Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday 18 September 2007

pro's CI - 6:25pm

I worked from home today and never got dressed. I feel like crap. I have a therapy appointment in a hour, so I'd better get in the shower.

I got an unnecessarily sharp and nasty email from someone at my job. She doesn't like me, and that's uncomfortable and disturbing because she has power over me. I was unemployed for a long time; I don't want to be unemployed again.

I don't think there's anything I could do to make her like me. I sense she thinks I'm uppity. Maybe I am, at core, but I follow orders in the end. I might push the envelope, but I'm never outright insubordinate. It makes me nervous.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

scarlett last CI 5:23 pm EST

Most productive I've been in a while.  Cool

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Listen to voicemail
Create anchor
Resched GB lunch
Email Qs to PF
Return phone call
Respond PF
Make hair appt.
Print forms
Compile receipts
Pay VISA bill
Change phone plan (should save me $$!)
Email L w/ info
Post other info
Ballet School (LM)
Vet (LM)
Faxed CEU form
Sorted conf materials

Pay MC bill (waiting for reimbursement)
Submit receipts (staff person out)
Eye dr
File conference materials
Update reviews
Update master to-do (started)
Steps for CO luncheon

Fix effing PDF
Review website - mark errors/broken links
Roofing plan

Have a good evening, y'all.  See you tomorrow, I hope.

scarlett CI 4:00 pm EST

Off track again!  I seem to have some demand resistance against my priority.  /understatement 

I'm going to get up, take a bathroom break, put on some music, set the timer for 15 minutes, and see how it goes.

Priority: Sort conf. materials.
Next CI: 4:30 pm

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Listen to voicemail
Create anchor
Resched GB lunch
Email Qs to PF
Return phone call
Respond PF
Make hair appt.
Print forms
Compile receipts
Pay VISA bill
Change phone plan (should save me $$!)
Email L w/ info
Post other info
Eat lunch
Ballet School (LM)
Vet (LM)

To do:
File conference materials
Update reviews
Update master to-do (started)
Steps for CO luncheon

Phone calls:
Eye dr

Pay MC bill (waiting for reimbursement)
Submit receipts (staff person out)

Back to the cranky cat as my mascot.

scarlett CI 2:00 pm EST

Priority: Eat lunch!  Sort conf. materials.
Next CI: 2:30 pm

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Listen to voicemail
Create anchor
Resched GB lunch
Email Qs to PF
Return phone call
Respond PF
Make hair appt.
Print forms
Compile receipts
Pay VISA bill
Change phone plan (should save me $$!)

To do:
Submit receipts
File conference materials
Update reviews
Update master to-do (started)
Steps for CO luncheon

Phone calls:
Ballet School (after 3 pm)
Eye dr

Pay MC bill (waiting for reimbursement)

scarlett CI 1:30 pm EST

It's amazing how good I feel when I get on a roll and am productive.  Hmm, funny, that.

Priority: Pay MC and Visa bills
Next CI: 2:00 pm

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Listen to voicemail
Create anchor
Resched GB lunch
Email Qs to PF
Return phone call
Respond PF
Make hair appt.
Print forms
Compile receipts

To do:
Pay MC bill
Pay VISA bill
Submit receipts
File conference materials
Update reviews
Update master to-do (started)
Steps for CO luncheon

Phone calls:
Ballet School (after 3 pm)
Eye dr

Feeling nice and balanced.

pro's CI - 1:15pm

I finished the big project, and now it's so late I may as well continue working at home. First lunch. I've been working for 5.5 hours with no break and I'm hungry!

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

just about on fumes...

Me too! I keep forgetting to eat my lunch today.

Getting up right now to do that. I'm staaaaarving.

scarlett CI 12:45 pm EST

Okay, in the process of getting back on track.  We'll just call that my lunch break, shall we?  Wink

Going to return one phone call, then eat lunch while I compile receipts, etc.

Priority: receipts, conf. materials, phone calls
Next CI: 1:15 pm

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Listen to voicemail
Create anchor
Resched GB lunch
Email Qs to PF
Respond emails (10 min)

To do:
Return phone call
Compile and submit receipts (started)
File conference materials
Update reviews
Update master to-do
Pay MC bill
Pay VISA bill
Steps for CO luncheon

Phone calls:
Ballet School
Hair appt.
Eye dr

Mr. False Starts!!!!!

Hello PA people,

Need help real, real bad.  I am a 43 year self-employed male.  I am yet AGAIN at one of those spots (or I should say -- a spot I've put myself in) where I am sick and tired of being sick an tired.  I KNOW, without being smug, what I need to do and how to do it -- but I can't get started.  My "to do" list is a lists of "to do" lists.

