Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday 29 November 2007

Julie's bedtime CI

I have completed everything on my list today! Hurrah! I don't think I've ever done that before. Now I'm going to go to bed.

Up by 7 am-Nope, but earlier than yesterday
Morning routine
T's meds
Grade for one hour
Finish filling out form for trip
Grade for one more hour-Yeah! I got a lot of grading done today!
Print out K groups papers
Set up insurance account
Lunch-leave at 10:40
Appt. at 3 pm
Make MD appt.
Decorate tree
Order makeup

3-day arc

I have a bunch of stuff I need to finish by end-of-business Sunday:

  • 1051 final test installation set up 1/2
  • DICOM SR -> development installation set up 1/4
  • DICOM SR -> add support to extract the SR elements described in the GE email 4
  • 1075 - fix and create test installation 2
  • 1080 thru 1084 -- all implemented and in test 2
  • write initial quiz authoring requirements 3
  • implement a prototype of quiz authoring 6
  • email requirements and link to prototype to RJ for feedback 1/4
  • fix 1095 and create test installation 1 1/2
  • fix 1096 and create test installation 1
  • fix batch signup and create test installation 2
  • 1112 fixed and in test 2
  • implement a prototype of grid image tooltip 7
  • assemble shelving 4
  • assemble filing cabinet 1
  • transfer files 1/2
  • assemble 3 drawers on castors and transfer stuff from old drawers 1 1/2
  • monitor swap 1/2
  • bring dead print to be recycled (combine with minor foodshop/gift shop trip) 2
  • return library DVDs (and if time, watch Brick) 2 hrs (if I watch the movie)

k, that is about 42 1/2 hours worth of stuff over the next 3 1/2 days.  Certainly doable, and if I get all of this done, I'll be ready for next week's tasks.


  • 1077 - final test installation set up 1/2

Julie's 4:45 CI

Up by 7 am-Nope, but earlier than yesterday
Morning routine
T's meds
Grade for one hour
Finish filling out form for trip
Grade for one more hour-Yeah! I got a lot of grading done today!
Print out K groups papers
Set up insurance account
Lunch-leave at 10:40
Appt. at 3 pm
Make MD appt.

To do:
Decorate tree
Order makeup

first checkin

hello everybody

just joined, really need it.  lots of other 12 step programs, very successful, but this one keeps kickin' my butt.

Need help, glad y'all are here.

Pookie - First Check-In

Good morning, everyone.  I'm so thankful I learned about this website!

10:06 A.M.

To do:
exercise before noon
complete work for Chapter 2 of Assignment 1 by midnight

welcome pookie

ain't it great?!  Glad to have you on board.

Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of.  - Benjamin Franklin

N's Check in

To do:

6 hours work
get to meeting

Thanks for being here, everyone -- you inspire me!


Julie's 8:20 CI

Good morning everyone! I did a little better this morning than yesterday. I got to bed by about 12:45 and got up at 8 am. I think it's especially difficult because I don't "have" to be up any earlier. I just think that I would get more accomplished if I did. Hope everyone has a great day!


Up by 7 am-
Morning routine
T's meds
Grade for one hour
Finish filling out form for trip
Decorate tree
Grade for one more hour
Print out K groups papers
Set up insurance account
Make MD appt.
Order makeup
Lunch-leave at 10:40
Appt. at 3 pm

elisaveth thursday afternoon

I have had a very busy two days and found myself very much in an escapist mood last night: I came home, drank alchohol, ate chocolate, watched old House reruns, and read a trashy novel... not a productive set of events. During the day was very very busy, with my being out of the office working on an important project that is on deadline, so by the time I got home I was very tired. However, I wish I had listened to my body and simply took a nap!

