Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Tuesday, December 9th 2008
It's Tuesday already, 13:57:15 Greenwich Mean Time
Coffee, iced coffe?
Wake up, let's roll!
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Sammy ci :: 8:00 am
Good Morning, and Happy Wednesday! This is my favorite day of the week. :-)
Monday was a bad day for me...I was feeling reallllly depressed, and the worst part was I didn't even know why! I had a terrible time getting anything done...I couldn't even bring myself to get off the couch and take a shower. I really don't even know what I did all day!
Tuesday I was feeling 100% better. We did, in fact, have a snowstorm, but it wasn't bad enough to cancel school. So I was at school basically from 7:30 am to 9 pm.
Today is feeling like a good day. I slept at my grandma's house last night after school, so I'll probably be spending some time with her this morning. I'm not sure what is scheduled for my early afternoon or evening, but I know I have a whole lot of web design homework to get done. This shouldn't be too much of a problem since I kind of enjoy that work.
Done: Wake up at a reasonable time (6:30 today...ick!), Write Tech Reporting paper (due at 9 am, turned in at 7:30 am!!), Brush off snow/scrape ice from car, get dressed, drive to school, turn in paper.
To do:
Shovel driveway/sidewalk
Time w/ grandma
Walgreens- drop off/pick up photos
Web design homework...lots of it!
Puppet practice (4-7 pm)
I might have more to do than that, but thats a good start for now... I'll check in when I get back to my house early this afternoon.
Recycler CI 6:50pm EST
Hi Pro Buddies!
Doing a quick CI now before going to my 12-step meeting. Boss needed me to work late, which was fine; it just compacts my evening a little bit ;)
Stretched & did routine at gym this morning; showered & got dressed for work. Took some stuff to new condo. Did projects at work. Autorized repairs to start on car (that is still having an emotional influence on me). Did rough draft of annual evaluation, in prep for giving to bosses. Worked late per boss's request. At home, changed clothes & ate dinner. Next: get ready to go to 12-step meeting.
Have a great night, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Wednesday morning 7.05 for Convalaria and 1 update
Was busy yesterday and managed to get over most of my instances of anxiety which paralyse me. THE LIST however did not get finished and some items did not even get touched. I have trouble with PRIOPITIES as well as procrastination
Here is yesterdays list and today. Items in red were worked on Items in black were not touched. Some items were completed and they do not reappear. Some items reappear because they need to be microbursted or because they are reccurring items.
Laptop died .....gRRR withdrawal symptoms. Posting this in a public place at work
"Recovery from procrastination means doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it."
e on Tuesday
I made it to a 12 step meeting last night, despite the bitter cold and raised my hand to share. It was my first meeting there and it felt really good to be able to share things which I have difficulty admitting even to myself. I have hope today, despite the fact that I did not wake up until noon: the amex bill is now paid and I have figured out some billing things. I have a meal to cook, a meeting to choose to go to since I missed the noon one, and some paperwork to wade through. More importantly, however, I want to look at some job postings, complete some forms and remind my son about some college related paperwork.
I felt a drag on my body as I typed some of these things, so I realize I am not in the best of spaces to get things done. One thing at a time, today. Now to
e's babysteps
some dishes done. Posts read. medicine taken. water drunk. bed made. clothing on.
to do: more dishes. load of laundry. find recipe for dinner.
you have such cute babysteps :)
Hi e!
You have such cute babysteps! :) Let us know how it goes! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
e mini-micro progress
I have done all the glasses, plates, bowls and cups. Now i have silverware, pots and pans to go. Ugh.
cheering e
You have been inspiring to me. It makes me feel better that i'm not the only one struggling. I pray you find hope and strength in HP!
I'm rooting for ya!
"Recovery from procrastination means doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it."
boy did i need that! I am STILL not done with the blasted dishes, but a little more is done. My husband is telling me a lot of things I SHOULD be doing and I cannot stand it. Demand resistance begone!
best of luck e!
*joins in demand resistance exorcism*
Hope the dishes got done...ugh housework :P And congrats on your progress :grin:
E's Dishes
Yuck dishes! And when you finish, they just get dirty again! I guess that's not very inspiring, that is what is so frustrating about housework for me. It's never finished. But we will keep on keepin' on won't we?
"The older I grow, the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom." - H.L. Mencken
you all are the best!
I came back to find that I have an entire cheering section routing for me! I cannot tell you how much that helps. Dishes are one of those tasks that never ends. I get resentful, feel frustrated, wash some, put them in order, and then someone else comes along to make a mess. Coming in here, especially having just found that my family has deposited another load of dirty dishes to the sink, I am particularly thankful for the support. They just are daily tasks. And sometime, I will be able to afford a dishwasher.
tiptree 12:54 PM EST CI
work tasks:
1) meeting 2hrs
2) 8 trivial items in one installation (2 hours of impl to get started)
3) 1414 folder export/import in case MIRC 2 hrs
4) 1186 1hr
5) 1403- find status = 2 code 1/2 hr
6) minimal HTML to create bug 1 hr
7) 1448 -> find all code that generates XML and document/confirm that all use XML declaration 1-2hrs
other tasks:
- reschedule lesson
- practice guitar
- clean office
- read 25 more pp. JB
- budget/bills
- exercise
- see if presecription was refilled
kromer 11:45 CI
Had my genetics final this morning, which I think went pretty well...but it was 3 hrs and now I'm exhausted!.
