Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Yay, didn't have an evening activity tonight, so already home :) Seriously, need to gear down several notches to be relaxingly self-paced, because the last consecutive number of days have been outward-circumstance-paced, and it's time for a change of pace in which I can still be active but not stressed!
Since I'm home tonight I can be a little wordy, while I've already got the clothes in the washer, etc ;)
Good news on ex-hubby's mini-stroke. The dr's prescription afterward is a regimen aspirin every day, which means the dr must think ex-hubby is basically ok; otherwise he would have prescribed heavier medication. I have best wishes for ex-hubby (even though we do not interact), and want him to be in good health. Have to turn him over to my HP whom I call God.
The neighborhood car-horn-tooter is outside, trying to summon whichever friend/person they toot for every day. ((sigh)). I try to pretend it's reminding me to pray; however, not too effective so far.
Today: elliptical, stretching, work, Walked at lunch :), Sort #1 of Dreaded Stack of Papers ;), rode train home. Had snack (am I going to eat more than that? Haven't decided yet.) Running clothes washer & clothes dryer.
Sometimes re-editing my CIs helps keep me on-pace, so I might try that this evening. We'll see if I add any edits later on ;)
7pm decided to cook some veggies, even if it will be too late to eat them tonight when they are done; started water to boiling, & sliced up veggies. (ideal: steam veggies; tonight, boil ;) Surf net for a few minutes while waiting for water to boil.
7:55pm Folded & put away dried clothes; hung up other clothes to dry. Drained cooked veggies; waiting for them to cool. Will surf net a little more, then take last load of clothes out of dryer.
8:21 Folded & put away 1 more set of clothes. Let cooked veggies cool; ate a few, then put remainder in storage container for tomorrow. May type e-mail reply to a friend; followed by brush teeth. Floss teeth? Need to start getting ready to sleep. Talk to you tomorrow! :)
i'm at another 90% point. Time to not finish like usual.
I rebel against my old self.
Also, it's time to get out of "head down" mode and see where i am, what's left, who's waiting for what when, and make good decisions on what to do next and in what order. I have an obsessive feeling to keep working on task X til it's perfect. This entry is part of my fight against that.
...8min later and i have to log some tasks. dont want to. but i choose to surrender to the greater good.
Good morning all! I took a day off yesterday and took my daughter and her friend to the aquarium - had loads of fun, spent too much money. I had to make several phone calls this morning to make arrangements to pay bills late this month. I guess that's better than just ignoring them and getting behind, which is what I used to do :). It really is less stressful to just face the facts and deal with them, even if the facts are unpleasant. Ignorance is not bliss. *Sigh*
Anyway, I have not gotten a lot of work done this morning since I was taking care of the above mentioned personal business, so I gotta get cracking and get as much done as possible this afternoon. I started to write "I have to get twice as much done this afternoon" but as I wrote that, i realized it would be setting myself up for failure and procrastination. So, instead I'm just going to do my best!
So far today, I've been to gym, read email, and attended a meeting. Have not even set my MITs yet, but obviously getting my financial stuff taken care of was MIT #1 and it has now been done, so I can move on now.
I haven't read everyone's posts from today and yesterday, looking forward to catching up . . . when I take a break . . .
"In our minds, we seek to be divine; but in our hearts, we know it's party time." - Rondo Bros in Aquarium Dreams
Okay ... same drill. Its okay to be busy, but today I have to be productive. Yesterday was an example of how at least I am not getting depressed and trying to sleep or sluff away my troubles. I was anxious, nervous, and frustrated ... BUT NOT DEPRESSED. At least its a start. But now that I am thawing out I need to start making progress. I feel like I'm clearing my desk enough to see the dreaded BACKLOG ... my real fears.
But for today lets try again on the MITs
- CHECK OUT before bed
rick, your situation sounds to me very difficult, but it also sounds to me like you are boldly facing it. And it sounds that you are making progress. I tell myself this at least a few times a week: progress not perfection. It helps me.
