Post political threads in Miscellaneous?
Freedom of speech is very important. I want everyone on this board to feel comfortable about posting about any issue.
We have a section of the forum called Off-Topic Discussions/Miscellaneous. I think it would be great for someone to have a thread there called "I feel inspired by _______" [whoever], or with whichever topic is easily understandable about what the thread will be about; then when people click on it, they know in advance what it is.
Procrastinators Anonymous is a 12-step program based on Alcoholics Anonymous. In addition to AA tradition 10: "Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy," AA states that "A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes."
I am hoping this can be a safe environment for people of every nationality, ethnic group, religion or no religion, political affiliation or lack thereof, etc., and that everyone will feel welcome.
That being said, I think on Inauguration Day, it will be normal for people to post any happy feelings or celebrations in their CI or elsewhere on the board.
My hope is our shared 12-step recovery will be the basis for our community, rather than political orientation.
Response from forum moderator:
This is a bad idea. Please do not post anything political in this forum. I've gotten into some really vicious fights with people on Facebook over politics. We do NOT want that here. You may think everybody will be happy on election day, but not everyone will. 46% of the electorate voted for McCain - that's a lot of people.
Political discussions have no place in a 12-step forum. I will delete any political posts to prevent arguments. Thank you for understanding.
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To all of us (including me) guilty of bringing up politics...
Recycler pointed out that this was not the only message about the election - just the one easiest to spot - and I myself am guilty of posting messages about working for one of the presidential campaigns.
So let us all be grateful that none of our political posts started World War III here, and resolve not to do it anymore. :)
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
important - no politics in a 12-step group
This is a bad idea. Please do not post anything political in this forum. I've gotten into some really vicious fights with people on Facebook over politics. We do NOT want that here. You may think everybody will be happy on election day, but not everyone will.
No politics here, please. I will delete any political posts to prevent arguments. Thank you for understanding.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I agree
Hi Pro!
I agree with you. I am also in favor of no politics on the PA website. I'm sorry if the wording of my post was confusing.
What I was trying to say is, when clicking on a post, it would be helpful if the Title of the Post matches somewhat closely with the content, rather than clicking on a recovery-sounding post and finding out that it was a political opinion post.
I apologize to you and the board for any confusion about what I meant.
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
agreed - we all need to be more careful (myself included)
Sorry to single you out - your message was just the easiest to spot because you did title it in line with the content!
We need to be very careful about political postings - hidden in other topics or explicit. We don't want fights to break out here!
And yes, in general, it's good to use a subject that gives a true inking of the post topic.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.