I've been trying to get to work/make a plan for the day for the last 15 min, but I think I'm just too I'm going to let myself take a 15 min break and listen to some music, then I'll re-focus.
Update 12:40--break was much longer than I'd intended, but the important thing is that I'm back now!
I'm feeling overwhelmed by everything I have to get done, but I'm just going to focus and get done as much as I can.
MITs for the day:
*Email DP w/ CV; email EF, CB, and RJ
*Check gel, proc 4 chunks of data
*read 1 chpt. of Signals and Systems, email NM
*Pre-reg for classes, figure out seminar scheduleOther tasks:
*1 hr brainstorming about Harambee curriculum
*Check interactome is OK,start runs w/ higher cap
*Talk to CJ
*Ask about bills
Right now, I'm going to take care of 1st and 4th MITs, then I'll go start check gel.
Update 2:30--inching along, done iwth 1st MIT and starting on 4th.
kromer 3:10 CI
I'm making OK progress, have finished 2 MITs.
After looking at seminar schedule, I realize I really should go to colloquium today, since it's with a prof. I want to work with. That's at 4, so I have an awkward length of time beforehand.
I'm going to start processing some data and email NM, then I'll go to colloquium, then I'll do check gel (and talk to CJ if I get a chance), then I'll read the chpt of sig/sys, head home and finish processing the 4 chunks of data. I'll work in the chatbox to keep myself on track while I work on processing the data.
kromer 5:30 CI
Started processing some data and emailed NM, went to colloquium, started check gel and talked briefly to CJ.
Now, during breaks in doing check gel, I'll work on processing data.
NM replied to my email, and I realize he wants me to present a lot more analysis tomorrow than I was expecting to give. So I'm going to adjust one of my MITs...rather than reading a chapter of sig/sys, I'll instead spend a couple hours analyzing CJ's old data.
Specifically, my new MIT will be:
*Fit square waves to CJ's inputs, calc. 1st four terms of Fourier series for output, also see how well can fit 1 frequency with assumption of linear system
And I'll add another task (not MIT) to process an extra 3 chunks of data.
Back after I've finished processing 1 chunk of data, then I'll go do next step of check gel.
kromer 8:40 CI
A bit of a detour today...I realized that I'm not on track for the kind of success I want in grad school, so I spent some time thinking about how I can change that. I think it was mostly useful (though unplanned), but in the past 45 minutes it's become procrastination, so it's time to stop and more on.
Before I get back to my regularly scheduled work, here's what I think I should change in what I'm doing:
*I should be spending more time actually on campus/around my classmates: it's not enough to work, I need to physically be there at least 9-5
*I need to spend time building my network...that means attending informal seminars, taking the time to chat with my classmates and labmates, attending/organizing social events, working up the nerve to talk to faculty sometimes. The whole networking idea scares me a lot, so I'm thinking maybe I should attend some workshops/organized events too
*I need to work on improving my biology lab skills, probably mostly by reading protocols and articles on the techniques I use, and figuring out which labs on campus use which techniques.
*Finally, I should spend some time reading general-interest papers
OK, now that I've gotten that out of my head, I think I can focus on my work for today. I'm going to work on tracking cells now...back in an hour or two!
Journey 11:30 2 pm 3:30 5:45
OK, late start but I'm moving now! I have a noon meeting so I'll spend the next half hour on my task list and email which is outta control after a couple days off.
2:00 attended noon meeting, updated task list, and got through all unread email. Still need to do more email stuff, but that's all I can deal with today. Spend 1/2 hour more on items from noon meeting, then back.
3:30 OK Spent too much time on that last task, now putting it aside for the day. taking a laundry folding break, can't sit here any longer. Come back at 4:00 and spend an hour on project G.
5:30 YAY! Project G is FINISHED! It's not perfect, but it's good enough, and I'm uploading the document right now and declaring victory.
Now to make a quick dinner, do the horrid dishes (there won't be many) and a bit of laundry.
Have a nice evening and a GREAT tomorrow everyone!
"The older I grow, the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom." - H.L. Mencken
GeorgeSmiley 10 am + updates
Lousy weather here today. I drove Mrs. GS to the train for her to go to work (she usually drives heself to her work) because of the snow and ice and...
I began the day wrapping up Project T-B. Now that's finished.
I've been
sort ofdithering for the lasthour and a half or more.2 hours 20 minutes. Ate breakfast, read the funnies. Surfed. Checked email.Time to get to work.
First time block will be tasks for Client C (which are varied).
MIT#1: review last draft of Project D-G against a "fact check note" I got from a contact there.Update 11 AM: Finished and re-shipped with correctionsMIT#2: transcribe notes from Project S
The Hero's Code:
Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.