Thanks Clement! It was a good day. I think if I can work through the dark days and get out of my mess, I'll want to stay out in the future.
I finished the APPS tonight and I'm heading to bed. I did work hard, had a good day, but spent too much time and mental effort on emails to semi-lost causes.
I managed to complete 2 classes yesterday and now I need to do 2 more by 8.30am today. The tasks are not too difficult and I have reduced the work load by not including one large piece of student work in the assesment as I found it too difficult to grade it in a consisistent manner.
After this 2 other different classes, but I will not think about them untill this work is done.
So now I want to:
take some anti anxiety medication
finish grading one set of work
complete that class by entering the marks and correcting the typing errors
grade the last 25 papers
complete that class as above.
check in
ONWARDS!!!!! (I hope)
1.17 pm done with above
Just lost a post
Authority person not happy
have 2 1/2 days to do the lasr classes
Expect hard talking to on Monday....not sure what else
Had breakfast and cooked a new recipie for lunch
ate lunch
Put away completed section of THE BACKLOG
watched TV and palyed solitaire
OK: in lab, checked email, got out notes, ready to start working.
My work MIT is to implement a basic version of multicommodity flow. This is a big task that will likrly take most of the day. Here's a step-by-step plan for getting it done:
1)Add command-line options for capacities, weight for node penalties
2)Construct stratified interactome
3)Figure out how to do gene->sink connections, implement
4)Make data files for source->coreg connections
5)Write code to read in these datafiles
6)Write kirchoff constraints
7)Write capacity constraints
8)Write node penalty constraints
I'll work through these tasks in order, taking a 10-min break every hour.
Simultaneously, I'll be running code to process a dataset (since that needs lots of computer time and only a little bit of supervision).
Update 4:10--Wow, I really underestimated the time this tasks would take! I'm still not done with (2) :blush: My new goal for the day is to finish (1),(2),4), and (5)--this will require some work after I get home from my friend's house, as I need to leave work in 20 min.
I've been simultaneously working on processing the 2 easy datasets, and have so far processed 1 and started processing the 2nd. I've automated this a bit more over the course of the day, so I think it's realistic to finish processing the 2nd dataset by the time I go to bed.
OK, here's my list of tasks for the day. (I'm busy with church stuff & friends from 4:45 on, so the list is somewhat shorter than normal)
*Deal w/house jobs stuff
*1 hr housing search
*tidy room
*implement multicommodity flow (big work tasks, will break this down more later)
*Call AG
Would like to:
*Finish posting signs
*Deal w/ 100 emails
I'll start by tidying room, moving laundry into dryer, and dealing with house jobs stuff.
UPDATE 9: Done, now will fold laundry, do 1 hr of housing search (on craigslist), and email SS about housing.
Update 10:30: Done, now will email a couple documents to myself, pack lunch and head to lab. When I get there, I'll check pack in with a step-by-step plan for implementing multicommodity flow.
Recycler CI 6:40pm EST
Yay, didn't have an evening activity tonight, so already home :) Seriously, need to gear down several notches to be relaxingly self-paced, because the last consecutive number of days have been outward-circumstance-paced, and it's time for a change of pace in which I can still be active but not stressed!
Since I'm home tonight I can be a little wordy, while I've already got the clothes in the washer, etc ;)
Good news on ex-hubby's mini-stroke. The dr's prescription afterward is a regimen aspirin every day, which means the dr must think ex-hubby is basically ok; otherwise he would have prescribed heavier medication. I have best wishes for ex-hubby (even though we do not interact), and want him to be in good health. Have to turn him over to my HP whom I call God.
The neighborhood car-horn-tooter is outside, trying to summon whichever friend/person they toot for every day. ((sigh)). I try to pretend it's reminding me to pray; however, not too effective so far.
Today: elliptical, stretching, work, Walked at lunch :), Sort #1 of Dreaded Stack of Papers ;), rode train home. Had snack (am I going to eat more than that? Haven't decided yet.) Running clothes washer & clothes dryer.
