Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Finishing up the workday here. Exhausted, so time for a CI.
Everything went well until I got back from lunch. Then: a team of 5 volunteers unexpectedly didn't show up, which sent us into Red Alert mode. In addition to the other calls I made, fortunately I called the regional office who sent over an emergency crew. While the crew was coming over, fortunately some unscheduled volunteers "just happened" to be wandering by, and were able to help me staff the location until help arrived. (Thanks, HP!) I stayed until we were caught up with the initial rush, then came back upstairs in 1.5 hours when it became apparant the last-minute rescuers could handle the rest of the shift.
Simultaneously, I lost a set of keys.
Simultaneously, someone having a big event in 2 days needed some generic decorative items. Where, oh where, could the items be? (Frantic search in 3 buildings ensues). Items located, & patient custodians retrieve items from back of bottom storage shelf in basement. (Thanks HP!)
I also later found the keys. I had laid them down when the Red Alert first happened.
[humor] Like someone on our staff said, I guess this is 2008 going out with a Bang!
That did it for me! When 5pm gets here, I'm going to veg for the rest of the day, althougth I am going to one event tonight!
- clock 6 hours
- dinner in Chinatown
- 3 bugzilla items in test
- read 10 pp of AK
- read 1 ch. of S.
- practice guitar
- reinstall VPN, Skype, SecureCRT
- clean office
Got a late start this morning...was up late (or was it early?) goofing around with my sister & her boyfriend. Today is a semi-busy day.
Done: Breakfast, some picking up in bedroom, call L about plans tonight/invite her for dinner
To Do: Shower, clean desk in bedroom, general house pickup, check work schedule, make missing pieces of dinner (vegetable, dessert), set table for guests....
But first, 10 minutes of spiritual time. This is a perfect day to reflect back on the year and thank God for all of the wonderful people, things, and opportunities he has given me.
the holidays w/ all this free time are a hard time to focus and pick and execute MITs. Even when i do have some.
I've already fended off one distraction, and now it's time to do MIT 1 for now.
11am (7min) : i resisted the temptation of a distraction. Thanks HP.
that's done w/ minimal distractions, and was a wonderful HP time. Thanks HP.
and now i've started MIT 1-3 and needed a break, which shd now be over. i feel dread. But i am happy to have this technique to manage this dread. Thanks HP.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
Today has already been a very productive day, e-mail is checked, coffee done, cooked breakfast for husband. Now on to the heart of my day. I have the following task to accomplish today (In addition to the task on my 20 min list)
Task to accomplish
Bathroom -- This has been on my list for the last two days and the only thing that I can say is that I have procrastinated on accomplishing this task. Done
Wash sheets -- Kids still in bed so I can not tackle this task yet. Done
Call about basketball
Pot Holder
Cook goodies Peanut butter balls made just need to coat with Chocolate when cool
Pick up living room and Christmas Room
Today I will start with the two 20 min task that I did not work on yesterday. That would be updating my address book and decluttering the utility room I will also tackle the bathroom first today as I have put it off for two days now. Check back in once they are done.
CI 12:30 Bathroom is cleaned, wash in progress, worked 20 min on Utility Room and address book, fixed brunch for children. Next task is to spend the next hour with my children playing a playstation game with my son and barbies with my daughter. Checked back in an hour.
CI 2:25 just finished playing with the children. Next fold load of clothes, put 2nd load in dryer and wash 3rd and last load. I will think about the next 20 min task that I wish to accomplish.
CI 2:50 Clothes folded 2nd load in dryer and 3rd in wash and kixed kids a snack. My next 20 min task will be to work on school work. This is probably the task that I dread the most, not sure why I dread it, I guess because it never has a end. Today I will focus on preparing a timeline for content to cover with regards to exam schedule. I will work in chat.
CI 5:45 All clothes are washed just have one load to fold. Worked on school work, bills and financial clutter for 20 min each. Daughter and I made up peanut butter balls just need to coat with chocolate will do that after I come back from grandmothers. I cooked supper while my daughter rolled up the PB balls. I will be leaving to go and sit with grandmother for a while while my dad goes out for the evening. I plan on working on scrapbook and coupons for 20 min while I am up there. I also have a few other items to work on as well. Check back in when I return.
I'm beginning to think I should change my "official" work schedule to start at 8 AM. That allows more time in the earlier AM to get myself going with a bit less pressure. For instance, today I'm "late" to my home office, but for no bad reason. I was up at 5:30 w/ Mrs. GS, I shoveled the walk and the driveway, I had cereal, bagel and coffee. I haven't showered yet, but that's by my choice--I plan to possibly nap later and then shower, and I'm just fine in grubbies until then.
The only "must-do" work task is a phone interview at 10 AM.
I also have some year-end admin tasks I'd like to do later today, but they aren't mandatory.
My kids return to me today through the weekend, and I'd like to take some time just to be with them, so I'm not planning work hours for much of that time.
All of that feels right. And it also makes it more essential that during the work hours I do have I stay focused and productive.
