Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Friday November 28 2008

e's 2 am ci

 i had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family on Thursday and despite a bit of tension with my husband who freaks out whenever we entertain it was great. The food was excellent, the company in good humor, all parties who can be a pain in the a@@ were fun, we were on time, my mother in law came over in a wheelchair but was carried up and down the stairs, everyone loved how the apartment looked (thanks to husband), my sons nephew and neice were cooking with me and dancing around the kitchen to music. The day was long, very happy, and exhausting. Friday was spent asleep. Literally. I am now awake and need to be up to take my son to work tomorrow morning and I am shopping online for bargains. I am grateful that my sister and her family were around to pitch in and that my long distance internet friend has found salvation in natural hormone pellets. Now I would like to get started on my 'homework' for Jess. peace out.

Sammy ci :: 6:20 pm

I slept in this morning--I was tired after spending all yesterday getting ready for company. Got moving around 10 this morning, and did a little decorating for Christmas....not as much as I had hoped. Have a few Christmas decorations out, re-painted part of the ceiling where we had a leak this summer, installed 4 closet doors, cleaned out the front closet (getting rid of about half the coats that were in there!!), hung up some pictures i've been meaning to get to in my bedroom, and assembled my new desk chair. 

Did not get as much done today as I had hoped, but I have to get ready for work now...I'm just working 7-10 tonight...a little frustrating because its such a short shift....

After work I need to return a phone call, then I might spend some time with a couple friends I haven't seen in a few months. I'm feeling kind of down tonight, though, I might just stay in and get some sleep.

Hope everyone has had a productive day today. I wish you all peace as you prepare for your weekend! 

pro's CI - 5:20pm

I've been floundering around today. I got up, showered, got dressed, and made my bed, and I met someone for coffee this afternoon. But that's it. I'm trying to sort of straighten my desk - go through papers - but I'm not getting much done. I might finish up some programming I started - not sure. I don't know what to do. I feel unable to concentrate.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Journey 2 pm Say hello to my leetle frien'

Busy morning, several minor things needing attention arrived this am.  Still I have done 3 MITs and have 3 more to go. 

Me and the kitty are kickin' a$$ and takin' names.  Back to work.



"The older I grow, the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom." - H.L. Mencken

tiptree Friday 12:20 PM CI

to do:

- return DVDs 1/2 hr
- pick up comix 1/2 hr
- read 100 pp. of TELotT 2 1/2 hrs
- clock at least 4 hours (1 3/4 hr so far, although I did work from midnight to 2:30 am last night...) 2 1/4 hr
- read paper 1 hr
- practice guitar 1/2 hr
- clean office 1 hr
- clean bedroom 1/2 hr
- continue basement work
- exercise 3/4 hr
- watch a movie (2 hrs)

- gtd dump
- clear out email inbox
- file papers
- pay bills
- call re CC

oh well

A work emergency has mucked up my plans. Then again, I'll probably be clocking more on the order of 6 to 8 hours of work...

Recycler CI 12:45pm EST

Hi Pro Buddies!

I'm having the car serviced today, since it's a Day Off for me. This is turning out to be a good plan.

This morning I went to the gym. Had a great time since I had the place to myself :) Showered and got dressed. Took my car to fav repair place -- they cost a little more, but they are honest about what's going on with the car and they actually fix it, and they preview anything that needs to be fixed in 3-6 months so you can plan ahead.

Dropped the car off, then took the light rail up to my neighborhood. This morning moved 2 display shelves to my new condo. Put holiday dolls on display. Fixed & ate early lunch.

Now = don't know what to do with myself. I thought maybe the car would be ready by now, but they are still working on it. Which is fine. OK, I think I will start one load of clothes to wash, take something over to the new condo, and see what happens after that.

I might update my CI later; I'm not sure. Definite: I am going to a 12-step meeting later.

Have a great day! :)


Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

Falcon Friday CI

Yikes, it's Rambo Kitty!  Guess I'd better get my butt in gear!  Wink

I totally identify with Clement's "I've got all day" feeling, only it's "I've got all weekend!"  But I realized yestertday that I've actually got a boatload of stuff to do, and will need to be pretty proactive if I'm going to get it done.

