Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday, January 14 2008

N bookend and check-in

Hello everyone.

Slowly getting back on my feet after 3 weeks of chaos and depression after a really horrible incident Dec. 23.

ODAT.  I really need to be working all my programs and spiritual practices hard.

To do:
rest of today's dissertation work time
shovel driveway
get to meeting

I'm taking a 10-minute web surfing break.  Will check back.

N bookend

Done with 10-minute web-surfing break

back to work :)

Edge's CI - 9:33PM

I've been living on my own these past three days. It's a temporary arrangement - my family has gone on a 3 week vacation so I've got to fend for myself in this cold until they return. Anyway, I've been shirking doing lots of things that normally would have been handled either by my self or by other members of the family, which is not good because the house is...well...not in its best form as a result. So now I've decided to get to it before someone comes over and sees the horrors that I've allowed to compile.

Just finished putting back the washed dishes and am going to start washing the second batch. Earlier I had refilled the cats' plate, took down the dry laundry and put up the washed batch to dry. Going to finished one thing at a time as I go, because I'm really feeling the task resistance right now.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge's CI - 10:26PM

Finished the dishes, cleaned kitty litter, emptied all rubish bins, put up a list of what I need to buy on the fridge, now going to fold the laundry and then...we'll see. Want to be in bed by 11pm max  because I've got the keys to the office and I need to be early tomorrow.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge's CI - 10:56PM

Folded laundry, watered plants, now FH then bed.
Night, all.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

elisaveth monday

I am acting out today: I went to work, played Helix, went to the doctor who told me I didn't have breast cancer, came back, played Helix, came home, drank rum and coke, read over my son's application to Babson, made some suggestions, and am now, finally, here, rum and coke in hand. I don't know why it is so very very difficult for me to get with the program today, but I am clearly in either a celebratory excuse, a procrastination excuse, or a fearful place which is keeping me from doing my last years taxes, which I MUST get done in order to see if we qualify for financial aid for my son. Talk about the proverbial feces hitting the A.C.

In the meantime I feel like an ostrich, and want to put off the realization that I am f*ing up badly.

For tonight,
put away clothes
sleep at a decent hour
get on my knees....

Lark @ 1:25pm

A bit overwhelemed today. Lots of stuff to do, and I'm dabbling till something hits a snag. Then I go to the next--which means I'm going to eventaully end up with screwed up and difficult tasks. Yeah. As long as thngs move somewhat along, that's about the bestI can (and want to) do today. Too many committments, yet I have a client who'd supposed to pay his bill today. The minute I leave, well, you know...! Just hope I get out of this rut soon. Take care everyone.

Journey 10:30

Well the software install may be delayed due to some hardware issues that happened over the weekend.  I'm a little disappointed.  Also, it's a unknown in my schedule and I procrastinate more when I can't plan well.  But here goes.

X - gym
X - meditate (briefly!), pray, and visualize a successful and productive day.
X - read email (30 min actual)
X - daily planning (30 min actual)
 - organize email 30 min planned
 - if s/w install is a go - probably 3 hrs for that
 - finish visio diagram 2 hrs
 - Toastmasters 1.5 hr. (having a table topics contest today)
 - if no s/w install - review linux install plan 2 hrs.
 - continue putting to do lists back into AO - limit to 15 min
 - dishes/laundry - 30 min
 - dinner - 1 hr.
 - put on some makeup before toastmasters meeting 15 min
 - check on FSA claim - 5 min
 - fill out form #1 of 3rd bunch of forms for SL - 10 min
 - personal folder (aka pile) - 10 min
 - plan PEV2 delete - 30 min
 - plan server removal - 30 min 
 - make an appointment with Primary Care Doc for yearly physical - 5 min

This seems doable - I have one rather large task on the same project that I can swap out for the s/w install if it doesn't happen today.  

Next up - put on some makeup and work on visio diagram until time to leave for toastmasters. Check back after meeting, before and after lunch break so I don't get off track.   


"Some day suck less than others, and that's what keeps me going" - D A Deeb

Journey 1:10

Toastmasters done, going to fill up my water bottle and set my timer for a 30-minute break, then back here. 


"Some day suck less than others, and that's what keeps me going" - D A Deeb

Julie's 9:15 CI

Good morning everyone! It's good to be back. I just got home from a two week trip late Saturday night and have to get back to work today): I went to a language school in Mexico and interestingly enough had no trouble getting up early every morning and going to bed early as our schedule required. I would like to transfer that behavior over to my life here at home! Here's my list for today:

To do:

Talk to L/T about CH students-meeting time/adding students
Ask A about expense reports from last year and adding people to UI412
Check with Reflexology place about changing dates
Email L about times for b/p clinical
Call dermatologist
Check on P & T reports/examples of reports
Email P
Register for class?
Pick up book
Get waiver signed
Turn waiver in
Ask D about plans
Call Dr. J's office
Make changes as needed for class and open up week one
Check on refund for Spanish class
Find information for expense report for last trip


Journey 9:45

Good morning!  Hope everyone has a productive and successful day. 

