Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
The S***T has hit the fan at long last. The consequences of THE BACKLOG and procrastination can have very profound consequences. I do not know what is going to happen. I have to show stuff I have done for next term next term
The school holidays start and I have lots of tasks .....MIT's, MIT's and more MIT's
I really need to eat something and go to bed, but I'm not feeling hungry (but will in the middle of the night if I don't eat now!) and my brain is over-busy with an eventful week, so I find myself wanting to stay up and surf.
Next up: find something nice & easy & digestable to eat (bowl of cereal?) brush teeth, etc., and get to bed within the next half hour.
Today: Walked, stretched. Coworker is out sick again. Didn't have to do too much for them today, but filled in a couple of times. Did some harder-looking projects that were actually pretty quick ;) I think I can get some stuff done tomorrow, for a good end to the week and to be starting in a good position on Monday ;) Lunchtime errands & fast food were disorganized, but ya know, comparatively not that big a deal; however, I'm having Chik Fil A tomorrow as a budget-friendly compensation & reward ;) ;)
Walked home from work, pushing cargo cart. Ate dinner. Started a load of clothes to wash. Next: brush & floss teeth, wash & moisturize face. Will I update my CI? We'll see! ;)
8:15pm. Have brushed & flossed teeth; washed & moisturized face. Started another load of clothes in washer. Next: hang up washed clothes to dry. Write email to international friend in Singapore.
9:35pm. Hung up the washed clothes, and also folded some of the clothes from the dryer. Email to my friend ended up being long. But relaxing to write :) Talk to you later! ;)
Had to run out and rescue my daughter-in-law who locked herself and the baby out of the car. Guess that was my lunch break lol. I didn't have time to prepare for the noon meeting, which is an optional lunch and learn, and I would have been late anyway so I just skipped it. BUT THEN, did I get to work on MIT #3? I did not. I sat here and moped around about missing the class and getting sidetracked from my schedule. WHOA! Enough of that. Getting back on track right now.
MIT #2 was to prepare for the noon lunch and learn, which I didn't do, but I'm going to review where I left off and determine what needs to be done next. I have the notes from class so I will be ok next week. I will check back here when that's done since I'm obviously in danger of falling off the wagon repeatedly today. CYA soon.
Update 2:42 OK that's done. 15 mins to check laundry and take a (deserved) break.
Update 3:50 Did some work on 3 and 4 but the rest will have be finished in the office, as I need some stuff I don't have here. On to #5.
Update 5:30 #5 done. This is the beginning of a new project and it's tedious but I made a little progress on the planning. Laundry break!
I don't have to cook dinner . . . I made a roast turkey breast last night and was planning to make turkey pot pie from the leftovers but the fam talked me out of it - they hate leftovers! - so we're having pizza hut pasta - a pretty good and reasonably priced meal. That will give my burned fingers a rest too, although they improved considerably overnight.
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
Hours and minutes trickling away like tears of lost opportunities. I am sitting at my desk, desolate and overwhelmed, while my accountant is sitting at his waiting for my books etc. since Monday ... Hate doing accounts; my worst procrastination is in the sphere of book-keeping resulting in backlogs, which makes matters worse and creates a vicious circle. Sounds familiar to anyone? On a more positive note: have been inspired by 'Tools for Recovery' and prayed visiting . My very best regards to everyone.
Financial stuff is my worst procrastination-pit. The cycle of guilt and self-pity does feel relentless. But there is hope here: Last year I had to pay huge penalties for late 2003, 2005 and 2006 taxes. This year I have been actively practicing the PA Tools and Steps, and just completed my corporate financials to the accountant less than 2 weeks after his deadline...SO much better than the past. This stuff works...keep coming back!
I just read your brief reply, and I am encouraged to resume using the daily Check In, as well as other tools here. Working alone on freelance, and on a job search, I get into some serious procrastination habits; get discouraged and depressed. I have found this site helpfull -- need to keep it simple.
