Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday 21 July 2007

12:44 CI and definitely time for bed

I tried copying and pasting this in a again and now it let me edit. I really wanted to check off some boxes!

12:45 CI-This is mostly a carryover of leftovers from yesterday's list with just a few additions. I have been gone all morning and will be gone for a while this afternoon, but hopefully this list will keep me on track. I will check back in around 3 pm.
12:44 I made some progress today. I'll CI at 8 am.
Work on website-get all assignments on
Sort student emails into mailbox

P & T
Finish section 3 of report

Review packing list
Get necessary items for me
Get supplies not able to order
Check Zoe’s shot record
Make decision about doggie daycare
Find someone to take her to daycare
Review journals and DECIDE
Email Lee
2 loads of laundry
Put away all laundry
Read Bible
Clean Fern’s cage
Get Joe’s Bday gift
Work out-20  minutes

Work Misc.
Hotel for PNEG    

pro's CI - 7:30pm

Laundry is done!! And I got an insight... If I do the laundry before it piles up to the ceiling, it's a lot easier to carry up and down the stairs. :D

Break time now.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.


Good job! This must be laundry day! Most of mine is washed but it just never gets put away. It will be nice now that I have it all put up to actually be able to go to the closet to find clothes instead of sorting through various stacks (:

folded and sitting there

I folded the laundry at the laudromat, but then I came home and started playing on FaceBook, so the laundry is still sitting folded in the basket. Now I've got to go to bed because I have to get up early tomorrow.

Computers - bah! I waste more time on computer silliness...

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Edge's CI - 11:45PM

I am so tired, I'm not going to be able to finish my CV, even though I've been putting it off for the past week. I think I keep procrastinating because I want it to be perfect but I know it's not going to be. ..Ach, what the heck, will just wing it and send it. It's never going to be as good as I want. Will just clean it up after tomorrow (too busy tomorrow) and hope for the best.

Night, everyone.

** Finish the rest of CV and send
X Call institute and set up appointment (appointment set for tomorrow 11AM)

** Clean room (vacuum)
X Call T
X Check up on M
X Buy kitty litter
X Iron and put up curtains
X Laundry
X Tidy closet
X Reply to Jen's email
X Check up on S
X Call D
X Call N

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway

pro's CI - 3:15pm

If I'm going to do laundry today rather than my pile, then I have to actually start gathering it together and not just sit in front of the computer making empty promises. Right? Okay, here goes. I'll check in again when I'm ready to leave.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

the "I donwanna" thing...

I've got this loud "I donwanna!" whine in my head. How old do I have to be before I get it through my head that no where is it written that we only have to do things we like in this life?

The torn item is mended, the laundry is packed up, and it's time to leave. Oh how I hate lugging this stuff up and down five flights of stairs, but that is what I need to do now.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pre-wash mending

I discovered that something I want to wash is torn, and I need to mend it first or the tear will get worse. But I'm making progress towards the laundromat.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Julie's 12:45 CI

12:45 CI-This is mostly a carryover of leftovers from yesterday's list with just a few additions. I have been gone all morning and will be gone for a while this afternoon, but hopefully this list will keep me on track. I will check back in around 3 pm.

Work on website-get all assignments on
Sort student emails into mailbox

P & T
Finish section 3 of report

Review packing list
Get necessary items for me
Get supplies not able to order
Check Zoe’s shot record
Make decision about doggie daycare
Find someone to take her to daycare

Review journals and DECIDE
Email Lee

2 loads of laundry
Put away all laundry
Read Bible
Clean Fern’s cage
Get Joe’s Bday gift
Work out-20  minutes

Work Misc.
Hotel for PNEG

Julie's 5:30 CI

I have gotten bogged down working on the website for my class. It is VERY frustrating because I'm just learning how to do everything and of course it's not going smoothly. I've been working for a couple of hours and have gotten a lot entered, but the links don't seem to work): I'm going to leave it for tonight and call computer services for help with that part on Monday.  So I've completed working on the website, looked at Zoe's shot records, found someone to take her to doggie daycare and that's about it. I'm leaving the computer now to work on something different before I get violent.  Also, for some reason I can't seem to "edit" my list here. Probably something strange I did when I entered it, with the luck I'm having with computers today (: I'll check back in after dinner.

