Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I'm ready for bed. Don't know if I'll be able to sleep, but I'll at least get in bed and watch TV for a while - as I think about the alarm clock going off at 6am.
Good night!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Today: gym, work, registered for convention, fixed dinner, put things in car trunk for tomorrow, corresponded re Fed Ex complication, went to support group, meet with sponsor, brushed teeth.
Now: need to read a few pages of recovery literature before bed.
I just finished dinner (I ordered in). I need to immediately get up, take care of the dishes, brush my teeth, and get ready for bed - if I have any hope of getting up early enough to get to the gym at 7am (without being completely exhausted).
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
This morning I got a text message from my trainer at 7:30am asking if I was coming to the gym to do aerobics (on a non-trainer day!). I know it's very nice of her to do this for me, but I wish she weren't so nice. She said she's going to send me text messages 5 days a week. Ugh.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I'm back from work late. Tomorrow morning at 7am I'm meeting my trainer at the gym, which is about the last thing in the universe I want to be doing. To keep it from being complete torture (versus 90% torture), I need to get to bed early - not generally my strong suit. Maybe I should start now.
I wish I had bought something to eat on the way home. I'm hungry, and I have nothing here.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I'm too tired to go out and get food (too many stairs) so I ordered in. I'm going broke eating out. And I was doing so well for a while cooking. Oh well.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Done, and leaving the office - 10 minutes earlier than usual. I'm usually here late because I don't finish my work during the day :)
Hitting the Post Office on the way home. dd is warming up one of the meals I made over the weekend. I'm planning to spend half an hour doing dishes and laundry, then free time!
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
Change request is done, now I have to do updates to the hated SM project :). Back at 5. When I finish the SM updates, and get the taxes ready to drop off at the Post Office, I can go home :)
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
Done with SM, now to get my taxes ready to mail, and add a couple new toastmaster's members. I thought I had some stamps around here somewhere but I think I lost them. Hardly ever use them anymore since I discovered the interwebs.
Back in . . . oh, 30 minutes or so.
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
Mornin' all. Quick check in, have a meeting at 10:30.
Yesterday I was very energetic and worked pretty hard all day and you know what? I didn't get any more done than I would have if I had used the timer hack and taken frequent breaks. So, I didn't get any more done than usual and I feel much more "put upon" because I didn't take time to relax and have fun. That was an interesting experiment. I'm still feeling pretty energetic though, it must be spring! I really don't like cold weather and I feel happy when I know warm weather is on the way.
I've been to the gym, read my email, processed most of it, and set my MITs for the day. I need to quickly open a change request for this weekend before my 10:30 meeting so here goes.
Change request is not finished yet, 10:30 meeting ran late and now I have to run to Toastmasters. Will finish up that change request as soon as I get back - just need to get it done by COB today.
Hectic day today but I'm up for it . . .
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
Been trucking along. . . just checking in because my enthusiasm is starting to flag as I get into housecleaning. I think my cat's phobia of vacuum cleaners has rubbed off on me!
Next up: vacuum the bedroom -- it's really not going to be that agonizing! Then eat lunch.
Yikes -- I need to leave to get the groceries in 40 minutes. I did get the bedroom floor vacuumed! I really, really need to get the rest of the vacuuming done even if I don't get anything else done today. The bedroom experiment seems to have proved that it is not actually fatal, so here goes. . .
I put off doing the tax thing. It just didn't enter my mind. Wow. There have been some other stressors about, too, and I've been grinding my teeth at night. Last night I awoke to great pain and had a heckuva time getting back to sleep. Oh, that's another thing I've been putting off for a year: a root canal. It feels much better this morning. I probably should call the dentist, so I can get an appointment made. Another note for today is I'm going to try to do things well (even if just for today!). My quality control has been off lately and it's going to cause grief soon (problems with clients, time loss, stress, etc). Thanks.
interesting idea. Reminding each other of our appointments. :) I guess it only works if we happen to check in here, but since many of us do each mornin--could work!