I do find I can get caught in spending too much time on itself; so need to be aware of that. Hope to keep being smart and not beat up on myself. Thanks again, drun.
Agnus, thank you for your words of encouragement. I feel better already and have sorted 3 boxes of receipts and invoices. PA Tools on the memo board and Mahler's 5th in the background also helps.
So far, today is turning out to be a much better day than yesterday. MIT #1 is completed, and the car has been picked up from the mechanic. I feel much more self-confident and in control today.
Setting timer for a 20 minute break. I stopped by the store on the way home from the mechanics and got my favorite cereal - Barbara's Peanut Butter Puffins - so I'm going to have a nice healthy bowl of cereal and surf for a few mins. Then on to MIT #2.
UPDATE 10:30 Break over - expect frequent posting today after yesterday's meltdown! Quick review of MITs and on to MIT #2, which is to prepare for my noon meeting.
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
Hi everyone. Looks like we have a "crowd" here. Perhaps something was in the air yesterday, as there were a few off days here. I'm fearful about things turning to crap here today, but doing nothing would be a surefire recipe for another nasty day. I'm out of checks and stuff is coming c.o.d. today. I hope the mail come first with my new checks. You know, it's the little stresses which add up (or clump together) which bug me. For starters, I'm just posting. See you all later.
4) Get a rough draft in place on Project V and be able to fact-check it.
Already that least feels overwhelming. Now I've just got to put one foot in front of the other...[and go up to the kitchen and get another cup of coffee!!! :-) ]
I'm in the really tedious part of Project T (editing and checking a bunch of references). Then I get an email from Client B re. an older paper that apparently didn't get changes made that needed to be made. Not sure why that didn't happen, but I'll need to go back and do that.
Very late update 12:52 AM Friday 9/19
Spent all afternoon and much of the evening working on Project T. Finally got it finished. It's an academic piece and a lot of the references were a mess, so I had to fix 'em.
As often happens I got very wrapped up in it, to the point that I was an hour -plus late at cooking dinner (Mrs. GS wasn't home until v late tonight, so it was known all along I would have to do that.)
I stayed up late to finish Project T. Then had to do the other fixes on that old Project.
So I didn't get to Project U, Project D or Project V at all.
This wasn't a procrastination thing, or was it... Did I need to spend less time on Project T?
I'm wondering...
The Hero's Code:
Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.
A little slow getting started this morning, but I'm here now.
My MITs are (limiting to 3 today, since I've had a hard time getting them all done the past few days):
*Draft research proposal
*Email about seminar
*Draw up list of 20 possibilities for rotation
I also have--
Scheduled tasks: genetics class 9:30-11:30 and 12-1
Should do:
*Finish cleaning room
*Call AG
*Make list of discussion questions
*Email about lab mtg
*Add clustering to algorithm
Other possible tasks:
*Put figures in ppt
*Email CV and PJ
*Email DY
*Read MEME paper carefully
*Genetics pset
I need to leave for genetics in 30 min, so I'll work on my shortest MIT, emailing about seminar. I need to email RS to invite her, and then email someone for grant suggestions.
OK, finished one of my MITs (emailing about seminar) and went to the first part of genetics class. I'm going to take my lunch break now, then go to the second half of genetics, then work on draft research proposal.
I think I'm getting sick...I've been tired the last couple days despite plenty of sleep, and today real exhaustion has set in. I just took a 30 min nap so I could get though the day. I have a quick meeting, and then I'm going to go home and work in 30 min on-30 min napping bursts. I really need to get through my MITs today, but that's *all* I'm going to try and get done.
I've failed to get much of anything done since my above check-in--I'm still tired, but I've been doing some pretty awful procrastinating as well. I really need to get this proposal done, and I'm just not making any progress on it. So I'm going to *just write* for 15 min, then check back in.
Update 5:35--OK, at least I wrote something. This proposal isn't going to be fantastic, but at least it might get done... I'm going to go take another nap now, then read 2 articles that will help me with my proposal, then make a list of 20 rotation possibilities.
