Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Saturday 24 January 2009
The great French Marshall Lyautey once asked his gardener to plant a tree. The gardener objected that the tree was slow growing and would not reach maturity for 100 years. The Marshall replied, 'In that case, there is no time to lose; plant it this afternoon!'
John F. Kennedy 35th president of US 1961-1963 (1917 - 1963)
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Microbursting, it's what's for breakfast
It's been almost a year of sobriety in my other program. Now I'm almost afraid to step out and date. I'm afraid of meeting someone unhealthy cuz the folks at my workplace are, and my roommate is, and I --- am like a car with half a tank of gas who cannot pull over ont he side of the road and give a jump to another car, because my engine is barely running along. Here it is almost February 2nd the yearly anniversary in my other program, when my sponsor said she would dump me if I didn't stop acting out, and so I got smart, I made my commitment. I wanted to be ready to date in a year. I wanted to have my homework done. Literally my homework and if that's what's holding me back from living, EF it. I've disappointed myself. One too many times. I am secretely glad that I have had my financial aid threatened removal, b/c now I will either have to do the work or forfeit. And trust me, not being able to do the work sucks. I am going to look at my todo lists again, and get refueled. Exercise, before continuing with what I need to do. I will go to a 12 step program and share about my roomate situation, share about the emotions. I must finish my schoolwork so I can do my program work.
I just want to thank my HP that someone in program is also in my morning class, and b/c of this and also b/c my teacher is strict I feel motivated to be on time and be present, if not merely for myself then for them and the possiblity of future interaction. That's effing G-d-doing-for-me-what-I-could-not-do-for-myself.
not usually
i rarely see "effing G-d" together in a sentence, but it makes perfect sense given ur situation, fudo_shin. Thanks for the grin this a.m.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
procrastinating by studying procrastination:
double post
whoops, wrong place
Convalalria MIT's and 30 minutes at a time Sunday
The ususal struggle...
*Tidy house, garden and car 1 hour done
*Hygene stuff mostly done
*exercise self and doggy 50 minue walk done
*Colour hair done
*Practice typing
*attend function leaving for ceremony at 2.30
*Work on school stuff
have also cooked,eaten lunch and cleand up afterwards, hung out washing
First 30 minutes tidy house garden and car then check in and report
It is now 9.33am
10.06 am
unloaded dishwasher,loded dishwasher, started to clean sink and wipe down benches, picked up poo, took out rubbish, turned on water, used chat to keep going
It is now 10.10 keep going with house and garden and car
finished sink, dealt with clothing in bedroom, decluttered back seat of car, put on load of washing,,,,,havving a 15 minute break.
At 11.00 doggy and i are walking for 1 hour then check back in.
doggy walked, lunch cooking
Next colour hair, do some "beauty challenges" while waiting for hair to take...also sort through car mess then check in in 1 hour
Hair colour is taking longer than expected....
have to shower dress and put on make up and leave by 2.30 for first part of wedding function. Will check back when I return.
"Recovery from procrastination means doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it."
e's back in the saddle again
Thank God! So here I am posting: bills are mostly paid, couch is cleaned off, futon folded up, books placed away, bedside table hotspotted, and sort begun on the dining room table. Next dishes. One task at a time, please!
"It's not about perfect results, it is about getting ANY results." - Constance
e, I humbly thank you *constance is blushing
e, I humbly thank you *constance is blushing. Did I really write that? I totally admire you, what you have accomplished today!
It was my husband's birthday today and because of my pro-problem I couldn't be with him and my family half of the day. I had to go to the library to study. You know what he did? Cleaned the apartment, decluttered the living room, straightened the sofa and armchairs, sorted daughter's toys, vaccuumed everything. All on HIS birthday! I feel like such a bad wife right now ... Of course we had an argument about it, and I promised to be a better housewify after my exams, but I somehow know, that straightening the apartment will never be one of my top priorities in life ... I usually do more of the cleaning than he does, so it's ok that he does more of the tidying, but these days I just can't do very much - I'm psychologically incapable of even recognizing the chaos in our home. Maybe I should finally sign up at flylady ... sigh ... sorry for making this so much about me ...
Hope you enjoy your nice house!
I certainly enjoy our tidy place tonight ... still have to get some work done, tidyness helps me stay focussed ...