For today
meds x
pharmacy again
frances richx
animal societyx
book tickets  - pending
electra setupx
aris cards - looking
charitable tracking - notify steve
take C to task on chores, schedule and homework

Journey 9 am

Nothing really pressing today; this is usually when I start to goof off so I will try to stay on task.  The simple-ology internet explorer plug in really helps to keep me from web surfing, but I can still find ways to procrastinate! 

-gym - on time (two days in a row!)
-Read email
-Daily Planning

-Directory Maintenance - figure out how to update - 2 hrs.
-email to MD about CDT - 30 min
-Finish reviewing project list - 30 min
-tax thing - 10 min  < == moldering rotting stinky frog
-cd iso freeware thingy? - 15 min 
-organize various notes and scribbles - 30 min
-make a grocery list - 30 min
-do some laundry - 30 min
-lunch with friends at old job yay - 1.5 hr.
-straighten desk and computer desktop - 30 min
-order promise - 15 min
-Tm - reactivate member - 15 min
-Tm - budget < === moldy frog - 15 min
-Tm - get number for caterer - 15 min
-Request a new mouse - 30 min
-Roxi's linklist entry - do this first - 30 min
-If time, JES2 dump and/or eval - 1 hr.
-remind girls to do dishes
-check fedex for M&D's gift
-update Christmas list - I think I'm almost done with Christmas shopping?  Can this be true?
  son & niece & nephew want money - so only one more gift to buy for dh - I think!
-put some new music on mp3 player

OK this is 8 hrs. of work type stuff and a couple hours of personal stuff - totally doable with time to spare IF one stays on task.


Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of.  - Benjamin Franklin

journey 9:15

Up next:
Roxi's linklist
Straighten desk


Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of.  - Benjamin Franklin

Journey 11:15

Headed out for an early lunch with old friends, then when I get back . .. .directory maintenance
Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of.  - Benjamin Franklin

Journey 3:40

-gym - on time (two days in a row!)
-Read email
-Daily Planning
-lunch with friends at old job yay - 1.5 hr. (was 2.0 hrs.)
-straighten desk - 30 min
-Directory maintenance - (in progress)
-unplanned task - fix system hang - 2 hrs.
-Roxi's linklist entry - do this first - 30 min (took 1.0 hr)

-email to MD about CDT - 30 min
-Finish reviewing project list - 30 min
-tax thing - 10 min  < == moldering rotting stinky frog
-cd iso freeware thingy? - 15 min 
-organize various notes and scribbles - 30 min
-make a grocery list - 30 min
-do some laundry - 30 min
-order promise - 15 min
-Tm - reactivate member - 15 min
-Tm - budget < === moldy frog - 15 min
-Tm - get number for caterer - 15 min
-Request a new mouse - 30 min
-If time, JES2 dump and/or eval - 1 hr.
-remind girls to do dishes
-check fedex for M&D's gift
-update Christmas list 
-put some new music on mp3 player

next up - finish directory maint, then go ahead and finish reviewing project list and organizing all my notes to myself, and THEN spend TEN MINUTES ON THE FROG.  I ate a moldy frog yesterday and it wasn't so bad. 

All the other work stuff on the list rolls over to monday and the personal stuff rolls over to the weekend.  I'm on vacation tomorrow, trying to use up a few vacation days before I lose them.


Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of.  - Benjamin Franklin

pro's first check-in - 8:30am

Good morning.

What a week! I've been horribly sick. I got sick while on vacation last week. This is not generally good for one's employment status - take a week's vacation, then take a week out sick. :(

I'm starting to see a little improvement. At least I'm not running a fever anymore. It's nice to be back - or on my way back. I'm not completely well.

I have many things to do, but I can't worry about it or stress out about it. I just have to focus on healing right now, so I don't feel guilty about ignoring everything else.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Get well soon!

Be good to yourself and get well soon.



Glad you're back! Hope you're feeling better soon.

we missed you!

Sorry to hear  you have been under the weather! 

welcome back pro

Glad to have you back on your feet again.  Take it easy. 

Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of.  - Benjamin Franklin