Update 6:15--Took a nap, now I 'm going to read the 2 articles and make a list of 20 rotations possibilities. When I'm done with those things, I'll call AG.
OK, I'm not getting anything done, and I'm miserable and tired, and I don't really have anything too urgent. (I need to finish this proposal, but I've made some progress and I'll be able to finish in the morning.
This may be a bad idea, but I'm going to make the decision to stop work for an hour and watch some TV. Then I can start work again or not, depending on how I feel. I think this is more likely to get me going than more banging my head against the wall.
OK, I took my break and now I feel a bit better. I'm going to concentrate on just getting going again, without worrying about following my priorities...I'm going to work on my probability pset, not at all urgent but straightforward work that I enjoy.
Update 9:40--made a little bit of progress on my pset, but not great. I'm going to keep working uptil 10:30, then take a shower, go to bed and get up early. Right now, I'm going to spend 20 min putting figures into ppt (nice mindless task :) )
Update 10:20--OK, was slow but got the figures in ppt (an actual task on the list for today!) Now I'm going to clean out my drawer, then I'll go to bed.
Yeah, I know: "what is Agnus doing checking in so early?" LOL - Just noticed a lot of friends here having a tough week, and wanted to make a contribution to give back in a small way by being the thread starter today. You all give me so much encouragement, you have no idea!
My AP presentation debuts to the VIPs this afternoon. Bad case of nerves. Going to take some extra time for centering prayer this morning, go exercise, and spend some time in traction to minimize the physical stress effects. Then I'll keep an easy pace of work this morning, practice imagining myself calm, and eat a good fiber-and-protein lunch. I will be considerate of others by calling all my guest presenters and colleagues by 10:30 a.m. to make sure they all are as comfortable as possible about their roles. Right before the event, I will take a walk to clear my head, and ask God for what I need.
I'll check in here if I get scared or stuck, and again after the event. That time immediately after a Major MIT completes, is one of my worst temptations to reward myself with a procrastination binge.
Thanks for this amazing place and you wonderful friends here! :-) Hope everyone has a "DONE!" kinda day!
Actually I thought the presentation went very well....and so did 4 out of 5 people I asked right afterward. The only criticism came from my worst critic, the Authority Figure for the event, who thought it dragged in the middle --- Of course I feel quite deflated now...oww.
Ah, well, this isn't about me anyway. It's about how many people get helped through the work I do. Hopefully that's now a few more than before. My next tasks are:
play for 30 minutes at whatever I darn well feel like!
walk the dog
make and eat a decent dinner
pray about whether to pay bills or go to 7pm meeting; then do 1
Good morning! Man, yesterday was pretty much a write-off. Not completely my fault, as I had 3 meetings and dd had a car problem, BUT I had many small chunks of time 15-30 mins in which I could have gotten work done. And I didn't. I allowed myself to get distracted by various things around the house, AND I spent a lot of time just freaking out and berating myself.
The longer I'm at this productivity game, the more I see those hours of self-chastisement as a selfish indulgence. They aren't fun, mind you, but they are totally ego-involved and self-absorbed. Today I will ask HP to give me the courage to move past the ego and focus on the task at hand and the other people in my life, rather than spending all my thoughts worrying about myself.
I burned the crap out of two fingers on my left hand last night while cooking dinner. It hurt like a mofo and made everything difficult for the rest of the evening, including sleep. I'm skipping the gym this morning and getting a work task done - one that I said I would do yesterday and didn't.
So, first up, a quick and dirty day starter, and then to MIT #1 asap.
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
"The longer I'm at this productivity game, the more I see those hours of
self-chastisement as a selfish indulgence. They aren't fun, mind you,
but they are totally ego-involved and self-absorbed."
Wow, so true. I'm putting that in a list of ongoing reflections and inspirations I keep!
The Hero's Code:
Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.
