Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday 19 September 2007

scarlett CI 5:15 pm EST

Holy cow.  I kind of rocked it today.  Cool

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Listen to voicemail
WR to AA
Submit ticket
Put hair appt on calendar
Fwd mtg location
Steps for CO luncheon
Fill out form
Move gargoyle
Call syd
Update master to-do
Update reviews
Call chiro
Post rent
Call J&P re: tile p/u
Email ES re: V
Call eye dr
Call CPIM to resched
Graph for rept
File conference materials
Copy fliers
Email re: festival

Submit receipts (w/f call)

scarlett CI 4:10 pm EST

Ha!  Turned my most dreaded call into an email, and it's better that way, too.  I'm about out of gas for the day.  Going to do some brainless stuff till it's time to go, I think.

Priority: dishes; evite; file
Next CI: 5:00 pm

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Listen to voicemail
WR to AA
Submit ticket
Put hair appt on calendar
Fwd mtg location
Steps for CO luncheon
Fill out form
Move gargoyle
Call syd
Update master to-do
Update reviews
Call chiro
Post rent
Call J&P re: tile p/u
Email ES re: V
Call eye dr
Call CPIM to resched
Graph for rept

To do:
Submit receipts (w/f call)
File conference materials

scarlett CI 3:11 pm EST

Phone calls are stressful for me, and I've got some anxiety going on (I think from my AD).  So I'm going to get up, stretch, go wash some grapes for a snack, set the timer for 15 min, and plow through them.  I have a bit of good chocolate for a reward when I finish.  Tongue out

Priority: phone calls
Next CI: 3:45 pm

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Listen to voicemail
WR to AA
Submit ticket
Put hair appt on calendar
Fwd mtg location
Steps for CO luncheon
Fill out form
Move gargoyle
Call syd
Update master to-do
Update reviews
Call chiro
Post rent

To do:
Submit receipts (w/f call)
Graph for rept?
File conference materials

Phone calls:
Call J&P re: tile p/u
Call eye dr
Call ES re: V
Call CPIM to resched

scarlett CI 2:10 pm EST

Feeling... a little better now.  Not totally better.

Priority: Update reviews; finish updating master to-do; call chiro
Next CI: 2:45 pm

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Listen to voicemail
WR to AA
Submit ticket
Put hair appt on calendar
Fwd mtg location
Steps for CO luncheon
Fill out form
Move gargoyle
Call syd
Update master to-do

To do:
Update reviews (started)
Submit receipts (w/f call)
Graph for rept?
File conference materials
Post rent

Phone calls:
Call J&P re: tile p/u
Call chiro
Call eye dr
Call ES re: V

Fix effing PDF
Review website - mark errors/broken links
Roofing plan
Pay MC bill (waiting for reimbursement)
Renew passport
Car paymt

scarlett CI 10:40 am EST

Okay, I'm having kind of a freakout.  There's just too much going on - I need to take, oh, a day or so and put everything into a big to-do list, a la Getting Things Done.  For now I'm just going to keep stuff here.

Priority: Prep mtg; Steps for CO luncheon and fill out form
Next CI: 1 pm or so, after lunch

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Listen to voicemail
WR to AA
Submit ticket
Put hair appt on calendar
Fwd mtg location

To do:
Update reviews (started)
Submit receipts (tried - was busy)
Graph for rept?
File conference materials
Update master to-do (started)
Post rent

Phone calls:
Call J&P re: tile p/u
Call chiro
Call syd
Call eye dr
Call ES re: V

Fix effing PDF
Review website - mark errors/broken links
Roofing plan
Pay MC bill (waiting for reimbursement)
Renew passport
Car paymt

Amy's CI 9:40 a.m.

Amy's To Do List for This Week

1. Give Larry and George a bath
2. Continue organizing office
3. Hang up pictures
4. Complete Drop box
5. Complete Forum 1
6. Complete Forum 2
7. Get jewelry box
8. Work for 9, 10, hours
9. Change cat litter thingy
10. Check on shampoo/conditioner

11. Read day 4
12. Read day 5

Check in by midnight

Larry and George

Hello Amy, I'm new here - I have to ask, who are Larry and George??


scarlett CI 9:40 am EST

Morning, y'all.  Got to work late again this morning.  I'm only getting away with that b/c my boss is out of town - she'll be back next week so I've really got to get this under control.

To do:

Eat breakfast
Take pills
Submit receipts (staff person out)
Update reviews
Steps for CO luncheon
Eye dr
File conference materials
Update master to-do (started)

Fix effing PDF
Review website - mark errors/broken links
Roofing plan
Pay MC bill (waiting for reimbursement)

pro's CI - 9:35am


- Breakfast dishes washed.
- Dressed.
- Lunch packed.
- Water filter bottled refilled.
- Pills for day laid out.
- Took pills (dose 1 of 3).

I'll take down the recycling on my way out.

I'll get to work around 10am. Not great, but acceptable (many arrive at 10am where I work). I'd still like to arrive earlier so I can leave earlier.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

9:15am CI for Lark(2:40pm)(10:05pm)

Hi everyone. My elderly relative who's been ill is rather bad, so I don't want to commit myself to major goals today--especially specific ones to clients, so I'm making today "catch up" day.
Ta da:
 (X)morning routine
 (X)spiritual time
 (X)clean house
 (X)visit nursing home
 (X)do laundry
 (X)work on current work projects only
 (X)check in here

pro's CI - 8:25am

I'm finished with breakfast. If I were on-time, I'd be leaving for work now, but I'm not dressed. If I try to exercise, I'll be even later than I already am. I know it's a slippery slope to skip exercise, but I have to solve one problem at a time. First I need to get to work on time. Once I can do that reliably, I can add morning activities. Maybe I can exercise this evening (unlikely).

Now I need to lay out my pills for the day, take dose 1 (of 3), wash the breakfast dishes, and shower and dress.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 7:30am


- Washed dishes.
- Checked email, answered some messages.
- Checked pending member queue in this forum and banned a spammer trying to get in.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.


To do:

6 hours of work

Have a great day and thanks everyone!


N's break bookend

to do:
10 minute break.

Will check back in.


N Break Bookend

Break over.

To do:  back to work

N's Bookend

Okay, got some kind of bad/shocking news.  Not that it's an excuse not to work, but I did have an hour-long phone appointment, which was good.

I still have 2 more hours of dissertation work, however.  I don't think I'm going to do it.  I can't read right now.

Therefore, to do:
call someone from program and explain what's going on.
go to a meeting?

sounds like a good plan.

and a good way to take care of yourself.

Nan - subject lines for check-ins

Nan - please put your username in the subject line of your check-ins - e.g. "Nan's bookend" or ideally, "Nan's bookend, 7:30am". If everyone used just "Bookend", no one would be able to find their previous posts in the topic list.


Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 7am

I didn't do stuff last night, so I have to do it this morning - like starting today's day thread, for example. Also washing the dishes. Since I have some housework to do and I want to get to work sort of on time, I can't fool around surfing and doing email this morning.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.


I see your point.  Sorry about that and thanks for pointing it out.