Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Monday 8th October 2007
Say Hello to my Little Friend!
Happy Monday all!
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Julie's 12 am CI
I really worked hard today but was thrown off schedule by a few problems- some of my own making and some not(:
I found out that I had forgotten to enter a quiz and a forum question on my course website (students are great at catching your mistakes!) so those had to be created and entered first thing. It also took a lot longer than I thought to fill out the funding form so that is what I spent most of my time on. The good news is that it is ready to turn in tomorrow. The bad news is that I didn't get any more grading done so it is my top priority for tomorrow.
Leave for office by 10 am
Meeting from 12:15 to 2:15
While at office:
Answer student emails
Email tech support: student question and Grade A question
Get form for college funding-completed form and got it signed. It has to be turned in tomorrow!
Check on student at H.D. if meeting gets out early-nope!
2 loads of laundry
Left to do:
Grade observation forum 3
Comment on 6 clinical logs
Write for 15 minutes
Clean spare bedroom-15 minutes
Re-Schedule appt. with J.
To do (Before 4 AM is my goal)
Let's see...
Apply for the rc something or another grant
write up results
translate the results into spanish, get a friend to translate them into Italian, french
I think that's it...I have a lot more to do tomorrow, thursday, friday if I don't do some extras
Do any of you find yourselfs lying as to why you/ your work is late? It seems that I can't bear to take responsibility for simply being...slow. Well, I'm off to not start. I'll check back in in 2/3 hours (probably, don't want to commit though) and if I'm not at least done with some of this, one of you should slap me.
oh yes
I do lie... actually, manipulate the truth might be a better way of explaining exactly what I do, but it is letting others believe a lie.
It goes against my very being to admit I'm a slow processor and don't have the answers/work done right away. So then... procrastination... and instead of trying to explain why it's slow, I have to work my way around the fact I haven't done anything at all. Eesh.
I hope your work is going well.
Yep, lying
Not only to others but to myself!
I agree, journey
= Me too.
Sadly, No
I haven't managed to really get a good start yet. I can already see the excuses formulating in my mind....I will, now though. Especially because I've admitted that I might not have. Thanks, lad
I hope you did manage to do work this day... Sorry for the belated reply but glad we could be honest together.
Journey CI 9:30
Hooray, got everything done and was even on time to the dentist!
So why do I feel guilty that I didn't work all that hard today? I'm not used to having all this free time in the evenings.
Am I nuts? Well, yeah, maybe a little!
Lets see-- sometime before school tomorrow I need to...
1. Write three chapter introductions (for US History AP)
2. Define fourty terms (for US History AP)
3. Ten questions based on chapter subtitles (no T/F, Y/N, what, when, or who) (for US History AP)
4. Take Notes on Ch.8 (for US History AP)
5. Answer 15 questions (for US History AP)
6. Write an acrostic poem on the chapter title "America Secedes from the Empire" (for US History AP)
7. Summarize 7 paragraphs (for US History AP)
8. Make 20 multiple choice questions on chapter 8. (for US History AP)
9. Read 4 chapters of The Scarlet Letter (for English AP)
10. Define 45 terms from the reading material (for English AP)
11. Answer 15 analysis questions on the reading material (for English AP)
12. Read two short stories, analyzing the content in 3 paragraphs (for English AP)
13. Take notes on the chapter's "Literary Analysis" section (for English AP)
14. Do Literary vocab (10 terms) (for English AP)
15. Study for Literary vocab test (on last week's vocab-- which I still need to do.) (for English AP)
16. Vocab lesson 7 (for English AP)
17. Read chapter from Civil War book (for Academic Decathlon)
18. Draw rough outline for NaNoWriMo novel
19. Do something sane
20. Sleep
The stuff in purple is optional.
As you can see, Chronic Procrastination is a real downer on a 16-year girl who actually wants to DO something with her life. AP classes are AWFUL. That endless list is the result of... you guessed it... my horrible procrastination. I'm thinking that, since Chronic Procrastination is worse than any disease I've ever suffered, I should call in sick tomorrow so that I can pretend that I'm going to use that extra time to do something productive. Like, save my grade.
Ha. I can smell the "F"s already.
Anyway, the goal is to get as much of that done as humanly possible. Caffeine will be mighty handy here... :P
Hi, Lemon Drop.
I was a 16 yo procrastinator with AP courses, and remember it quite well. Yuck. The fact that you're here and tackling your issues already is a good thing... it's going to be a lifelong process. Try to be patient with yourself, avoid "all or nothing" thinking. Little chunks.
It took you a while to grow that list, it'll take a little while to tackle it.
Good luck! Keep posting.
LemonDropof Doom
That is quite a list! Hang in there and you'll get caught up. Good luck in getting through all of it that you can finish tonight, but get some sleep too (:
#1 and #4 finished...
#1 and #4 finished... actually 4 assignements there! WOO!
Only about a kajillion to go! [I need to quit with the whole "complaining" thing...]
While my notebook dries (massive amounts of glue required in #1) I think I'll go take a quick 15 minute break. Yippie!
lad 4:15ish CI
Work is going well. Will take a stretch break in 15 min.
Need to get centered
Hi all,
Yikes, that is one scary critter in the opening post! Nice kitty!
I'm distracted & jumpy & need to get centered. To do:
Meditating turned into napping, but that's o.k. -- it's probably what I needed, and my mind does feel clearer now.
Good night!
pro's CI - 6pm
I want to go out and take a walk before it gets dark. I'm not feeling that well today.
I watered the plants and got dressed.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
hope you feel better tomorrow pro!
lad 4 pm CI
I had a good nap. I feel a little groggy. Guess I will CI in 15 min. I will work on my thesis some more...
scarlett CI 4:20 pm EST
Didn't finish all I wanted, but oh well.
Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Process emails (10 min)
Review w/ Ray
Review 2
Review 3
Resend email TH
Check voicemails
Find chor. doc
Update to-do
Work on chor
Transfer photos (started)
Arrange tile p/u
Talk to A about borrowing E
Call S re: tile p/u
Type up enter reviews 1,2,3 (in 15 min chunks)
CO – write invite blurb (2 x 15 min)
Email re: seats to MT
Update reviews
create logo?
Fix effing PDF
scarlett CI 2:40 pm EST
Priority: Reviews (15 min); chor (15 min)
Next CI: 2:15 pm EST
Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Process emails (10 min)
Review w/ Ray
Review 2
Review 3
Resend email TH
Check voicemails
Find chor. doc
Update to-do
Work on chor (15 min)
Transfer photos (started)
Arrange tile p/u
Talk to A about borrowing E
Call S re: tile p/u
To do:
Type up enter reviews 1,2,3 (in 15 min chunks)
CO – write invite blurb (2 x 15 min)
Email re: seats to MT
Update reviews
create logo?
Fix effing PDF
Review website - mark errors/broken links
lad's 12:15 CI
Work still going great. Shoulder still tight but not as tight so not as worried.
Lunch and stretch break. Back in max of 1 hr.
lad 2:10 CI
Yay! Working away.
Taking break... may take a nap. CI when sit back down to the computer.
lad 1 pm CI
45 min for lunch, etc. Not bad!
Back to edits...
pro's check-in - 2pm
I just finished reading a book. I'm not feeling that well today. Also, somebody keeps banging on something in the courtyard (he does it on every nice day) and it's annoying the crap out of me. I've tried yelling out the window, but it didn't help. Sometimes I hate New York.
I need to start getting some stuff done around my apartment. And then I have some errands to do.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
lad 10 am CI
Thesis work is going great.
Shoulder and neck are getting tight. Going to try to get away with a 10 min stretch break. May need 20. CI when break is over.
um... my neck and shoulder are still pretty tight. This makes me nervous about how much work I can get done today. One bit at a time, I guess. Back to work.
scarlett CI 11:25 am EST
Hey y'all. Back to work after a few days off. Trying to keep the anxiety in check. I've got a decent start to the day, so that's good.
Priority: Check vm, resend email TH, find chor. doc
Next CI: 12 pm EST
Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Process emails (10 min)
Review w/ Ray
Review 2
Review 3
To do:
Check voicemails
Update to-do
Resend email TH
Type up enter reviews 1,2,3
CO – write invite blurb (2 x 15 min)
Email re: seats to MT
create logo?
Fix effing PDF
Review website - mark errors/broken links
Call S re: tile p/u
Talk to A about borrowing E
Amy's CI 10:03
Eat with mama
Eat with Jesse
Work on apartment
Go to Wal-Mart
Pick up t-shirts
Water lawn
Walk Kit and Katy
Put laundry away
Go to college to print off stuff
Amy's To Do List for this Week:
1. Give Larry and George a bath
2. Helpful landlord tips- MUST COMPLETE
3. Put to do lists in binders
4. Pledge
5. Go to Wal- Mart
6. Get binder out
7. Watch classroom video
8. E-mail BD agenda
9. Put grades online- 3rd 5th, 6th, 7th hour
10. Make one week of lesson plans
11. Make on week of lesson plans
12. Print off parent numbers- Tuesday
13. Print off progress reports- Tuesday
14. Print off homework- Tuesday
15. Pick up office
16. Pick up basement
17. Clean litter box
18. Clean ferret's cage
19. Make sure everything is done for this week
20. Let boys out
Need to be completed but can wait
1. Get jewelry box
2. Work 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 hours
3. Make Christmas list
4. Clean out garage
Check in at 6 p.m.
Amy's CI 7:07
Work on homework for 30 minutes
Put laundry away
Amy's To Do List for this Week:
1. Give Larry and George a bath
2. Helpful landlord tips- MUST COMPLETE
3. Put to do lists in binders
4. Pledge
5. Get binder out
6. Watch classroom video
7. E-mail BD agenda
8. Make one week of lesson plans
9. Make on week of lesson plans
10. Print off parent numbers- Tuesday
11. Print off progress reports- Tuesday
12. Pick up office
13. Pick up basement
14. Clean litter box
15. Clean ferret's cage
16. Make sure everything is done for this week
17. Let boys out
Need to be completed but can wait
1. Get jewelry box
2. Work 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 1/2 hours
3. Make Christmas list
4. Clean out garage
Check in before I go to bed
lad CI 8:50
Feel unproductive from the weekend, but my back was killing me and I was sick... and I did get some non-computer stuff done. I suppose that is good enough for now.
Anyway, back to the thesis grind. Today I need to make progress in:
thesis edits
new work in thesis
defense presentation?
email guy wrt thesis
I'll check back in 20 min from now to make sure I'm working.
lad CI 9:10
So far so good. CI again at 10.
arrrghhhh! and Journey CI 7 am
I've spent the last hour trying to decide whether to go to Mal-wart this morning or this afternoon!
Today's a holiday for me but I won't enjoy it if I spend all day wallowing in fear and indecision, so here goes:
-Sl form - Page 3 of 6
-clean off desk
-pay some bills
-laundry - lots of laundry
-dentist appt.
-1 item from the mending pile
-prep for tomorrow
-put some new music on mp3 player
Have a great week everyone!
Thanks Julie
hope you had a great day too - just checking in cos have had to reprioritise today so:
Finish Marine report
call Margie
cook dinner
if time look at quaternary
have been to my classes and i think i even learned something
:) have a great day all of you
here is a virtual hug ---->
for you
Rexroth 06.57 BST
Todo today
up post this
prayer reflection meditation
check emails and phone messages
find landlords file and work on it
research new vacuum cleaner
out shopping
in shopping delivery
email friend re meetup
write journal
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth 22.04 BST
Not a good day. I seem to have a bug and have spent most of the day in bed and made more of a mess than I have sorted.
Night folks
Julie's Monday AM CI
Let's see if I can keep some momentum going on my grading. I hope so because I'm way behind.
Leave for office by 10 am
Meeting from 12:15 to 2:15
While at office:
Grade observation forum 3
Comment on 6 clinical logs
Answer student emails
Email tech support: student question and Grade A question
Get form for college funding
Check on student at H.D. if meeting gets out early
At home:
Write for 15 minutes
2 loads of laundry
Clean spare bedroom-15 minutes
Re-Schedule appt. with J.
I don't care if Mondays blue
ok so I couldn't work out the image thing - it was a cat holding a machine gun any way..
today I choose to:
Go to all my classes (6 hours)
write up lectures
quaternary work
cook dinner tonight
call little sister margie
Have a great Monday all!
That's a lot of classes in one day! Hope you have a good day and are successful in working through your list.