Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Phone Meeting - Pick a Time
This phone meeting is discontinued. Link to new phone meeting here:
(Added by pro.)
Hey Im new to this group but I would like to start a PA teleconference phone meeting.Basically it would be a conference call for people who are trying to stop procrastinating a day at a time. We would discuss tools of the program book ends and check ins and daily goals.let me know if there is any wiling participants out there. please let me know.. If you have any suggestion regarding a time I would like to hear your thoughts.
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Phone meeting not Dead
Hey I was originally chairing the Phone Meetings but no one was showing up.If you would like to be on please let me know thanks.
need reliable attendance for phone meeting
Quite a few people have tried the phone meeting only to find they are the only ones. I know because they email me. This will only work if people commit to the meeting so it's reliably there. The interest is there - all that's needed is the commitment. Pick a time and stick to it.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Phone Meeting
How does Wednesday morning at 9:30 sound? I also can make the Thursday at 6 PM. Thanks for trying to get this set up.
Yours in recovery,
time zone for phone meeting?
What time zone are you in, Janet?
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Re: Phone Meeting Wednesday?
Is that 9:30a Pacific time, or Eastern time?
Phone meeting tomorrow (December 12)?
Are we on for a PA meeting tomorrow? I'll phone in at 9a ET (6a PT).
phone meeting Wednesday 12 Dec 9am
If you can make the phone meeting tomorrow morning, please reply to this message. (I can't - need to be at work.)
If you want to phone meetings at a different time, please respond with the time you'd refer.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Meeting reschedule, for evenings?
I slept through my alarm and I missed the meeting. Would anyone else prefer an evening meeting? How does Thursdays at 6p PT (9p ET) sound to everyone?
Phone Meeting 12:30 PM (EST)
Interested in a 15 minute phone meeting today starting at 12:30 PM? Please reply here by 12:15 PM (EST). (Of course, if no one replies, I won't call in--so if you're interested, please reply)
Thank you!
The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing --Steven Covey
Phone Meeting Tomorrow 9:30 AM (Pacific Time)
Anyone interested in a phone meeting tomorrow at 9:30 AM (Pacific Time) -- that's 12:30 Eastern Time? I can commit to being there for 15 minutes. If it turns out to be useful, we can consider doing it on a daily basis at that time.
The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.
is the phone meeting still happening?
Who attended this phone meeting last Wednesday morning?
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Phone meeting info not up-to-date
The phone meeting information that you made sticky and promoted to the front page is not up to date. The phone meeting is not happening on Wednesdays at 9 AM. The conf. call number is good and we can use it whenever we wish. Please change the front page info to read "available upon request" or something like that. I noticed the announcement last Wednesday afternoon, and spent the entire week waiting in anticipation of actually being able to talk to someone in this program for the first time. I was sorely disappointed this morning. Please update that announcement.
Thank you!
The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.
phone meeting, Wednesdays 9am ET (US)
I don't want this info to get lost so I made it sticky and promoted it to the front page.
Phone meeting every Wednesday, 9am ET (US):
Conference Dial-in Number: 1-641-715-3200
Participant Access Code: 510380#
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I'm in
It's on my calendar.
I just realized I'd been reading your screen name all wrong - I thought it said "monkey" lol
I thought it said "monkey", too! :P
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
telephone meeting for everyone, anywhere
Telephone meetings can be for anyone anywhere, not just NY or PA. There are free services for setting up conference calls - you could find them with google.
I hope you get responses to this and it happens. A suggestion... How about posting the time you would prefer, and asking how many people can make it. I've found that works better than asking people what time they would want - then you get no responses, or a zillion different responses. Make sure you mention the time zone.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
live phone meeting
Hey Guys I put together a live phone meeting starting every wed at 9AM/ET. The focus is help each other from procrastinating a day at a time. We will be discussing the 12 steps, Tools, and symptoms. There are no dues or fees for PA membership. The only requirement is A DESIRE TO STOP PROCRASTINATING.
Free Conference Call
Conference Dial-in Number: (641) 715-3200
Participant Access Code: 510380#
good idea
The time works for me. I am in the Pacific Time Zone, so it would be 6:00 AM for me, and I am a morning person. Will see you next Wed Oct. 10.
moving along
phone meeting!
This is great! I'm so glad you're doing it!
I hope people will comment on the time - say if it's okay for them.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
No one there?
There was no one at the phone meeting this morning. I called in at 6 AM (Pacific Time) and waited until 6:15 AM, but no one was there. If this meeting is not happening, please remove the announcement from the website.
The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.