Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Sunday, March 30, 2008


I know you are about, because you are very busily improving the site, but I miss your posts!

douglas CI/CO

Great Day
Made a difference in the world today

Iron for tomorrow
Put out gym clothes
clean office space
organize paperwork
Get Statement from Bank
Take to Accountant
File State sales and Use tax
Decide to never be late on taxes again
vote with everyone else about IRS

Grail CI, 10am (Monday)

* Picked up prescription
* One unit for Project 1
* 8 rechecks for Project 2
* 5 units for Project 2
* Type up newsletter for WP

Grail CI, 12.50pm

Oh for... *@#$%#$

6 rechecks done, and by my time logger, at least 2 hours wasted so far.
Y'know what I completely 'forgot'?
My internet ban.

Ok, I've set leech-block to ban everything but this, the bus timetables, and email (set to limited).

I can surf all I want when I'm at *home*.

Although I should probably block internet in the morning too - 'just checking email' = late to work. :P
I should have my computer off overnight, but I use it for my morning alarm.

Grail CI, 5.30pm - whoops. 6.15pm

I've mostly been working productively,
completed the rechecks, 3 units, and dealing with the assorted extra work I have to do.

I'm making plans as to what other to-do stuff I have to deal with tommorow.

Grail CI, 7.35pm

Ok, right - mostly been productive, flaked out in last 30 minutes (I even opened up... IE *shock, horror* to check webpages).

It's past 7.30 now though, so I have to *go home*.

Grail CO, 10.45pm

And I remembered the newsletter! Woo hoo. :)

happy dancing!

good going! Woot!

Journey 2:40

We have redressed dd's knee and washed her hair, had lunch, done some laundry, and played some WoW lol.

Now spending 20 minutes on taxes.  My taxes aren't that complicated, but I usually don't get a refund so I'm not excited about getting them done early.  I started on them Friday, so I should have plenty of time to get them done by April 15.  And I'm still happy that I got my 2005 taxes re-filed with corrections, thanks to this board!  That will save me about $2K that they were saying I owed them - which I didn't - I just didn't report some stuff correctly from old job's retirement plan.     

Then it's time to do yet another FAFSA.  And after that, we're going to face the Social Security Administration. 

Time for that sit-in Karen!   Are you with me?!   Too bad I'm too old for the mind-altering substances anymore. 


“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey

LOL journey

luckily, you no longer need substances to be in a mind altered state when you are as old as we are!

Journey 3:20

Worked on taxes for 40 minutes!  Our federal about 1/2 done, still need to do our state, and then do dd's state and federal.  Of course, hers is really simple.  I should let her do it this year, actually. 

I'm going to straighten, dust, and vacuum my bedroom and do a bit more laundry. 


“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey

Get Rid of IRS!

I'm ready for the sit-in!  You bet.  I'm a bit rusty but I'm sure it's like riding a bike!:)


Karen's CI

Yesterday was pretty good, considering the headache I'm struggling with due to medication change (which I'm changing back for the same reason). 

I had to re-do the business taxes due to a program glitch, I guess.  But I did work on personal taxes, too.

Enter Business settlements (Wait until new qtr: Tues.)
Pay us. (Wait until new qtr.: Tues.)
Pay bills.

Empty dishwasher (DONE)
Sweep entertainment room.(DONE0
Sweep kitchen.
Sweep classroom.
Wash kitchen floor.
Move clothes line to front porch. (Decided it might not rain today!)
Hang out sheets. (DONE)


Journey 10:30

Good morning! 

I've done my toenails and taken care of the dog's itchy spots. 

Sort laundry

Then a breakfast break. 

Have a great Sunday y'all. 



“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey

10:00 CI for Lark

Hi everyone. I'm getting ready for church, When I come back I'm going to take care of a loose end for work, and then join our chatbox for a bit. If you get the chance, please stop by. See you later.
(X)morning things
 (X)finish thing for work
 sort and put some clothes away
 work an hour on work project B
 wash car
 (X)check in this afternoon

Falcon CI Sunday

Eep!  Lots of things to get done today, and I'm going to have to work them around some commitments -- I'm not usually good at making the most of odd scraps of time, and that's what I'm going to have to do today.

  • The annoying insurance thing!  (Deadline is looming!)
  • Clean the kitchen cause that will make me feel good the rest of the week
  • Gather tax stuff to work on tomorrow
  • Practice music

Next up: eat breakfast, get ready for class


Falcon Sunday afternoon

Totally forgot to add to the list above that I need to get groceries & get my oil changed.  I'm back from class & had lunch & partially tidied the kitchen.  Next up:

  • Use stresseraser for a few minutes
  • Spend 10 minutes on the &%#! annoying insurance thing
  • Go do car and groceries


Annoying insurance thing

Well, it took me less than 10 minutes with the annoying insurance thing to realize that I'm going to need to make photocopies.  I'd normally do that at the library, but they're closed today.

So, I've hunted up all the numerous bits & pieces and put them with my stuff to take tomorrow -- it will be a good project to do at the library between work and rehearsal.  I won't have made my intended deadline, but I'm glad I set the deadline anyway -- it got me out of deadlock and moving on the project, which I otherwise wouldn't have done today.

Now. . . oil change, groceries and practicing music. . .


e's to do today

Good morning! Hello Edge, thanks for starting today off right!

There has been a time change so I am more rushed than I had thought. I got up and found the house in complete disarray for the umpteenth time and scurried around putting things in a bit of order. My son keeps coming home and making fried rice at two AM: I am getting REALLY tired of recleaning up after him. Next year he won't be here, so he will be his roommate's problem, so life may be a bit more organized soon.