I read a little bit here on this site about DEMAND RESISTANCE -- and I'm thinking this theory has some weight to it.  I myself was controlled/dominated as a child with excessively powerful nuns/priests (abusive!) and with morally-complicit parents who thought the Catholic church was say all - end all.   I have fought my way through life ever since.  I have consciously and unconsciously resisted every attempt to be "defined" by an institution, an employer or any group/association.  I had very good grades in school -- and manged not to get my high school diploma by intentionally skipping classes in the weeks leading up to graduation etc... {and GOD forbid -- should I be seen with a hat and gown at a ceremony}, I did this again in college, I did it again with my BU certificate program -- I've studied for and passed (with exceptional scores) all kinds of difficult exams -- and then refused to send in a certification fee or to return to the regulatory agency a copy of my passing score etc... {engage THEM on their terms" -- screw that!].  I resent(ed) being told what or who I was as they deemed it.  However, I would, out of grudging neccessity, take jobs I didn't really want -- then manage to work/excel harder then most/all of my colleagues for a very short/modest period only to be abruptly followed by a sudden/abrupt need to "get the hell out of this place" through passive resistance tactics or simply deciding not to return from my lunch break.

When I finally realized that I was more or less unwilling to work for "others".  I set out on my own, emphasis here on FALSE starts, and I behaved (not knowing this till just today!) the same way.  I acquired, entirely through word of mouth, many clients -- very fast.  I initially went above and beyond for each and every one of them; however, I know realize, I began to resent their demands and expectations of me even though I'm the one who held myself out as the "GO TO" guy. 

I sit here today with thousands of dollars in billable work (easy, not particularly difficult/complicated work) that I simply refuse to do.  This is work I truly WANT to do but won't or will only after the client has becomed pissed.  Meanwhile I'm bouncing checks and I'm missing small, otherwise managable payments etc...

My credit score, which I managed to finally remedy over these last couple of years, is again starting to take some hits.  My wife has had it with me and I can't deal her another financial blow -- which is about to happen if I don't get this work done.

I was diagnosed with ADD (wow, what a surprise!) and I also was comprehensively tested and found to have a very high IQ (surprised even myself.)  The psychiatrist asked me "what the hell is wrong with you?  You are in the top 4% of all people I've tested and you are a chronic UNDEREARNER.  You are well groomed, educated, gifted in the art of "bullshitting" (born salesman), but you can't make any money or stay out of trouble with agents of authority (parking tickets to tax returns.)"




can definitely relate!


welcome, jack!

I think we can all relate.  Everyone's experiences are different, of course, but they've all brought us here to share our struggles.  You've posted in the check-in thread for today - I recommend giving this process a try.  It's proved helpful to many of us.  It helps with accountability and we can cheer each other on.

Start small!  Getting a couple of successes under my belt usually gives me some momentum.

pro's CI - 12 noon

Exercise is hopeless. I'm essentially at work (from home). I keep having to respond to email.

I'm going to eat lunch while this last piece is resolved, do the last thing I need to do, then get dressed and go into the office.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

how frustrating...

Is this frequently a problem?  Is there a way to "protect" your exercise time from work interruptions?

Good on you for recognizing that for today you just need to get on with things.

pro's CI - 11:30am

It's very hard for me to get a proper workout because I keep having to respond to work email. The thing I had to do isn't fully finished - we're in a negotiation phase, so to speak. Maybe I'll give up and go wash the dishes and take a shower.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

scarlett CI 11:20 am EST

I kind of went out of order, but that's okay.

Priority: receipts, conf. materials, phone calls
Next CI: 12:00 pm

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Listen to voicemail
Create anchor
Resched GB lunch
Email Qs to PF

To do:
Compile and submit receipts (started)
File conference materials
Update reviews
Update master to-do
Pay MC bill
Pay VISA bill
Steps for CO luncheon

Phone calls:
Ballet School
Hair appt.
Eye dr

got off track.

Had to "test" Leech Blocker.  It works! 

Refocusing now.

good job, scarlett - keep going!

You're doing great! :)

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.


I appreciate the encouragement.

scarlett CI 10:40 am EST

I need to keep reminding myself... this is a slow and steady kind of day.  Turtle, not hare.

Priority: 1st 3 items
Next CI: 11:15 am

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Listen to voicemail
Create anchor

To do:
Resched GB lunch
Compile and submit receipts
File conference materials
Update reviews
Update master to-do
Coaching materials
Pay MC bill

Phone calls:
Ballet School
Hair appt.
Eye dr

Oh, hello, my little furry friend.

pro's CI - 10:40am

I'm posting frequently now because I have trouble with transitions. When I finish one task and it's time to move to the next task, I can lose a lot of time!

