Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Self Imposed Expectations -- Friend or Foe

1/3/09 Tomorrow will mark the end of my 20 min task list used to keep me from watching TV all week. It worked, I was very motivated and focused however, I am not quite satisfied with what the final results will be. I did keep moving and I did accomplish more then what I have in the past. However:

"Deep Thought" My accomplishments never turn out the way I think they should, because of this I have a hard time taking pride in my accomplishments.


"Revelation" Humm this must be one reason that I procrastinate. No matter what I do the end results of my efforts never feel or look like what I expected. Not sure how to change this feeling or how to get over self imposed expecations. This I know as I look back over my post for the past 5 days I have worked hard, stayed motivated and focused so I should not beat myself up over self imposed expectations that where never accomplished.  


"Food for Thought" As I work through my plans for the day I have to think of a way to get over fruitless self imposed expecations that steal my "thunder"


Any comments would be greatly appricated as I try to wrap my mind around this and come up with a way to get over my self imposed expectations so that I can enjoy my accomplishments.

unrealistic expectations

Hey Hope

Yes, that sounds very familiar!   It seems that "we" have forgotten how to feel that pride of achievement.  Things are never finished, and even if finished, are never good enough.   

It's a process, but I'm learning to enjoy small successes.   My current 30-day challenge is to do everything on my list each day.   That requires me to make a to-do list that is actually doable, and has room for the expected.   And I'm trying to relearn the feeling of being FINISHED with all my work at the end of the day.  It's been a long time since I went to bed at night feeling that I did everything, and I earned some time to relax before bedtime.  



"It is never too late to be what you might have been."
- George Eliot