Hi All, this is my first post, I will intro soon but thought I should just jump in. Thanks for this forum, it is great, although I have been procrastinating about using it!
MITs for today
1 - read through and get papers and stuff together on PAA section of thesis
2 - write one paragraph of thesis
3 - (less important) fold huge laundry backlog on couch
4 - (less important) spin and dry laundry in machine
Basically if I can get #2 done I will consider it a successful day. I have so much fear surrounding working on my thesis, I only really work when the fear attached to the fact that I haven't done any work gets bigger than the fear of acutally doing it. I soooo want to get it done, and am so close - have done all the research, presented at conferences, written and submitted papers - all I need to do now is finish writing up. It's a MSc thesis in chem, hence the name :)
Thanks all,
10.20pm and still haven't done anything on my list - have done lots of vaguely useful tasks, but am finding it impossible to start the one thing I should be working on. Maybe I can get something out of the way before bedtime :(
Convalaria at 16.05 Friday
The S***T has hit the fan at long last. The consequences of THE BACKLOG and procrastination can have very profound consequences. I do not know what is going to happen. I have to show stuff I have done for next term next term
The school holidays start and I have lots of tasks .....MIT's, MIT's and more MIT's
hang in there Convalaria
Hang in there Convalaria, you are not alone. Good luck...I wish you a moment of calm.
Falcon Thursday CI/CO
Hi all,
I really need to eat something and go to bed, but I'm not feeling hungry (but will in the middle of the night if I don't eat now!) and my brain is over-busy with an eventful week, so I find myself wanting to stay up and surf.
Next up: find something nice & easy & digestable to eat (bowl of cereal?) brush teeth, etc., and get to bed within the next half hour.
Good night!
Recycler CI 7pm EST
Hi Pro Buddies!
Love pats to all! :)
Today: Walked, stretched. Coworker is out sick again. Didn't have to do too much for them today, but filled in a couple of times. Did some harder-looking projects that were actually pretty quick ;) I think I can get some stuff done tomorrow, for a good end to the week and to be starting in a good position on Monday ;) Lunchtime errands & fast food were disorganized, but ya know, comparatively not that big a deal; however, I'm having Chik Fil A tomorrow as a budget-friendly compensation & reward ;) ;)
Walked home from work, pushing cargo cart. Ate dinner. Started a load of clothes to wash. Next: brush & floss teeth, wash & moisturize face. Will I update my CI? We'll see! ;)
8:15pm. Have brushed & flossed teeth; washed & moisturized face. Started another load of clothes in washer. Next: hang up washed clothes to dry. Write email to international friend in Singapore.
9:35pm. Hung up the washed clothes, and also folded some of the clothes from the dryer. Email to my friend ended up being long. But relaxing to write :) Talk to you later! ;)
Have a great night, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Journey 2 pm UPDATE 2:42 3:50 5:30
Had to run out and rescue my daughter-in-law who locked herself and the baby out of the car. Guess that was my lunch break lol. I didn't have time to prepare for the noon meeting, which is an optional lunch and learn, and I would have been late anyway so I just skipped it. BUT THEN, did I get to work on MIT #3? I did not. I sat here and moped around about missing the class and getting sidetracked from my schedule. WHOA! Enough of that. Getting back on track right now.
MIT #2 was to prepare for the noon lunch and learn, which I didn't do, but I'm going to review where I left off and determine what needs to be done next. I have the notes from class so I will be ok next week. I will check back here when that's done since I'm obviously in danger of falling off the wagon repeatedly today. CYA soon.
Update 2:42 OK that's done. 15 mins to check laundry and take a (deserved) break.
Update 3:50 Did some work on 3 and 4 but the rest will have be finished in the office, as I need some stuff I don't have here. On to #5.
Update 5:30 #5 done. This is the beginning of a new project and it's tedious but I made a little progress on the planning. Laundry break!
I don't have to cook dinner . . . I made a roast turkey breast last night and was planning to make turkey pot pie from the leftovers but the fam talked me out of it - they hate leftovers! - so we're having pizza hut pasta - a pretty good and reasonably priced meal. That will give my burned fingers a rest too, although they improved considerably overnight.
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
drun Check In 12:40pm EDT
Hope to get out of a funk and accomplish these:
MIT #1: [DONE] -- Proof read and revise if neccessary em let to e.r.
MIT #2: -- read current cv's for s.l. to review, DONE.
-- prep one or two, probably include notes w/ areas of concern. -- email to s.l.
MIT #3: -- DONE grocery shop.
MIT #4: -- read today's C.I.'s,(DONE); if I can, provide feedback, understanding, encouragement.
Thanks everyone, drun
Time waits for no man
Hours and minutes trickling away like tears of lost opportunities. I am sitting at my desk, desolate and overwhelmed, while my accountant is sitting at his waiting for my books etc. since Monday ... Hate doing accounts; my worst procrastination is in the sphere of book-keeping resulting in backlogs, which makes matters worse and creates a vicious circle. Sounds familiar to anyone? On a more positive note: have been inspired by 'Tools for Recovery' and prayed visiting . My very best regards to everyone.
relating to MariaJoanna
Financial stuff is my worst procrastination-pit. The cycle of guilt and self-pity does feel relentless. But there is hope here: Last year I had to pay huge penalties for late 2003, 2005 and 2006 taxes. This year I have been actively practicing the PA Tools and Steps, and just completed my corporate financials to the accountant less than 2 weeks after his deadline...SO much better than the past. This stuff works...keep coming back!
Another Thanks, Angus
I just read your brief reply, and I am encouraged to resume using the daily Check In, as well as other tools here. Working alone on freelance, and on a job search, I get into some serious procrastination habits; get discouraged and depressed. I have found this site helpfull -- need to keep it simple.
I do find I can get caught in spending too much time on itself; so need to be aware of that. Hope to keep being smart and not beat up on myself. Thanks again, drun.
Agnus, thank you for your
Agnus, thank you for your words of encouragement. I feel better already and have sorted 3 boxes of receipts and invoices. PA Tools on the memo board and Mahler's 5th in the background also helps.
re: time waits for no man
Hello M.J.,
Yes, we've all been "desolate and overwhelmed". Hang in there! Thanks for the linke to sacred space, that is a nice site.
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
Journey 10 am UPDATE 10:30
So far, today is turning out to be a much better day than yesterday. MIT #1 is completed, and the car has been picked up from the mechanic. I feel much more self-confident and in control today.
Setting timer for a 20 minute break. I stopped by the store on the way home from the mechanics and got my favorite cereal - Barbara's Peanut Butter Puffins - so I'm going to have a nice healthy bowl of cereal and surf for a few mins. Then on to MIT #2.
UPDATE 10:30 Break over - expect frequent posting today after yesterday's meltdown! Quick review of MITs and on to MIT #2, which is to prepare for my noon meeting.
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
8:55am for Lark
Hi everyone. Looks like we have a "crowd" here. Perhaps something was in the air yesterday, as there were a few off days here. I'm fearful about things turning to crap here today, but doing nothing would be a surefire recipe for another nasty day. I'm out of checks and stuff is coming c.o.d. today. I hope the mail come first with my new checks. You know, it's the little stresses which add up (or clump together) which bug me. For starters, I'm just posting. See you all later.
GeorgeSmiley 7:35 AM, and rolling updates
Hello, everyone!
MITs today:
1) Finish Project T.Finished ~11:30 PM2) Spend 30 minutes on Project U.
3) Spend at least an hour on Project D.
4) Get a rough draft in place on Project V and be able to fact-check it.
Already that least feels overwhelming. Now I've just got to put one foot in front of the other...[and go up to the kitchen and get another cup of coffee!!! :-) ]
I'm in the really tedious part of Project T (editing and checking a bunch of references). Then I get an email from Client B re. an older paper that apparently didn't get changes made that needed to be made. Not sure why that didn't happen, but I'll need to go back and do that.