Spent all afternoon in the mechanic. The painter should have painted my car's door, but he did such a terrible job that I said that I wanted the freaking door repainted or I wouldn pay him a cent. This is the 2nd time I loose precious hours because of that incompetent. Now I have exactly 1 hour to shower, get dressed and catch a lift to that boring meeting. I hate this. Today is going terrible wrong. I must at least go to bed at a decent time. I'm tired and stressed. I do need a good night's sleep.
I just returned home. The meeting wasn't as bad as I expected. I'm turning of my pc like I promised myself I would and I'm starting my end of day routine (walk the dog, give him his medicitaction, brushing my teeth, etc...)
A big push on my senior thesis this morning, b/c I have a mtg with my advisor today.
I have Spanish 10-11, and need to revise my composition before then, but otherwise until 1 I plan to focus on my thesis: Goals before mtg: *Write 1/2 page *Process data for new test set *Try more careful expr filtering *Try one job on new test set, quickly evaluate results *Be processing data so I'm set to try int. programming *Take some notes on what I plan to do next.
Not easy, but I think it's doable I'm going to start by working on the expr filtering, try to get that job running by 7:30 Then I'll work on processing test dataset, try to have that done by 8:30 Then I'll start a job on the test dataset Then I'll revise my Spanish comp., then leave for Spanish at 9:30ish
OK, starting to panic a bit about this mtg, don't think I will get everything done. Arg, need to stop doing stuff last minute!
I think I can go all but the *try one job on test set* (I can start the job, but I doubt it will be done by mtg time)
So my plan is: *spend 30 min trying to start job on test set. *Go to lab and look at res. from expr. filtering (30 min) *Write for 30 min *Take 15 min to write notes on mtg
And then after the mtg I'll look at results from job on test set, try out int. programming, and fix up my code for processing test sets (so it won't be a big hairy mess next time I have to switch test datasets)
And then I'll go set cells for an expt, and then go home
Done with mtg, it went OK. Next I'm going to: email A email about paper presentation take notes from mtg go to cashier's office--postponed until tomorrow check on cells, set cells if they're ready print out papers from bibliography read paper for presentation, take notes check in again
Did most of the stuff on my list (all except reading paper)
I have a 5-page paper draft due at 2 tomorrow. Argh! My goal is to get 3.5 good pages done tonight And also to get my Spanish compostion done.
I'm going to start by working on the paper (working in the chatbox), and try to write 2 pages by 10. Then I'll work on the Spanish composition 10-11. Finally I'll return to the paper 11-12 and try to get another 1 or 2 pages done before bed. Ready, set, go!
What I did today: x clean D's room x kitty litter x bh: a x 11AM doctor's appointment What I would like to do today: - call Tara for BD - finish Ar HW - buy T BD present - call R about library books - return library books
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
What I did today: x clean D's room x kitty litter x bh: a x 11AM doctor's appointment x call R about library books x renew library books x call Tara for BD x finish Ar HW What I would like to do today: - buy T BD present - study Biz
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Going to put off the present shopping till tomorrow and will focus on studying biz instead tonight. What I did today: x clean D's room x kitty litter x bh: a x morning med x 11AM doctor's appointment x call R about library books x renew library books x call Tara for BD x finish Ar HW What I would like to do today: - buy T BD present - study Biz - evening med ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
What I did today: x clean D's room x kitty litter x bh: a x morning med x 11AM doctor's appointment x call R about library books x renew library books x call Tara for BD x finish Ar HW x evening med x work on Ice's project
Left Undone: - buy T BD present - study Biz ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
kay, in a rush, did not think i would have to be, so here goes
fax stuff! tax stuff! call mf about signature! breakfast practicum logs for 1/2 hour desk straighten make appointment for rebekka come back later hugs to everyone
Thanks for asking! In fact, I have not faxed the stuff, but I did take some action on it so I can fax it tomorrow. As you can imagine, it is tax and financial aid related and I had been putting it off until I was sure I had all the information right. I asked some questions and got some answers, things I could have settled before but had not, because I procrastinate!
Tomorrow when I am at work I have the fax nuber to send things through and also the addresses to mail out the tax returns. And I will DO IT!
Thanks for starting the thread, E! I'm gonna be READY, now! I have to go away this evening, so I need to get alot done today for here. Today: get paper and file tax extention morinng things done quickly spiritual period main section of work project A an hour of project B hour on B sort out workshop paint napkin holder check in after breakfast
I'm a poor decorator, but I've sort of made my kitchen look like it did when I was a kid. I just put in a chrome dinette table, and there's a metal napkin holder I want to use on it. I wanted it to be turquoise, like they used in the '50s, along with a few other kitchen things. they couldn't mix a quart, and did a gallon instead (of turquoise!!!). If anyone has any suggestions for $90 worth of turquoise paint, please share them.
pro's CI - 10:10pm
I'm ready for bed. Don't know if I'll be able to sleep, but I'll at least get in bed and watch TV for a while - as I think about the alarm clock going off at 6am.
Good night!
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Recycler CI 9:45pm EST
Today: gym, work, registered for convention, fixed dinner, put things in car trunk for tomorrow, corresponded re Fed Ex complication, went to support group, meet with sponsor, brushed teeth.
Now: need to read a few pages of recovery literature before bed.
Have a great night everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
pro's CI - 9:20pm
I just finished dinner (I ordered in). I need to immediately get up, take care of the dishes, brush my teeth, and get ready for bed - if I have any hope of getting up early enough to get to the gym at 7am (without being completely exhausted).
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
my trainer sends me text messages
This morning I got a text message from my trainer at 7:30am asking if I was coming to the gym to do aerobics (on a non-trainer day!). I know it's very nice of her to do this for me, but I wish she weren't so nice. She said she's going to send me text messages 5 days a week. Ugh.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
re:pro's trainer
sounds like a good trainer. Hope she's not one of those cheerleader types though lol
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
pro's CI - 8:20pm
I'm back from work late. Tomorrow morning at 7am I'm meeting my trainer at the gym, which is about the last thing in the universe I want to be doing. To keep it from being complete torture (versus 90% torture), I need to get to bed early - not generally my strong suit. Maybe I should start now.
I wish I had bought something to eat on the way home. I'm hungry, and I have nothing here.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
too tired
I'm too tired to go out and get food (too many stairs) so I ordered in. I'm going broke eating out. And I was doing so well for a while cooking. Oh well.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
journey 5:50
Done, and leaving the office - 10 minutes earlier than usual. I'm usually here late because I don't finish my work during the day :)
Hitting the Post Office on the way home. dd is warming up one of the meals I made over the weekend. I'm planning to spend half an hour doing dishes and laundry, then free time!
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
Journey 1 pm
Back from toastmaster's, taking a brief lunch/regrouping break, then tackling the change request.
Back at 2:00
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
Journey 2:45
Change request is done, now I have to do updates to the hated SM project :). Back at 5.
When I finish the SM updates, and get the taxes ready to drop off at the Post Office, I can go home :)
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
Journey 4:55
Done with SM, now to get my taxes ready to mail, and add a couple new toastmaster's members.
I thought I had some stamps around here somewhere but I think I lost them. Hardly ever use them anymore since I discovered the interwebs.
Back in . . . oh, 30 minutes or so.
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
Journey 10:15
Mornin' all. Quick check in, have a meeting at 10:30.
Yesterday I was very energetic and worked pretty hard all day and you know what? I didn't get any more done than I would have if I had used the timer hack and taken frequent breaks. So, I didn't get any more done than usual and I feel much more "put upon" because I didn't take time to relax and have fun. That was an interesting experiment. I'm still feeling pretty energetic though, it must be spring! I really don't like cold weather and I feel happy when I know warm weather is on the way.
I've been to the gym, read my email, processed most of it, and set my MITs for the day. I need to quickly open a change request for this weekend before my 10:30 meeting so here goes.
Journey 11:50
Change request is not finished yet, 10:30 meeting ran late and now I have to run to Toastmasters. Will finish up that change request as soon as I get back - just need to get it done by COB today.
Hectic day today but I'm up for it . . .
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
Falcon CI Monday
Hi all,
Sounds like everyone has a lot to do today! I've got what seems like a truckload of stuff, too, and most of it has to get done today.