Journey 10 am
Good morning everyone! First day back at work after a short vacation. I had been expecting company this weekend but they didn't show up. Now they may come this weekend and i won't have any time off . . . but the house will still be ready, so that's ok I guess.
I relaxed on Sunday but I got a lot done yesterday, although I didn't check in. Now i'm working from home today and getting a slow start, but I've been to the gym and read email. Back by 11 with a plan for the rest of the day!
"The older I grow, the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom." - H.L. Mencken
CL ci
8:30am : good start this morning. Feeling down, tho. But for the last 3 days my mantra has been: ur not that good, just show up and do ur work as best u can.
8:50am (20min) : some new people: chemguy and doginthefog (not to mention sato and tristan). That's great i really hope and pray that they find the recovery they so desperately seek (and, for that matter, *I* so desperately seed! :))
ok then, time to go back to MIT 1. I made a lot of progress yesterday, and now it's time to not lose focus (ad doginthefog said).
Hope-Faith CI 8:30
Good Morning to all and thanks for the day starter "Dog in the fog".
I am having a very difficult time getting back on track, on top of being sick everything seems to be piling up on me. With that being said it is time to focus and get my butt in gear. Today I need to:
E-mail teachers about meetingE-mail childrens teachersAM routinePlan 2nd and 3rdOn-line gamesActivitiesE-mailPlan 4thOn-line gamesActivitiesE-mailUpdate grades 2nd , 3rd, 4thLunchCall parentsClean off desk - so I can think (clutter, clutter, clutter)Find someone to cover game dutyCall AGet plan ready before Wed. AM3:30 Meeting5:00 Son's paino recitalCheck with UPSSoftware from E for printer
pro's CI - 8:30am
My tiny home-office is getting unbearably cluttlered. I need to pick up a bit in here before I can proceed. I have a dentist appt at noon.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
DogIntheFog checks in
My first post here, I hope I conform...
Gotta study for tommorrow's 'exam', then leave for an appointment in 4,5 hours, than come back, get myself filled with coffee, and roll effectively till maybe 3 am GMT.
Basically just reading stuff, maybe expanding some notes I had taken, that are to cryptic to learn anything from them. The key is to keep focused.
I can let myself spend a night learning, but only if I stay focused, otherwise I go to sleep having figured staying up won't help me achieve anything.
Exam preparation be X, and it's critical.
It would also be good to gain some insight into project Y for tomorrow, but it's not critical.
I'll check back , good luck to all of you.
Dog in the Fog CI
Turns out I did virtually nothing, like 50 mins od work altogether,,, I'm yet to find out about the consequences, failure isn't obvious, gotta wait for the results to be made available...
Still I did clearly fail in my commitment to myself. As usual, but this is my first CI. What do you do to me now? And what do I do with that?
Dog - I added your username to the CI subject
Hi Dog - when you check in, please put your username in the subject so people can easily see who's posting. Otherwise you might see a subject of "CI" on all posts, and it would be very confusing. Thanks!
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
failure sux
personally, i hate it. And that i have to face it nearly every day, makes it all the worse. As journey says, recovery is a process.
But lately i've been letting it humble me. From people here i learned the idea that there's a little pride in being upset with myself--i feel i could have done better. Why am i so great? Why do i expect myself to be 'better' than i just was? I've been trying to let that go, and just try to do better.
I can let it go a little bit, enuf so that i still feel very bad about it, but it's not debilitating. This let's me stumble forward.
The other thing i'm trying when i feel anxious is giving thanks about things i have. This seems foolish when i feel so bad and the world looks to me so bleak, but i force myself to go thru the motions and it has been making me feel better. I've only tried this 3x and it's worked those 3x. This helps me get in the mood of forgiving myself, as journey suggested below.
And, i think it's a HUGE step to share about what you're going thru here. I hope you get a benefit from not having to go thru it alone here.
EVERYONE here has reported failures in their check-ins. And we all just...try again.
having a lot of imperfect days here, lol!
I'm having a lot of imperfect days, here, too lol!
As long as we keep trying, that's what counts! :)
Hugs to Clem, Foggy Dog, & all :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Dog's exam
So did you have your exam already? Hope you did ok!
In my experience, we don't recover from procrastination overnight. It is a process, and if you have taken one step in the right direction, congratulate yourself! If you have had a recent slip, forgive yourself and move on! It does help to come here and post what is happening and how you're feeling. We're here for ya, dawg!
"The older I grow, the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom." - H.L. Mencken
hey dog
welcome! You've taken the first step. Many people have found recovery in this fellowship starting out just like you.
I have found that the key is, indeed, as you say, to stay focused. In fact i'm going to go try to do that in just a few min here.
Good luck on ur exams and other work!
good morning, Dog!
Thanks for starting the day thread!
You're planning to study basically from 8am to 3am? Or did I read that wrong? Did you see the article about time-bingeing (click the Articles link and scroll down). Time bingeing can lead to procrastination!
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.