Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Thursday 29 January 2009
courage serenity wisdom today I can stay calm, I can take the next step, and I will value my efforts
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Agnus late ci 5:35 pm and follow-up 12:20am
Man, I have retyped this sentence four times now trying to avoid saying this simple truth: I just didn't check in yesterday because I just didn't check in yesterday. Amazing how many "excuses" and rationalizations my addict-mind can think up! But after being here awhile I am learning that one symptom of my disease is excuse-making or rationalization - a huge waste of time. Sheesh. If I can't admit that to a bucnh of fellow PA members, I'm sunk fershur! So, starting a new 24 hours now:
Recycler CI 4:05pm EST
Hi Pro Buddies!
Had some new items added to my work list today, but that's ok :)
I was on time for the gym this morning and did my full workout :) Fingers crossed for tomorrow! ;)
I'm getting some things done at work.
Later I need to finish the volunteer project I started yesterday, so I can email it tomorrow :)
Tonight: wash the clothes that can drip dry. Run a load of pots & pans in the dishwasher. Clear out & put away stuff from at least one more moving box ;)
Have a great night, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Sammy ci :: 11:15 am
Thanks for the starter, Chickadee. Those are some of my favorite kind of flowers.
Just posting here to say that I'm STARTING my homework now... Tonight I have Economics and Psychology. 2 chapters to read, and 1 worksheet. Tomorrow I have class early, so tonight i'll need to do my reading for that class tonight. I'll also need to go to the hardware store (for a project for tomorrow's class)
I will finish reading 2 chapters & 1 worksheet before 2:00 today. Will also do dishes before leaving the house for school at 3.
Check back later....
rec ci
My list for today:
Call LS; send docs out
Finalize FL file and send docs out
Work on AR matter
Delgate LC file
Attend lunch meeting
Review SP file; call PN before Friday meeting
Falcon CI Thursday
Hi all,
I have a little unexpected free time this morning. There are a bunch of things I could be doing, and I don't want to do any of them. I also don't feel like fighting with myself.
So. . . I'm checking in here to confirm that I don't want to do anything productive right now, and that's not the end of the world. It doesn't mean I have to escape into surfing the net, look up an hour from now & wonder where the time went, and kick myself.
Instead, I can let myself just enjoy some leisure time, and do something actually restorative, like read a book and pet the cat for a while. Note to self: it's o.k. to just relax and be present for a while, even if I'm not getting stuff done.
Have a good day, everyone!
pretty busy day
I have at least three meetings today so time to finish my other work will be at a premium. Fortunately, I don't have a hell of lot left to do. I'm going to keep my list to two today:
-finish Ford outline
-do marketing update.
Well today wasn't actually as busy as I thought it would be, and I wasn't as productive as I should have been. I got the outline done but didn't even get started on the marketing. I'll have plenty to catch up on with that tomorrow. On the other hand, I did come up with a pretty good marketing idea for my boss that I did some research on, so that was pretty productive.
Journey 8:30 Back in the office
When I stopped by to check on Dad yesterday morning, I was informed that a bed was available at the local rehab center (aka nursing home) so he was being transferred asap. I took a vacation day and we got him settled in. My mom spent the night with him last night and she's getting very little sleep. My daughter is going to sit with him today so Mom can go home and get some sleep. I told her she can't stay with him 24 hours a day and she said "well, I will as long as they'll let me". He's doing much better but has to learn how to use the walker, get in and out of bed properly and use the handicapped commode before they will let him go home. He still has the fractured vertebrae that started this whole saga, although it is healing slowly. I thought he would be in bed until it healed, but the physical therapist said they would focus on teaching him to move without putting any stress on his back and it should heal completely in a few more weeks.
All this is good news but of course it disrupts all of our schedules. I have not been to the gym all week and I hope I will be able to get back to regular exercise starting Monday.
All that aside, I am back at work and I have a lot to do. I tried to work from home Tuesday but I didn't get anythind done. I'm rested now and my mind is clear so I am planning to get back into the swing of things today.
First, I need to read new email, check my calendar, and then go get my spoiled food out of the communal refrigerator! Then I'll have some coffee and think about what comes next.
See y'all in the chatbox about 9:30.
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot
hang in there Jo
You and your family are in my prayers today.
Glad you are back
Glad you are back, journey, and that your Dad is continuing to improve.
Journey 5:30 thanks ag & rec & everyone!
Your support through this little crisis has meant more than you can imagine . . . pre-PA i would have used this as an excuse to fall apart and get nothing done, not to mention eating lots of unhealthy food. It's been disruptive, but hasn't sent me into a tailspin, which is good!
Today was just ok, but I got some stuff done and feel like I'm back in the swing of things. I had stopped using the timer when I was in the office but I have reinstated the timer in 30 minute intervals and that is helping me get back to my "new normal".
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot
GS Thursday 7:20 AM + Updates
Today's tasks: Way too many projects to finish.
I'm going to need to find out which ones can wait until next week.
I've asked editor for project Q-I if it can wait until Monday. Meanwhile, I need to finish
Project D
Project F-S
Project T
Project M-2.
I think that's everything... :-)
PS, That's a gorgeous image, chickadee!
Update 10:30 AM
1) Got word from Project Q-I editor that it can wait.
2) Got distracted, but not by Procrastination per se--by future projects. This is a topic for extended exploration later elsewhere.
3) Returning to MITs listed above
update 8:30 PM
Going to do some more work tonight.
Made some progress on Project F-S. Need to finish it, and several other almost finished items.
update 1 AM 1/30/09
Finished F-S and Sent
Working on D, then off for the weekend.
The Hero's Code:
Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.
Hope-Faith CI 8:05
Chick thanks beautiful day starter, it instantly sent me a warm fuzzy feeling when I come to the post.
Feeling a bit out of sorts today and I am really going to have to stay close to my routines today so that I will not procrastinate or lose focus.
Todays task list is -- Long list of task -- time to get to work
Lesson Plans A1Review Yesterdays LessonUpdate PPTQuiaE-mailLesson Plans A2Review Yesterdays LessonUpdate PPTQuiaE-mailGrades/Progress ReportsPZ AssignmentsGather resources for todays classworkLunch Dutyhope-faith
kromer 7:45 CI
Yesterday Harambee group went late, so I'm feeling behind today.
Right now I need to take care of a MIT/MUT (sending some emails about classes), make a plan for the day, and get to lab. Will work on my MUT in the chatbox
kromer 4:45 CI
I've made decent progress so far...did scheduled lab work, sent email about classes, sent email to CE, did QC on data, started analysis by clustering, talked to Mark about wet lab work.
I'm not going to get a chance to talk to Mark about analysis, so that's going on the list for tomorrow.
Tonight, I can definitely email WT and run algorithm on list of genes. I can make progress on data analysis, though I may not get it done as thoroughly as I would like...but I'd at least like to have *some* conclusions I can present, as I'm meeting w/ Prof. P tomorrow.
I'm pretty fried, so other than that I'll pretty much just do mindless stuff...I think I can clean the bathroom and email pastor, but that's about it.
kromer 9:55 CI
Took care of my MIT (emailing about classes).
Plan for the day:
Dissection*Data + drinks, mtg w/ AR
QC on Cyp26B1 and Stra8 arrays*Careful data comparison (by clustering)+write-up of what I learned
*Talk to Mark about analysis +
wet lab work*Run algorithm on list of genes
*Email CE, WG
Other tasks:
*Read chpt 3, start 4
*Finish 4, start 5
*Email pastor about computer
*Clean bathroom
*List of probelms w/ WM
*List of files to document
*Brainstorm/read about logistic regression
*Read about molecular function of Dazl and Stra8
Heading to lab to do QC + careful comparison of data.
isabo 830am
Thank You Chickadee, I LOVE those flowers!! and your words:
Today I can stay calm, I can take the next step and I will value my efforts.
I am enough.
- am routine - revise and work it
- morning routine
- shower
- groceries
- McD's for kids cuz of snow day
- supper? -- pasta
- stay calm, take the next step and value myself....I am enough
isabo CI 1145am
wow, spent the whole am on the computer, chatting and facebook....gotta stop the chatting, no matter I am motivated when I actually do something!
so my list hasn't changed, just been realigned!
shower, groceries library, BK's for kids, then home to continue on in routines.
I will be back!!
isabo 4pm
back at about 330pm, just checking computer mail...have to go all the way back to am routine and see what has to be done, morning routine is shot...start supper, its pasta that is quick and easy.....except I just realized I didn't take out any gr. beef. I am not on track today, and I hate the fact I seem to be slipping, I just started this! Tomorrow son is in school and daughter at home all day. I will start relying on journal, and following routines as close as possible then. I need the security of positive action and perceivable reward to make my days happy ones....either that or floating around, unhappy, continually using computer to play games that I can and do get rewarded from....I need to break the cycle to form healthy habits, not only for me but for my children and husband. Why do I do this to myself???????
me, too
We all do this, or some form of it, when we procrastinate, so we can all relate; that is why we are here for each other.
Hang in there and just start again on your list of things to do!
me three
computer games are my current drug of choice although if they weren't available I would find something else! When we slip, we start again! Hang in there.
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot
Chick CI
starting right away...
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