Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday 2 August 2007

Mark CI 2:24 PM

Car battery died, and I already lost far too much time taking care of it.

To Do:

  • fix login redirect bug
  • implement all vocabulary/category fixes
  • clean up thumbnails and commit
  • clean up remote search, write daily cron job script to purge searches, and commit
  • commit myself
  • return library books
  • stretch/cardio
  • take out trash
  • pay cable bill
  • document search integration
  • new case delete option
  • History as default focused tab in training mode
  • test 922 and 682 and commit/assign for final test
  • read 1 ch Ruby book
  • read 50 pp

Hours worked this week so far: 26

Amy's To Do List

To Do List

1. Work on lessons

2. Do 312 forum- final project

3. Do 373 forum- final project

4. Go to school to get stuff laminated

5. Get dress fitted- if Ashley calls

6. Let Zoe out around 11:15

7. Eat lunch with Jesse at noon

8. Get tetnus shot

9. Meet Jesse at mall at 4:30

10. E-mail mommy

11. Walk

12. Do laundry

13. Put dishes in dishwasher

14. Shout out pants and wash them

Check back in at 4 p.m.

Updated To Do List

To Do List

2. Do 312 forum- final project

8. Get tetnus shot

10. E-mail mommy

11. Walk 


15. Keep working on lessons

16. Get stuff ready for the morning

17. Get kennel out

18. Pick up Zoe to walk

19. Feed Kit and Marie

Check in before I go to sleep

Amy's CI

To Do List

8. Get tetnus shot

10. E-mail mommy

16. Get stuff ready for the morning

17. Get kennel out

I'll check in sometime tomorrow.  I have some appointments to go to so I'm not sure what time it will be.

Lark's 8:05am CI(6:05pm)(10:25pm)

Though I made progress on everything yesterday, I still have a mess to finish cleaning up. I had to get two important phone calls, and couldn't leave or be far away from the phone. Today I can get outside things completed and run an errand. I also plan to totally finish at least two projects, and make decent progress on a third. "Hi!" to you new folks. Please stick around. It'll get better. We'll all talk later.
(X) morning routine
 (X)spiritual time
 (X) finish work project A
 finish work project B
 go to bank
 finish putting laundry away
(X) visit sick relative (who's doing better finally)
 work an hour on lawn etc.
 (X)check in again

Rexroth 09.20 BST

Feel very anxious this morning and not sure why.

Todo today

up post this
prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails post
wash up and tidy up in kitchen
put kitchen unit back together
tidy up flies and papers in living room
clean living room particularly for floorers
out fruit/veg shopping
check list and progress for going abroad
wash trousers


prayer and reflection
bed and sleep

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth 22.51 BST

Night folks