"Study how to use the symptoms of procrastination to trigger the cure!" Neil Fiore
You really did write that and it totally resonated with me. I am keeping it as my quote because I need to be reminded of it everyday!
I am sorry you are struggling with all that you have on your plate: I have been there myself (in school, parenting, working, not able to juggle and feeling ashamed about it.) Don't be! You have a lot on your plate. What I like about FLYLADY is that it stands for Finally Loving Yourself: and it is all about doing tiny bits of focused work so that life does not get out of control (or rather, it keeps me from jumping out of windows). Happy birthday to your husband, but allow yourself the right to be human, not superwoman. It is okay for him to tidy the house, even on his birthday, at least for today it is, in my opinion.
My husband is born organized, used to stay up late to finish the ironing before going to sleep, and has no understanding for why I can't live my life that way. But I am built different, so it is good to have simple instructions that don't make moral judgements based on whether the floor is properly vacuumed.
Keep coming!
"It's not about perfect results, it is about getting ANY results." - Constance
e, thank you
e, your post means a lot to me. My husband was born organized, too, at least when it comes to housekeeping chores - he just doesn't understand, why a perfectly tidy place is not that important to me. I like it clean, and I do clean, but I don't see the point in putting everything instantly back to ITS place. Many of my things don't even have an ITS place, his do.
All the courage and understanding I get from you guys helps me so much. I literally have only two friends in real life whom I can honestly tell the ways I keep hurting myself and my familiy with my pr...... They somehow understand, on the other hand they don't because they don't procrastinate in a self-harming way (just in a "normal" way. They don't seek postponements and extensions of dealines - they just do their work, mostly by time-binging, but they always get it done IN TIME.)
This is the only place where I feel completely understood and not judged.
Thank you all for being here.
Tomorrow (Tue 27 th Feb.) is a big day for me (2nd of 4 final Master's exam) and I'm starting to lose it ... Thinking about asking for another postponement of that exam. My Professor would be so pissed, as he has already given me 7 more days to study. Now these days are up and I've worked through only 50% of my study materials- which meansI won't pass tomorrow or if I pass, get a very bad grade., which I would be very ashamed of. But I somehow "wanted" this all to happen, didn't I? Dear e, no need to answer this post if you read it, as you can see I'm just losing myself in self-pity, which doesn't help anyone, especially not me.
So, on to getting ANY results: I'll flick through some index cards now, got 90 min to study left for today (havn't done a thing so far for today). Writing here helped a lot.
"Study how to use the symptoms of procrastination to trigger the cure!" Neil Fiore
I don't know if you have embraced this part of the fellowship, but I get enormous help from repeating the serenity prayer when I am up against my situation.
"God (or Higher Power, or whatever is appropriate for you) grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.)
I always feel something release behind my shoulder blades when I say this: it allows me to get out of my way and do the next right thing.
Sending lots of hugs your way: I have SOOO been there.
"It's not about perfect results, it is about getting ANY results." - Constance
serenity prayer release
e said "I always feel something release behind my shoulder blades when I say this"
Wow, i feel the exact same thing. I think my shoulders probably actually physically relax.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
procrastinating by studying procrastination:
chat's not loadoing for me
chat's not loadoing for me the whole morning and afternoon. And today I would need it so bad to keep track of my (tiny) results ...
"Study how to use the symptoms of procrastination to trigger the cure!" Neil Fiore
kromer 10:00 CI
Yesterday I finished my MITs, but that was it, so I'm feeling a bit behind. I'm going to set a manageable list fo today, then get to work on it.
Scheduled: Lunch w/ friend, work 5-6:30
Clean kitchen*Look at results with higher cap
*2 small WM doc. tasks
GO analysis*Microburst scales
*Finish reading affy doc (except QC)
*Review/notes 2 papers
*List of problems that have occurred w/ WM
*Read through material on rotation choice/grad school advice
*Sig/sys reading (DFT windowing)
Right now, I'm going to do the GO analysis, clean the kitchen, and microburst scales. Then I'll walk to lab (so I get some exercise) and check back in.