Very late update 12:52 AM Friday 9/19
Spent all afternoon and much of the evening working on Project T. Finally got it finished. It's an academic piece and a lot of the references were a mess, so I had to fix 'em.
As often happens I got very wrapped up in it, to the point that I was an hour -plus late at cooking dinner (Mrs. GS wasn't home until v late tonight, so it was known all along I would have to do that.)
I stayed up late to finish Project T. Then had to do the other fixes on that old Project.
So I didn't get to Project U, Project D or Project V at all.
This wasn't a procrastination thing, or was it... Did I need to spend less time on Project T?
I'm wondering...
The Hero's Code:
Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.
kromer 8:25 CI
Morning, all!
A little slow getting started this morning, but I'm here now.
My MITs are (limiting to 3 today, since I've had a hard time getting them all done the past few days):
*Draft research proposal
*Email about seminar
*Draw up list of 20 possibilities for rotation
I also have--
Scheduled tasks: genetics class 9:30-11:30 and 12-1
Should do:
*Finish cleaning room
*Call AG
*Make list of discussion questions
*Email about lab mtg
*Add clustering to algorithm
Other possible tasks:
*Put figures in ppt
*Email CV and PJ
*Email DY
*Read MEME paper carefully
*Genetics pset
I need to leave for genetics in 30 min, so I'll work on my shortest MIT, emailing about seminar. I need to email RS to invite her, and then email someone for grant suggestions.
kromer 11:40 CI
OK, finished one of my MITs (emailing about seminar) and went to the first part of genetics class. I'm going to take my lunch break now, then go to the second half of genetics, then work on draft research proposal.
kromer 1:30 CI
I think I'm getting sick...I've been tired the last couple days despite plenty of sleep, and today real exhaustion has set in. I just took a 30 min nap so I could get though the day. I have a quick meeting, and then I'm going to go home and work in 30 min on-30 min napping bursts. I really need to get through my MITs today, but that's *all* I'm going to try and get done.
hope you feel better soon, kromer
kromer 5:10 CI bad day
I've failed to get much of anything done since my above check-in--I'm still tired, but I've been doing some pretty awful procrastinating as well. I really need to get this proposal done, and I'm just not making any progress on it. So I'm going to *just write* for 15 min, then check back in.
Update 5:35--OK, at least I wrote something. This proposal isn't going to be fantastic, but at least it might get done... I'm going to go take another nap now, then read 2 articles that will help me with my proposal, then make a list of 20 rotation possibilities.
Update 6:15--Took a nap, now I 'm going to read the 2 articles and make a list of 20 rotations possibilities. When I'm done with those things, I'll call AG.
kromer change of plans
OK, I'm not getting anything done, and I'm miserable and tired, and I don't really have anything too urgent. (I need to finish this proposal, but I've made some progress and I'll be able to finish in the morning.
This may be a bad idea, but I'm going to make the decision to stop work for an hour and watch some TV. Then I can start work again or not, depending on how I feel. I think this is more likely to get me going than more banging my head against the wall.
kromer 8:30 CI
OK, I took my break and now I feel a bit better. I'm going to concentrate on just getting going again, without worrying about following my priorities...I'm going to work on my probability pset, not at all urgent but straightforward work that I enjoy.
Update 9:40--made a little bit of progress on my pset, but not great. I'm going to keep working uptil 10:30, then take a shower, go to bed and get up early. Right now, I'm going to spend 20 min putting figures into ppt (nice mindless task :) )
Update 10:20--OK, was slow but got the figures in ppt (an actual task on the list for today!) Now I'm going to clean out my drawer, then I'll go to bed.
hugs to Kromer :)
Hi Kromer!
You have been hitting home run after home run, so it's a well-deserved break!
Hugs! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Thanks for the encouragement R and A!
