Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I didn't go to sleep until 5am this morning and I'm exhausted. Yet I have the urge to procrastinate on brushing my teeth because I don't feel like doing it. I really need to go to bed now.
I just finished watering all the plants, and hanging them up with new plant hanger thingies.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Good morning everyone. I made a list of things, and everything is really backing up around here. I did housework late last night, which helped. My work, however, isn't getting done in a timely manner, clients are calling more, and the general clutter is getting to me. To appease them, I take on more work and don't get other clients' work completed. It's not overwhelming, but I'll have a horrible mess here soon unless I stop this pattern now. Ugh. To do: (X)morning things spiritual time (X)put out trash send back unneeded items for credit keep doing periods of housework (X)finish one work project today call client about his project visit relative and take bills to pay visit friends tonight (X)check in at lunch
up prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails post
out for exercise walk
post this
out for some food shopping
wash bath and hair
work on landlord file
out to evening meeting
home and supper
write journal
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
pro's last check-in
I'm ready for bed - must be a world record in brushing my teeth, etc. I'm so tired!
Good night.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 9:20pm (time to get ready for bed)
I didn't go to sleep until 5am this morning and I'm exhausted. Yet I have the urge to procrastinate on brushing my teeth because I don't feel like doing it. I really need to go to bed now.
I just finished watering all the plants, and hanging them up with new plant hanger thingies.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
10 tasks
Plan for Today
P.E.D.L. - Plan, Execute, Debrief, Learn
Execution for Today
P.E.D.L. - Plan, Execute, Debrief, Learn
8:15am CI for Lark
Good morning everyone. I made a list of things, and everything is really backing up around here. I did housework late last night, which helped. My work, however, isn't getting done in a timely manner, clients are calling more, and the general clutter is getting to me. To appease them, I take on more work and don't get other clients' work completed. It's not overwhelming, but I'll have a horrible mess here soon unless I stop this pattern now. Ugh.
To do:
(X)morning things
spiritual time
(X)put out trash
send back unneeded items for credit
keep doing periods of housework
(X)finish one work project today
call client about his project
visit relative and take bills to pay
visit friends tonight
(X)check in at lunch
Rexroth 11.21 BST
Todo today
up prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails post
out for exercise walk
post this
out for some food shopping
wash bath and hair
work on landlord file
out to evening meeting
home and supper
write journal
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth 21.57 BST
And so to bed.
Night folks
Movingalong's Tuesday goals
Work at job
come home
work at housecleaning
work at paperwork