list!

reboot laundry, swish toilet, 15 min wiping outside front and side doors, 3 X 10 min in disaster room, write menu for week, rewrite zone 1 for CJ, 10 min organize closet, make cookies.

I will use with the timer....

3, 2, 1...ZOOM!!



Isabo CI 150pm

new list

make cookies, program monday shows, peel potatoes and rutabaga, run dishwasher, fold laundry, make bed.....

good day today so far,   though I am tired!

Isabo CI 500pm

Good day today, the only thing I didn't do was make cookies.  I want a certain recipe from  a lady I know, for the life of me I can't remember her name. Or last name - to be fair, I haven't known them that long.  I know the husbands name and their kids names, but not hers.  Horrible, Isn't it?? 

I find that I need to write things down, that I want to do, or get, or whatever, or I forget.   Its really frustrating. 

In the meantime....


Hope-Faith CI 8:15

Todays task list is -- Long list of task -- time to get to work

  1. E-mail H
  2. Upload Videos and Pics 
  3. Lesson Plans A1
    • Review Yesterdays Lesson
    • Update PPT
    • Quia
    • E-mail
  4. Lesson Plans A2
    • Review Yesterdays Lesson
    • Update PPT
    • Quia
    • E-mail
  5. Help S
  6. Gather resources for todays classwork
  7. Prepare for next day
    1. Games for A1  for 1.00 test
    2. Games for A2 for 1.00 test
    3. Voc for A2
  8. Classroom Clutter 15
  9. Forum
  10. Desktop
  11. Update Grades  
  12. Work on blog 
  13. Start making Movie 
  14. Mrs. G and PC -- Friday afternoon
  15. Public Libary Hugo Cabret

CI 12:00 things are going well

CI 5:05 left work early then what I had intended, maintaince turned off the power so could not stay and work. At home now beginning on pm routine. I have put a load of clothes, maintained snail mail, made 3 phone calls regarding accounts. Next I will

  1. Put clothes away
  2. Think about supper
  3. Get bread
  4. Kids start homework
  5. Load in clothes in washer
  6. Load in clothes in dryer


kromer 8:10 CI

Thanks for the thread started constance. (I love Douglas Adams!)

Today I have one really icky landlord has been doing some structural work on my apartment that is causing the walls/ceilings to crack pretty badly, and I'm worried the apartment isn't safe. I'm going to go talk to someone in my university housing office to get advice on dealing with the situation.

Other than that, my day is pretty calm...going to figure out a plan for the day and update soon

kromer 10:50 CI

My bf ended up coming by for the evening...which was not very responsible of me, I really should have worked instead.

However, I did make good progress on looking at clustering results.

I also talked to roommates about apt. situation, which is good...they are big procrastinators also and don't want to deal, but after some persuation are OK with me talking to the landlord tomorrow.

Right now it's close to bedtime, but I want to get a little more work done. I'm going to finish the analysis of clustering results now, then shower and go to bed.  

kromer 5:10 CI

Today I have not been completely head feels very fuzzy :P

Talked to Mark about scheduling, but not about the analysis. (I'm feeling kind of lost about what analysis to do next, so I'm avoiding talking to him. Which is stupid, when I'm feeling lost is exactly when I *should* be talking to my mentor).  I'm committing to talking to him *about my problems with/ideas for analysis* tomorrow

I made some progress looking at the clustering results, and met w/ WG.

Also, ended up with some wet lab work to do today...spend 1.5 hrs on that today. Was mostly microscope work, which made it very clear that I need to deal w/ 2 issues: get my vision checked, and deal w/ motion sickness/dizziness that comes from microscope work. Tonight I'll run by the drug store to get motion sickness bracelets and powdered ginger, since I can't have anything that makes me drowsy. Tomorrow I'll make an appt. for an eye exam.

OK, tonight I think I can finish my MITs at the least. Right now, I'm going to take an hour to finish one MIT (looking at clustering results). Then I'm going to go home, run by the drug store, look and see if there's a bldg permit on apt. window, make dinner, talk to roommates about apt. if they're home. Then I'll tackle my last 2 MITs.

kromer 11:20 CI yay! and eek!

OK, one scary task done...I talked to university housing office and got some advice about dealing w/ apt. situation. (They said that landlord should have a building permit for the work, which I don't think he the next step is to tell him I'm worried and ask about the permit. They also said I really should get renters insurance)

I'm not looking forward to talking with landlord, but I'm proud of myself for taking action on this. Today I'm going to start getting renters  insurance, and talk to my roommates about how to handle situation.

I've also registered for classes and gotten list of genes/weights for algorithm.

Right now, I'm heading to DP's lab. I want to get 4 hrs of work on his project done today. I'm going to take care of 2 MITs (talking to Mark, and looking at clustering results), and should have time for some non-MITs as well (notes on wet lab work, and maybe start brainstorming about logistic regression model).  

Way to go, kromer!

You tackled an unpleasant task - good job!!


kromer 8:20 CI


*Register for classes
*Mtg w/ WG

*Email about Harambee
*OCH office
*Talk to Mark about analysis+schedule
*Look carefully at clustering results (started)
*Run algorithm on list of genes (started--have gotten list of genes+weights)
*Write 1/2 algorithm overview

*Spend 1 hr brainstorming about logistic regression model
*Tidy room
*List of WM problems+files to doc.
*Finish reading sig/sys chpt 4
*Read sig/sys chpt. 5
*Notes on wet lab work
*Notes on 1 paper

Right now, I'm going to email about Harambee and send a couple emails in preparation for class registration. Then, I'll make progress on one of my MITs, by getting list of genes/weights that the algorithm needs to run. Then, I'll tidy my room (not an MIT, but it's pretty bad.), head to campus, and go to OCH office.

Chick's CI





[/] get snow gear in gear!

add more tasks when these done.



[1, 2, 3]


Hello everyone, I have

Hello everyone,

I have been away for a few days because I found another thing to "obsess" about: Flylady. Now that my home is on autopilot and I do not have to waste another thought on which day I have to clean/wash whatever, I'll hopefully focus much more on my study stuff. And whenever my husband is going to complain about anything "housework", I'll just hand him over the daily flylady to-do-list to make him shut up and clean.

- Finish reading MK

- then look for 3 pages of analysis

- write mail to Sch.

- write mail to Beg.

"Study how to use the symptoms of procrastination to trigger the cure!" Neil Fiore