I should be installing some s/w with a coworker today so that will keep me on task. 
Right now I'm going to read my email and make a todo list, I haven't done that yet. 
Back in half hour. 


"Some day suck less than others, and that's what keeps me going" - D A Deeb

pro's CI - 8:05am

I've been sitting at the computer since I got up almost an hour ago - probably not a good thing. :P

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

kromer 6:40 CI

To do:
1)Dress, tidy room (done)
2)Have a HEALTHY breakfast (done, though I slipped and had a few chocolate chips)
3)Revise 2 DOE essays
3)Deal with email (Done)
4)Walk to campus, renew library book
5)Run flow algorithm on EGF_Yarden data
6)Make interview travel arrangements
--Check in, plan rest of day--

kromer 8:40 CI

There's a big snowstorm here, so I think I'm going to work from home for a bit. I really want to get a full workday in, so I'm going to start work now (even though I haven't done my essay revisions).
That means I'm going to close my email, turn on my website blocker, and actually get to work.
1)Get a CORRECT list of human transcription factors (there seem to be issues with the list I have) (30 min) (DONE 9:40)
2)Run the flow algorithm of EGFYarden data, and looking at the results.  (40 min) (Started 10:30)
3)Finish my GO analysis that I've been meaning to get through (30 minutes) (I'm going to do this that I have the TF list, it should be trivial) (DONE 10:25)
4)Email my supervisor
5)Make interview travel arrangements
Then I'll go to lab (No matter what the weather is like...if it's too too awful, I'll take the subway rather than walking)

kromer 11:10 CI

Wow, just got totally distracted by the internet, wasted 30 min.
I think I really need to get to lab, I'll concentrate better if there are people watching me.
I'll do 2 8-minute chunks of getting the algorithm running, then walk to lab. The snowstorms seems to be dying down a bit anyhow. When I get to campus, I'll get some books out of the library, then check in again around 12:15
UPDATE 12:00--suddenly hit a productive stretch. Yay! So I'm going to get the flow algorithm running on the data (should take about 15 minutes) and THEN head to campus.
UPDATE 12:20: Flow algorithm is running, now packing up and heading to campus, check in when I've gotten books and arrived in lab (around 1 or 1:15)

kromer 2 CI

In lab now (had to photocopy article in library, which took a while, plus I was just slow)
I'm going to stay in lab until 6, then go do a pysch experiment, then go get a book from another campus library, then go home.

Plan for lab:
I have a meeting with my supervisor at 3, so first order of business is to prepare for that. That means
1)Looking over EGFYarden data
2)Looking over insulin resistance datasets
3)Print out DOE form/get DOE info
4)Take notes on what I want to say at meeting.

I'll come up with a plan for the rest of the day once the meeting is over

kromer 3:30 CI

Done with meeting, now going to take notes about what was discussed and come up with a plan for the rest of the day.
UPDATE 3:55:
1)File papers, give new student wiki access (Done)
2)Read M's data descriptions (Done)
3)Make interview travel arrangements (tried and failed--the travel agency is convinced I live in Newak. Will be able to fix tomorrow, I hope!)
---Short break, email CY and check phone messages---
4)Investigate Transfac-to-EG mappings, try to fix  (stop around 5:15)
--Short break, check-in and take a quick walk
5)Plot current edge weights (make sure this is automated
6)If time, brainstorm list of possible tweaks to edge weights
--Stop at 5:50, organize workspace
7)Be pysch expt. subject 6-6:30
8)Go to library to pick up book, walk home, be back around 7:15
9)Get a healthy dinner and then check in again.
OK, let's go!

kromer 5:30 CI

Done with break, very slow today and also feeling pretty crummy.
New plan--do something simple but necessary for the next 20 minutes, printing out journal articles I need to read. Then go to pysch experiment at 6, pick up book, buy a cheap and healthy dinner since I can't face cooking, see how I feel after that.

kromer 11:15 CI

Got journal articles, did pysch experiment, picked up book, had good dinner, called up friend, took a shower...then wasted 2 hours for absolutely no reason. I need to end the day with something productive. So I'll going to find coregulators adjacent to AMPK and post information about them on the lab wiki, then go to bed. I'll get up early tomorrow to work on my essays.