Here's the list for the weekend:

  • Call cat sitter
  • Wrap gift for G - done!
  • Visit with L.
  • Help V. with move - done!
  • Find insurance info (calendar? notes?)
  • Do online Xmas shopping - make list, order flowers, look up tickets, peruse catalogs
  • Change sheets
  • Finish laundry
  • Call about apartments
  • Pay bills
  • Figure out next action on retirement thingie
  • Figure out next actions for retirement plan
  • Take walk/exercise (Fri.)
  • Go to Sat. class
  • Go to Sun. class
  • Tidy apartment
  • Run through music
  • Get groceries
  • Make lunches for next week
  • Send info to colleges

Should be enough to keep me out of trouble for three days!  Next up: find cat sitter contact info and call her, because I keep forgetting about that and it needs to get done.  Then forage for lunch.


Falcon CI - more stuff to do

Yikes, I keep thinking of more stuff to add to the list.  

I couldn't find the cat sitter contact info (which I distinctly remember carfully saving, darn it!) so I have a message out to our mutual friend to ask for it again.

Next up, not curling up & taking a nap, even though that is what I feel like.  Rather, next up is to work on my Xmas list and see how much I can get done.


Falcon CI - making progress

Thanks for the encouragement, Clement!  Funny how long weekends look so long on Friday, but so short by Monday morning!

So far I've made my holiday list, ordered the flower bulbs for the people who are getting those, and I think I've found some concert tickets that my folks would like.

Still sleeeepy.  My cat keeps stretching out luxuriously in puddles of sunlight and looking totally blissed out; I'm envious.

Next up, put on some music & spend a few minutes in each room tidying.  The whole place was completely neat and clean just a short time ago, and somehow has disintegrated into being untidy and covered in cat fur again.  Entropy works fast!

Then I need to get my lazy tukus outside into the sun for a walk.


Falcon CI - back from walk

I did a little tidying, and the place looks better.  Did some exercises, and got out for a walk.

Now I think it's time to take a break.  The book I ordered came in the mail, and I'm going to take an hour off and read it.  After all, it is a holiday!  I'll check back in in an hour.


Falcon CO Friday

I've had dinner and still seem to have a case of the sleepies.  At this point, I'm deciding that my body is trying to tell me it wants sleep, so I'm heading off to bed.

Good night, everyone!


way 2 go falcon

keep it up. I'm trying to do it alongside you.


CL ci

very late start.
i have that "i have all day i can goof off" feeling.
I could easily waste the whole day.
First up--quiet time.

oh well. 2hr quiet time. And that was part 1. enjoyable, but not really because i know it was not the best use of time. I could have split it up over 2/3 days w/ no penalty.

But, i am glad i believe in forgiveness, because now i can put the past behind me and try again. sigh.

Now pray.

Prayer time was awesome. got right out of myself and into an incredible place of joy and peace and rest. Thank you HP!!!

That refreshed me and i was able to hurdle over the wall and attack MIT 1. Now i'm on a 30 min frustration break.


Journey 10 am

Good morning and thanks for the laugh this morning Rolz!

Yesterday was a nice holiday, now time to get back to work.   The gym had short hours today, so got on the treadmill at home.   I prefer working out at the gym, as I have a tendency to slack off when I'm working out at home, since no one is watching :) .

But anyway, I'm at work, my email is read, MITs are set and MIT #1 is completed.  It's a very quiet day in the office.   I briefly considered working from home as no one would really be here to notice if I was in the office or not but the boss is here so good thing I drove in!

Actually boss dropped in while I was in the midst of writing this, so MIT #2 which was to track him down and discuss something, is also complete. Woo Hoo!


"The older I grow, the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom." - H.L. Mencken

Agnus ci and lol rolzup!

Awesome starter!  Still chuckling. Late last night I gave up on trying to do the traditional American Black Friday shopaholism and felt much more relaxed. Recovery tells me I don't have to cave to the pressures of tradition and commercialism unless I want to, and I decided I didn't really want to. So there!

I've had my Step 11, fixing breakfast now. Next:

  • get phone # for the scooter rental place for J DONE!
  • commit and prep food to sponsor DONE!
  • shower, dress, and pack for the day
  • kennel da kritters
  • go play at the all-day car show
  • watch my HALT (hungry, angry, lonely, tired) and take care of myself.

Rolzup CI

Me and the psycho cat, we're going to crack some heads today. Or, you know, research a term paper. One of those two.

[X] morning chores
[X] meditation
[X] writing
[X] check tickler
[X] G work
[ ] pack lunch
[ ] GTD/family time
[ ] 10:00 to campus
