Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
That's more or less it for going to London for my course at the weekends until September. I ~do~ enjoy the course, but it's difficult fitting seven days' work/home life into the remaining four days (I pack and travel on the Friday, and the course is Saturday and Sunday, so I miss three days every time I go on the course). This weekend coming will be my one and only weekend home this month, and I'm looking forward to it! I'll have had two days off (sick) in 22 days by the time I get to the weekend and my brain is melting.
DSO and I are going to a nearby town to do some shopping and just spend some time together, and I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed (as opposed to a basement floor). I'm a home-bird really, I don't like being away this much.
*Morning Routine
*Started unpacking
*Talk to colleague on phone
*CUOP on boards
*I'm sure I did something else but can't remember what, lol!
1) Stinky: Session planning. I've realised I actually don't usually mind it when I start it, the stinky part is gettig started, or doing it under stress because I've put it off too long
2) Neutral:Daytime Routine - actually, it's bordering on Stinky today, I just don't want to do it, but it makes life run so much more smoothly
3) Fun: Yoga Nidra - deep relaxation technique. I've been doing this three times a day over the weekend (before and after course, and after lunch) and it's the only thing that kept me going - I'd have crashed and burned much sooner without it.
(Oh, gosh, yes - just caught myself about to procrastinate on the firt thing, and I haven't even posted yet!).
I recognised the urge to procrastinate before it even formed, and I just went ahead and did my session planning. As predicted, it ~was~ the starting that was the hard part - once I got going I really got into it, and planned a new sequence together with the whole course plan, as well as the session. This means that the course has a clear direction and purpose, and it was a joy to teach tonight. The students enjoyed it too. Everything went smoothly (except I still haven't got the timing right - I wanted to be quarter of an hour early and only just got there on time. I only live around the corner ).
So I couldn't check in after the planning as I'd cut it too fine, then I went and taught my two classes (I my new classes! :) ), then I made and ate a meal, cleared up, prepped meals and clothes etc for tomorrow - all the daytime stuff I was resisting earlier on, and it just felt easy after that. Oh this is all TADAs in case you hadn't realised - I'm burbling!
Too late for Yoga Nidra now, but I'm going to have an early night with DSO
I'm feeling like taking a nap, but 8:30pm is too late to be taking a nap. It will be bed time soon. Maybe I'll get ready for bed, go to sleep early, then get up early and finish everything up then.
I took a short walk (couldn't walk as much as I want because I cut my toe), got some take-out, and had dinner. I want to relax for a little while, and then finish clearing out my pile. I bought a magazine and a newspaper when I was out that I'd like to look at.
You caught me, Normy!! I did notice that, and I didn't think anyone else would. :P
Really, though, I do have to take care of this other stuff. If I hadn't filed my quarterly tax returns today, I'd have been late on them and gotten another big penalty. I also have to renew my driver's license this week because it's imminently going to expire.
I won't be around much (if at all) tomorrow
Long payroll day, then straight to a yoga class (as a student) in the evening - start without me!
I'll miss you!!
I'll start the day thread if no one else does. Enjoy your yoga class!
Norm's BE Section
I'm baaacccckkkk!!!!
That's more or less it for going to London for my course at the weekends until September. I ~do~ enjoy the course, but it's difficult fitting seven days' work/home life into the remaining four days (I pack and travel on the Friday, and the course is Saturday and Sunday, so I miss three days every time I go on the course). This weekend coming will be my one and only weekend home this month, and I'm looking forward to it! I'll have had two days off (sick) in 22 days by the time I get to the weekend and my brain is melting.
DSO and I are going to a nearby town to do some shopping and just spend some time together, and I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed (as opposed to a basement floor). I'm a home-bird really, I don't like being away this much.
Normy's 1st BE 12.45 pm BST
*Morning Routine
*Started unpacking
*Talk to colleague on phone
*CUOP on boards
*I'm sure I did something else but can't remember what, lol!
1) Stinky: Session planning. I've realised I actually don't usually mind it when I start it, the stinky part is gettig started, or doing it under stress because I've put it off too long
2) Neutral:Daytime Routine - actually, it's bordering on Stinky today, I just don't want to do it, but it makes life run so much more smoothly
3) Fun: Yoga Nidra - deep relaxation technique. I've been doing this three times a day over the weekend (before and after course, and after lunch) and it's the only thing that kept me going - I'd have crashed and burned much sooner without it.
(Oh, gosh, yes - just caught myself about to procrastinate on the firt thing, and I haven't even posted yet!).
What a great day!
I recognised the urge to procrastinate before it even formed, and I just went ahead and did my session planning. As predicted, it ~was~ the starting that was the hard part - once I got going I really got into it, and planned a new sequence together with the whole course plan, as well as the session. This means that the course has a clear direction and purpose, and it was a joy to teach tonight. The students enjoyed it too. Everything went smoothly (except I still haven't got the timing right - I wanted to be quarter of an hour early and only just got there on time. I only live around the corner ).
So I couldn't check in after the planning as I'd cut it too fine, then I went and taught my two classes (I my new classes! :) ), then I made and ate a meal, cleared up, prepped meals and clothes etc for tomorrow - all the daytime stuff I was resisting earlier on, and it just felt easy after that. Oh this is all TADAs in case you hadn't realised - I'm burbling!
Too late for Yoga Nidra now, but I'm going to have an early night with DSO
Good night!
WTG, Normy!!!!!!!!!!
That is wonderful!! You're doing really great. :)
pro's check-in section
Hi Normy! I saw you were online so I didn't start the day thread. You do that much better than I!
I was here by my lonesome again this weekend, so it's especially nice to see you.
feeling very sleepy
I'm feeling like taking a nap, but 8:30pm is too late to be taking a nap. It will be bed time soon. Maybe I'll get ready for bed, go to sleep early, then get up early and finish everything up then.
pro's CI - 7:50pm
I took a short walk (couldn't walk as much as I want because I cut my toe), got some take-out, and had dinner. I want to relax for a little while, and then finish clearing out my pile. I bought a magazine and a newspaper when I was out that I'd like to look at.
pro's CI - 3:30pm
~~~~~~~~Ta Da~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~Ta Do~~~~~~~~
Have you noticed?
How other ToDos keep sneaking in before that 'Write Reports' one? ;)
aw geez - I was hoping no one would notice that.
You caught me, Normy!! I did notice that, and I didn't think anyone else would. :P
Really, though, I do have to take care of this other stuff. If I hadn't filed my quarterly tax returns today, I'd have been late on them and gotten another big penalty. I also have to renew my driver's license this week because it's imminently going to expire.
pro's CI - 2:55pm
~~~~~~~~Ta Da~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~Ta Do~~~~~~~~
pro's CI - 1:55pm
~~~~~~~~Ta Da~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~Ta Do~~~~~~~~
pro's CI - 12:45pm
~~~~~~~~Ta Da~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~Ta Do~~~~~~~~
pro's CI - 11:30am EDT US
~~~~~~~~Ta Da~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~Ta Do~~~~~~~~
I'll keep you company
I'll keep you company this weekend pro! You got a lot done on your ownsome this weekend, but it's more fun when we're working together isn't it?
it's much more fun with a bookending buddy!
I did get a lot done this weekend, but it's way more fun when there are others online. I'm glad you'll be around!