Falcon CI - flagging
Hi all,
Been trucking along. . . just checking in because my enthusiasm is starting to flag as I get into housecleaning. I think my cat's phobia of vacuum cleaners has rubbed off on me!
Next up: vacuum the bedroom -- it's really not going to be that agonizing! Then eat lunch.
Message to self
Dear self,
Great that you folded that basket of laundry, sent an email message, put a load of towels in the wash and tidied up!
Now VACUUM THE DING-BLASTED FLOOR already. It really will not result in death. Try it and see.
Yikes -- I need to leave to get the groceries in 40 minutes. I did get the bedroom floor vacuumed! I really, really need to get the rest of the vacuuming done even if I don't get anything else done today. The bedroom experiment seems to have proved that it is not actually fatal, so here goes. . .
Dust hippos
Good grief, the dust bunnies in here are bigger than I am!
Got some of the vacuuming done, changed the sheets & damp-mopped the grubbiest spots on the kitchen floor.
Must go get groceries. If I don't get a chance to check back in, have a good evening, everyone!
thanks and good work
thanks falcon. good work on hunting the dust fauna.
lol self talk
i know how you FEEL. Felt that way today, twice. i hope you can talk yourself into it!! :)
Special 9:30am CI for Lark
I put off doing the tax thing. It just didn't enter my mind. Wow. There have been some other stressors about, too, and I've been grinding my teeth at night. Last night I awoke to great pain and had a heckuva time getting back to sleep. Oh, that's another thing I've been putting off for a year: a root canal. It feels much better this morning. I probably should call the dentist, so I can get an appointment made. Another note for today is I'm going to try to do things well (even if just for today!). My quality control has been off lately and it's going to cause grief soon (problems with clients, time loss, stress, etc). Thanks.
Called dentist
Got an appt. for tomorrow at 11:30. If anyone's on early, please remind me. Also, I'm taking extra pains to do a good job on my work today.
way to go lark
you made the dentist call! good for you!
interesting idea. Reminding each other of our appointments. :) I guess it only works if we happen to check in here, but since many of us do each mornin--could work!
troymac at 2:05pm
I have a ton of stuff to do this week, because I was sick on Friday and Saturday. Must prioritize.
- Calculus (2h)
- Wash H (1/2h)
- Boring meeting at 7pm (hope it doesn't last long)
Go to bed early. I must break this betime procrastination routine. Its Monday an I already feel tired and sleepy...
I hate mondays 7pm
Spent all afternoon in the mechanic. The painter should have painted my car's door, but he did such a terrible job that I said that I wanted the freaking door repainted or I wouldn pay him a cent. This is the 2nd time I loose precious hours because of that incompetent. Now I have exactly 1 hour to shower, get dressed and catch a lift to that boring meeting. I hate this. Today is going terrible wrong. I must at least go to bed at a decent time. I'm tired and stressed. I do need a good night's sleep.
Hang in there, troymac!
I hope your day gets better! And I hope you have a little time this evening to do something relaxing to wind down so you'll sleep well tonight.
May tomorrow be better!
Thanks Falcon
I just returned home. The meeting wasn't as bad as I expected. I'm turning of my pc like I promised myself I would and I'm starting my end of day routine (walk the dog, give him his medicitaction, brushing my teeth, etc...)
Good night and thanks for the supports guys.
kromer 6:40 CI
A big push on my senior thesis this morning, b/c I have a mtg with my advisor today.
I have Spanish 10-11, and need to revise my composition before then, but otherwise until 1 I plan to focus on my thesis:
Goals before mtg:
*Write 1/2 page
*Process data for new test set
*Try more careful expr filtering
*Try one job on new test set, quickly evaluate results
*Be processing data so I'm set to try int. programming
*Take some notes on what I plan to do next.
Not easy, but I think it's doable
I'm going to start by working on the expr filtering, try to get that job running by 7:30
Then I'll work on processing test dataset, try to have that done by 8:30
Then I'll start a job on the test dataset
Then I'll revise my Spanish comp., then leave for Spanish at 9:30ish
kromer 11:10 CI
OK, starting to panic a bit about this mtg, don't think I will get everything done.
Arg, need to stop doing stuff last minute!
