Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tracking Resolutions?

How do you guys keep yourselves on track with New Years Resolutions?
I tend to make them and then give up after a week or so...any tips for changing this?

tracking new year's resolutions

I don't know that you want MY advice since I'm not so hot at keeping resolutions either, but here's a great article by Steve Pavlina.  Now, the catch is that you CANNOT read this article until you are on a designated break.  Steve's site is great, but it's easy to procrastinate by reading all his articles about procrastination.


"The 'information age' has not created any free exchange of knowledge, Gideon. All we have is a free exchange of whatever the sexless custodians of information technology consider acceptable."  Caleb Carr