MIT#1: Review task list, do as many admin tasks as I reasonably can between now and my phone interview. Update, 11:20 AM: Partially completed. Deferring until later now
MIT#2: Phone interview.Update, 11:20 AM: finished
MIT#3: Errands (Post office, bank, etc.). Update, 11:20 AM. Off to do these now.
Heading to chatbox
The Hero's Code:
Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.
Thanks so much for the prayer, journey. It really helped.
I had an hour less available than I had thought. After sobbing for a long time, then posting here, and then sobbing some MORE ... (and using up MORE of the available time sobbing), I then began attempting to reach up/out to H.P., and reading a 12-Step book.
Finally, I felt some inner peace -- and remembered that I could MICROBURST. YAY! That must have been right about the time that you posted. Although I wasn't online to see, I sure did feel it. Thanks!.
The microbursting got me started. I have now made significant progress. Got lots more to do, but I can see light at end of tunnel.
i thank HP along with you for getting you thru this. It is very similar to how it goes for me many times and i am encouraged to see another person go thru it with "good enuf" success.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
Whoa! I think this is the earliest I've ever been here!
Have a wonderful New Year's Eve everyone and be safe. I'm staying home, but if you are going out please be careful. As my dad told me when he taught me to drive: "Assume that everyone else on the road is drunk, stupid, or both."
Off to the gym - I had to get on the computer to check the gym's holiday schedule - and I am shutting it down now to avoid temptation of web surfing rather than exercising.
See you later, alligators.
"It is never too late to be what you might have been."
- George Eliot
Journey CO It's Party Time!
I will drink a toast to you guys tonight - with sparkling grape juice of course nothing alcoholic lol.
Happy New Year
And to Convalaria I guess your New Year has already started!
"It is never too late to be what you might have been."
- George Eliot
Recycler CI 4:15pm EST
Hi Pro Buddies!
Finishing up the workday here. Exhausted, so time for a CI.
Everything went well until I got back from lunch. Then: a team of 5 volunteers unexpectedly didn't show up, which sent us into Red Alert mode. In addition to the other calls I made, fortunately I called the regional office who sent over an emergency crew. While the crew was coming over, fortunately some unscheduled volunteers "just happened" to be wandering by, and were able to help me staff the location until help arrived. (Thanks, HP!) I stayed until we were caught up with the initial rush, then came back upstairs in 1.5 hours when it became apparant the last-minute rescuers could handle the rest of the shift.
Simultaneously, I lost a set of keys.
Simultaneously, someone having a big event in 2 days needed some generic decorative items. Where, oh where, could the items be? (Frantic search in 3 buildings ensues). Items located, & patient custodians retrieve items from back of bottom storage shelf in basement. (Thanks HP!)
I also later found the keys. I had laid them down when the Red Alert first happened.
[humor] Like someone on our staff said, I guess this is 2008 going out with a Bang!
That did it for me! When 5pm gets here, I'm going to veg for the rest of the day, althougth I am going to one event tonight!
Have a great night everyone & Happy New Year! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
tiptree 12:19 PM CI
to do:
- clock 6 hours
dinner in Chinatown- 3 bugzilla items in test
- read 10 pp of AK
- read 1 ch. of S.
- practice guitar
reinstall VPN, Skype, SecureCRT- clean office
Sammy ci :: 11:35 am
Got a late start this morning...was up late (or was it early?) goofing around with my sister & her boyfriend. Today is a semi-busy day.
Done: Breakfast, some picking up in bedroom, call L about plans tonight/invite her for dinner
To Do: Shower, clean desk in bedroom, general house pickup, check work schedule, make missing pieces of dinner (vegetable, dessert), set table for guests....
But first, 10 minutes of spiritual time. This is a perfect day to reflect back on the year and thank God for all of the wonderful people, things, and opportunities he has given me.
Happy New Year! Please drive safely. :-)
CL ci
the holidays w/ all this free time are a hard time to focus and pick and execute MITs. Even when i do have some.
I've already fended off one distraction, and now it's time to do MIT 1 for now.
11am (7min) : i resisted the temptation of a distraction. Thanks HP.
that's done w/ minimal distractions, and was a wonderful HP time. Thanks HP.
and now i've started MIT 1-3 and needed a break, which shd now be over. i feel dread. But i am happy to have this technique to manage this dread. Thanks HP.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
procrastinating with time mgmt tools:
Hope Faith CI 9:25
HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVE to everyone.
Today has already been a very productive day, e-mail is checked, coffee done, cooked breakfast for husband. Now on to the heart of my day. I have the following task to accomplish today (In addition to the task on my 20 min list)
Task to accomplish
Bathroom-- This has been on my list for the last two days and the only thing that I can say is that I have procrastinated on accomplishing this task. DoneWash sheets-- Kids still in bed so I can not tackle this task yet. DoneToday I will start with the two 20 min task that I did not work on yesterday. That would be updating my address book and decluttering the utility room I will also tackle the bathroom first today as I have put it off for two days now. Check back in once they are done.