In the last half hour I've done some work-related email, laid out my pills for the day, and taken my first dose of pills (of 3). I need to do my exercises now.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

same here.

When I finish one task and it's time to move to the next task, I can lose a lot of time!

I definitely empathize with this.  That's when I decide to take a "quick break" which stretches into all day.

Sounds like you're making progress.  Keep it up!

dawdling, but not stalled

I'm dawdling - checking email when I don't need to be doing that now, etc. But on the plus side the exercise mat is down and I'm wearing my exercise clothes.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 10:10am

I just finished the main part of the work task I had to do before going in. Now I need to finish my morning routine (wash breakfast dishes, exercise, shower, dress).

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

scarlett CI 9:32 am EST

Back from work trip.  Did nothing very intensely yesterday.  Must prevent repeat today.

Priority: 1st 3 items
Next CI: 10:15 am

To do:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Listen to voicemail
Update master to-do
Update reviews
Coaching materials
File conference materials
Compile and submit receipts

Phone calls:
Hair appt.
Eye dr

9:20 CI for Lark

Gee, I'm happy to see so many posts already. I have a work project which I need to do this week. My client was in no hurry, but it's gotten to be quite some time, so starting (again) is in the cards for this morning. I also have to do some business for an elderly relative, which will be late morning--I'd prefer either early morning or late afternoon. I hope you all do really, reallly well today!
 morning things
 spiritual time
 pay my electirc bill
 big start on work project
 fifteen minutes or so to declutter
 measure and trim pieces for house floor project
 work an hour on work project B
 check in again

10:45pm CI I got 'em all done!

I did eveything pretty nicely on today's list, and even hit a 12 step meeting tonight. Then I got some groceries on my return home. Now if I can just do the same tomorrow...

posting thread starter the night before

Maybe I'll start posting the thread starter the night before (or someone else can if they get here first). It seems to be good for people to have it here already when they visit the forum in the morning.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

you, too.

Good luck today.

movingalong's tuesday goals

My priority goal for today is to spend some time on the projects that I joined P.A. to work on!  Which are legal financial paperwork things.   I notice it's interesting that in my past few check-in posts, I didn't even mention those legal financial paperwork things.  I have really been in avoidance and denial.

Goal:  spend at least 30 minutes on one of my legal financial project things.


Amy's CI 8:16 a.m.

Amy's To Do List for This Week

1. Get two checks from Mama
2. Look over wolf information
3. Give Larry and George a bath
4. Continue organizing office
5. Hang up pictures
6. Take test
7. Complete Drop box
8. Complete Forum 1
9. Complete Forum 2
10. Finish readings (5 pages left)
11. Get jewelry box
12. Mail bill
13. Return movie
14. Work for 8, 9, 10, 1/2 hours
15. Change cat litter thingy
16. Check on shampoo/conditioner

17. Read day 1
18. Read day 2
19. Read day 3
20. Read day 4
21. Read day 5

Check in by midnight

Amy's CI 11:59

Amy's To Do List for This Week

1. Give Larry and George a bath
2. Continue organizing office
3. Hang up pictures
4. Take test
5. Complete Drop box
6. Complete Forum 1
7. Complete Forum 2
8. Get jewelry box
9. Work for 9, 10, hours
10. Change cat litter thingy
11. Check on shampoo/conditioner

12. Read day 4
13. Read day 5

Check in by midnight

pro's CI - 8:20am

I spent another 10 minutes or so online (excuse: head hurt), then I started making breakfast and lunch (which I pack and bring to work with me). I have boneless chicken breasts sauteing now. My headache is starting to ease.

I have something to do for work while I'm still at home. I'll start that now, while I'm eating breakfast.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 7:50am

Another 15 minutes have passed. What did I do? I checked my email, then banned a spammer trying to get in, and let in a new (legitimate) PA member.

My head still hurts. Maybe I should get in the shower - that can help.

I'm seeing that being online is a lot of what burns up my mornings.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Movingalong reports on prior list goals

The last two check-ins that I posted were on
Monday September 3 and on Sunday September 16.

I will combine the things on both lists here:

  • avoid wasting time feeling "shame" about lack of accomplishment
  • focus on the courage to change the things I can
  • buy vacuum
  • use vacuum
  • pay current bills
  • get money orders for debt payments, then put in envelopes and mail.
  • Do a good job at my job.
  • Get stuff done, do it well, but not bog down in details
  • Smile while working
  • eat healthfully
  • pet care
  • bring out trash to curb

Well, let's see, about the above list:
I think I have been "acting out" -- or being "demand resistant" -- or indulging "my inner brat" (different ways of saying the same thing).