This is what I'd like to do to the computer about now...

Julie's 6:40 CI

I got the laundry room all picked up and all the clothes put away. Yay! It was a nice break from the website work. I'll check back in after dinner.

Africa? Cool!

Good luck with your list, Julie. Let us know how you do.

You're going to Africa? How cool!! Where? Vacation? What will you be doing there?

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Hi Pro

Thanks for the good wishes! I'm going to Mozambique for a building/medical mission trip. I went last summer too and I'm really excited to be going back. I'm just going a little crazy trying to get everything done that has to be done before I leave(: By the way, is the "edit" function not working today? I don't see it underneath my list like I usually do.

Edge's CI - 7:52PM

- Finish the rest of CV and send
X Call institute and set up appointment (appointment set for tomorrow 11AM)

X Call T
X Check up on M
X Buy kitty litter
- Iron and put up curtains
- Laundry
- Clean room (vacuum)
- Tidy closet
- Reply to Jen's email

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway

Edge's CI - 8:45PM

- Finish the rest of CV and send
X Call institute and set up appointment (appointment set for tomorrow 11AM)

X Call T
X Check up on M
X Buy kitty litter
- Iron and put up curtains
- Laundry
- Clean room (vacuum)
X Tidy closet
- Reply to Jen's email
X Check up on S
- Call D
- Call N

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway

Edge's CI - 3:50PM

Lol, cool starter images, Pro :grin: Very cheering!

- Finish the rest of CV and send
X Call institute and set up appointment (appointment set for tomorrow 11AM)

- Call T
- Check up on M
- Iron and put up curtains
- Buy kitty litter

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway

Edge's CI - 6:58PM

- Finish the rest of CV and send
X Call institute and set up appointment (appointment set for tomorrow 11AM)

- Call T
X Check up on M
- Iron and put up curtains
X Buy kitty litter

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway

8:15am CI for Lark

I didn't do as well as I'd planned yesterday, even though some unexpected things came up. I forgot to check my neighbor's dog, so that's for this morning. I'm also experiencing demand resistance with some people, and need to deal with that before it gets out of hand.
 (X)morning routine
 (X)meditate and reflect
 (X)check dog
 (X)run errand to town
 clean house (half an hour)
 (X)do next work project
 call client and give bill (I've been putting this off all week)
 (X)check back in here later  

Rexroth 08.10 BST

Todo Today

up post this
prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails post
clean up kitchen
sort food delivery when it comes
work on files/admin including
package to library
letter to probate court
letter to environmental health
post rent

rest its the weekend
be kind to myself

continue preparing stuff for psychologist

thats it for now.

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth 14.41 BST

Going well and I'm glad I'm posting again, it really helps me. One success to report. I had an email back from hotel I'm trying to book for holiday and I replied straight away booking the room. My normal habit is to save the email and think/worry about it for a bit. It's a small change in behaviour but it feels important.

Regards Rexroth

I can identify.

Sometimes I put off good things like that. I'll check on availability, vacancy, etc. and not move on it. Then I'm disappointed, angry, and depressed when it's not available when I get back later. What part did I play? Hmm.

I have the same tendency

I have the same tendency :-) Gets me into a lot of trouble, I'm afraid :p Glad you were able to get it out of the way so soon, Rex :grin: Good on ya, mate 8)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway

Thanks for support

Thanks for support, that's what's great about this forum. I now have a rail ticket, a plane ticket and a hotel reservation (as they have just got back to me) and an airport pickup. I'm not leaving till the beginning of September and I'm well organised for once.

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth 22.22 BST

Night folks