CI 12:30 Bathroom is cleaned, wash in progress, worked 20 min on Utility Room and address book, fixed brunch for children. Next task is to spend the next hour with my children playing a playstation game with my son and barbies with my daughter. Checked back in an hour.
CI 2:25 just finished playing with the children. Next fold load of clothes, put 2nd load in dryer and wash 3rd and last load. I will think about the next 20 min task that I wish to accomplish.
CI 2:50 Clothes folded 2nd load in dryer and 3rd in wash and kixed kids a snack. My next 20 min task will be to work on school work. This is probably the task that I dread the most, not sure why I dread it, I guess because it never has a end. Today I will focus on preparing a timeline for content to cover with regards to exam schedule. I will work in chat.
CI 5:45 All clothes are washed just have one load to fold. Worked on school work, bills and financial clutter for 20 min each. Daughter and I made up peanut butter balls just need to coat with chocolate will do that after I come back from grandmothers. I cooked supper while my daughter rolled up the PB balls. I will be leaving to go and sit with grandmother for a while while my dad goes out for the evening. I plan on working on scrapbook and coupons for 20 min while I am up there. I also have a few other items to work on as well. Check back in when I return.
GeorgeSmiley 8 AM
I'm beginning to think I should change my "official" work schedule to start at 8 AM. That allows more time in the earlier AM to get myself going with a bit less pressure. For instance, today I'm "late" to my home office, but for no bad reason. I was up at 5:30 w/ Mrs. GS, I shoveled the walk and the driveway, I had cereal, bagel and coffee. I haven't showered yet, but that's by my choice--I plan to possibly nap later and then shower, and I'm just fine in grubbies until then.
The only "must-do" work task is a phone interview at 10 AM.
I also have some year-end admin tasks I'd like to do later today, but they aren't mandatory.
My kids return to me today through the weekend, and I'd like to take some time just to be with them, so I'm not planning work hours for much of that time.
All of that feels right. And it also makes it more essential that during the work hours I do have I stay focused and productive.
Review task list,do as many admin tasks as I reasonably can between now and my phone interview. Update, 11:20 AM: Partially completed. Deferring until later nowMIT#2:
Phone interview.Update, 11:20 AM: finishedMIT#3: Errands (Post office, bank, etc.). Update, 11:20 AM. Off to do these now.
Heading to chatbox
The Hero's Code:
Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.
movingalong Wednesday scary task
I have scary task to do now.
Must complete within next 3.5 hours.
Have been avoiding.
Absolute final deadline.
I therefore CHOOSE to do this NOW.
Need Higher Power strength.
movingalong scary task
Saying a prayer for you moving!
"It is never too late to be what you might have been."
- George Eliot
movingalong scary task update: Microbursted!
Thanks so much for the prayer, journey. It really helped.
I had an hour less available than I had thought. After sobbing for a long time, then posting here, and then sobbing some MORE ... (and using up MORE of the available time sobbing), I then began attempting to reach up/out to H.P., and reading a 12-Step book.
Finally, I felt some inner peace -- and remembered that I could MICROBURST. YAY! That must have been right about the time that you posted. Although I wasn't online to see, I sure did feel it. Thanks!.
The microbursting got me started. I have now made significant progress. Got lots more to do, but I can see light at end of tunnel.
Thank you, Higher Power.
Movingalong scary task "good enough"
Update: I've done a "good enough" job.
I remembered to stop before the deadline, in order to allow myself enough time to clean up, organize, and put the project into folder.
yea moving
i thank HP along with you for getting you thru this. It is very similar to how it goes for me many times and i am encouraged to see another person go thru it with "good enuf" success.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
procrastinating with time mgmt tools:
Hooray for Movingalong!
and now sending up a quick "thank you" !
"It is never too late to be what you might have been."
- George Eliot
Rolzup CI
[X] check ins and
[X] Breakfast
[X] morning chores
[X] meditation
[X] writing
[X] e-mail dash
[X] check ticklers (file, e-mail, reader, bookmarks, desktop)
[X] write (M)
[X] GTD/family time
[ ]
7:30 family prayer8:15 family prayer[ ] pack lunch
[ ] to TT, study (I)
[ ] lunch break/piano
[ ] write (I)
[ ] 2:30 GTD
[ ] 4:15 Gwork
[ ] 5:15 study (Mn)
[ ] 6:00 family time
Journey 5 am Happy New Year's Eve
Whoa! I think this is the earliest I've ever been here!
Have a wonderful New Year's Eve everyone and be safe. I'm staying home, but if you are going out please be careful. As my dad told me when he taught me to drive: "Assume that everyone else on the road is drunk, stupid, or both."
Off to the gym - I had to get on the computer to check the gym's holiday schedule - and I am shutting it down now to avoid temptation of web surfing rather than exercising.
See you later, alligators.
"It is never too late to be what you might have been."
- George Eliot