The first week I didn't bring trash to curb, so it accumulated in my carport.  Last week I remembered. Yay!  Tonight is the night to bring it to the curb again.  Hope I remember.

I have been hemming and hawing about the vacuum.  Even though I have money set aside for it.  Even though I know the model I need.   I just need to follow up on my commitment to myself.

Maybe I know that if I own the vacuum, I will have no excuse not to vaccum regularly .... so that's why I am avoiding buying one?

I have been paying current bills and paying on old debts -- faithfully for 8 months.  The last few weeks, I haven't gotten around to it.   Too "busy".   But somehow I had time for the Sunday crossword puzzle?  And I had time to read 3 fantasy novels in three weeks?

Maybe this is because I have been working extra hours, so my inner brat just wants to "play" when I get home.   As a self-corrective, I chose to go to two extra Debtors Anonymous meetings to look at my tendency of going to opposite extremes of either doing nothing or overworking.

I been getting so bogged down in details at work lately, doing extra things that weren't part of my job description.  I ended up having to put less hours on my timcard than I actually worked, because I went over my alotted number of hours.  This is not healthy.  However, I have been doing a good job.

But I did get so "busy" with the details that I almost missed a crucial deadline, and had to come into work at 6AM to finish.  Adrenaline rush with "drama" of doing things at last minute.  <insert eyeroll here>

This week, I need to do what I am paid to do.   And ask the boss first before starting "extra detailed projects".

I've been smiling a little bit more.  So that's good.  Noticed I was grumpy yesterday because I had been up all night reading a novel.   So last night I got good sleep and hope to smile more today.

I have been eating lots of junk food and some healthy food.  I need to PLAN in my day to buy groceries.  Make that a priority.  What's killing me is the triple mocha breves.  They are rotting my stomach and my teeth and my finances.  I tell myself I need triple mocha breves -- in order to "get more stuff done".  But I would probably get more done if I had heathy food and more sleep.

I have been caring for the pets more.  So that is great !   Scooping litterbox.  Petting dogs and cat.  Playing with them.  Need to incorporate brushing them into my day.  Will start walking dogs after my minor foot injury is completely recovered -- which will be this week.

Sorry for the rambling post.... but this is my check-in --- or my bookending of what I have done or not done on my previously posted lists.

moving along



Nice to see you. I hope you check back in to say how you did on your list.

I find that it check-ins work best if I bookend around a specific task (with or without the whole list). I.e., I say, "I'll do x now, then check-in after." Otherwise, I can post the list and then go watch TV, if you know what I mean.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

hi pro!

LOL, I was editing my post to add "update comments" to my list.  You must have typed your reply while I was doing that. 

Regarding lists: Sometimes listing a few priorities will help me focus on those priorities for the day.  But I get overwhelmed if I list EVERYTHING I need to do that day.  So I just list a few priorities, to see if I can focus on those during the day.  Sometimes it works, and sometimes not.

But yes, generally, I need to do one thing at a time.  I am not a multitasker.

-- movingalong

pro's first check-in - 7:35am

I woke up 20 minutes ago with a giant migraine. I took meds, but my head is still pounding.

What have I been doing for 20 minutes? Unavoidable things. Oh, my head. :( Can't type more now.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Julie's Tuesday AM CI; 3 pm CI12:30 CI

Hi Everyone! I thought I would go ahead and post my list to get a head start on tomorrow. I have a lot of grading to do so I'm going to try to focus on that.

3 pm-as you can see I haven't got to the grading yet(: I have got my presentation ready for Thursday so I feel good about that. I'm going to my office for awhile and will work on grading there before I have to pick up my dog from the vet.

12:30-I've made a little progress on my grading but still have a ways to go. I will be traveling and in meeting most of the day tomorrow but will try to get a little more grading done in between.

Grade Roles assigment-I have completed 6 of 19 papers
Grade AG forum
Grade Week 3 discussion forum
Grade week 3 observation forum
Grade agency website assignment
Find student assignments that were emailed and enter those grades
Look over presentation for Thursday
B. to vet
Lunch with A.

If time (doubtful!):
Contact H.D. in Arkansas
Schedule appt with Julie

getting ready for Tuesday

It's after midnight, so I thought I'd put up Tuesday's thread starter.

I gotta get to bed.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Thanks Pro

Thanks for getting Tuesday started early. Hope you have a good day tomorrow!