Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Today is my dad's 78th birthday so I made lunch for him. Mom was in the middle of a card game with her women friends! Then we went to the creamery to get our milk and enjoy some ice cream. After that, I'm good for nothing!
Maybe tomorrow will be better for accomplishing to-do's.
Not a great day. I need to do various things, none of which I feel like doing. I have to remember that "I don't feel like it" is not a good reason not to get going!!!! Argh.
What I did today: x call and cancel with tutor/ reschedule
What I would like to do today: - bh: ap? - finish report stuff - read city branding documents x2 - get market research links from pc and move to personal laptop - kitty litter - 8:30pm meds - replace trash can bag - HO? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
What I did today: x call and cancel with tutor/ reschedule x 8:30pm meds x kitty litter x finish report stuff x get market research links from pc and move to personal laptop
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Good morning! Boy am I sleepy this morning. Have I mentioned how much I hate the !@#$% time change?
I have read and processed my email and attended the weekly hardware meeting. I'm taking a coffee break now, then finish getting organized and making my todo list in todoist. I know I need to work on configuring ops mgr today but at this point I'm not sure what else . . .
The good news I HAVE to leave work early - our building is attached to the Hilton by a breezeway and we have to be out of the building by 4 today, by order of the secret service. It was on the news that McCain arrived here on Friday, so someone must be arriving in town to campaign for him - could be Bush, but rumor has it that it's Cheney. Can't be Billary, they're in Philly - and Obama is in Mississippi. I guess Obama wouldn't have secret service anyway, but Hillary does, I think.
It's normal for streets to be blocked but this is the first time they've cleared the building, so there's a lot of speculation about what could be going on . . .
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
went to toastmasters at noon and spent the last hour discussing a network problem that occurred over the weekend. Now to work on ops mgr for a while before having to leave to get out of Dick Cheney's way. Or, as my co-worker inadvertently put it - "I'm going home to beat dick" . I'll be laughing about that the rest of the day.
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
Good morning everyone. Last week ended up better than I'd thought. I hope this one will be great for all of us. Today: morning things spiritual time get work project to client and me paid good start on next project call client call about missing car license plate visit friend, take stuff feed dog next door check in around lunch
OK, didn't get through all my work last night...need to quickly read info about the people I'm meeting today, get dressed for interview, go get my debit card I left at the bank.
I finished all my morning tasks and went to interviews, they went pretty well. Now I have an hour and a half before dinner, and I want to use it wisely!
Up next (I know I can't finish these now, but I'll start in now and then try to finish up after dinner): *Clean up the disaster that is my hotel room, make sure I'm mostly packed *Deal with email from past couple days (DONE) *Finish !#$ paper on test data set *Look for test data set in standard databases *Do calculations on all parts of test data set *Email advisor about mtg *Email Kenzie about non-redundant Transfac *Read over old biochem paper *Go through biochem lecture notes for missed lecture *Make sure I have lists of human TFs and CRs for data analysis *Read paper about yet another test data set *Read paper for bio class+write summary *Clean up computer desktop
I miss Elisaveth in the forum. I love her day starters (much more clever than mine), and I missed her in the Paperwork Chatbox Circle this past weekend.
I didn't start early enough on some of the things in my list yesterday. I had to stay up too late to finish one thing that couldn't wait, and I still have dishes to wash this morning which is challenging my attempt to get to work early - especially since I couldn't get up early since I stayed up so late.
I have my session session with the anti-procrastination coach after work today. I'll report on how that went.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Wow, what a lovely thing to be missed! I missed all of you, too! It has been great catching up on everyone's posts today and realize what success everyone had with the Paperwork Chatbox!
I had a lovely time away for the three day weekend here. The icing on the cake was going to Olympia and seeing all the wild flowers blooming like crazy in the temple ruins. There were red and blue anemones, daisies, blue bells, buttercups, wild iris, red poppies, seas of clover and many, many things I did not recognize. We read the 'greek-fiti' which has a 'walk of shame' to the entrance of the stadium: 16 athletes whose cheating is immortalized!
Then we went and ate a seafood lunch (traditional Clean Monday (Ash Monday) luncheon and then flew a kite on the beach. The weather was lovely, our kids were not there to whine about taking our time in the archeological site, the weather was lovely... did I mention about the weather?! I am SO happy that spring is here: if you ever come to Greece avoid the summer and come at Easter time!
lots to do in the chatbox tonight, so I hope to see you there later!
douglas CI
fixed studio equipment
run, run, run
going to bed
May you all be rich in health love and wealth.
KarenFay - Very Late CI
Today is my dad's 78th birthday so I made lunch for him. Mom was in the middle of a card game with her women friends! Then we went to the creamery to get our milk and enjoy some ice cream. After that, I'm good for nothing!
Maybe tomorrow will be better for accomplishing to-do's.
kaoba 4pm
Not a great day. I need to do various things, none of which I feel like doing. I have to remember that "I don't feel like it" is not a good reason not to get going!!!! Argh.