Today is now about taxes. It is serious chatbox time, as I made a promise to the tax guy that I must keep by the end of his day.


counters, dishwasher
kitchen floor swept
plan dinner
make dinner
eat dinner
get kids up so they don't lose too much sleep tomorrow

e's 24 hour's later check off

counters, dishwasher

kitchen floor swept
TAXES almost but not quite: more info needed... sigh
plan dinner
eat dinner
get kids up so they don't lose too much sleep tomorrow - TOTALLY A LOST CAUSE

E's taxes

Sending you positive thoughts and energy, E :-) Those taxes are sooo getting done on time :grin:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Go e!

go you and go your taxes!

If you're having trouble with them, maybe you could alternate 15-30 minutes of taxes with housework etc?

Good luck!

Edge's CI - 11:45AM

Good morning :-)

x call dad back
- do dishes
- tidy/clean kitchen
- tidy room
- call Mashrq and Am.Watnh. for phsyc teachers
- prep Ice's newsletter
- check psychology sylabus
- check A sylabus
- send saria's cv to ice
- finish profile and sent to Ice
- check facebook account
- organize accounting book
- kitty litter
- read Jim's story
- organize to-dos
- bed by 11:30pm

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge's CI - 4:57PM

Dishes done :-) Now to the other stuff.

x call dad back
x do dishes
x call British Council
- tell mom gramps called
x check edexcel site for dates
- find IGCSE registration paper
- read Rghd's email tonight
- send Rghd cycling pics
- tidy/clean kitchen
- tidy room
- prep Ice's newsletter
- check psychology sylabus
- check A sylabus
x send saria's cv to dana - follow up
- finish profile and sent to Ice
- check facebook account
- organize accounting book
- kitty litter
- read Jim's story
- organize to-dos
- bed by 11:30pm
* call Mashrq and Am.Watnh. for phsyc teachers (had to cancel because I reached home too late and they're both closed, so will call first thing tomorrow morning)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge's CI - 5:45PM

x call dad back
x do dishes
x call British Council
- tell mom gramps called
x check edexcel site for dates
- find IGCSE registration paper
- read Rghd's email tonight
- send Rghd cycling pics
- tidy/clean kitchen
- tidy room
- prep Ice's newsletter
- check psychology sylabus
- check A sylabus
x send saria's cv to dana - follow up
- finish profile and sent to Ice
- check facebook account
- organize accounting book
x kitty litter
x clean kitty plates and cup
- read Jim's story
- organize to-dos
- bed by 11:30pm

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge's CI - 7:00PM

x call dad back
x do dishes
x call British Council
x tell mom gramps and sis called
x check edexcel site for dates
- find IGCSE registration paper
x read Rghd's email tonight
- send Rghd feedback
- send Rghd cycling pics
- tidy/clean kitchen
- tidy room
- prep Ice's newsletter
- check psychology sylabus
- check A sylabus
x send saria's cv to dana - follow up
- finish profile and sent to Ice
x check facebook account
- organize accounting book
x kitty litter
x clean kitty plates and cup
x read Jim's story
x organize to-dos
- bed by 11:30pm

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge's CI - 4:21PM

Woke up today and found mom feeling a bit under the weather, so I set up a doctor's appointment for her and was planning on taking her when she suddenly decided to cancel it, but soon afterwards my little sister's school called and apparently she isn't feeling well either, so we rescheduled that doctor's appointment, went and picked up my sis, took her along with my mom to the doctor's (it was too crowded in the waiting room so I ended up waiting in the car for a little over an hour while they did their thing), and then mom decided we were close to the flower nusery (whatever it's called) and we passed by to pick up that lawnmower she's been wanting for some time now, and then we had to pass by a hardware store to get a plug for the lawnmower but the store we checked first didn't have the kind of plug my mom needed so we ended up going to another store, which thankfully had that specific plug, and then we made our way home through the very crazy and unpleasant traffic as it rained down on us.

...And now it's past 4pm. We left home at 11+am.

But that's ok, I still have quite a few daylight hours to finish my things, but the thing is I'm not in any mood to get to them :rolleyes: And what sucks more is that my WoW craving is beginning to reach that maddening stage where all I can thinking about is finding a place to hide with my laptop to play for an hour or five :-(

But I can't start playing WoW, because I have to do the dishes because I promised my mom and my mom isn't feeling well and if I don't do them I'll be The Horrible Person Who Didn't all over again :p So yeah, this is just a little ranting post to get the negativity out of me and help me start on them dishes. And then after the dishes I'll start ticking off my other To-Dos. And I won't play WoW. WoW is for 8+pm. Not before. Right.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge WoW

Woot!  I love WoW.  I can get totally lost in it though so I make sure to set a timer so that I stop playing when I intend to. 

WoW does have some timers that come with the game if you are disciplined enough to use them - I thought about letting my daughter have control of them - gives a whole new meaning to "parental control" lol!

Level 36 Troll Hunter


“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey

WOHOO Journey!

Horde totally owns!

Level 17 *cough* Blood Elf Mage
Earthen Ring (I'm such an RP sucker :grin: )

In-built WoW timers you say, eh? Hmm...will have to check them out, though I don't think I'll ever tell anyone about them *furtive side glance* as much as I'd like to get my life in order, I couldn't bare having anyone control my WoWing hours, it would drive me insane :p
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Re: Edge WoW

Yeah, I'm totally psyched about getting my mount in four levels!  

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey


Hi Edge,

Sounds like a crazy morning! 

Good for you keeping your focus rather than letting WoW slurp you in!  At 8:00, not only will you get to play, but by then you'll be the Fantastic Person Who Did!


re: Edge

Lol, thanks for the encouragement, Falcon :* I do like the sound of Fantastic Person Who Did :grin: I think I can keep my WoW craving in check for a while yet!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

FPWD = Fantastic Person Who Did!!

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey