Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday 25 September 2007

Julie's 12:30 CI

Edit presentation and upload it to conference site
Rental car arrangements
10:30 appt.-leave by 10:15
3 pm appt.-leave by 2:30-left a little late, but appt. got cancelled (:
Morning routine
Check tape recorder batteries
Write down interview questions
Read Bible
Graded 2 more Role assgn. papers-11 0f 19 done

Still to do:
Grade Roles assignment-8 more to grade
Pick up office-15 min
Pick up downstairs bedroom-15 min.
Exercise-15 minutes
Spanish practice-30 minutes
Write-15 minutes-need to do this but can't seem to get started

and WHY am I still not in bed???

It's nearly 1am and I'm still not in bed (though at least I'm ready for bed). Bed now!! I'll start tomorrow's thread first.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Insomnia much?

Go get some sleep, pro.  You have to get up in like 6 hours right?  Go....Go now.

Right - 6 hours (ugh)

It's not insomnia - I'm tired, I could sleep! It's procrastination on going to bed. I'm like a little kid that way. Going now...

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Night Pro

Have a good sleep.  Good luck in the A.M.

Mike's 2300 CI

Finally made it to work about half an hour ago, late of course. Family Guy and generally blah-ness just made me say "F-it". Otherwise, doing okay. Didn't get a whole lot accomplished today but, I WILL do the dishes before I go to bed and I WILL be in bed by 0945 tomorrow morning. Goodnight to you all.

Getting to bed on time

I want to get to bed on time tonight, so I'm going to stop fiddling around and:

Take out trash
Tidy up for company
Put out clothes for tomorrow.


Mike's First CI

My first check in. I'm posting a little late. I work 3rd shift and get a late start in the day anyways. On to what I've accomplished today.

Fed dogs
Cooked dinner
Did a load of laundry(still have one to go)
Talked to wife on phone(yes, that is one of my daily

Still need to:
Get lunch ready for work
Take a shower and get ready for work
Take out trash
Do dishes
Mop kitchen(Tomorrow most likely)
Clean off computer desk(Tomorrow also)
Clean bathroom
Finish mowing yard(Tomorrow afternoon)

Thanks to all. I think this will really help. Good luck to everyone. Keep at it.

welcome, Mike!

Nice to meet you! We used to have someone here from Australia who complained she was the only one posting during her daytime. You could have kept her company.

Are you ever around on weekends? That's my worst procrastination time and I do better with work partners.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Hello Pro

I'm on the comp more than I should be.  I'll definitely give you some feedback on the weekends.  Unfortunately tonight I got sidetracked by Scrubs, one of my fav shows.  I did manage to get my lunch for work together.  Dishes were a nogo and laundry was a little delayed, but done.  Gotta get in the shower and get ready for work.  Talk to you all soon.


weekend support

I'm so glad you'll be around on weekends. I've been really wishing people were around to keep me accountable.

I got distracted by TV tonight, too. It was the season premier of House, my very favorite show.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Journey's 6 pm ci

Attended 9:30 meeting
Blew off 10:00 meeting as it conflicted with the more important 9:30 meeting
1:00 meeting with JH
Visit Project #1 Team - ask for space est.
look up log records for JW
backup work computer
Follow up on questions from 9:30 meeting
3:30 conference call
Project #2 - as much as possible (about two hours)

Email - clean out email inbox

To do:
backup home computer
stop by grocery store on the way home - 3 items
Return overdue lib book
Look for info about Dr. S. presentation tickets
Clean up kitchen (em is cooking)
prepare gym and work clothes for tomorrow

Postponed until tomorrow:
Review pf (cat?)
Submit new member to Toastmasters
Send out agenda for Friday's meeting

Not too bad - no black holes today, at least not any real big ones

I hope I am not boring you all to tears with my uneventful life, but I think the accountability is helping, at least during the work day.


Julie's 3:30 CI

Edit presentation and upload it to conference site-edited, will proofread and upload
Rental car arrangements
10:30 appt.-leave by 10:15
3 pm appt.-leave by 2:30-left a little late, but appt. got cancelled (:
Morning routine
Check tape recorder batteries
Write down interview questions

Still to do:
Grade Roles assignment-I have completed 6 of 19 papers;9 of 19 done
Pick up office-15 min
Pick up downstairs bedroom-15 min.
Exercise-15 minutes
Read Bible
Spanish practice-30 minutes
Write-15 minutes-need to do this but can't seem to get started

Julie's 3:30 CI

Edit presentation and upload it to conference site-edited, will proofread and upload
Rental car arrangements
10:30 appt.-leave by 10:15
3 pm appt.-leave by 2:30-left a little late, but appt. got cancelled (:
Morning routine
Check tape recorder batteries
Write down interview questions

Still to do:
Grade Roles assignment-I have completed 6 of 19 papers;9 of 19 done
Pick up office-15 min
Pick up downstairs bedroom-15 min.
Exercise-15 minutes
Read Bible
Spanish practice-30 minutes
Write-15 minutes-need to do this but can't seem to get started

N's Check in

Okay, I've gotten a lot done today, but I'm afraid it was more in the "organize so I don't really have to sit down and write" category.

I just meditated and now am making a bookend:

to do:
spend next 50 mins. doing journaling assignment.


N's Check -in

Done!  :)

Journey CI 11:00 am

I feel foolish making my todo list at 11:00 am but here goes:


Attended 9:30 meeting
Blew off 10:00 meeting as it conflicted with the more important 9:30 meeting



To do:

Review pf (cat?)
1:00 meeting with JH
3:30 conference call
Visit Project #1 Team - ask for space est.
Project #2 - as much as possible, need to have test ready for this weekend
backup work computer
backup home computer
Send out agenda for Friday's CHAOS meeting
Pick up OJ on the way home
Return overdue lib book
Look for info about Dr. S. presentation tickets
Clean up kitchen (em is cooking)
look up log records for JW
Submit new member to club
Follow up on questions from 9:30 meeting
Had a couple of other things on here but deleted them because there's no way I'll get to them.  As Julie says, trying to have a quality list lol


pro's CI - 10am

Leaving for work now. If it hadn't been for the thing I had to review this morning, I would be practically on time. I'm late now, bordering on way too late. Better go.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Journey CI 9:23

First of all, don't be late to 9:30 meeting - so I think I'll postpone this ci until I get back from the meeting! 

Making a shorter more realistic list seems to be helping a little - although all that stuff that needs to be done that didn't make it to the list is bothering me.  Not that I would have gotten it done if it was on the list, but, oh, hell, you know what I mean. 

Stuff I didn't get finished yesterday that goes back on today's list:

Return overdue library book
More work on Project #2

Leaving NOW for meeting


pro's CI - 8:50am

I did this:

- Made up bed (converted bed back into couch).
- Washed yesterday's dishes.
- Ate breakfast.
- Critiqued something someone sent me (this was important, but it took time).
- Washed breakfast dishes.

Now I need to get dressed - fast. I'm already running late.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

didn't water plants :(

I didn't water the plants on Sunday, then Monday I didn't have time before work, I procrastinated on it when I came home, and now this morning I again don't have time.

Sometimes my Time-Warner DVR fails to actually record. I need call them about this.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Tuesday CI for Lark, , "One Day at a time"

Hi everyone. I didn't get as much done yesterday as I'd planned, but a couple things came out of left field, and I took care of them as they happened. Yeah!
(X)morning things
 spiritual time
(X) focus on work project A
(X) finish broken seat
(X)return movie
 clean kitchen floor
(X) fix switch for lights downstairs
 sweep out workshop
 finish cleaning around house

pro's CI - 7:15am

I'm up. Goal: waste no time. Get some desk stuff done before work without making myself late. Perhaps exercise.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Julie's Tuesday AM CI

Edit presentation and upload it to conference site
Rental car arrangements
Spanish practice-30 minutes
10:30 appt.-leave by 10:15
3 pm appt.-leave by 2:30

Morning routine
Check tape recorder batteries
Write down interview questions
Grade Roles assignment-I have completed 6 of 19 papers;9 of 19 done
Pick up office-15 min
Pick up downstairs bedroom-15 min.
Exercise-15 minutes
Work on homework for Spanish class-30 minutes
Read Bible

Tuesday day starter (mystery graphic)

Thanks for starting us off on Tuesday, Amy!

FYI... There's a graphic to the left of "happy tuesday" that only you can see because it references a file on your hard disk. For others to see it, it has to be on a Web server somewhere. Various sites offer free space for this - the sites with the graphics collections often do. I'm not familiar with specific ones because I have a Web site I can upload stuff to, but others here have used them and maybe can tell you more.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.


I didn't notice that extra graphic until now.  I'm not sure what it is.  I only put the two graphics off your Web site up and both of those are showing. 

Amy's CI


Work for 3 hours

Amy's To Do List for This Weekend

1. Give Larry and George a bath
2. Continue organizing office
3. Hang up pictures
4. Get jewelry box
5. Vaccum
6. Clean off table downstairs
7. Correct dropbox
8. Make wolf informational page
9. Make wolf study guide
10. Wash car- Do Thursday, it is supposed to rain
11. Let Larry and George out
12. Work 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 hours and 20 minutes
13. Read day 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
14. Get stuff out of trunk
15. IEP form
16. JG form
17. YUW agendas
18. E-mail schools about HS event

Amy's CI 11:02 pm


Amy's To Do List for This Weekend

1. Give Larry and George a bath
2. Continue organizing office
3. Hang up pictures
4. Get jewelry box
5. Vaccum
6. Clean off table downstairs
7. Make wolf informational page- Working on
8. Make wolf study guide
9. Wash car- Do Thursday, it is supposed to rain
10. Work 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 hours and 10 minutes
11. Read day 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
12. Get stuff out of trunk
13. IEP form
14. YUW agendas
15. E-mail schools about HS event