Edge's CI - 7:17PM
What I did today:
x call and cancel with tutor/ reschedule
What I would like to do today:
- bh: ap?
- finish report stuff
- read city branding documents x2
- get market research links from pc and move to personal laptop
- kitty litter
- 8:30pm meds
- replace trash can bag
- HO?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 8:52PM
Really bad migraine, doubt I'll do much of what I wanted to.
What I did today:
x call and cancel with tutor/ reschedule
x 8:30pm meds
x kitty litter
What I would like to do today:
- finish report stuff
- get market research links from pc and move to personal laptop
- replace trash can bag
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 2:17AM (Tuesday)
Night, everyone.
What I did today:
x call and cancel with tutor/ reschedule
x 8:30pm meds
x kitty litter
x finish report stuff
x get market research links from pc and move to personal laptop
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Journey 10:45 excitement in midtown Atlanta
Good morning! Boy am I sleepy this morning. Have I mentioned how much I hate the !@#$% time change?
I have read and processed my email and attended the weekly hardware meeting. I'm taking a coffee break now, then finish getting organized and making my todo list in todoist. I know I need to work on configuring ops mgr today but at this point I'm not sure what else . . .
The good news I HAVE to leave work early - our building is attached to the Hilton by a breezeway and we have to be out of the building by 4 today, by order of the secret service. It was on the news that McCain arrived here on Friday, so someone must be arriving in town to campaign for him - could be Bush, but rumor has it that it's Cheney. Can't be Billary, they're in Philly - and Obama is in Mississippi. I guess Obama wouldn't have secret service anyway, but Hillary does, I think.
It's normal for streets to be blocked but this is the first time they've cleared the building, so there's a lot of speculation about what could be going on . . .
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
Journey 2 pm - warning - parental advisory - rude comment below
went to toastmasters at noon and spent the last hour discussing a network problem that occurred over the weekend. Now to work on ops mgr for a while before having to leave to get out of Dick Cheney's way. Or, as my co-worker inadvertently put it - "I'm going home to beat dick" . I'll be laughing about that the rest of the day.
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
10:22 ci for Lark, Late
Good morning everyone. Last week ended up better than I'd thought. I hope this one will be great for all of us.
morning things
spiritual time
get work project to client and me paid
good start on next project
call client
call about missing car license plate
visit friend, take stuff
feed dog next door
check in around lunch
kromer 8:45 CI
OK, didn't get through all my work last night...need to quickly read info about the people I'm meeting today, get dressed for interview, go get my debit card I left at the bank.
kromer 4:50 CI
I finished all my morning tasks and went to interviews, they went pretty well.
Now I have an hour and a half before dinner, and I want to use it wisely!
Up next (I know I can't finish these now, but I'll start in now and then try to finish up after dinner):
*Clean up the disaster that is my hotel room, make sure I'm mostly packed
*Deal with email from past couple days (DONE)
*Finish !#$ paper on test data set
*Look for test data set in standard databases
*Do calculations on all parts of test data set
*Email advisor about mtg
*Email Kenzie about non-redundant Transfac
*Read over old biochem paper
*Go through biochem lecture notes for missed lecture
*Make sure I have lists of human TFs and CRs for data analysis
*Read paper about yet another test data set
*Read paper for bio class+write summary
*Clean up computer desktop
pro's CI - 8:30am (where is elisaveth?)
Good morning!
I miss Elisaveth in the forum. I love her day starters (much more clever than mine), and I missed her in the Paperwork Chatbox Circle this past weekend.
I didn't start early enough on some of the things in my list yesterday. I had to stay up too late to finish one thing that couldn't wait, and I still have dishes to wash this morning which is challenging my attempt to get to work early - especially since I couldn't get up early since I stayed up so late.
I have my session session with the anti-procrastination coach after work today. I'll report on how that went.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Yes, where IS Elisaveth?
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
Re: Yes, where IS Elisaveth?
I think I remember her mention a long weekend and a trip out of town? Not sure, though. I hope she's back soon, in any case!
she's back!
Wow, what a lovely thing to be missed! I missed all of you, too! It has been great catching up on everyone's posts today and realize what success everyone had with the Paperwork Chatbox!
I had a lovely time away for the three day weekend here. The icing on the cake was going to Olympia and seeing all the wild flowers blooming like crazy in the temple ruins. There were red and blue anemones, daisies, blue bells, buttercups, wild iris, red poppies, seas of clover and many, many things I did not recognize. We read the 'greek-fiti' which has a 'walk of shame' to the entrance of the stadium: 16 athletes whose cheating is immortalized!
Then we went and ate a seafood lunch (traditional Clean Monday (Ash Monday) luncheon and then flew a kite on the beach. The weather was lovely, our kids were not there to whine about taking our time in the archeological site, the weather was lovely... did I mention about the weather?! I am SO happy that spring is here: if you ever come to Greece avoid the summer and come at Easter time!
lots to do in the chatbox tonight, so I hope to see you there later!
hugs and smooches, E