Update 12:30--finished GO analysis and cleaning kitchen, now it's time to go meet my friend for lunch (so unfortunately I'll miss my exercise opportunity, maybe I can walk home before dinner?)
kromer 3:30 CI
Had lunch with friend (which was a lot of fun, we hung out for a couple hours), then went to lab and wasted 30 min onlne (not so great). I need to look at results w/ high cap before 5 (b/c I only have the software to do this in lab, and I want to leave campus at 6:30). So I'm going to do that now, and I hope also microburst webmotifs, then go to work. I'll work in the chatbox and update often.
I looked at results w/ higher cap (they didn't look so good...) and microbursted scales, so doc. + finishing GO analysis are my only remaining MITs for today.
kromer 9:30 CI
I'm having a tough time today.
I went to work for 1.5 hrs, walked home (rather than taking the subway, so I got an hour of exercise in, made and ate a healthy dinner, cleaned up...then spent an hour web-surfing. Web-surfing is something I thought I had a handle on, but I've fallen into it twice today...geez!
I still have one MIT to finish, but it's really intimidating me.So I'm going to let myself work on something lower priority (sig/sys reading) for 45 min, then I commit to working on my MIT.
Heading to the chatbox now, back 10:30 to check back and work on my remaining MIT.
GeorgeSmiley 8 AM + Updates
I only rarely come here on a Saturday and I am not sure I'll be checking in periodically all day.
Today's important tasks include:
1) Laundry
Update 2 PM: FINISHED2) Limited time house cleaning w/ Mrs. GS
3) Figuring out w/ Mrs. GS about No. 2 son's request for cupcakes to go to his Sunday School class tomorrow (for his birthday).
4) Making plans for same son's birthday party 2 weeks hence
5) Trying to make some order in my work task list
6) Trying to make some order in the basement. Update, 2 PM: WORKING ON THIS NOW. My goal is to get the clutter in the laundry
area disposed of in one way or another. If I can get through that and
still have time, next will be the central part of the basement.
Did anyone else really identify with this comic strip today?:
Update 4:45 PM
Made some progress in the laundry area of the basement. Filled 2 paper bags w/ recyclable paper.
Sorted old kids' books between keep and give away.
Got rid of or got put away a lot of old files.
More to do. I'm going to try to resolve to do one box/container, etc. per day in my office, in the laundry area, or in the central basement area.
Or maybe try a certain amount of time a day.
Anyway, I'm signing off for now and probably won't be back here until Monday.
Have a good weekend, everyone.
You all help me so much.
The Hero's Code:
Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.
gs comic strip
I totally identified with the comic strip, but it was not long enough: what about taxes, fafsa, dissertations, and bounced checks?
"It's not about perfect results, it is about getting ANY results." - Constance
Chickadee's sat. CI
Went to -- for --. -Always good to turn up and be there.
[x] organize and send r stuff
[x] put in laundry while place warms up[x] laundry out
[at work on] p
Isabo 808am
Feel prettygood this am, have been up since 20 to six, worked am home, unloaded dishwasher kids and hubby all in good mood. must
load dishwasherreboot laundry, fold clothes
mop kitchenmake beds,neaten kids roomsvacuumshower and dress - hair appt at 11!
volunteering at school function today, then rest of day relax!
will check in before shower....
937, finished all but rebooting laundry - dishwasher is on and cant run both at same time! will shower, and have something to eat before leaving for hair appt!
I feel good about what I did this morning, got alot accomplished. Kids nanny phoned she will be coming this afternoon for a bit, and Idon't have to special clean for her!! Now THAT feels good!!
Be back tomorrow, I hope all of you out there have a good day, keep positive and keep checking in!!
Constance's Saturday plan
x husband's birthday breakfast - gee, that took forever! left home at 12, but instead of going straight to the library I got overwhelmed by the workload I won't be able to get done till Tue that i went shopping for 2 hrs ... now it's 2:15 pm and I'm not sure how to survive Tuesday's oral exam ... I will have to be ok with a mediocre performance. In the end it was still my "choice" to procrastinate on studying.
x go to library
x read UB
o read FE
o read TS
0 find dramaturgic connections, try to answer Prof.'s study questions
x UB, TS ok
o FE NOT ok!
"Study how to use the symptoms of procrastination to trigger the cure!" Neil Fiore
Thanks for the great
Thanks for the great starter Constance. That story is really wonderful and thought provoking.
And courage with your studying!
Thank you, Chickadee :-)
"Study how to use the symptoms of procrastination to trigger the cure!" Neil Fiore