Sometimes re-editing my CIs helps keep me on-pace, so I might try that this evening. We'll see if I add any edits later on ;)
7pm decided to cook some veggies, even if it will be too late to eat them tonight when they are done; started water to boiling, & sliced up veggies. (ideal: steam veggies; tonight, boil ;) Surf net for a few minutes while waiting for water to boil.
7:55pm Folded & put away dried clothes; hung up other clothes to dry. Drained cooked veggies; waiting for them to cool. Will surf net a little more, then take last load of clothes out of dryer.
8:21 Folded & put away 1 more set of clothes. Let cooked veggies cool; ate a few, then put remainder in storage container for tomorrow. May type e-mail reply to a friend; followed by brush teeth. Floss teeth? Need to start getting ready to sleep. Talk to you tomorrow! :)
Have a great night, everyone! ;)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
recycler's ex
Glad to hear your ex is ok, and that you can think kindly of him even if you can't be married to him :)
"In our minds, we seek to be divine; but in our hearts, we know it's party time." - Rondo Bros in Aquarium Dreams
i read that subject too quickly ;D
Now I'm curious as to what you thought at first!
"In our minds, we seek to be divine; but in our hearts, we know it's party time." - Rondo Bros in Aquarium Dreams
let's just say the space between the chars moved on me at first glance. ;)
recycler's WHAT?
"In our minds, we seek to be divine; but in our hearts, we know it's party time." - Rondo Bros in Aquarium Dreams
cl ci 90%
i'm at another 90% point. Time to not finish like usual.
I rebel against my old self.
Also, it's time to get out of "head down" mode and see where i am, what's left, who's waiting for what when, and make good decisions on what to do next and in what order. I have an obsessive feeling to keep working on task X til it's perfect. This entry is part of my fight against that.
...8min later and i have to log some tasks. dont want to. but i choose to surrender to the greater good.
cl ci taking stock done
and turns out i'm less than 1 day behind, and head-down is what i'm supposed to be doing now.
thats, actually, refreshing.
Take care pa-ers.
Journey 11:30 late check in
Good morning all! I took a day off yesterday and took my daughter and her friend to the aquarium - had loads of fun, spent too much money. I had to make several phone calls this morning to make arrangements to pay bills late this month. I guess that's better than just ignoring them and getting behind, which is what I used to do :). It really is less stressful to just face the facts and deal with them, even if the facts are unpleasant. Ignorance is not bliss. *Sigh*
Anyway, I have not gotten a lot of work done this morning since I was taking care of the above mentioned personal business, so I gotta get cracking and get as much done as possible this afternoon. I started to write "I have to get twice as much done this afternoon" but as I wrote that, i realized it would be setting myself up for failure and procrastination. So, instead I'm just going to do my best!
So far today, I've been to gym, read email, and attended a meeting. Have not even set my MITs yet, but obviously getting my financial stuff taken care of was MIT #1 and it has now been done, so I can move on now.
I haven't read everyone's posts from today and yesterday, looking forward to catching up . . . when I take a break . . .
"In our minds, we seek to be divine; but in our hearts, we know it's party time." - Rondo Bros in Aquarium Dreams
Journey 8:30
bookending 20 minutes of housework . . . done! except I stopped to watch SuperNanny for half an hour lol.
Anyway, the work day is now over, going to relax for a little while and then hit the hay!
"In our minds, we seek to be divine; but in our hearts, we know it's party time." - Rondo Bros in Aquarium Dreams
jo you crack me up
> done! except I stopped to watch SuperNanny for half an hour lol.
lol is right. that's so funny. AND familiar. We like SuperNanny.
Rick CI 8:45am PST
Okay ... same drill. Its okay to be busy, but today I have to be productive. Yesterday was an example of how at least I am not getting depressed and trying to sleep or sluff away my troubles. I was anxious, nervous, and frustrated ... BUT NOT DEPRESSED. At least its a start. But now that I am thawing out I need to start making progress. I feel like I'm clearing my desk enough to see the dreaded BACKLOG ... my real fears.
But for today lets try again on the MITs
- CHECK OUT before bed
go rick
rick, your situation sounds to me very difficult, but it also sounds to me like you are boldly facing it. And it sounds that you are making progress. I tell myself this at least a few times a week: progress not perfection. It helps me.
I am rooting for ya!
Rick's Check Out 11:55 PM
Thanks Clement! It was a good day. I think if I can work through the dark days and get out of my mess, I'll want to stay out in the future.
I finished the APPS tonight and I'm heading to bed. I did work hard, had a good day, but spent too much time and mental effort on emails to semi-lost causes.
Convalaria Checking in at 1.00am Thursday
I managed to complete 2 classes yesterday and now I need to do 2 more by 8.30am today. The tasks are not too difficult and I have reduced the work load by not including one large piece of student work in the assesment as I found it too difficult to grade it in a consisistent manner.
After this 2 other different classes, but I will not think about them untill this work is done.
So now I want to:
ONWARDS!!!!! (I hope)
1.17 pm done with above
Just lost a post
Authority person not happy
have 2 1/2 days to do the lasr classes
Expect hard talking to on Monday....not sure what else
Had breakfast and cooked a new recipie for lunch
ate lunch
Put away completed section of THE BACKLOG
watched TV and palyed solitaire
Now mother tasks. Not sure whic ones....
Check in later to report
avacal201 7:56AM CI
Missed the last couple of days. Thought I was getting better, but while I *seemed* busy, I just wasn't accomplishing anything.
*EXCEL EXPORT PAGE --people are counting on me here, I can't afford to futz away my time
65% of the day in productive work -- 63% GETTING THERE
Use journal to log work, distractions, meetings, etc. -- WORKING
make a significant dent in the excel export page -- YES!! MADE GOOD PROGRESS. NOW FOR TWO DAYS IN A ROW!
kromer 7:45 CI
Starting my daily tasks (I already had breakfast+started laundry). I'll post a comprehensive to-do list for the day soon.
kromer 11:20 CI
OK: in lab, checked email, got out notes, ready to start working.
My work MIT is to implement a basic version of multicommodity flow. This is a big task that will likrly take most of the day. Here's a step-by-step plan for getting it done:
Add command-line options for capacities, weight for node penalties2)
Construct stratified interactome3)
Figure out how to do gene->sink connections, implement4)Make data files for source->coreg connections
Write code to read in these datafiles6)Write kirchoff constraints
7)Write capacity constraints
8)Write node penalty constraints
I'll work through these tasks in order, taking a 10-min break every hour.
Simultaneously, I'll be running code to process a dataset (since that needs lots of computer time and only a little bit of supervision).
Update 4:10--Wow, I really underestimated the time this tasks would take! I'm still not done with (2) :blush: My new goal for the day is to finish (1),(2),4), and (5)--this will require some work after I get home from my friend's house, as I need to leave work in 20 min.
I've been simultaneously working on processing the 2 easy datasets, and have so far processed 1 and started processing the 2nd. I've automated this a bit more over the course of the day, so I think it's realistic to finish processing the 2nd dataset by the time I go to bed.
kromer 7:50 CI
OK, here's my list of tasks for the day. (I'm busy with church stuff & friends from 4:45 on, so the list is somewhat shorter than normal)
Deal w/house jobs stuff*
1 hr housing search*
tidy room*implement multicommodity flow (big work tasks, will break this down more later)
*Call AG
*start curriculum planning
*process 2 easy datasets
Would like to:
*Finish posting signs
*Deal w/ 100 emails
I'll start by tidying room, moving laundry into dryer, and dealing with house jobs stuff.
UPDATE 9: Done, now will fold laundry, do 1 hr of housing search (on craigslist), and email SS about housing.
Update 10:30: Done, now will email a couple documents to myself, pack lunch and head to lab. When I get there, I'll check pack in with a step-by-step plan for implementing multicommodity flow.