I think I can go all but the *try one job on test set* (I can start the job, but I doubt it will be done by mtg time)
So my plan is:
*spend 30 min trying to start job on test set.
*Go to lab and look at res. from expr. filtering (30 min)
*Write for 30 min
*Take 15 min to write notes on mtg
And then after the mtg I'll look at results from job on test set, try out int. programming, and fix up my code for processing test sets (so it won't be a big hairy mess next time I have to switch test datasets)
And then I'll go set cells for an expt, and then go home
kromer 1:15 CI
Done with mtg, it went OK.
Next I'm going to:
email Aemail about paper presentationtake notes from mtggo to cashier's office--postponed until tomorrow
check on cells, set cells if they're readyprint out papers from bibliographyread paper for presentation, take notes
check in again
kromer 8:40 CI
Did most of the stuff on my list (all except reading paper)
I have a 5-page paper draft due at 2 tomorrow. Argh!
My goal is to get 3.5 good pages done tonight
And also to get my Spanish compostion done.
I'm going to start by working on the paper (working in the chatbox), and try to write 2 pages by 10. Then I'll work on the Spanish composition 10-11. Finally I'll return to the paper 11-12 and try to get another 1 or 2 pages done before bed.
Ready, set, go!
Edge's CI - 12:25PM
Hello, everyone :-)
What I did today:
x clean D's room
x kitty litter
x bh: a
x 11AM doctor's appointment
What I would like to do today:
- call Tara for BD
- finish Ar HW
- buy T BD present
- call R about library books
- return library books
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 6:05PM
What I did today:
x clean D's room
x kitty litter
x bh: a
x 11AM doctor's appointment
x call R about library books
x renew library books
x call Tara for BD
x finish Ar HW
What I would like to do today:
- buy T BD present
- study Biz
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 7:09PM
Going to put off the present shopping till tomorrow and will focus on studying biz instead tonight.
What I did today:
x clean D's room
x kitty litter
x bh: a
x morning med
x 11AM doctor's appointment
x call R about library books
x renew library books
x call Tara for BD
x finish Ar HW
What I would like to do today:
- buy T BD present
- study Biz
- evening med
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's Closing CI
What I did today:
x clean D's room
x kitty litter
x bh: a
x morning med
x 11AM doctor's appointment
x call R about library books
x renew library books
x call Tara for BD
x finish Ar HW
x evening med
x work on Ice's project
Left Undone:
- buy T BD present
- study Biz
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
e morning ci
kay, in a rush, did not think i would have to be, so here goes
fax stuff!
tax stuff!
call mf about signature!
practicum logs for 1/2 hour
desk straighten
make appointment for rebekka
come back later
hugs to everyone
E, have you faxed the stuff?
E, have you faxed the stuff?
Just sending encouragement.
Thanks for asking! In fact, I have not faxed the stuff, but I did take some action on it so I can fax it tomorrow. As you can imagine, it is tax and financial aid related and I had been putting it off until I was sure I had all the information right. I asked some questions and got some answers, things I could have settled before but had not, because I procrastinate!
Tomorrow when I am at work I have the fax nuber to send things through and also the addresses to mail out the tax returns. And I will DO IT!
Midnight Plus CI for Lark
Thanks for starting the thread, E! I'm gonna be READY, now! I have to go away this evening, so I need to get alot done today for here.
get paper and file tax extention
morinng things done quickly
spiritual period
main section of work project A
an hour of project B
hour on B
sort out workshop
paint napkin holder
check in after breakfast
paint napkin holder
one day I want to have that on my to do list.
Someone has to paint it
I'm a poor decorator, but I've sort of made my kitchen look like it did when I was a kid. I just put in a chrome dinette table, and there's a metal napkin holder I want to use on it. I wanted it to be turquoise, like they used in the '50s, along with a few other kitchen things. they couldn't mix a quart, and did a gallon instead (of turquoise!!!). If anyone has any suggestions for $90 worth of turquoise paint, please share them.
turquoise anti-procrastination graffiti!
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
e's nighttime routine
I thought I would 'set the pot' on automatic so it is ready in the morning. Goodnight all!
Thanks for the java!
Nice morning wake-up! Thanks, e!