It's really helped me get through today :)
Hope tomorrow will be better!
Agnus check-in 7:05am
Yeah, I know: "what is Agnus doing checking in so early?" LOL - Just noticed a lot of friends here having a tough week, and wanted to make a contribution to give back in a small way by being the thread starter today. You all give me so much encouragement, you have no idea!
My AP presentation debuts to the VIPs this afternoon. Bad case of nerves. Going to take some extra time for centering prayer this morning, go exercise, and spend some time in traction to minimize the physical stress effects. Then I'll keep an easy pace of work this morning, practice imagining myself calm, and eat a good fiber-and-protein lunch. I will be considerate of others by calling all my guest presenters and colleagues by 10:30 a.m. to make sure they all are as comfortable as possible about their roles. Right before the event, I will take a walk to clear my head, and ask God for what I need.
I'll check in here if I get scared or stuck, and again after the event. That time immediately after a Major MIT completes, is one of my worst temptations to reward myself with a procrastination binge.
Thanks for this amazing place and you wonderful friends here! :-) Hope everyone has a "DONE!" kinda day!
Good luck on the Presentation AG!
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
Ag thanks jo - and checks back in 4:40
Actually I thought the presentation went very well....and so did 4 out of 5 people I asked right afterward. The only criticism came from my worst critic, the Authority Figure for the event, who thought it dragged in the middle --- Of course I feel quite deflated now...oww.
Ah, well, this isn't about me anyway. It's about how many people get helped through the work I do. Hopefully that's now a few more than before. My next tasks are:
Journey 7 am . . . bad day yesterday . . .
Good morning! Man, yesterday was pretty much a write-off. Not completely my fault, as I had 3 meetings and dd had a car problem, BUT I had many small chunks of time 15-30 mins in which I could have gotten work done. And I didn't. I allowed myself to get distracted by various things around the house, AND I spent a lot of time just freaking out and berating myself.
The longer I'm at this productivity game, the more I see those hours of self-chastisement as a selfish indulgence. They aren't fun, mind you, but they are totally ego-involved and self-absorbed. Today I will ask HP to give me the courage to move past the ego and focus on the task at hand and the other people in my life, rather than spending all my thoughts worrying about myself.
I burned the crap out of two fingers on my left hand last night while cooking dinner. It hurt like a mofo and made everything difficult for the rest of the evening, including sleep. I'm skipping the gym this morning and getting a work task done - one that I said I would do yesterday and didn't.
So, first up, a quick and dirty day starter, and then to MIT #1 asap.
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
Self indulgence
"The longer I'm at this productivity game, the more I see those hours of
self-chastisement as a selfish indulgence. They aren't fun, mind you,
but they are totally ego-involved and self-absorbed."
Wow, so true. I'm putting that in a list of ongoing reflections and inspirations I keep!
The Hero's Code:
Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.
oops, sorry Jo
I think I stepped on your day starter! We must have been posting at the same time...
re: oops,sorry
No prob!
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
12.07pm friday here and nothing much done
Hi All, this is my first post, I will intro soon but thought I should just jump in. Thanks for this forum, it is great, although I have been procrastinating about using it!
MITs for today
1 - read through and get papers and stuff together on PAA section of thesis
2 - write one paragraph of thesis
3 - (less important) fold huge laundry backlog on couch
4 - (less important) spin and dry laundry in machine
Basically if I can get #2 done I will consider it a successful day. I have so much fear surrounding working on my thesis, I only really work when the fear attached to the fact that I haven't done any work gets bigger than the fear of acutally doing it. I soooo want to get it done, and am so close - have done all the research, presented at conferences, written and submitted papers - all I need to do now is finish writing up. It's a MSc thesis in chem, hence the name :)
Thanks all,
10.20pm and still haven't done anything on my list - have done lots of vaguely useful tasks, but am finding it impossible to start the one thing I should be working on. Maybe I can get something out of the way before bedtime :(